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Monday...... I woke up on a friend's sofa at half six. My alarm went off at seven and I got up at a quarter
past. By then, I'd already checked the Internet to see whether anyone had tweeted me during my sleep.
They hadn't......So next I checked the latest news stories. You know, the world changed when Al Jazeera
(maybe it's television channel) is your home page, they were reporting on the terrible drought in Somalia,
which had affected 10 million people. It was impossibly, tragic and impossibly distant. The picture on the
website was a portrait of misery, but it seemed more like a high definition of shot from a film about the
misery. It's odd ..... sometimes I wonder what the Internet raises more our sense of awareness or our
sense of helplessness. I moved out of my girlfriend's place last night, having advertised the breakup on
Facebook first. I clicked on a button and changed my relationship status from inner relationship to single.
The thing is, I never even wanted to list that I was in a relationship in the first place. For me, saying going
out with someone on Facebook is a bit like selling a wedding picture to Hello magazine. It's the Karmic kiss
of death. It's that awful setting yourself up for an awful fall.


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