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What is Hirsutism?

Hirsutism is a female sex hormone disorder characterized by apparent excess hair on the face or body. It
affects 5% - 10% of women of child-bearing potential. Hirsutism in certain women may be caused by
higher-than-normal quantities of male hormones known as androgens. Hirsutism is diagnosed by
conducting a physical examination to the person, if it is confirmed to be hirsutism, variety of tests will be


The specific cause of hirsutism is unknown in many cases. There are, however, a number of conditions
that can cause hirsutism:
Polycystic ovary syndrome - A disorder in which the ovaries create an excess of androgens that are
normally present in low amounts in women.
Cushing Syndrome - It can result from your adrenal glands producing too much cortisol or from long-
term use of drugs like prednisone.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - The adrenal glands produce abnormal amounts of steroid hormones,
such as cortisol and androgen.
Tumors - Hirsutism can be caused by an androgen-secreting tumor in the ovaries or adrenal glands,
though rarely.
Medications - Hirsutism can be caused by some drugs. These include minoxidil, danazol, testosterone
and dehydroepiandrosterone.

The most common symptom of hirsutism is stiff or dark body hair appearing on the body where women
don't commonly have hair. Primarily the face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs, and back. Besides
excessive hair growth, a woman with hirsutism may also experience other symptoms, including:
• Oily skin
• Acne
• Hair loss (alopecia)
• Receding hairline
• Enlarged clitoris
• Deeper voice
• Decreased breast size
• Increased muscle mass

The results of hirsutism can be noticed on one's body as excessive hair growth, comparable to the male
pattern would be very visible. Hirsutism impacts not just a person's physical appearance but also their
mental wellbeing. Hirsutism causes severe psychological and social issues in women. Some hirsute ladies
may be self-conscious about their unwanted hair. This has a significant influence on a woman's quality
of life, causing stress, worry, and despair, as well as affecting school achievement and capacity to work.

Hirsutism is commonly treatedthrough birth control pills as it contains hormones and can balance the
body’s hormone level. Another way is by oral contraceptives with or without an antiandrogen, such as
spironolactone, to lower androgen levels or inhibit androgen's actions on hair follicles. A topical cream
can also be applied to treat facial hirsutism. Another way is through medical therapy such as electrolysis
or lasers, which inhibits hair growth without eliminating hair already present. Some ladies choose to
employ various at-home hair removal procedures. These include shaving, waxing, and other hair
removal treatments.

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