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J. Comp. Path. 2021, Vol. 187, 52e62 Available online at www.sciencedirect.



Renal Crest Proliferative Lesions in Cats with

Chronic Kidney Disease
Joanna D White*,
Katrina L Bosward*, Jacqueline M Norris*, Richard Malik†,
Scott A Lindsay‡ and Paul J Canfield*
* Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, † Centre for Veterinary Education, Veterinary Science Conference
Centre B22, University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales and ‡ School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of
Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

In a histopathological study of the renal crest (RC) of kidneys of cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD), 58/90
(64%) had epithelial proliferation. Of these, 33 cats had hyperplasia of the collecting duct (CD) epithelium
(CDH) alone, eight had hyperplasia of the urothelium covering the RC (RCUH), of which one had concurrent
abaxial renal pelvic urothelial hyperplasia (UH), and eight had both CDH and RCUH. CDH or RCUH were
present in five cats with marked dysplasia of the CD epithelium (CDD) and four cats with invasive carcinomas,
which also had epithelial dysplasia. All nine cats with marked dysplasia or neoplasia of the RC also had sub-
stantially altered RC contours due to focal haemorrhage, papillary necrosis or fibrosis. Three of the carcinomas
had a strong desmoplastic response. In control cats, both urothelial (RC and renal pelvis) and tubular (CD and
distal tubular) cells were immunopositive for cytokeratin (CK; AE1/AE3), tubular epithelial cells were positive
for vimentin (Vim) and aquaporin 2 (Aq2), while urothelial cells were positive for p63. PAX8 immunolabel-
ling was difficult to validate. CD and UH labelling was similar to control tissue. While urothelial dysplasia had
the same immunolabelling pattern as UH and control tissue, CDD was generally immunonegative for Aq2. As
immunolabelling of the four carcinomas did not distinguish between tubular and urothelial origin, with three
positive for both Vim and p63, all were broadly designated as RC carcinomas. Overall, proliferative epithelial
lesions are common in cats with CKD and form a continuum from simple hyperplasia to neoplasia of the ur-
othelium or CD of the RC.

Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: chronic kidney disease; collecting duct proliferation; feline; urothelial proliferation

Introduction those affecting the single renal papilla (renal crest;

RC). The RC is the rounded projection at the base
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common in older of the renal pyramid of the inner medulla that com-
cats and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is municates with the renal pelvis (RP). This anatom-
the most common histopathological process (Lucke, ical region is not considered to be a common site for
1968; DiBartola et al, 1987; Lulich et al, 1992; Elliott histological change, except for three discrete disease
and Barber, 1998; McLeland et al, 2015; Brown processes, namely pyelonephritis (Parry, 2005),
et al, 2016). Microscopic descriptions of CKD in do- papillary necrosis (Lucke, 1968; DiBartola et al,
mestic cats have focussed on glomerular, corticome- 1987; Wolf et al, 1991; Stewart et al, 2003) and medul-
dullary tubular and interstitial changes rather than lary amyloidosis (Boyce et al, 1984).

Correspondence to: JD White (e-mail:

0021-9975/$ - see front matter Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Renal Crest Lesions in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease 53

In contrast, proliferative lesions of the renal of the medulla, composed of mainly inner medullary
papilla, ranging from hyperplasia to neoplasia, have collecting ducts (CDs) that eventually merge to
been well documented in humans with analgesic ne- form terminal larger CDs (papillary ducts or ducts
phropathy (Blohme and Johansson, 1981) and in lab- of Bellini). Histopathological sections of RC always
oratory animals (Bokelman et al, 1971; Frazier et al, included inner medullary interstitium and CDs, lined
2012). In non-domestic felids, hyperplasia and by either cuboidal or low columnar epithelium, to the
dysplasia of the papillary ducts and urothelium lining point where they connected with the 2e3 cell layered
the RC have been associated with papillary necrosis urothelium (renal transitional epithelium) of the RC
in CKD (Wolf et al, 1991), but in domestic cats the (RCU). Included in RC sections were the opposing
only reported proliferative lesions of the RC associ- urothelium and underlying lamina propria of the
ated with CKD have been simple hyperplasia of the RP, and sometimes the fat, major vessels and nerves
papillary ducts and urothelium lining the RC within the renal sinus (the cavity that includes RP,
(Lourenço et al, 2020) and transitional cell carcinoma fat and major vessels). The renal hilus, where the ure-
(TCC; renal urothelial carcinoma) originating in the ter entered, was occasionally present.
RP and invading the RC (Hanzlicek et al, 2012).
The aim of this study was to describe the frequency
Definitions Used for Proliferative Lesions of the Renal Crest
and appearance of proliferative lesions of the RC in
cats with CKD. Due to the similarity of the renal papillary structure
between rats, mice and cats (all unipapillate kidneys)
Materials and Methods (Frazier et al, 2012), definitions for proliferative
changes to the RC were based primarily on rodent
Cohort of Cats, Necropsy and Histology guidelines (Frazier et al, 2012; Seely and Brix, 2014)
A large cohort of cats with CKD were recruited and rather than on human guidelines. The term collecting
managed by the first author (White et al, 2006). To duct hyperplasia (CDH) was used when most ducts
be included in the study, cats were required to have were lined by a single layer of epithelial cells, were
had a history and clinical signs consistent with CKD increased in number and sometimes in size, and
and azotaemia, and inadequately concentrated urine were showing little nuclear pleomorphism but vari-
(when measured). Cats were euthanized due to the able cytoplasmic basophilia, and rare mitoses. The
severity of their clinically detected CKD or co- term collecting duct dysplasia (CDD) was used
morbidities and necropsies were performed with when most ducts were characterized by an increased
owners’ consent. CKD was confirmed by histopatho- number of epithelial cells, usually in 2e3 layers,
logical examination of the kidneys. Of the 90 cats with variable degrees of anisocytosis and nuclear pleo-
included in the study, 40 were female, 47 were male morphism (cellular atypia, including karyomegaly)
and for three the gender was not recorded. All cats and occasional mitoses. Ductal expansion was identi-
had been neutered and they ranged in age from 2 to fied by flattening of surrounding stromal fibroblasts.
21 years, with a median of 13 years and an interquar- RC urothelial hyperplasia (RCUH) was defined as
tile range of 10e16 years. Multiple renal sections hyperplasia of the urothelium of the RC, characterized
incorporating all layers of both kidneys (where by diffuse thickening or variably sized outgrowths with
possible) were selected for microscopic examination. clear spaces among the cells. Cellular features included
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue was hypertrophy and cytoplasmic and nuclear basophilia,
sectioned at 5 mm for haematoxylin and eosin (HE) but rare mitoses. The term atypical hyperplasia or
staining or at 2 mm for Masson’s trichrome and peri- dysplasia of the RC urothelium is not used in rodent
odic acideSchiff (PAS) staining. All stained sections studies, but if cellular atypia is marked, mitoses com-
were examined by the first author and at least two mon and no invasion is obvious, the changes are
of KLB, SAL or PJC. Where there was initial referred to as carcinoma in situ (Frazier et al, 2012;
disagreement on the classification of RC proliferative Seely and Brix, 2014). However, the term RC urothe-
lesions, additional veterinary pathologists (see Ac- lial dysplasia (RCUD) was preferred to carcinoma in
knowledgments) were asked to review the lesions situ in this study to describe a broad spectrum of
and a consensus diagnosis was obtained. mild, moderate and marked cellular atypia.
A diagnosis of CD or renal TCC required evidence
of invasion of the basement membrane into surround-
Definition of the Examined Renal Crest
ing stroma, usually with necrosis and haemorrhage.
For examination purposes, the RC was designated as Marked cellular atypia (especially karyomegaly)
the region where merged renal papillae connect with and mitoses (both normal and abnormal) were com-
the RP. This included the apex of the renal pyramid mon.
54 J D White et al

Immunohistochemistry tubular loss, interstitial fibrosis and inflammation

involving primarily mononuclear infiltrates of lym-
All samples with neoplasia or marked dysplasia, repre-
phocytes, plasma cells and macrophages, occasional
sentative cases of hyperplasia and a normal feline kidney
eosinophils and, to a lesser extent, neutrophils.
(control tissue) were selected for immunohistochemistry
Glomerular sclerosis was present within areas of
(IHC) studies. Five antibodies directed against aqua-
cortical interstitial fibrosis, and both changes were
porin 2 (Aq2), cytokeratin (CK; AE1/AE3), p63,
confirmed by staining with Masson’s trichrome. In
PAX8 and vimentin (Vim) were used (Table 1).
addition to TIN, a primary glomerulopathy was sus-
Routine IHC staining of 4 mm sections using the
pected in 15 cats on the basis of thickened or irregular
DakoCytomation Autostainer (Agilent, Santa Clara,
basement membranes detected by PAS and Masson’s
California, USA) involved endogenous peroxidase
trichrome staining, although not confirmed with
blocking (3% H2O2, 15 min) and antigen retrieval
immunofluorescence or electron microscopy. Medul-
(Dako Proteinase K Ready-to-Use, S3020 [Agilent],
lary interstitial amyloidosis was detected in four cats
10 min; or heat induced epitope retrieval), prior to in-
and renal lymphoma in four, while polycystic disease,
cubation with the primary antibody for 60 min at
focal cortical granulomas and vasculitis were each
room temperature (Table 1). Negative control slides
observed in a single cat.
omitted the primary antibody or were labelled with
an irrelevant antibody (isotype controls raised in the
same species as the primary antibody for all mono- Proliferative Lesions of the Renal Crest and Pelvis
clonal markers were used). Binding was detected us-
ing a commercial peroxidase system (Dako REAL Hyperplasia. Hyperplasia was present in 58 cats
EnVision Detection System, Peroxidase/DAB+, including five with marked dysplasia and four with
Rabbit/Mouse, K5007 [Agilent], 30 min). carcinoma (Table 2).
IHC labelling by the primary antibodies was CDH alone, most obvious in the inner medulla, was
scored for reactivity and intensity based on a modifi- identified in 33 cats, and consisted of cuboidal to
cation of the system of Ramos-Vara et al (2017). Reac- columnar cells, typically in one layer, with basophilic
tivity was based on the percentage of cells labelled cytoplasm and oval to round, hyperchromatic nuclei
(<5% ¼ negative; 6e25%; 26e50%; >50%), while (Fig. 1A). Mitoses were rare. Urothelial hyperplasia
intensity of labelling was designated subjectively as of the RC, the RP, or both, was present in eight
mild, moderate or marked. cats. Concurrent CDH and RCUH were present in
an additional eight cats. Urothelial hyperplasia was
Results typically characterized by discrete multifocal thick-
ening, although some cases had diffuse, even thick-
Study Population
ening of the epithelium with up to six or seven
All 90 cats had histological evidence of TIN of the cor- layers of RC urothelium (Fig. 1A). Discrete thicken-
tex and medulla characterized by variable degrees of ings, which were more common in RC urothelium,
Table 1
Immunohistochemical protocols for labelling of renal crest elements

Antibody Antibody source Antibody details (clone) Dilution Antigenic retrieval/block* Labelling site

Aquaporin 2 Merck, Darmstadt, Polyclonal rabbit anti- 1:50 HIER, pH9/none Cytoplasmic
Germany (AB3066) rat aquaporin 2 (C-
Cytokeratin Dako, Glostrup, Monoclonal mouse, anti- 1:100 HIER, pH9/none Cytoplasmic
Denmark (M3515) human cytokeratin
p63 BioCare Medical, Monoclonal mouse, anti- 1:100 HIER, pH9/none Nuclear
Pacheco, California, p63 (BC4A4)
USA (CM163)
PAX8 Abcam, Melbourne, Monoclonal mouse, anti- 1:100 HIER, pH9/10 min Nuclear
Australia (ab124445) PAX8 (BC12)
Vimentin Dako (M0725) Monoclonal mouse, anti- 1:200 HIER, pH9/none Cytoplasmic
porcine vimentin (V9)

HIER, heat-induced epitope retrieval.

Non-specific protein binding was minimized for the anti-PAX8 antibody by incubation with a commercial casein-based reagent for 10 min
(Blocking Solution Ready-to-Use; Candor Bioscience GmbH, Wangen, Germany).
Renal Crest Lesions in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease 55

Table 2 cats, the RC urothelium was dysplastic with areas in

Renal crest proliferative lesions in 90 cats with chronic which nuclei were pleomorphic, hyperchromatic
kidney disease and concurrent lesions
and associated with prominent mitoses (Fig. 2A).
Concurrent renal crest lesions Concurrent abnormalities included a solidified blood
calculus attached near an area of RCUH in one cat
Proliferative No. of cats Papillary Papillary
category affected fibrosis necrosis (Fig. 2B) and focal haemorrhage within the tip of
the RC in two cats.
Hyperplasia 58* 21 1
Dysplasia 5** 4 1
Carcinoma. Four cats had invasive carcinomas
Carcinoma 4*** 3 1
involving the RC. Neoplastic changes were present
33 cats had collecting duct hyperplasia (CDH) alone, eight cats had bilaterally in two cats that had been first diagnosed
renal crest urothelial hyperplasia (RCUH) alone, eight cats had both with CKD 1,072 and 1,819 days prior to euthanasia.
CDH and RCUH, while all nine cats with dysplasia and carcinoma Palpable abnormalities were only noted ante mortem in
had areas of CDH and/or RCUH.
All five cats had accompanying areas of CDH and/or RCUH.
one cat with a unilateral RC carcinoma. At necropsy,
All four cats had accompanying areas of CDH and/or RCUH, and the affected kidney of this animal had an irregular,
collecting duct dysplasia (CDD). firm, pale tan mass present at the level of the renal pel-
vic hilus. Kidneys from the two cats with bilateral
were often polypoid in nature. Cells varied from flat- neoplasia were small and irregular.
tened to cuboidal with basophilic cytoplasm and oval, Microscopically, neoplasia involved the medulla
hyperchromatic nuclei. Mitoses and apoptotic cells and cortex in three of the four cats with carcinoma,
characterized some of the hyperplastic areas. Hyper- and extended to the capsule in one case. Neoplastic
plastic lesions were occasionally infiltrated with small cells in these cats were commonly present as solid,
numbers of neutrophils or lymphocytes. elongate, sometimes papillary, clusters. The clusters
were variably cribriform, microcystic, cystic or con-
Dysplasia. CDD was present in five cats primarily to- tained tubular formations (Fig. 3A). The cuboidal
wards the tip of the RC. Dysplasia was present bilat- to columnar cells had marked nuclear pleomorphism
erally in the four cats for which both kidneys were with anisonucleolisis and basophilic cytoplasm. There
available for review. Microscopically, there were usu- were scattered mitoses and apoptotic bodies. Desmo-
ally more than three layers of collecting duct epithe- plastic stroma was prominent and contained scattered
lium, which in some ducts almost obliterated the lymphocytes and plasma cells (Fig. 3A). All three cats
lumen (Fig. 1B). Epithelial cells were cuboidal to had areas of concurrent epithelial hyperplasia and
polygonal and had basophilic cytoplasm and large ve- dysplasia of CD and RC epithelium. Diffuse renal pel-
sicular but hyperchromatic nuclei with prominent vic urothelial hyperplasia was present in one cat.
nucleoli. The cells had anisocytosis and nuclear pleo- Medullary haemorrhage was a common feature and
morphism, and there were scattered apoptotic cells often localized below surviving RC urothelium.
and mitoses. All cats with CDD had concurrent hy- The fourth cat had marked neoplastic proliferation
perplasia of CDs and RC uroepithelium. The and invasion of the RC urothelium (Fig. 3B). Associ-
RCUH was marked and often multifocal. In two ated with this was the formation of cystic spaces and

Fig. 1. Hyperplasia and dysplasia, collecting ducts, kidney, cat. (A) Hyperplastic collecting ducts (arrows), composed of single layers of
columnar to cuboidal cells with basophilic cytoplasm, adjacent to area of renal crest hyperplasia. HE. (B) Dysplastic collecting
ducts (arrows) admixed with hyperplastic ducts (H). Some dysplastic ducts have obliterated lumina. HE.
56 J D White et al

Fig. 2. Dysplasia, kidney, cat. (A) Early dysplasia of renal crest urothelium with proliferation and distortion (RCUD). Numerous
dysplastic (arrow) and hyperplastic collecting ducts (H). Small fibrin clot (FC) beneath renal crest urothelium. HE. (B) Concur-
rent lesions of large area of haemorrhage and fibrin deposition (Ha), mostly beneath hyperplastic renal crest urothelium (arrows),
but extending into pelvic cavity (PC). Gross blood calculus was present in this cat. HE.

apparent primitive tubule formation. The mainly urothelial cells were immunopositive with marked
cuboidal cells displayed similar cytoplasmic and nu- intensity for nuclear p63 in 26e50% of cells. In gen-
clear features to the other three cats. There was little eral, CD epithelium was immunopositive for nuclear
desmoplasia associated with invasion. Areas of CDH PAX8. Nuclear PAX8 staining of moderate intensity
and CDD were present and renal pelvic urothelial hy- was present in >50% of cells in CDs, but RC uroe-
perplasia was mild and diffuse. pithelium was negative, except for occasional basal
Immunohistochemical Results for Proliferative Lesions
Control Tissue. There was markedly intense immuno- Hyperplasia. CDH was immunopositive (>50% of
labelling of uroepithelium of the RC and RP and CD cells) for CK and positive (26e50% of cells) for
and distal tubular epithelium (>50% of cells) for CK Vim. CDH staining for Aq2 was positive for 5e25%
(Table 3). of cells in two of the three cases examined (Fig. 4A).
The cytoplasm of stromal tissue cells, CDs and CDH was immunonegative for p63 and PAX8,
distal tubular epithelium was markedly immunopos- although validation for PAX8 was uncertain because
itive (>50% of cells) for Vim. RC and renal pelvic of lack of expression in surrounding non-hyperplastic
urothelium did not express Vim except for occa- CDs. RCUH was immunopositive (>50% of cells) for
sional basal cells (<5% of cells). CD luminal sur- CK, positive (>50% of cells) for p63 (Fig. 4B), but
faces were positive for Aq2 with moderate labelling negative for Aq2 and Vim (Fig. 4C).
intensity in 26e50% of cells. RC and renal pelvic

Fig. 3. Carcinoma, kidney, cat. (A) Neoplastic cells in clusters. One large cluster with apparent lumen formation (arrow). Strongly desmo-
plastic stroma (D) contains scattered lymphocytes. HE. (B) Neoplastic cells invade surrounding stroma (arrows). Hyperplastic col-
lecting tubule (H). HE.
Renal Crest Lesions in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease 57

Table 3
Immunolabelling of renal crest proliferative lesions

Specimen Aquaporin 2 Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) Vimentin PAX8 p63


Normal renal crest 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 3+

(CD) (CD and RCU) (stroma and CD) (CD) (basal cells of RCU); -
Carcinoma e e 3+ 3+ e e e e 2+ 3+
Carcinoma e e 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ e e 3+ 3+
Carcinoma e e 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ e e e e
Carcinoma e e 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 3+
Dysplasia (both CD and e e 3+ (both) 3+ 3+ (CD); - (RCU) 3+ e e 2+ (CD), 3+ (RCU) 3+
Dysplasia of RCU e e 3+ 3+ e e 1+ 2+ 3+ 3+
Dysplasia (both CD and e e 3+ (both) 3+ 2+ (CD); - (RCU) 3+ 2+ (CT); 2+ 3+ (both 3+
RCU) e (RCU)
Dysplasia (both CD and e e 3+ (both) 3+ 2+ (CD); - (RCU) 3+ e e 3+ (RCU); - (CD) 3+
Dysplasia of CD ND ND ND ND 3+ 3+ e e ND ND
Hyperplasia of CD e e 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ e e e e
Hyperplasia (both CD 1+ (CD only) 1+ 3+ (both) 3+ 2+ (CD); - (RCU) 3+ e e 3+ (RCU); -(CD) 3+
and RCU)
Hyperplasia of CD 1+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ e e e e

Reactivity (R): percentage of cells labelling (<5%, negative (); 6e25%, 1+; 26e50%, 2+; >50%, 3+).
Intensity (I): designated subjectively as mild (1+), moderate (2+) or marked (3+). Modified from Ramos-Vara et al (2017).
CD, collecting duct; RCU, renal crest urothelium; ND, not done.

Dysplasia. CDD, either alone or in combination with are present in most cats with CKD, and that the spec-
carcinomatous change, was immunonegative for Aq2, trum of proliferative lesions ranges from simple hyper-
immunopositive (>50% of cells) for CK (Fig. 4D), plasia to dysplasia and carcinoma. Moreover, this
positive (either 26e50% or >50% of cells) for Vim study supports the possibility that progression of hy-
and variably positive (either 26e50% or >50% of perplastic lesions to dysplasia and neoplasia in cats
cells for 3/4 cases labelled) for p63. While PAX8 could could contribute to progressive loss of renal function.
not be validated for three cases of CDD, it was positive In domestic cats, the only reported proliferative le-
(either 5e25% or 26e50%) in two cases. RCUD, sions of the RC associated with CKD have been sim-
either alone or in combination with carcinomatous ple hyperplasia of the papillary ducts and urothelium
change, was immunonegative for Aq2 and Vim and lining the RC (Lourenço et al, 2020) and TCCs orig-
positive (>50% of cells) for CK and p63. inating in the RP and invading the RC (Hanzlicek
et al, 2012). However, a range of RC proliferative le-
Carcinoma. All four renal carcinomas were immuno- sions have been reported in other species. For
negative for Aq2 but immunopositive (>50% of cells) example, CD epithelial hyperplasia can be secondary
for CK (Fig. 5A and B). All three desmoplastic carci- to chronic progressive nephropathy in rats (Frazier
nomas were positive (either 26e50% or >50% of et al, 2012), related to infectious bronchitis virus in
cells) for Vim (Fig. 5C). One desmoplastic carcinoma chickens (Tsukamoto et al, 1996) and a response to Af-
was positive (5e25% of cells) for PAX8, but validity rican swine fever infection in pigs (Hervas et al, 1996).
was uncertain in the other three cases because of non- Moreover, atypical hyperplasia (dysplasia) is com-
labelling of surrounding unaffected CDs. Three carci- mon in humans with toxic nephropathies (Blohme
nomas were positive (either 26e50% or >50% of and Johansson, 1981). In rodents, CD epithelial cells
cells) for p63 (Fig. 5D), but one desmoplastic carci- can display plasticity, and adaptations such as hyper-
noma was negative. plasia develop in response to changes in electrolyte
and acidebase status (Stanton and Kaissling, 1989;
Discussion Cheval et al, 2005; Frazier et al, 2012). The concept
of renal epithelial hyperplasia and dysplasia as pre-
This study shows that proliferative lesions primarily
neoplastic lesions is well accepted in rodents and
involving the CDs and urothelium covering the RC
58 J D White et al

Fig. 4. Hyperplasia and dysplasia, kidney, cat. (A) Luminal surface of hyperplastic ducts immunopositive for aquaporin 2. IHC. (B) Cell
nuclei of hyperplastic renal crest urothelium (RCUH) immunopositive for p63. Only occasional collecting duct nuclei immuno-
positive (arrow). IHC. (C) Renal crest urothelium (RCU) immunonegative for vimentin, except for an occasional basal cell (ar-
row). Collecting ducts strongly immunopositive for vimentin. IHC. (D) Hyperplastic and dysplastic (arrows) collecting ducts and
renal crest urothelium (RCU) intensely immunopositive for cytokeratin. IHC.

humans (Kirkali and Yorukoglu, 2001; Frazier et al, of the renal disease (Stewart et al, 2003; Stengel,
2012). 2010; Russo, 2012).
As renal cancer was present in over 4% of cats with Uraemic toxins, viral mediators, immune inhibition
CKD in this study, its prevalence may be higher and upregulation of adult stem cells are proposed to
among cats with CKD than in the general cat popu- play a role in the initiation or progression of various
lation. In this and previous studies, renal carcinomas, renal cancers in humans (Russo, 2012; Woldu et al,
including bilateral TCCs, were present in cats with 2014). Studies of human CD tumours reveal hyper-
long-standing CKD (Raffan et al, 2008; Hanzlicek plastic and dysplastic ducts adjacent to carcinoma cells,
et al, 2012). Laboratory rats, mice and humans with supporting a progression from simple hyperplasia and
CKD are at increased risk of developing renal cancers regeneration (Nørgaard and Skaarup, 1985; Kirkali
(Frazier et al, 2012; Russo, 2012; Hard et al, 2013). and Yorukoglu, 2001; Kuroda et al, 2002). Genetic ev-
Toxic nephropathies, specifically aristolochic acid idence suggests concordant genetic regulation of renal
and phenacetin nephropathies, are associated with regeneration and carcinoma, as 77% of genes expressed
both tubulointerstitial nephritis, urothelial atypia in the processes of renal repair and regeneration are
and renal carcinoma in humans (McCredie et al, also expressed in renal cell carcinoma (Riss et al,
1986; Yang et al, 2014; Jelakovic et al, 2019). Humans 2006). In the case of renal papillary tumours, this
with end-stage renal failure receiving haemodialysis may involve the medullary progenitor stem cells, whose
or transplantation are at risk of developing renal normal role in the renal papilla is CD repair and regen-
cystic disease and carcinomas regardless of the cause eration (Oliver et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2014).
Renal Crest Lesions in Cats with Chronic Kidney Disease 59

Fig. 5. Renal carcinoma, kidney, cat. (A) Strong immunolabelling of cytokeratin (arrows). IHC. (B) Neoplastic cells strongly immuno-
positive for cytokeratin (arrows) with apparent origin in an area of dysplastic renal crest urothelium. Hyperplastic renal crest ur-
othelium (RCUH) present at margins. IHC. (C) Neoplastic cells (arrows) and surrounding stroma (S) immunopositive for
vimentin. IHC. (D) (Same carcinoma as in Fig. 5B). Nuclear immunopositivity for p63 (arrows). Lumen (L) of renal pelvis adja-
cent to renal crest urothelium. IHC.

In our study, cats with RC carcinoma and one case particular, there was vigorous debate over whether
with CDD had concurrent papillary necrosis or exten- the cell of origin was the CD epithelium or the
sive medullary fibrosis, suggesting a likely association. RCU for the four carcinomas, and this was the
In humans, there is an association between medullary main impetus for implementing IHC studies, based
and pelvic carcinoma and papillary necrosis, but it is on similar issues in humans (Shen et al, 2012). It could
unclear whether one leads to the other or whether be argued, however, that this distinction may not be
they both develop due to similar predisposing factors practical or necessary, as both tissues share a common
(Bach and Hardy, 1985; Brix, 2002). Drug toxicity embryological origin (mesonephron) and the
studies in dogs, monkeys and rats have identified neoplastic processes show similar biological behav-
CD and urothelial necrosis, with responsive hyperpla- iour, at least in humans (Orsola et al, 2005).
sia, occurring in association with papillary necrosis The relatively loose terminology used to describe
with some medications (Jacobsen et al, 1982; Mazue neoplasms of the renal papillae in animals contrasts
et al, 1993; Kashida et al, 1996; Uehara et al, 2005). with the strictly defined neoplasms described in hu-
However, progression of hyperplasia to neoplasia mans, which distinguishes between renal medullary
has not been shown. carcinoma, CD carcinoma (CDC; originally carcinoma
In this investigation, as in a previous study of cats of the collecting ducts of Bellini) and TCC of the RP
(Henry et al, 1999), it was difficult to identify the (Srigley et al, 2013). CDC and TCC share some com-
cell of origin for RC cancers. A consensus approach mon features as they both develop from a site where
was required for final classification of the five cases CDs join with urothelium lining the renal papillae.
of dysplasia and the four cases of carcinoma. In CDC in humans is generally positive for certain CKs
60 J D White et al

(eg, CK19, high molecular weight CK) and Vim, while morrhage or dysplastic or neoplastic transformation
pelvic urothelial tumours are CK positive but Vim could contribute to progressive renal disease.
negative (Rumpelt et al, 1991). Similarly, renal medul- In conclusion, the cause of RC epithelial hyperpla-
lary carcinoma can be positive for a variety of CKs and sia and dysplasia in cats with CKD is unknown but
Vim (Liu et al, 2013). Both p63 and PAX8 have been given that such changes are present in most cats
used as immunomarkers to differentiate CDC from with CKD at necropsy, their potential contribution
RP TCC in humans as CDCs are commonly PAX8 pos- to the progression of CKD and the development of
itive but p63 negative, while RP TCCs show the oppo- carcinomas warrants further investigation.
site labelling characteristics (Albadine et al, 2010).
Their differentiation using IHC, however, is not abso- Acknowledgments
lute (Urist et al, 2002; Albadine et al, 2010; Carvalho
et al, 2012; Chang et al, 2013). Richard Malik’s position is supported by the Valen-
In our study, it was difficult to reach a conclusion tine Charlton Bequest. Drs Randolph Baral and Me-
concerning the cell of origin for the four carcinomas lissa Catt provided many of the renal specimens.
as all were CK positive and three were Vim positive. Elaine Chew and Karen Barnes provided excellent
PAX8 and p63 immunolabelling was not definitive, technical assistance in histology. Drs Anne Crowley
with one carcinoma positive for both immuno- and Chris Lauer offered second opinions on histolog-
markers, while another was negative for both. More- ical interpretation.
over, negativity in all four tumours for Aq2,
commonly detected in normal and hyperplastic CDs Funding
in our study, does not preclude that cell of origin, as
its loss of expression has been reported in human renal This study was partly funded by the Australian Com-
tumours (Mazal et al, 2005). Consequently, it might panion Animal Health Foundation.
be prudent to designate them as RC carcinomas
potentially arising from a medullary progenitor CRediT Author Statement
stem cell (Oliver et al, 2004; Chen et al, 2014).
Joanna D White: Data curation, Writing - Original
The identification of the cell of origin for medullary
draft preparation, Resources. Katrina L Bosward:
and renal papillary tumours in animals has focussed
Investigation, Methodology. Jacqueline M Norris:
on histomorphology more than IHC, although there
Conceptualization, Methodology, Reviewing and
are limited reports of using IHC to characterize renal
Editing. Richard Malik: Reviewing and Editing.
carcinomas in cats. Renal cell carcinomas were gener-
Scott A Lindsay: Investigation, Methodology.
ally labelled for CD10, CD20 and CKs, especially
Paul J Canfield: Investigation, Reviewing and Edit-
CK7 and CK20 (Espinosa de los Monteros et al,
1999; Bonsembiante et al, 2016; Ramos-Vara et al,
2017; Matsumoto et al, 2018). One cat with an ocular
metastasis of a RP TCC was CK7 positive but CD20 Conflict of Interest Statement
negative (Grader et al, 2016). In contrast, a single sar- The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest
comatoid RCC was Vim positive but had variable with respect to the research, authorship or publica-
CK staining (Gulbahar et al, 2013). However, few of tion of this article, Methodology.
these reports identify the site of origin or whether
medullary involvement occurred.
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