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Nama : Zaenal Alim

NIM : 42010420039
MK : Bahasa Inggris

1.c. Natasha ask for the assistance of other nurse. Match the beginnings (1-4) the endings
(a-d). Sometimes more than on answer is possible
1. Have you a. for at the moment?
2. Are you b. checking this morphine with me, please?
3. Are you c. got a minute? I just need a drug check?
4. would you mind d. busy at the moment or can you do a drug check with me?

2.b. listen again and put the following steps in the correct order
3. Check the number of ampoules left in the cupboard
7. Draw up the correct amount of the drug in a syringe
6. Check the expiry date of drug in the ampoule
2. Check the time last injection was given to the patient
1. Check the drug order in the mediciation chart
5. Sign and witness the drug book
8. Check the amount of drug drawn up in the syringe
4. Get an ampoule from locked cupboard

2.d. Match the strategies for correct administration oa a medication (1-6) to the rationales
1. Anna checks that the drug count is correct before checking out an ampoule of pethidine for mr
(b. this ensures that none the ampoules have been taken and missued)
2. Natasha checks the prescription in the prescription chart with Anna
(d. this ensures that correct drug and dose is checked out)
3. Natasha and Anna check the ampoule together.
(f. controlled drugs may only be given with a written order)
4 .Natasha and Anna check the expiry date on the ampoule
(b. out of date drugs may not be effective)
5. Natasha draws up the correct amount of the drug in the syringe and shows Anna
(c. this is prove that the syringe contains the controlled drug, not another colourless liquid)
6. Anna watches Natasha give mr song the injection of pethidine
(e. this proves that patient has received the controlled drug)

3. Match the strategies for working as part of a team (1-6) to the examples (a-f)
1. Ask for assistance politely
(c. would you mind giving me a hand ? I need someone to check this medication)
2. Share the workload
(e. I have finished all my work. Does anyone need a hand?)
3. Acknowledge the contribution of other staff
(a. thanks for helping me, Hans. It was much easier to do this together)
4. provide alternative suggestion
(b. -mrs cho is refusing to drink anything. I don’t know what to do
-have you tried apple juice? I know she will drink that)
5. Be an active part of a team rather than work an individual
(f. do you mind taking beds one and two, and I will take three and four?)
6. recognize when you’re unable to help
(d. I’m really snowed under at the moment, can anyone else help you?

4.c. put the following stages of josh and susanna’s medication check in the correct order.
Listen again and check your answer
7 Check the medication label
2 Crosscheck cart and information patient
6 Check the INR result
8 Sign medication chart
4 Crosscheck route
1 Ask for help
5 Crosscheck dose on medication chart
10 Take out medication
9 Countersign medication chart
3 Crosscheck time administration

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