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Gatsby and Daisy's dialogue when they meet again for the first time in 5 years.

( Gatsby, visibly agitated, drenched in rainfall, quickly glances at Nick who tells him to fix
his hair, then proceeds to do so shakingly)
( Daisy, looking frail and lost, sat with the tea cup along with its plate in the chair, not
speaking a single word)

GATSBY: *sits down, next to Daisy's chair, takes a quick glance at Daisy, while maintaining
a strong disinterest of eye-contact*
DAISY: *body language indicates distance, peril, uncertainty, as she begins to twirl around in
the chair*
GATSBY: *aggressively pats his hair along the line of his skull* - Quite some terrible
weather, don’t you think?
DAISY: *slightly nods head towards him* - It for sure it is not pleasant. *a few tumbling
seconds go past* Where were you, Jay?
GATSBY: *with a shaking breath* I've been doing business. 5 long years, day and night, on
the pursuit of my OWN success.
DAISY: * turns torso slightly towards him, as if to question him* And why is that, Jay?
GATSBY: Oh you know why, 5 years ago, when I left for the war, you promised you'd wait
for me. And you still went for the rich boy. So I did the only thing that came in my mind that
time, try to become better for you. And now here I am, waiting for your acceptance of me.
DAISY: You were gone, Jay. Everybody thought that you were gone, I! thought you were
gone. How could've I possibly have known that you'd one day be back for me?
GATSBY: *thoughts and emotions whirling through his mind, with a disappointed yet
annoyed face* You promised me, Daisy. I have gone through hell and back for you and yet
you still chose him.
DAISY: I wanted somebody that could take care of me. I know I did not wait for you, but I
needed my security, my place to call "home".
GATSBY: *uncompleted heartbreak, rapidly scanning through his emotions* I loved you,
Daisy. I was supposed to be your home, I was supposed to take care you.
DAISY:* at Gatsby's " I loved you, Daisy", her eyes jump and search for his* I loved you
too, Jay.
GATSBY:* Rushing his words, desperately trying to convince her* Then leave him! Leave
Tom and come with me, please Daisy, come with me. I’ve sacrificed way too much for this
not to happen.
Daisy: *concerned yet considering the opportunity* b..but..Jay, what about Tom? What will
he say? What will he think? What will he DO?
GATSBY: Forget him. I will show you how I bettered my self in order go be good for you. I
will show you how much I love you, just let him go.

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