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Study of literary texts in view of the use in them of grammatical features is one of the most topical issues
of Modern Linguistics.

In the course paper the problem of the use of grammatical structures of interrogatives is raised.

The linguistic analysis of the material of J. Webster's novel "Daddy Long Legs” reveals the main structural
types of interrogatives which were used in literary text.

And communicative purposes of the use of interrogatives in the novel are clarified.

The object of research in the course work are the interrogative sentences in the novel by J.Webster
"Daddy Long Legs".

The subject of research are the structural characteristics of the interrogative sentences in the novel by
J.Webster "Daddy Long Legs.


1. Peculiarities of epistolary novel in modern fiction

The epistolary novel is no less popular today than it was in the eighteenth century, when the novel in
letters just appeared in fiction.

Based on the formal features of the genre, an epistolary novel can be defined as "a prose narration of any
length, mostly or entirely fictional, in which the letter serves as a mediator for the transfer of meaning or
plays an important role in plotting" It owes its name to an epistol - a Greek message in the form of a letter,
more often a poetic one, which had some moral or philosophical content.

The main conflict in the novels of this time is localized not in the field of human relations with the world,
but within the individual.

Epistolary form is a rare phenomenon in literature, recently it is almost obsolete. He, as an epistolary genre
of literature, singles out the letter, but limits its semantic content: it is a poetic or prose appeal of a writer
to a certain person with a statement of an important question.


The most important structural and stylistic features of the epistolary genre:

• combination in texts of signs of monologue and dialogic speech;

• division of letters in the field of communication into business and private, taking into account the motives
and goals - by types that differ in language formula;

• use of language tools relevant to the field of correspondence; book-written in business and oral-
conversational in private letters;

• stable text composition: stricter in the official and more free in private letters;
• the exact designation of the sender and recipient, the address to the latter and the signature of the

• observance of language etiquette taking into account the factor of the addressee, the nature of messages
and national "epistolary" traditions


2.Classification of interrogatives according to structure

As already noted in the linguistic literature, interrogative sentences are not characterized by any one
invariant feature common to all types of questions: different types of interrogative sentences are
characterized by different formal features

Interrogative sentences are usually divided into general questions (general questions or yes-or-no
questions) and private questions.


3. Structural types of interrogatives in J.Webster's novel "Daddy Long Legs”

Interrogative sentence - a sentence used to ask a question. An indirect number of words, as well as
interrogative intonation characterizes questions in English. A question mark is placed at the end of the
interrogative sentences.

An interrogative sentence asks a direct question and is punctuated at the end with a question mark. It is
one of the four basic types of sentences, and it's a highly useful one.




An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question, as opposed to sentences that make a
statement, deliver a command, or express an exclamation.

The epistolary novel, which stood at the origins of the development of the European novel and gave him an
interest in the rich inner world of a private person, quickly left the literary scene, giving way to other
varieties of the genre.

The main conflict in the novels of this time is localized not in the field of human relations with the world,
but within the individual.

Interrogative sentences are usually divided into general questions (general questions or yes-or-no
questions) and private questions (special questions or wh-questions).

Private interrogative sentences are characterized by the presence of an interrogative word (pronoun in
wh-), as well as partial inversion (an official verb precedes the subject). An interrogative sentence asks a
direct question and is punctuated at the end with a question mark. It is one of the four basic types of
sentences, and it's a highly useful one. There are five types of interrogative sentences in English. Each of
them has a specific construction structure.

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