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42. Where do u usually go for vacation?

I travel to Cat Ba at least once or twice every year. I used to go to Da Nang or

Ha Long Bay , but it is getting more and more expensive to travel there and it is so
I actually prefer to travel to Cat Ba anyway so it is actually ideal for me.
But I still want to visit Da Lat and Sapa.
43. Who do u like to be with on vacation?
It depends on what kind of holiday it is. If it’s Christmas vacation, I prefer
hang out with my friends here and there and have a chit-chat. If it’s New Year
holiday, I just want to celebrate the holiday with my family and relatives in a cozy
44. What did u do last weekend?
Due to the complicated situation of the epidemic, I stay at home to study online
and train my body at home with exercises. In addition, I also help my mother with
the housework and talk to her.
45. What are u going to do this weekend?
Although it's online learning, you and I can still meet, but we must comply
with the 5K regulations. So we made an appointment to play soccer this weekend.
46. Would u like to go somewhere this weekend/ next summer holiday?
When it comes to a holiday of a lifetime that I would like to have in the future,
a journey to Da Lat city is my first choice. About my itinerary if this dream comes
true, when I come here, I can have a valuable chance to go sightseeing and enjoy
the stunning beauty of this mountainous city.
47. Who are u going with?
Of course, it’s my family. I want to spend more time for them as possible as.
48. How are u going to get there?
I will book a plane ticket for the whole family and it will take 1h50 to get to Da
Lat. We will then be picked up by car to the hotel we booked in advance.
49. When are u leaving and when are u coming back?
I have not decided yet because from now until summer the epidemic situation
is still unpredictable.
50. What do u usually do at weekends?
I often spend time for helping my mom sell clothes and cook meals or
sometimes I massage and confide in mom.
51. Did u go anywhere last weekend?
I didn’t go anywhere. I just stayed at home to study online and… uhm in short
I was just at home.
52. Where did u spend ur last vacation? How long?
Let me see. Uhm maybe it was a trip with my class in high school because after
that, the situation was complicated and I didn't have much time.
53. Did u have a good time there?
Yes, of course. it's part of my fond memory, an unforgettable memory.
54. What are u going to do this summer vacation?
Hmmm maybe I I will learn more about my major. To improve level as well as
study better.
55. Are u going to travel somewhere?
Trả lời giống câu 46
56. What are u going to do there?
I will go sightseeing and enjoy the stunning beauty of this mountainous city, go
to Da Lat flower garden which has gained its reputation for a variety of flowers
from the light pink of lotus to the striking red of roses. Furthermore, the local
dishes are so special, so we will also spend some time sampling them. At night, I
can go for a walk to local market to experience the nightlife here and buy some
souvenirs for our relatives and friends.
57. Why do u choose to go there?
To me, visiting Da Lat is my dream because of two main reasons. Firstly, the
place we plan to go to is extremely beautiful and we can enjoy a different
atmosphere as well as lifestyle in a different place. We can escape from the hustle
and bustle of the rat race in Hanoi. Secondly, it would be a chance for our family to
reunite after a long year to gain a close-knit relationship.

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