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Week 3_ Perpetuation of Life

Module 23

What I Know
1.) A 4.) A 7.) A 10.) B 13.) A
2.) C 5.) B 8.) C 11.) A 14.) B
3.) B 6.) C 9.) A 12.) A 15.) A

What is it pp.6-7
Activity 3. Reveal Me

Activity 4. Fill in
★ Oviparous Animals that lay their egg, with little or no other
embryonic development within the parent.
★ Viviparous Animals bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the

What's More pp. 8 & 10
Activity 5. Asexual Reproduction in Animals
E Parthenogenesis
B Budding
A Binary Fission
C Fragmentation
D Fragmentation
E Parthenogenesis
A Binary Fission
C Fragmentation
B Budding
A Binary Fission

Activity 8. Sexual Reproduction in Animals

1.) Oviparous
2.) Oviparous
3.) Viviparous
4.) Oviparous
5.) Viviparous
6.) Viviparous
7.) Oviparous
8.) Viviparous
9.) Viviparous
10.) Viviparous

Written Task
What I Have Learned

Activity 12
Directions. Fill up the conceptual diagram about animal reproduction


Asexual Sexual
* Fragmentation * Oviparous Animals
* Binary Fission * Viviparous Animals
* Budding
* Parthenogenesis
* Transverse

Performance Task
Additional Activity p. 17

Haploid describes a cell that contains a set of chromosomes. The term haploid can also
refer to the number of chromosomes in eggs or sperm cells, also called gametes. In humans,
gametes are haploid cells containing 23 chromosomes, each one of a pair of chromosomes
that exist in diplod cells. Haploid gametes are produced during meiosis, which is a type of cell
division that halves the number of chromosomes in a parent diploid cell. Some organisms,
such as algae, have haploid parts of their life cycle. Other organisms, such as male ants, live
as haploid organisms throughout their life cycle.

The offspring usually result in having disorder if one of the gametes or one of the parents
carry an impaired number of haploid chromosomes. Example is Aneuploidy it often results in
serious problems such as Turner syndrome, a monosomy in which females may contain all or
part of the X chromosome. Monosomy for autosomes is usually fatal in humans and other
animals. Klinefelter syndrome is a trisomy genetic disorder in men caused by the presence of
one or more X chromosomes. The effects of X chromosome trisomy. The effects of trisomy
are similar to those of monosomy. Down syndrome is the only autosomal trisomy in people
with a large number of survivors one year after birth. Trisomy on chromosome 21 is the cause
of down syndrome as it affects 1 baby in every 800 live births.

Overall, life's object's capabilities of self-perpetuation are always accompanied by

evolution, a perfect steady state of the biological system is never reached. Sexual
reproduction is also a form of imperfect self-replication and thus imperfect self-perpetuation
because of recombination and mutation.

1.) A 4.) B 7.) B 10.) B 13.) C
2.) A 5.) B 8.) B 11.) A 14.) C
3.) B 6.) B 9.) B 12.) D 15.) B

Week 4_ Genetic Engineering

Module 24 & 25

What I Know
1.) C 4.) D 7.) B 10.) C 13.) A
2.) D 5.) C 8.) D 11.) C 14.) C
3.) B 6.) B 9.) B 12.) B 15.) C

What's More pp. 5-6
Activity 3: Match me!
1. Genetic Engineering
2. Artificial Selection
3. Selective Breeding
4. Hybridization
5. Inbreeding
6. Cloning
7. Gene Splicing
8. Gel Electrophoresis

What's New p. 5
Activity 2. Transgenic (GM) Organisms
1.) Grapple
2.) Transgenic row
3.) Venomous cabbage
4.) Banana vaccine
5.) Escherichia coli
6.) Spider goat
7.) Luminous cat
8.) Liger

What's More p. 8
Activity 4. Benefit and Risk of GMO
1.) B
2.) B
3.) B
4.) R
5.) R
6.) R
7.) B

Written Task
What I Can Do p. 7

Activity 5. Genetic Engineering Techniques

1. Monkeys have been Cloned, Paving the way for Human Cloning
★ I disagree in clowning human, scientists in China have cloned two bouncing baby monkeys,
theoretically opening the door for the cloning of humans. However, the researchers stressed that
they have no intention of cloning humans. "I would think that the society and general public and
the government will not allow the extension of application of these methods from non-human
primates to humans," said Mu-ming Poo, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at the Chinese
Academy of Sciences. Instead, the goal is to create cloned monkeys that can be used to study
human genetic diseases, said Poo, who co-authored a new study describing the results.

2. Bacteria as Living Microrobots to Fight Cancer

★ I agree with this one, bacterial therapy for cancer has been recognized a century ago. Live,
attenuated, or genetically modified obligate or facultative anaerobic bacterial species exhibit the
inherent property of colonizing the tumors and are capable of multiplying selectively inside the
tumors, thereby inhibiting cancerous growths.

Performance Task
What I Can Do p. 9
Activity 6. What is your stand?
1.) For me the most beneficial is planting GMO and its commercial use improve farming methods
efficiently and effectively. Because it adverse environmental condition. Crops developed by
genetic engineering can not only be used to enhance yields and nutritional quality but also for
increased tolerance to various biotic and abiotic stresses.

2.) I will because there is no need to buy pesticides and especially it has no harmful effect, the
EPA has analyzed Bt crops and found that they do not pose any significant risks to human health.

3.) Yes, considering the knowledge I have about Genetically Modified Organisms ( GMO )
products - such as fruits and vegetables. I will still patronized them. First of all, contrary to the
claims of some groups, GMOs are generally safe for human consumption and safe for the
environment. Genetics modification is necessary to provide greater food security, believe it or
not, world's population is inflating, thus an increase in food scarcity. As mentioned above, GMOs
can reduced costs. GMOs have more benefit than harm. That's why I, personally will patronize its

4.) No, there is no reason in the view of this writer, to think that this would really work, it is
blasphemy. This may or may not be someone's question. However, our genes are not a good idea
to be experimented, especially if the organism is constantly aggregating, and occasionally
mutating, under natural influences. The use of human influence to change genes is no different,
from a theological point of view, from the use of human influence to change the landscape. On
the other hand, we must be wary of motives for creating or modifying genes, especially human
genes, and of possible unintended side effects.

5.) I think it is morally permissible to use genetic engineering to cure diseases like cancer under
the condition that the genetic changes are not substantive enough to quantify alterations to
behavior or appearance. But in some point it is not morally permissible especially in some
religious perspectives.

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