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Unpack NGSS Standard

Domain: Life Science Disciplinary Core Idea: Grade Level: 2

Ecosystems: Interactions,
Energy, and Dynamics
Performance Expectation

Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and water to grow.

Science & Engineering Discipline Core Ideas Cross Cutting Concepts

S2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Cause and Effect
Ecosystems  Events have causes that
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Planning and carrying out investigations to
 Plants depend on water and light generate observable patterns.
answer questions or test solutions to problems to grow.
in K–2 builds on prior experiences and
progresses to simple investigations, based on
fair tests, which provide data to support
explanations or design solutions.
 Plan and conduct an
investigation collaboratively to
produce data to serve as the
basis for evidence to answer a

Student understandings Student knowledge and How will you

(what will students skills (what will students be apply/include other
understand; big ideas) able to know and do) disciplines

Students will understand Students will know why I will apply other
how plants grow based on plants need adequate water disciplines like physical
the amount of water and and light to grow and science by highlighting the
light they receive. survive. Students will know differences between
how to care for and grow characteristics of natural
plants with suitable but inanimate objects and
conditions. living organisms (plants).
Common Misconceptions Technology

Misconceptions could be that students Video explaining/summarizing

do not understand the internal structure photosynthesis:
of a plant, the functions of a plant, or the
importance of the process of

Photosynthesis | educational video for kids -

YouTube. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2022,

Vocabulary Academic Language

Photosynthesis, absorb, light (energy), Identify, visualize, evidence, demonstrate,

water, chlorophyll, chloroplast, glucose, cause, analyze, model, support,
carbon dioxide, oxygen, stoma, chemical investigate, claim, effect, relationship,
reaction, reactant, product, autotroph, function, variables
chemical energy, ATP (Adenosine
(academic relates to the process & practices i.e.
interpret data) Suitcase words, you can pack them up
and use them in other curricular areas.

(vocabulary relates to the content i.e. mitosis)

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