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Discussion Topic 2 –Levels of Commitment & Abstraction of Teachers

1. How will the assessment of levels of commitment & abstraction of your teachers help you in your
instructional supervision?

Assessment of teachers' level of commitment and abstraction is a tool to guide me, as an Instructional
Supervisor to the right measures to use in responding to difficulties or concerns a teacher may have. It
helps me to decide what appropriate strategies in order to improve & develop themselves as
professional educator.

2. Knowing the levels of abstraction & commitment of your teachers, how will you handle them when
they are in the following type: (Please discuss the appropriate developmental supervisory orientations
for each type).

a. Teacher Dropout

This teacher has a low level of commitment and a low level of abstraction. This kind of teacher has
no interest to develop himself as well as to grow up professionally. No more interest to do his duty.
Though he is attending school but the LOVE to accomplish his duties and responsibility is absent.

If I have this kind of teacher in our workplace I will use my heart to talk with him, to renew and
rekindle his feelings like a first love. I will use

b. Unfocused Teacher

This Teacher has High Commitment but Low Abstraction. This teacher shows the attitude of
coming to school early but leaves late. He is often asks help from other teachers. In addition to this, has
poor communication skills.. He just complies with all

school policies but the commitment as a teacher is not evident. He is open for supervision but cannot be
asked if there are problems. Aside from that he has difficulty

interpreting instructions of supervisor.

c. Analytical Observer

An analytical observer has a high level of abstraction as seen in his interesting and effective
presentation of lessons, but a low level of commitment as evidenced by his habitual tardiness. It is
important that coaching and mentoring should be done with this kind of teacher. I must use the IPMCF
(Individual Performance and Monitoring Coaching Form) with proper communication to the teacher.
d. Professional Teacher

The professional teachers are high in commitment and abstraction. They are those who are always at
the service of the students and other teachers. They are knowledgeable and skillful on matters of the
teaching profession. With their dedication at work and competent performance put together, they are
seen as informal leaders by their colleagues.

With this kind of teacher, I would use the Non-Directive Orientation of developmental
supervision. For this orientations, the teacher could demonstrate the ideal actions of a
professional teacher. As his/her instructional supervisor, listening, clarifying, encouraging,
reinforcing and appreciating their excellent performance helps him/her to maintain and to
develop good attitude towards his/her duties as professional teachers.

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