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Table of Contents
POOR EMPLOYEE PERFORMACE REPORT...................................................................................................2
1.1 PURPOSE:......................................................................................................................................2
1.2 BACKGROUND STUDY:..................................................................................................................2
1.3 METHODOLOGY:...........................................................................................................................2
1.4 SCOPE:...........................................................................................................................................2


This report investigates the causes of poor performance of newly hired employees, presents
information and findings, analyzes those results, and suggest effective measures to address the
issue. Questionnaires were distributed among experts, and recruiters were interviewed that
suggested pragmatic ideas and techniques to be implemented to address the issue.

1.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is investigate causes of poor performance of new
hired employees and to recommend effective measures to overcome this problem .
1.2 BACKGROUND STUDY: The latest ranking of the company in the “NEW YORK STOCK
EXCHANGE” shows that the company shares fall by 33% in the last month, and this exponential
trend is an alarming threat to the company’s future and shareholders.
1.3 METHODOLOGY: Questionnaires were distributed among 120 recruiters in different
companies, and along with that higher professional recruiters were interviewed in the other
companies in the same industry.
1.4 SCOPE: The total number of respondents were 200, 120 of them, 60%, were given
questionnaires to be filled, while 80, 40%, were interviewed.

Recruiters in other companies of the same industry were interviewed and some of the reasons
for their poor performance were figured out.

 In most of the cases, newly hired employees do not perform as desired from them
because they lack the basic skills that the job require.
 One of the reason newly hired employees do not perform as desired from them,
because they lack motivation to do their best.

 At times employers do their best to train their newly hired employees, but
sometimes they cannot perform their duties on time, and nothing seems to work,
simply because job and employee are not fit for each other.
 Most of the times newly hired employees have personal problems. They usually do
not reconcile with them either on financial terms or work life balance and many
other issues.
 Being isolated, this one affects employee both physically and mentally. Most of the
workers spend most of their time with their co-workers than their friends and
family. If they do not get along with their co-workers, and colleagues, they will get
into trouble. If an employee feels left behind, unloved, or unsupported by a team
member, they are losing the resources they need to achieve their best performance.
 This situation is usually specific to feeling as if they have not been provided with
certain opportunities. They may believe that they have been overdue for a
promotion, a position of some status, or some other perk that others received.
 Most of the employees need some verification from their work. In fact, part of their
self-consciousness is based on being validated. Whether it's money, opportunity, or
just a word of gratitude, employees who feel they aren't fully valued, experience
performance issues. No one wants to feel that they aren’t appreciated.

On the basis of above findings, following conclusions are deducted from them.
Newly hired employees do not perform to their best because of the following reasons:

 Lack of the required capabilities.

 They feel they aren’t appreciated.
 They feel they’ve been overlooked in some way.
 They don’t get along with their colleagues.
 They have personal problems.
 Lack of motivation of the employees.
 The job isn’t right for them.

This report recommends following effective measures to overcome the issue of poor
performance of newly hired employees:

 While recruiting new employees, recruiters should let the applicants go through series
of screening tests to make sure they are job fit.
 Employees should be encouraged and supported for the work they do. This helps them
to improve their morale and thus they perform their work with more effort and
 Employers should make sure there is no discrimination and favoritism. They should
ensure complete transparency of workplace environment.
 Employees should be given certain autonomy. One of the best ways to provide
employee more autonomy is by giving them a say in when they’re at the workplace.
They can create workplace schedules that offer flexibility, so when they do go into the
workplace they’re more intentional about how they spend their time.

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