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Nama : Davia Kayla S.

Kelas : X MIPA 2
No. Absen : 07

Recount Text
1. How many kind of recount text?
Answer : Recount text is divided into 4 types that can be used for writing,
a) Personal recount text,
b) Imaginative recount text,
c) Historical recount text,
d) Biography recount text,
e) And Factual recount text.
The use of this type of recount text is adjusted to the purpose of the writing
2. Give gour own the most emberassing/exiting experience in your life!
Answer :

Thamrin Entrance Test

Orientation :
As the day of my high school graduation approached, my mother offered
me to take the Thamrin entrance test, and I said yes without thinking. Then I just
realized that the test is held in a week later.
Events :
That day was the day I just finished the final exam for graduation. Suddenly
my mother told me that Thamrin High School that year did not charge any fees for
its students and offered me to take the entrance test. My mind went blank for a
moment. I already thought that if I entered Thamrin High School, I would be left
behind with the other excellent students. My mother, who felt that her daughter
was insecure, convinced me. She said, ‘an opportunity like this doesn't come
twice, so it's best to try it first’. And then, I said yes.
Six days have passed. My mom has signed me up to take the test. To enter
Thamrin, first, you must register. Then you will be selected to take the real test.
There are two selection stage. The first selection is a knowledge test and the last
selection is a psychological test and interview.
The night before the knowledge test, I told my parents that I didn't want to
take the test. I feel frustrated because during those 6 days I have not studied any
material. I've been looking for examples of questions that have been used, but I
forgot the concept and how to solve them. I was afraid that I would fail and
disappoint their expectations. But they say that, 'if you're afraid to fail, that's okay
because everyone feels it. But don't stop. Don't because you're afraid to fail, it
doesn't mean it's preventing you from achieving your dreams. Just do it. Success
or failure is the last. The important thing is not to forget to pray and try your best’.
And finally I took the entrance test.
Reorientation :
But in the end I didn't get into Thamrin High School because I didn't do
well in the interview. But that's okay, I'm happy with my current school 😊. And I
hope all of you doesn't stop chasing your dreams just because you're scared. Only
you can fight your own fears. FIGHTING!!

3. What are the generic structure of recount text?

Answer : Recount text has three main structures or generic structure as follows.
1) Orientation, the first structure that contains information about the
character, the place of the incident, when the incident took place and so on.
The information provided by the author is expected to provide the
knowledge or information needed by the reader in order to understand the
2) Events, the second structure is the content of the text or in the form of
stories about events or experiences that the author wants to convey to the
3) Reorientation, the third structure contains conclusions and summaries or
repetitions of information in the orientation structure.

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