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Part of Fortune in 1st House: Good Fortune in


stargazer December 6, 2020

You have for sure experienced the wonderful feeling when success seems to come to
you on its own, to exaggerate a bit. In the natal chart, there are some indicators where
(in which life area) you can find an easy flow of energy. The Part of Fortune is one of these
points. Its sign and house show how you can tap into your Part of Fortune.

In this article, you can learn about the Part of Fortune in 1st house. This placement is
similar to having the Part of Fortune in the zodiac sign Aries.

People with this position need to be self-reliant. The Part of Fortune in 1st house
suggests that you make your own luck in this lifetime. You need to embrace
who you are, be independent, and live up to your own expectations instead of
the expectations of others. With this position, you have to be in harmony with

This Arabic part is associated with good fortune, worldly success, luck,
recognition. It is a sensitive point in the birth chart worth paying attention to. Arabic
parts are also highly personal, as you often need the ascendant and the Moon to calculate
them (the position of these change very quickly, the ascendant changes one degree every
four minutes).

The house and the sign of your Part of Fortune help you find out where you can achieve
your goals more easily than most people. The sign tells you how you can get this energy
moving-it is definitely worth paying attention to!

Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 1st house in the natal chart!

Part of Fortune in 1st House

What are the most important things you need to know about the Part of Fortune in 1st

In order to understand this placement better, you have to know that the first house is
the house of self.

People who have their Part of Fortune in 1st house can benefit from finding
strength in themselves. There can be a tendency to get lost in what others want you to
be and betray yourself, but this leads you astray with this position. You find joy if you
embrace who you are. Make sure you don’t stifle your individuality and bland down to
meet other people’s expectations (as long as you don’t hurt others’ boundaries, of course).

With the Part of Fortune in 1st house, you have a strong desire to create your life
according to your needs and wants. You often have a different approach to life than most

The Part of Fortune in 1st house suggests that you are pretty unique in some way, which is
sometimes frowned upon by your environment, especially when young. Still, it is very
important to follow your own intuition (especially if the Part of Fortune is in a
water sign). With this placement, you find your luck because of your ideas, not because of
those of others. The Part of Fortune here suggests that you have to learn to
support yourself and give yourself a pat on the back when necessary.

The saying fortune favors the brave often rings true for people with the Part of Fortune in
1st house. It is important for you to be active and initiative. You need to learn to be brave
and courageous. Generally speaking, people with this placement can benefit from
embracing the traits of Aries-being a go-getter, fierce, pioneering, fiery.

Independence is very important for you with this position. The Part of Fortune in 1st
house indicates that you work the best on your own. You prefer to be self-reliant in
every sense of the word. If you become more and more independent, you find that
things come more easily to you. For these people, it is often not easy to get support from
others, they have to ask for it explicitly. Interestingly, the more you become self-reliant,
the more others are attracted to you or want to help you.

Identity is an important topic with the Part of Fortune here in your natal chart. People
with this placement often have to work on their identity. You need to have a self-
image based on how you see yourself, not how others see you. The Part of
Fortune in 1st house indicates that your greatest achievements come when
you learn to accept yourself and support yourself fully. It is key to have a healthy

The world often seems to reflect your mental and emotional state. Because of this, you
have to be in harmony with yourself and find joy in being you. Working on
your sense of identity, self-knowledge, self-awareness can be very beneficial
with the Part of Fortune in 1st house in the natal chart. There is often a desire to
be introspective and understand yourself on a very deep level, which should be definitely
pursued with this placement.

People with the Part of Fortune in 1st house have to learn to be focused on their own
goals. When working towards a goal, it is important for you that this goal is actually yours,
not the wish of your parent, spouse, relative, anyone else. You know yourself the best. The
Part of Fortune here suggests that you can find success if you trust yourself more.

Physical activity and taking good care of your body can be also helpful. Some people with
the Part of Fortune in 1st house are gifted with an attractive physical appearance and a
strong physical body (depending on the rest of the chart). But with this placement, it is

important to pay attention to your body and the impression you make on others. If you
accept yourself, you can become very charismatic, what attracts opportunities to you like a

With the Part of Fortune in 1st house, you have to be grounded and focused. By focusing
on yourself, you find out who you are, and that’s when good fortune seems to
follow. For these people, the best ideas seem to come to them when they are on
their own. It can be important to spend enough time in solitude and think through your
plans when you are on your own. With the Part of Fortune in 1st house, if you let others
persuade you it can hurt you more than it can help you (generally speaking).

Besides the house of this point, the

sign of the Part of Fortune is just as
significant. The sign reveals how you
can activate it. In order to completely
understand the part of fortune in your
natal chart, you also have to take into
consideration its aspects. The ruling
planet of the Part of Fortune’s sign is
also a must to look to.

If you have your Part of Fortune in

the first house in your natal chart, it
often happens that the Sun and the
Moon are close to each other, often in
the same sign. It is important to learn
how to integrate both luminaries in
order to have a solid self-image and
self-confidence. (If you want to learn
more about the Sun and the Moon
and why they are extremely important
in astrology, make sure to read the
articles about them).

The Part of Fortune in Astrology

What is the Part of Fortune in astrology, and how is it calculated?

Arabic parts are calculated based on different formulas. There are many Arabic parts in
astrology, the Part of Fortune is one of the most frequently used. It is associated with
success in the world, good fortune, abundance. In the birth chart, this point represents an
easy flow of energy, a point of harmony. The Part of Fortune tells where you are likely to
find success of you live your life according to the divine principles.

The Part of Fortune is calculated differently for day charts (where the Sun is located in
houses 7-12, above the ascendant descendant axis which corresponds to the horizon) and
night charts (where the Sun is located in houses 1-6).

In the case of a night chart, the Part of Fortune is calculated as the ascendant + Sun –
Moon. In a day chart, the Part of Fortune is calculated differently, as the ascendant +
Moon – Sun.

As you can see, the position of the Part of Fortune in the birth chart is highly dependent
on the time of birth. To calculate it correctly, you need accurate birth data.

The First House in the Chart Wheel

Here are some of the things you need about this astrological house in a nutshell and what
to focus on with the Part of Fortune in 1st house in your natal chart.

The first house is an angular house, its cusp is the ascendant (in some house systems,
e.g. Placidus). The ascendant is the sign that came up on the eastern horizon at the time
when you were born (at your first breath, to be exact), as seen from the place of your
birth. It is also called the rising sign. The ascendant determines how the signs are placed
in the natal chart, and it is one of the most important features of a birth chart.

The first house is the House of Self. This house is all about the chart holder. It describes
your physical body, personal style, the first impression you make on others, your sense of
self and identity. The first house is also the house of beginnings and your attitude towards

In the natural chart, the first house is connected with the zodiac sign Aries. Aries is a
pioneering, bold, energetic sign, what is highly compatible energy with the house of
beginnings. Mars, the ruling planet of Aries is in accidental dignity in this house.

If you want to read more, check out this article about the first house in the
natal chart.

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