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Q1-The research problem is about Internet banking which has become one of the fastest and

easiest way of banking. The threat of cyber security attacks set a great challenge for the
Internet banking and electronic commerce (E-commerce) industries. Internet banking security
risk can cause financial losses if the risk is real. Financial sectors and banking sectors are
more prone to security attacks. In this paper, it is first analysed in detail the cyber security of
Internet Banking in Emerging Countries and then propose a novel model to reduce the cyber
security risk to bridge the gap between banks and customers. To attract and retain their
customers, banks ensure security measures are put in place to protect the customers from
various cyber attacks. Despite these security measures, customers are constantly being
exposed to fraud and security issues. This paper therefore seeks to understand the reasons
behind these security breaches and to develop a model to predict the behaviours of internet
banking customers.

Q2- references-

 Akhlaq, M.A., 2011. Internet banking in Pakistan: finding complexities.Journal of

internet banking and commerce, 16(1), p.1.
 Cheung, R. and Vogel, D., 2013. Predicting user acceptance of collaborative
technologies: An extension of the technology acceptance model for e-learning.
Computers & Education, 63, pp.160-175.
 Martins, C., Oliveira, T. and Popovič, A., 2014. Understanding the Internet banking
adoption: A unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and perceived risk
application.International Journal of Information Management, 34(1), pp.1-13.

Q3- The research objective in this study is a novel model which is proposed puts more
responsibility on banks to avoid security breaches which are caused due to negligence or lack
of awareness by the users. The responses from the conducted survey highlighted two aspects
regarding users: 1) User behaviour while conducting Internet banking and 2) User awareness
on threats relates to Internet banking. Some of the negative response are related to lack of
awareness of users on threats related to Internet banking. It would be difficult for users to
cope with the changing technologies and threat. So the logical solution could be that banks
could control the process by imposing information technology policies that can help bridge
the gap that lead to a safer E- banking environment and reduce the possibility of security
breaches. They can use behavioural study or model that are based on Artificial Intelligence or
Machine based Learning that could provide early-detection of negligence of users or target
those domains which could lead to a security breach on Internet banking.

Q4- The research papers research design is QUALITATIVE. The proposed model is based on
results of surveys conducted on Internet banking in three emerging countries (Saudi Arabia,
Pakistan and India). The survey focused on users practices in Internet banking. The questions
were based upon user’s knowledge about cyber security and user’s awareness of common
threats in Internet Banking. The responses from the conducted survey highlighted two aspects
regarding users: 1) User behaviour while conducting Internet banking and 2) User awareness
on threats relates to Internet banking. Some of the negative response are related to lack of
awareness of users on threats related to Internet banking. This method aims at establishing
not only “what” people think but “how” did they come to that opinion as well as “why” they
think so.

Q5- The type of data collection used here is primary data. Primary data collection is the
original form of data that is collected directly from the source. In this study, the research
methodology is designed by selecting 3 emerging countries namely Saudi Arabia, India and
Pakistan. A survey was designed with questionnaire divided into two parts; the general
practice of users on the Internet banking and awareness of the threats related to Internet
banking. Based on the survey’s positive and negative responses, a model is proposed that can
bridge the gap between banks expectation and user behavioural response when it comes to
Internet banking.

Surveys- Surveys are one way in which you can directly ask customers for information. You
can use them to collect either quantitative or qualitative data or both. A survey consists of a
list of queries respondents can answer in just one or two words and often gives participants a
list of responses to choose from. You can conduct surveys online, over email, over the phone
or in person. One of the easiest methods is to create an online survey you host on your
website or with a third party. You can then share a link to that survey on social media, over
email and in pop-ups on your site.

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