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migration to Jamaica

VA S Y L K A M I N E C H N Y I , F L - 4 1
What do you know by international migration?
International migration occurs when people cross state borders and stay in the host state for
a certain minimum time.

Migration occurs for many reasons.

Many people leave their home countries to look for economic opportunities in another country
or in their own country is dangerous, like a death threat.

Who is immigrating to Jamaica?
The recent Migration Profile for Jamaica shows that emigration continues to be greatly in
excess of immigration.

Foreign-born immigrants accounted for 72 per cent of the total.

China as the main country of origin – and India in second place – continued since 2011 to

The returning Jamaican nationals accounted for 28 per cent of the immigrants. This included
voluntary returnees and forced returnees.

Why do the Chinese emigrate to Jamaica?
The influx of Chinese indentured immigrants aimed to replace the denial system of black slavery.

It entailed signing a five-year contract that bound the laborers physically to specific planters and their
estates and subjected them to physical and financial penalties whenever any contractual conditions were

How many migration are in Jamaica?
The current net migration rate for Jamaica in 2021 is -3.824 per 1000 population, a 0.44% decline from 2020.

The net migration rate for Jamaica in 2020 was -3.841 per 1000 population, a 0.41% decline from 2019.

The net migration rate for Jamaica in 2019 was -3.857 per 1000 population, a 0.41% decline from 2018.

Benefits of migration to Jamaica
Increasing the competitiveness of domestic goods due to reduced production costs associated with
lower prices of foreign labor;

education, qualification of immigrants gives the country significant savings on training;

additional tax revenues from working immigrants;

growth of production and employment due to the influx of foreign workers and their demand for
domestic products;

improving the demographic situation.

Disadvantages of migration to Jamaica
Additional burden on the state budget (payment of unemployment benefits, increase in spending on
law enforcement, maintenance of public schools);

possible social tensions in society (if foreigners occupy jobs claimed by locals).


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