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Caroli syndrome

Article  in  Pediatric Surgery International · February 2000

DOI: 10.1007/s003839900323 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

M M Harjai
Armed Forces Medical College


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Pediatr Surg Int (2000) 16: 431±432 Ó Springer-Verlag 2000


Man Mohan Harjai á R. K. Bal

Caroli syndrome

Accepted: 17 May 1999

Abstract We describe a case of There was no family history of hepatic endoscopic retrograde cholangiography
Caroli syndrome (Caroli's disease disease. His past medical history was un- (ERC) (Fig. 2) con®rmed the presence of
remarkable. On physical examination he multiple communicating dilatations of the
and congenital hepatic ®brosis) in a was poorly developed, with weight 20 kg bile ducts a€ecting the whole of the liver but
10-year-old boy with bilobar in- and height 128 cm. He was febrile (39 °C); mainly the right lobe. Needle biopsy of the
volvement and numerous renal cysts. no icterus was present. There was upper- liver revealed periductal ®brosis with sec-
Liver transplantation o€ers the only abdominal fullness due to ®rm, nontender ondary biliary cirrhosis.
hepatomegaly palpable 7 cm below the Initial management consisted of naso-
hope for such patients. right costal margin. Features of portal hy- gastric aspiration, broad-spectrum antibi-
pertension in the form of ascites, spleno- otics, a blood transfusion, and other
Key words Caroli syndrome á megaly, and distended abdominal-wall supportive measures. Endoscopic papillo-
Caroli's disease á Congenital hepatic veins were present. tomy and nasobiliary drainage (endopros-
Laboratory investigations revealed a thesis) was carried out to decompress the
®brosis á Endoscopic retrograde hemoglobin level of 6.2 g%, leucocyte biliary tree. The cholangitis resolved and
cholangiography á Intrahepatic count 12,200/mm3, serum bilirubin 2.8 mg the patient is currently awaiting liver
dilatation of biliary radicals %, alanine aminotransferase 21 IU/l, transplantation (LT) due to deteriorating
aspartate aminotransferase 56 IU/l, alkaline hepatocellular function as a result of the
phosphatase 89 IU/l, total protein 8.5 g/dl, hepatic ®brosis.
albumin (A) 3.0 g/dl, globulin (G) 5.6 g/dl,
Introduction and A:G ratio 0.55:1. Hepatitis B serum
antigen was negative; serum amylase was 92
Caroli syndrome (CS) consists of SU. Ultrasonography (US) revealed multi-
Caroli's disease (CD) and congenital ple cystic dilatations in both lobes of the
liver and both kidneys (renal polycystosis).
hepatic ®brosis (CHF) [1]. It is an Computed tomography (CT) (Fig. 1) and
uncommon congenital disorder of
the intrahepatic bile ducts that is
presumably of autosomal recessive
hereditary character. A classic case
of CS is presented. Non-surgical
management with an endoprosthesis
is discussed.

Case report
A 10-year-old boy was admitted with pain
in the upper abdomen, fever, vomiting, and
an abdominal mass of 2 12 months' duration.

M. M. Harjai (&) á R. K. Bal

Department of Surgery, Fig. 1 Computed tomography scan demon- Fig. 2 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiogra-
Armed Forces Medical College, strating multiple cysts scattered throughout phy showing multiple communicating dilated
Pune-411 040, liver, single large cyst in posterior-inferior intrahepatic bile ducts, mainly in right lobe of
India aspect of right lobe liver

mortality (20%±40%) and morbidi- stasis of unknown cause. If recurrent

Discussion ty (44%±84%) [3]. Percutaneous cholangitis occurs in spite of medical
transhepatic biliary drainage for de- therapy, the outlook is poor: a sig-
Suspicion of CD is often delayed compression has a complication rate ni®cant number of these patients die
owing to its rarity. It is characterized of 7%±40% [4]. Endoscopic sphinc- 5 to 10 years after the appearance of
by ectasias of the intrahepatic bile terotomy and drainage procedures cholangitis [6]. A frequency of chol-
ducts without other abnormalities. are established modes of treatment angiocarcinoma of 7% has been
In CS, the congenital intrahepatic for acute cholangitis in adults with reported as complicating this condi-
ductal dilatation is also associated high success rates and low morbidity tion [7].
with features of CHF and the renal and mortality, but have seldom been
lesion of autosomal recessive poly- used in children [5]. An extensive
cystic kidney [2]. CD and CS are search of the available literature re- References
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De®nitive therapy for this disease disease, orthotopic LT is the only bile ducts (Caroli's disease), cholangio-
is limited. Emergency surgery in the carcinoma, and sclerosis of extrahepatic
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presence of acute cholangitis in CS should be included in the dif- enterol 4: 53±57
adults, for whom ®gures are readily ferential diagnosis of chronic chole-
available, is associated with high

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