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The Effectiveness of Aloe Vera Extract as an

Antibacterial Soap for Barangay Areas of San Mateo


Forfieda, Honey Lee F.

Tarroza, Lhomer E.

Gaa, Marc Raizen S.

Bacudio, Ace Darwin M.

Pacquing, Nathan S.


Background of the Study

Aloe vera, scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis Mill., belongs to the Liliaceae

family. Aloe barbadensis is substantially larger and less common in the Philippines. This is the

only kind that has proven medicinal and cosmetic benefits. In fact, this plant can also be used to

make antibacterial soaps that will be used especially in these times where viruses and bacteria

are rapidly affecting every citizen's life. Aloe vera possesses powerful antibacterial, antifungal,

and antiviral properties.

Aloe vera has been a widely known plant in the Philippines. It is almost impossible to not

see an aloe vera plant outside of a Filipino household. It has been a common plant as it brings a

lot of benefits to help the hygiene of a person. Most Filipino aunts and uncles or known as,

“plantitos and plantitas” are known to be into the hobby of taking care of plants as it gives them

something to focus on and devote their time especially during the pandemic lockdown where

everyone is in their houses with so much time in their hands.

People are using the effects of aloe vera to its full potential but most are not using it as an

antibacterial sanitation product. Aloe vera can not only heal the skin but it can be a handwashing

soap that cleanses hands. This small detail can bring a big impact to the community as it can

lessen the use of the usual hand soap and encourage the use of plants as a way to sanitize and

clean our hands. Using this method, barangay areas in San Mateo, Rizal can make use of aloe

vera in more ways than before.

Aloe vera has been conducted in research and experiments to know more of its great

effects on the human skin. This research aims to emphasize that aloe vera can be turned into an

antibacterial soap for people.

Statement of the Problem

Aloe vera has been known as a plant that has a lot of uses and for centuries, aloe vera is

used to heal and improve the hygiene and sanitation of humans. Being a plant that can grow in

large amounts and sizes, aloe vera is widely used by different people. Therefore, this study is

conducted with the purpose of knowing the effects of aloe vera as antibacterial soap, and aiming

to answer the following questions:

1. How effective will the antibacterial soap made from:

1.1 Aloe Vera Extract; and

1.2 Regular Soap (Safe Guard)?

2. Are there known allergies against Aloe Vera Extract?

3. Who will be the target audience for the report?

4. What are the benefits of this antibacterial soap in the target audience?

5. Is there a difference in the effectiveness in the use of Aloe Vera antibacterial soap and

regular soap?
Significance of the Study

In our study on the effectiveness of aloe vera as an antibacterial soap for barangay areas,

we hope to influence residents' viewpoints of aloe vera as a plant as well as an ingredient for

safety and hygiene. This study may have an impact on the participants of the study below.

Students. They will be directly benefited from this research as its findings may encourage them

to consider proper ways to sanitize. It can also give them ideas that we can be resourceful in

which many things around us may help us in our daily lives.

Parents. This research can bring benefit to parents as, during the pandemic, parents have been

stuck at home taking care of plants as a hobby. With this research, parents can understand the

many purposes and uses of aloe vera, especially as antibacterial soap.

Business owners. This study will benefit many people with a lack of antibacterial soaps in their

public businesses. It is really important that they should have antibacterial soap because they

touch papers or money and we all know that money is dirty so they need to sanitize their hands. 

Job workers. Job workers will benefit from this research as modern-day sanitation products

have been increasing in price, and making a low-cost price of an aloe vera soap can help them in

their work.

Future Researchers. The outcome of this research will be beneficial to the study of future

researchers as it can act as a guide to help them improve their own research in the future. They

can use this research and look for its flaws and improve to produce better research.
Scope and Limitations/Delimitations

This study is limited to the residents of Ampid I, San Mateo, Rizal. The product of this

research will only be applied to the hands and not as a substitute of a body soap. The research

will be focused on ages 15 to 21 who are adolescents to increase resistance against infection.

Children will be avoided as respondents of this research as the researchers aim to look for the

benefits of the research on adolescence and adults.

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