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Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2015) 31:315–317

DOI 10.1007/s10554-014-0552-3


Asymptomatic giant cardiac fibroma presenting as mitral valve

prolapse in an adult patient
Sunny Goel • On Chen • Igor Brichkov •
Jeffrey Lipton • Lekshmi Seemanthini •
Jacob Shani

Received: 22 September 2014 / Accepted: 29 September 2014 / Published online: 14 October 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

A 61 year old woman with a newly diagnosed heart mur- biopsy. (Panel J). Histological analysis of the biopsied
mur underwent an echocardiogram showing an intramyo- sample revealed bland spindle cells and cardiac myoctes at
cardial mass and mitral valve prolapse (Panel A and Panel edge, confirming the diagnosis as cardiac fibroma (Panel
B). A computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest K and Panel L) (Fig 1).
revealed a round mass in the left chest contiguous with the Cardiac fibromas are rare, benign, intramyocardial
myocardium of the left lateral wall and no significant mass tumors that make up 15 % of benign cardiac tumors in
effect on the cardiac chambers (Panel C). Cardiac magnetic children and 3 % of all benign cardiac tumors in adults,
resonance (CMR) revealed a myocardial mass measuring with a mean age at presentation of 13 years [1]. Most
6 9 5 9 8 cm with well-defined borders beginning at the fibromas originate in the left ventricular free wall or
level of the left atrium, involving the posterior leaflet of the intraventricular septum with symptoms and clinical pre-
mitral valve and extending to the basal and mid lateral and sentation varying according to the size and the location
inferior walls of the left ventricle (Panel D and Panel E). of the tumor. Common presentations include chest dis-
There was no signal enhancement on T2 weighted images comfort, syncope, heart failure, cyanosis, arrhythmias or
(Panel F) and no fat seen on fat saturation sequences (Panel even sudden death but approximately one-third of the
G). The mass appeared to enhance similar to the normal patients are asymptomatic and are discovered inciden-
myocardium on first pass perfusion imaging and exhibited tally on imaging studies [2]. The management of
marked homogenous delayed Gadolinium enhancement on asymptomatic patients, such as our patient is challenging;
inversion recovery sequences (Panel H and Panel I). The clinicians have to weigh the risk of surgical resection of
patient initially underwent an endomyocardial biopsy via the tumor to the benefit of conservative management. In
right femoral artery under trans-esophageal echocardio- our patient conservative management was elected with
gram (TEE) guidance which was unsuccessful, and was close follow-up and referral for evaluation for a heart
later converted to an open thoracoscopic myocardial transplant.

S. Goel (&)  O. Chen  I. Brichkov  J. Lipton 

L. Seemanthini  J. Shani
Maimonides Medical Center, 4802, Tenth avenue, Brooklyn,
NY 11219, USA

316 Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2015) 31:315–317

Fig. 1 a, b These are echocardiogram images showing prolapsing asterisk) on fat saturation sequences. h, i These are Cardiac MRI long
anterior mitral valve leaflet (blue arrow in Panel A) and color Doppler axis (Panel H) and short axis (Panel I) views showing an intense
showing mild mitral regurgitation (Panel B). c CT scan image homogenous delayed gadolinium enhancement on inversion recovery
revealing a round mass (white asterisk) in the myocardium of the left sequences (black asterisk). j This is an intraoperative image obtained
lateral wall with homogenous attenuation. d, e These are Cardiac MRI during thoracoscopic myocardial biopsy showing the resected parietal
long axis (Panel D) and short axis (Panel E) steady-state free pericardium (arrow) and the myocardial mass (asterisk) bulging
precession sequences showing the mass (white asterisk) extending through the left ventricular wall. k, l Panel K. This is a 9100
from the level of the left atrium and extending into the basal and mid Hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) pathological slide of the biopsied
lateral walls of the LV. f, g No edema or fat content is seen on these tissue sample showing the fibrous tissue at the bottom and the normal
CMR images. Shown are the long axis two chamber views with T2 myoctes (marked by asterisk) at the top. Panel L. 9200 Hematoxylin
weighted dark blood sequences, without fat saturation (Panel F) and and eosin (H & E) pathological slide of the biopsied tissue sample
with fat saturation (Panel G). No T2 signal enhancement as compared showing the bland spindle cells (shown by black arrow) interspersed
to normal myocardium and no fat content seen in the mass (white along the collagen fibres

Int J Cardiovasc Imaging (2015) 31:315–317 317

Conflict of interest None. 2. Nwachukwu H, Li A, Nair V, Nguyen E, David TE, Butany J

(2011) Cardiac fibroma in adults. Cardiovasc Pathol 20(4):

1. Burke AP, Rosado-de-Christenson M, Templeton PA, Virmani RJ

(1994) Cardiac fibroma: clinicopathologic correlates and surgical
treatment. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 108(5):862–870


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