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Time Management

I feel from the past few weeks teaching that I have struggled with time management. This would
show with not allowing enough time at the end of class for the students to tidy up and consequently
not completing the task to the highest standard. I started to realize each week that I had to reduce
the time recapping on tasks to be done, as I feel that a 40-minute class wasn’t long enough to allow
for a good lesson and a sufficient recap. When doing the recap this week, I tried to incorporate this
into my demonstration by asking one of the students to demonstrate to the class while I was
explaining. Afterwards when walking around the room observing the students, I found that they did
not struggle with the question at all. What stood out for me was that the students worked in pairs to
try and see if they were all on the right track. I allowed the students to work in pairs so that it could
not only help me cover the content in the class but also have peer assessment so that could see if
they were all on the right track. ‘’To compare and evaluate the teachers' views upon the workout
strategies for helping students motivate themselves in the classroom in terms of such qualities as
autonomy, competence, relatedness and relevance’’(Kayalar, 2016). I feel that this method of
teaching is very good because the teacher comes up with the idea of students working together and
coming up with the solution rather than just asking the teacher for the answer. I feel that this was
very successful because this showed at the end of the lesson everything that was covered. I feel that
it is very important to do a recap activity every week because the students will remember the
information which is a vital component for the students to develop their learning. According to
(Varga, 2011) ‘’the ability to use time efficiently is an important skill in academic settings as well.’’

I have noticed that it takes the students quite a while to pass out the tools to their fellow peers. To
improve this, I feel that I must allow more time for passing out the equipment to everyone or assign
more students to pass so that it can be carried faster, and we can get straight into the lesson. ‘’ Time
management can affect the way in which resources are organized inside the classroom in an efficient
manner’’ (Varga, 2011). Reflecting on my lesson, I feel that in the future I will have to arrive to class
earlier than the students and have the equipment out on the desk ready for the students to
minimize time wasted so that we can complete everything within the class time. If one of the classes
ended up being too short, I would revise what was covered in class. I feel that this will only benefit
the students because as the teacher you always want the students learning rather than sitting in
their chairs waiting to head to the next class and wasting valuable learning time.

Kayalar, F. (2016). Teachers' Views over the Workout Strategies for Helping Students Motivate
Themselves in the Classroom.

Varga, A. (2011). Time management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

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