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4 Inthe 7s and Sth centuries the state af Srivyava of Sumatra rose to dominate rach of Malaya, Suivijaya controted the coasts of ava, the Malay Peninsela and past of Borneo However the Serojayans only really controlled the coast, Then its power decined anu by the 13th century Suivijaya had lost control completely. “The great wealth ofthe city satcotMelacinetomne ER notice of the Portuese, In 1511 they sent an expedition, tocapture it Melaka soon fell to the Portuguese artery Hogsever the son of the Sultan ‘of Melaka founded Johor 4 Johor grew tobe one of several ‘powerful trading states. Inthe early {eth century Tohor made several lunsucoesefal attempts to cecaptuce Melaka, ‘9 The frst people to live in the Malay Archipelage were Stone Age lninter-gatherers, They anived as eay as ‘3000 BC. Later Stone Age farmers came and displaced them. Aer 1,000 BC metal-using farmers came. arose. The Malayans became highly civilized andl was heavily influenced by India though trade around 3rd century AD. The religions of Bucdhism and Hindwiem ‘were also introdsiced at that tm, 4 Around the 6th century, merchants began sailing to Suivijaya where goods were tranchipped directly fon Sumatran ports 4 Later Melaka rove to dominate Malaya, A man named Paramesiwara founded stat the fend ofthe Lith century. The new settlement prospered and fret during the 15th century 4 Intheeady 16th century the Portuguese atived, in Indonesia. At that | tume there wasa ‘huge demand in Esrope for spices 4 Then in the early 17th century they made an alliance ‘with the Dutch against cheir mutual enemy, the Portuguese + The Dutch diove out ail olher Europeane from the area, For terest ofthe 17th centty they were fiends ‘vith Johor and the two powers dominated the region. 4 Tathe tate 1 cemary the ye nish Inia Coorpeny 5] ted sath nd pecy ae contilled India. At that time Sie) they began loking fora bse ix Maia. 1786 the Bish Sat taare ee Georgetown in 1600 they took Provace Wellesley. Jn 1806 the British and Dutch ceadie ene Teese Captured al dhe Dutch povtessions in Indonesia The Entsh abled slave By the treaty of London, 1824, the British and Duteh divided the region between thea. The Dutch surrendered Melaka to the British. The Dutch were sven control of Sumata and al the area below the Malay Peninsula ‘The Stats Setclements, as they were called, (Penang, Province Wellesley, Melaka and Singapore) gsete rapidly partly doe to an influx of Chunese and Indian ‘workers for tuber and fa, |g & However although the British East India Company controlled islands and pats ofthe coast they did ot ‘onto! the interior ofthe Malay Penincta. 4 In 1941 the Japanese invaded Malay Peninsula and they (quickly overran it This was a smut disaster fr the Bist In 19 the Japanese invaded Indonesia. Yet when the ioe hoping to make them allie, sague However the Dutch were not walling to let Indonesia 20 29 canly 4 In 1812, when the Sultan of Johor died and his to sons quarteled over the succession, British Otficer Stanford Raffles supported the older brother Hussein and recognized him ae Sultan made a deal with fas. + Raffles believed the Britis sdrould establish abaze on the Strats of Melaka and in 1819 he landed on the sland of = Singapore. It consisted of fe swanipe and jungle with a small population but Rattles realized i = Sot be made info asset por History {The British gradually increased their influence over Malaya, Mote states Selangor, Pahang Sungei, Ujong, ‘Rembau, Negr Sembilan Jelebu were fouved to accept British protection’ and in 1895 were persuaded to oem a tederstion + Meanwhile in 1888 Brune, Sarawak and North Borneo. Ibecamhe itish protectorate 4 Inthe fst years ofthe 20th century the British extended their antluence over the Nocthetn Malay states (Kedah, Kelantan and Trengganu) then formally absorbed into Bntich Malaya 4 In 1914 Johor also came under Batch sale # In Indonesia, by the turn of the 20th century, hutioualist stisting, brought about by nearly thee ‘centuries of oppressive colonial rule, began to challenge the Dutch presence Dutch on fava after World Wat TL along with successul diplomatic maneuverings abcoad. helped bring about independence. || & Te Republic of Indonesia, officially proclaimed on August 17th, 195, gained sovereignty four years later History ‘¢ 161955 the Red Commassion was formed. ta prepare a constitution for Malaya Malaya became independent on 31 August 1 f+ inSingapore, Seif government was ‘granted sn 1959 and Le Kuan Yeu ‘ecame prime mister. 4¢ 141963 Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah joined Malaya to form the Federation of Malaysia, “¢ However the union was short lived, Singapore left in 1965 and became completely independent History 4 In Malaysia, on 1944, when the Japanese faced defeat, the British govemiment decided t0 join all the Malayan states (except Singapore) into a single unified state called the Malayan Union, However, there was 50 "ch apposition te this plan it was scrapped. Instead 1948 the Federation of Malaya was formed. ‘@ Meanivhule Malayan nationalism was growing and slferent groups weve founded and incurgency grew 4¢ However, communist activity declined after 169 when the Butch parliament promiced independence ‘The insurgency continued for some years but it was Jess ofa theent. Map of Malaysia and Singapore

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