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OSP201 Open Source Platform and Network Administration

Hardening security for Linux services and applications
Objective of LAB5:
 Harden Linux server services when enabling and installing them, and keep a security
perspective during configuration
 Perform basic security configurations to ensure that the system has been hardened
before hosting a Web site
 Configure and perform basic security for a MySQL database, understanding the
ramifications of a default installation and recommending hardening steps for the
database instance
 Set up and perform basic security configuration for Sendmail to be able to leverage the
built-in messaging capabilities of the Linux system
 Enable and implement secure SSH for encrypted remote access over the network or
across the Internet of a Linux server system

A. Deliverables
Upon completion of this lab, you are required to provide the following deliverables to your
 Lab Report file including screen captures of the following steps:
o Part 1, Step 5e;
o Part 2, Step 5; Step 10;
o Part 3, Step 4; Step 7;
o Part 4, Step 13; Step 16;
 Lab Assessments file.
 Optional: Challenge Questions file, if assigned by your instructor.

B. Hand-on Steps
I. Part 1: Install LAMP Stack on Centos
1. Update your system
sudo yum update
2. Install apache
a. Install apache
sudo yum install httpd
b. Start apache service
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
c. Activate apache to start during system boot:
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
3. Install MariaDB database
a. Install MariaDB
sudo yum install mariadb-server mariadb
b. Start MariaDB service

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OSP201 Open Source Platform and Network Administration

sudo systemctl start mariadb

4. Securing MariaDB
a. remove the anonymous user and test database and configure other settings
sudo mysql_secure_installation
b. provided the answers below for simplicity:
Set root password? [Y/n] Y
New password: Enter your password here
Re-enter new password: repeat your password
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] Y
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y
c. get a success message:
... Success!
Cleaning up...
All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB Installation should
now be secure.
d. Enable MariaDB during boot
sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service
5. Install PHP
a. Install PHP and MySQL extension
sudo yum install php php-mysql
b. Restart apache web server
sudo systemctl restart httpd.service
c. Create a php file to test.
sudo vi /var/www/html/info.php
d. Add following code as below into info.php file
e. Access to info.php by using following URL on browser

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II. Part 2: Securing MySQL database

1. Edit the config file: sudo vi /etc/my.cnf.
2. Use the arrow keys to locate the #symbolic-links=0 line and delete the # symbol from
the beginning of the line to enable this command.
3. Use the arrow keys to locate the #skip-networking line and delete the # symbol from
the beginning of the line to enable this command.

symbolic-links: Symbolic links are a special type of file that contains a

reference to another file or directory in the form of an absolute or relative
path and that affects pathname resolution. Because some MySQL
statements work by creating a temporary file in the database directory and
replacing the original file with the temporary file when the statement
operation is complete; this could create several security risks.

skip-networking: This prevents remote connections (including attacks) to

the MySQL DB but will still allow localhost connections via the mysql.sock

4. Save the the my.cnf file.

5. Run command: cat /etc/my.cnf and capture the screen.
6. At the command prompt, type mysql -u root -p and press Enter to enter the MySQL
7. At the command prompt, type SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost
=PASSWORD('Admin@123’); and press Enter to set the MySQL root password.
8. At the command prompt, type quit and press Enter to exit the MySQL environment
and return to the command prompt.
9. Now, repeat step 6 to attempt to log into mysql without entering a password: At the
command prompt, type mysql -u root -p and press Enter to enter the MySQL
10. At the password prompt, press Enter without entering a password. Capture your

III. Part 3: Harden the Apache Web Server

1. At the command prompt, type sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and press Enter to
open the httpd.conf file.
2. Use the arrow keys to locate the #TraceEnable off line and delete the # symbol at the
beginning of the line to disable the Trace connection method.

This method has the potential to leak more information about the server
than necessary and poses a security risk

3. Save the file.

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4. Check the syntax error for your edits: sudo /sbin/service httpd configtest and press
Enter. Capture your screen.
5. At the command prompt, type sudo /sbin/service httpd reload and press Enter to
reload the configuration file and put your changes into effect.
6. At the command prompt, type telnet localhost 80 and press Enter to open a
connection to port 80 to test your configuration changes.
7. At the solid cursor command prompt, type TRACE and press Enter to open the raw
code of an HTML file. Capture your screen.

In this case, the system generates an HTML file that indicates the method is
not allowed, which verifies that your changes were successful.

IV. Part 3: Secure SSH

1. At the command prompt, type sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config and press Enter to open
the SSH configuration file in the vi Editor.
2. Use the arrow keys to locate the #PermitRootLogin yes line in the file and delete the #
symbol from the beginning of the line to enable the command.
3. In the PermitRootLogin line, type no to replace the yes and remove the root account’s
ability to login.
4. Use the arrow keys to locate the PasswordAuthentication yes line in the file and type
no to replace the yes and disable logins with passwords.

Notice that there are 2 PasswordAuthentication lines. The first has a #

symbol in front disabling it by default. The second does not have a #
symbol, so that is the command the system is currently reading and that is
the command line you will need to edit.

5. Use the arrow keys to locate the #UsePAM no line in the file and delete the # symbol
from the beginning of the line to enable the command.
6. Use the arrow keys to locate the UsePAM yes line in the file and type the # symbol at
the beginning of the line to disable the command.
7. Use the arrow keys to locate the #Banner none line in the file and delete the # symbol
from the beginning of the line to enable the command.
8. In the Banner line, type /etc/motd to replace the none and specify the name of the file
that will display an error message to every user who attempts to log in.
9. Save the file.
10. At the command prompt, type sudo vi /etc/motd and press Enter to open the MOTD
(message of the day) banner file in the vi Editor.
11. At the beginning of the first blank line, type PROPERTY OF FIRST WORLD BANK
12. Save the file.
13. At the command prompt, type sudo /sbin/service sshd status and press Enter to check
the status of the open SSH server. Capture your screen.

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14. At the command prompt, type sudo /sbin/service sshd reload and press Enter to
reload the open SSH configuration file and put your changes into effect.
15. At the command prompt, type ssh localhost and press Enter to open an SSH
connection to the localhost.
16. When prompted to continue connecting, type yes and press Enter. Capture your screen

V. Lab Assessment Q&A

1) When configuring services, what Linux directory typically contains server
configuration files?
2) What is the Apache Web server? Review the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf configuration
file, and point out a setting that could enhance security.
3) What are symbolic links?
4) Why is it recommended to disable symbolic links in MySQL?

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