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Pork Sinigang Recipe

Good for serving Prep time Cook time Total time

6-8 persons 15 mins 30 mins 45 mins

 1-kilo Pork, cut into chunks
 3 tomatoes, cut into 2 pieces
 2 onions, cut into 2 pieces
 100 grams river spinach (Kangkong)
 100 grams String beans (optional)
 6 pieces, medium size Okra (optional)
 2 pieces horse-radish, sliced
 3 pieces medium taro (gabi), peeled and cut into 2 to 3 pcs.
 2 pieces green finger pepper (sili pang-sigang)
 200 grams tamarind (sampalok)
 3 tablespoons fish sauce
 1.5 liter of rice wash or water
 1 tsp. of salt
Cooking Instructions:

In a large pot, put the pork, onion, tomatoes, taro, tamarind and salt.
Add the rice wash or water, then let it boil in a high heat.
Once it is boiling, observe if the tamarind shell show cracks.
If they are cracks, removed the tamarind and put it to a bowl with one cup of soup (boiled
water from the pot) then let it cool.
Peal off the shells and with a strainer, pour tamarind (including water) into another bowl.
Gently massage the tamarind meat off the seeds, strain again.
Continue to simmer until the pork is tender.
Add horse radish and simmer for 5 minutes into medium heat
Then add the string beans, okra, sili (for spice-optional) and tamarind based. Let boil for 2 to
5 minutes.
Add fish sauce and salt to taste.
Put kangkong leaves. Let boil for another minute.
Serve hot.

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