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Part of Fortune in 9th House

stargazer December 26, 2020

In this article, we will take a closer look at the Part of Fortune in 9th house. This
placement suggests that your intuition and higher self can guide you to your luck.
People with the Part of Fortune in 9th house have the most joy and
abundance when they keep broadening their horizons and exploring life.

As one of the Arabic Parts, the Part of Fortune is a very personal and sensitive point in the
birth chart. To calculate it, you have to know your exact time of birth, as it consists of the
Sun, the Moon, and the ascendant which changes one degree every four minutes. This
makes it a very special point, the essence of who you are.

The Part of Fortune is perhaps the most popular Arabic part in astrology, and this is no
wonder. This point is all about joy, abundance, prosperity, worldly success, happiness,
well-being. The Part of Fortune is your personal pot of gold, and as such, it is
definitely worth exploring.

The Part of Fortune in 9th house is somewhat similar to having the Part of Fortune in

Keep reading to learn more about the Part of Fortune in 9th house in the natal chart!

How to find your luck if you have your Part of Fortune in 9th house in your birth chart?

The ninth house is the house of abstract learning and the higher mind. The Part of
Fortune here suggests that you have to be open-minded as good fortune often
comes from a place you would never expect. It is important to observe the world
from a positive perspective.

People with this placement have a desire to be active and be on the go all the time. You
often want to go on adventures (this can be both literally or on the adventure
of discovering new ideas and beliefs). Your everyday reality often bores you. Your
mind often wonders, and these occasions often help you get to an idea that changes your
life for the better.

Your path towards happiness and joy is framed by the search for meaning and truth. The
Part of Fortune in 9th house often indicates an interest in the divine. Your relationship
with the divine brings you a lot of joy. You are an eternal student of wisdom. As you learn
more about the universe, people, and yourself, you find more and more joy in life. You can
make the most out of this placement if you align your life with the divine principles.

With the Part of Fortune in 9th house, you can benefit from studying philosophy and
spirituality. By understanding the world better, you find a sense of purpose what leads
you to a more fulfilled life. This placement suggests that you have to ask yourself

questions that help you get closer to
your higher self. When you are
aligned with your higher self, you can
grow into an inspiring personality
who helps others look on the bright
side and find purpose in life.

Connecting with others is always

important with the 3rd house/9th
house axis. The opposite point of the
Part of Fortune, the Part of Spirit is
here in the third house of immediate
surroundings and concrete mind. The
Part of Fortune in 9th house suggests
that you can learn the most if you
have a benevolent, open-minded
attitude. You need to be tolerant and
interested in what others have to say.
It is important to accept the
mundane reality and fin balance
between your everyday life and

The Part of Fortune in 9th house

indicates that the most important
thing for you is understanding.
Understanding other people’s point of view can help you discover opportunities you never
thought existed. This placement suggests a strong desire for continuous education. This
includes both formal education and learning on your own. The Part of Fortune in 9th
house can suggest that you become lucky because of the things you know. Knowledge is
key to make the most out of the Part of Fortune here.

The Part of Fortune in 9th house can suggest good luck coming to you through contact
with foreign cultures, foreign languages, foreigners, travel abroad. This placement can
also be wonderful for teachers and people of religion.

The Part of Fortune in 9th House in Signs

The house of the Part of Fortune is very important in the birth chart, but its sign and
aspects are also significant. To fully understand your Part of Fortune, you have to pay
attention to:

the zodiac sign where the Part of Fortune is located

the ruler of this sign and its condition in the birth chart
aspects the Part of Fortune forms with the rest of the chart
transits and progressions to the Part of Fortune

The sign of the Part of Fortune describes how you can activate your luck and make good
fortune come to you. For example, the Part of Fortune in 9th house in Virgo finds joy in
service and meaningful work, while the Part of Fortune in 9th house in Gemini focuses on
connecting with others.

The Part of Fortune in the Natal Chart

The Part of Fortune, also called the Lot of Fortune or Fortuna, is one of the most
frequently used Arabic parts in astrology. There are numerous Arabic parts, describing
the various aspects of your life. It is an ancient technique that uses different components
of the chart, angles, planets, house cusps.

What is the Part of Fortune and why is it important?

This point is associated with well-being, joy, worldly success, happiness, abundance. The
Part of Fortune can be treated as a career indicator in the birth chart. This Arabic part is
all about harmony and prosperity.

To calculate your Part of Fortune, you have to know the degree of your ascendant, Sun,
and Moon. These three components of the birth chart are associated with different pillars
of the personality (the ascendant is your physical body and identity, the Sun is the
conscious self, and the Moon is your emotional nature). This makes the Part of Fortune
the essence of who you are. You tap into your Part of Fortune when you are yourself and
focus on your talents and strengths.

The Part of Fortune is calculated differently for a day chart (where the Sun is above the
horizon in houses 7-12) and for a night chart (with the Sun below the horizon in houses 1-

The formula for the Part of Fortune for a day chart is the ascendant + Moon – Sun, while
it is the ascendant + Sun – Moon for a night chart.

The Part of Fortune is a very sensitive point in the birth chart, transits and progressions
that touch it can be meaningful.

The Ninth House in the Chart Wheel

The ninth house is a cadent house, which means it matters are related to mental
processes. This house is all about understanding the world and yourself in it, and finding
the truth (both yours and the universal truth).

Some of the life areas associated with the ninth house in astrology include higher
education, publishing, law, philosophy, spirituality, foreign languages and cultures,
foreigners, long-distance travel.

In the natural chart, the ninth house is associated with Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the
Zodiac. Sagittarius is known as adventurous, freedom-loving, enthusiastic. The ruling
planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter is in accidental dignity in the ninth house.

Several planets in the ninth house indicate a person who loves to explore and experiment,
travel, read, search for meaning and wisdom.

If you want to read more about this house, check out this article about the
ninth house in astrology!

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