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The passage of time, wrong information and inaccurate portrayals have left us picturing famous events just a way bit off-tangent. For the benefit of eniightenment then, let us look at some of the famous events from Philippine history we've been picturing incorrectly and see them for what they really are—warts and all. 1. The first shot of the Philippine-American War didn't happen on a bridge. The Cry of Balintawak (or Cry of Pugadiawin, etc.) was a series of meetings. Blood compacts were made by drawing blood on the chest, nat arms. 4. Emilio Aguinaldo never waved the Philippine flag, nor was it done on a balcony. 5. Lapu-Lapu and Magellan never actually dueled. belly How sure are you that those answers are factual? Does it really give you the truth? GEZ- READINGS WI THE PRUPPINE HSTORY (RAMBERT M. HANG Ea ep #1 Then if proving wrong, how would you react? Ajabadiow We've all heard about history textbooks in public schools being rife with hical errors and grammar mistakes. But that pales in comparison with historical myths that have been taught in primary schools as if they actually existed. Calling them historical lies’ may be a bit too harsh, but | can’t think of any word to describe seemingly historical errors that have been blown out of proportion. Perhaps you still believe them. Or maybe your old elementary teacher still does. Either way, it's time to separate myth from fact once and for all Here are 5 you thought were true: 1. Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the world. Ferdinand Magellan (1480 - 1521) The story you heard: After conquering Malacca, Sumatra in 1511, Portuguese explorerFemao de Magalhdes (Anglcized as Ferdinand Magellan) once again eached Southeast Asia in 1521 in search of the Mauky (Spee islands} And that made him the first person to travel around the world. Or so we thought. The truth: We all know that after intervening in the conflict between Raja Humabon and Lapu Lapu, Magellan was butchered to death by the latter and didn't live to be the “first person to circumnavigate the world”. Now, if Magelian was not the first person to circumnavigate the world, who did? Historical pieces of evidence show us two stronger candidates: Sebastian Elcano and Magellan's nameless slave-cum-interpreter who was later baptized as Enrique de Malacca, or “Henry of Malacca.” Obviously, Elcano was the one who got fame and fortune. Recognized by King Charles | as the first person to circle the Earth, Elcano received a yearly pension as well aS a coat of arms featuring a globe that has the Latin inscription Primus circumdedisti me or “you went around me first.” Magellan's last will indicate that Enrique was bought from Malacca and Teportedly spoke the Malay lanquage, making him an invaluable part of Magelian’s journey to the Southeast. On the other hand, the expedition’s chronicler, Antonio Pigafetta, wrote that Enrique was actually a native of Sumatra. Another witness, Gines de Mafra, also proved that Enrique indeed spoke Malay to the Filipino istanders— CE2- READINGS THE PRUPRORE HSTORY |REMBERT M. MENGAY a claim which led to a theary that the first person who circled the world could actually be a Filipino. After Magellan's death, Enrique remained in the Philippines after a conflict between him and the new leaders of the vayage. Whether or not he Tetumed to his hometown-which would only take roughly two months of island-hopping-is still unverified. 2. Princess Urduja and the legendary kingdom of Tawalisi. A portrait of Princess Urduja (Source: Jaime Carlos de Veyra. 1951. Quien fue Urduja? un ser mitolagico: estudio historico. manila: Nueva Eva Press) The story you heat Urduja (ca. "1350-1400 AD) is a oe princess who first appeared in book Rihlah (Travels) by Ibn Batuta (1304 - tsi8) an Arab traveler who was also a contemporary of Marco Polo, According to his accounts, he reached the land of Tawalisi (present-day Pangasinan) alter 71 days in the sea and while on his way to China. In this island kingdom, Ibn Batuta allegedly met a brave Amazon named Urduja who would only marry the man who could beat her in fistfights. Legend has it that the warrior princess later prepared a lavish banquet for Ibn Batuta and even gave him gifts of a lifetime which included silk, expensive spices, buffaloes, truckloads of rice and sheep among others. The truth: Although the story of Urduja was commonly featured in comics, movies, TV shows, and even history books, several scholars declared Urduja as a myth and her story a mere “illusory creation.” Dr. Rosario Cortes, a UP professor who was also the first person to write a comprehensive history of Pangasinan, concluded that Urduja's story is more of a “fakelore” than history. Although he translated Ibn Batuta’s account from Arabic to English, Professor Charles Beckingham of London University described the story as too far from being “a genuine account of real journeys.” 3. Fernando Poe Sr. served as a model for the U.P. Oblation. c ‘The story you Lor The coun {or “Pahinungoa” in Filipino) is a concrete statue that has CE 2 READINGS W THE PHUPPINE become the iconic symbol of the University of the Philippines and the promise of its students to offer them to the country. Measuring 3.5 meters in height, the original Oblation statue was first conceived during Rafael Palma’s presidency. It is said that Palma commissioned National Artist Guillermo Tolentino, then a professor at the UP School of Fine Arts, to complete the project. Tolentino allegedly convinced the late actor Fernando Poe Sr., who was a UP student at that time, to model for the Oblation. Soon, people started to believe that FPJ's late father was indeed the man behind the University of the Philippines’ famous sculpture: The truth: University literature, specifically the book by the llate UP Diliman College of Fine Arts Professor Rodolfo Paras-Perez, revealed that it was not Femando Poe Sr. who inspired the Obiation. More surprising is the fact that not only one but two people actually modeled for the iconic statue: Anastacio Caedo, his student and assistant, and Virgilio Raymundo, his brother-in-law. To create the Oblation, Tolentino used Caedo's physique and Raymundo's proportion 4, The first blood compact was between Rajah Sikatuna and Miguel Lopez de Legazpi. “El Pacto de Sangre” by Juan Luna (1886) shows the blood compact _ between Rajah Sikatuna of Bohol and Miguel Lépez de Legazpi. The story you heard: The first weaty between the Philippines and another country happened on March 16, 1565, when Rajah Sikatuna made a blood compact (‘Sanduguan’) with Miguel Lépez de Legazpi in the presence of other conquistadors. In honor of this landmark event, The Order of Sikatuna was created in 1953 by Executive Order No. 571 signed by Pres. Elpidio Quirino, A monument in Tagbilaran City, Bohol named “The Sandugo Blood Compact Site" was also built to commemorate the said historic pact. oe |RAMEERT MANGE ay THE PRUPPNE. 6 The truth: ‘Although largely believed as true, the blood compact between Miguel Lépez de Legazpi and Rajah Sikatuna was not the first in the country. ‘Qn March 28, 1521, Magellan and his men reached Limasawa (some historians claim they landed in Masao, Butuan), which was then governed by Rajah Kolambu. He had a brother named Rajah Siaui (or Rajah Siagu) of Butuan. The next day, March 29, Kolambu agreed to enter into a blood compact of friendship (casi-casi) with Magelian. This event happened 44 years belore the sanduguan between Sikatuna and Miquel Lopez de Legazpi. 5. Datu Puti and t jegend of The Ten Bornean Datus. “Arrival of the 10 Bomean datus” by llonggo historical painter Art Geroche (source: www thenewstoday info) ‘The story you heard: According to a prehistoric document we now know as Maragias, ten Bornean datus led by Datu Puti left their kingdom around 1250 A.D. to escape the wrath of their heartiess ruler, Sultan Makatunaw. In the end, Datu Puti returned to Borneo while Datus Dumangsil and Balensusa settled with their families in the northem regions of Luzon, now known as Laguna and Bicol Peninsula. ‘The other seven datus, on the other hand, remained in Panay and eventually divided the istand into three regions, One of these datus was Datu Sumakwel who lied the formation of a political organization called Confederation of Madjaas as well as a body of laws known as Maragtas. body ‘The Maragtas Code was previously known as the “oldest known written of laws in the Philippines", predating Code of Kalantiaw which was officially declared by the National Historical Commission as a hoax. The truth: In his doctoral dissertation at UST, William Henry Scott (the same person who disproved the Code of Kalantiaw) revealed that Maragtas is not a actual prehistoric source. Instead, it is just a book written by a historian in Panay named Pedro Montectaro. Monteciaro himself noted that his book was based on two documents, one of which was a wom-out manuscript from an old man. The book's Ls ANESTH PAUPPWNE HETORY pooner cy publisher, on the ather hand, noted in 1907 that Maragtas should never be considered as facts. ‘Analyze the picture given; give your synthesis using external and intemal criticism. You can you're your personal research to make your synthesis more factual. Make sure to include your reference upon writing. ‘You Just Finished the Second Module GE2- READINGS THE PHUPPINE HETORY |RAMBERT M. MANCAY Ea

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