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by INITIATION 3 defined step of transcription initiation

RNA Polymerase [involved 3 defined step]—>
1st step
• RNA polymerase bind to promoter • initial binding of polymerase to a promoter to
• [Promoter —polymerase complex] undergoes form a closed complex
structural changes for initiation to proceed. • DNA remain double-stranded & the enzyme is
• The DNA around the transcription point [coding bound to ONE face of the helix
region] starts to unwind — [ transcription bubble
produced] 2nd step
• Transcription occur in 5’ to 3’ direction. [new • The closed complex undergoes a transition to
nucleotides is added to the 3’ end off the growing the open complex which the DNA strands
chain] separate over a distance of ~14 bp around to the
• One of the DNA strands act as template where start site to form the transcription bubble
the DNA is built on.
• As RNA polymerase binds promoters in a 3rd step
defined orientation, the same strand is always • polymerase enters the phase of initial
transcribed from a given promoter. transcriptions followed by promoter escape
• The choice of promoter
• determine which stretch of DNA [gene] is
• is the main step of which regulation is spo
imposed. . blog
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• Start after RNA polymerase has synthesise a short RNA (~10bp)

• RNA polymerase is multi-tasks at one time:
• unwinding the DNA in front [ split the double helix into single stranded]
• re-anneal it in behind [attached the single strand to double helix]
• dissociate the growing RNA chain from the template as it move along [split RNA from DNA template as it
moves along]
• proofreading the RNA synthesis.


• When the target length gene is transcribed, RNA polymerase must stop produce RNA & then release
(dissociate) the RNA from the template DNA
• In some cells, specific, well-characterized sequences trigger the termination.
• In other cells, the process of instructing enzyme to cease and dissociate the RNA from template is unclear.

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