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I. Read the given extract to attempt questions that

1. Franz was able to understand the grammar
lesson easily because he was
(a) receptive
(b) appreciative
(c) introspective
(d) competitive

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2. Why is M Hamel heartbroken?

(a) Because no one is interested in his class.
(b) Because he has to leave the country the next
(c) Because he had no money.
(d) Because his parents were no more.

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3. Which of the following can be attributed to M

Hamel's declaration about the French language?
(a) subject expertise
(b) loss of pride
(c) factual accuracy
(d) patriotic magnification

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4. "I was amazed to see how well I understood it."

Select the option that does NOT explain why Franz found
the grammar lesson "easy".
(a) Franz was not paying careful attention in class this time.
(b) M. Hamel was being extremely patient and calm in his
(c) Franz was inspired and had found a new meaning and
purpose to learning.
(d) Franz had realized that French was the clearest and
most logical language.

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5. M Hamel wanted to ______the class for as

long as possible on that day.
(a) keep (b) prolong (c) enjoy(d) end

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II. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

In the extract from her book, the author analyses the grinding
poverty and traditions which condemn these children to a life
of exploitation.
6. 'But promises like mine abound in every corner of his bleak
This suggests that
(a) there is no dearth of promises which remain unfulfilled.
(b) there is a scarcity of people promising things for betterment.
(c) people make a lot of promises which are often fulfilled.
(d) promises made, live up to the expectations of people

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7. Choose the statement that is not true about ragpickers in

(a) Children are equally involved in rag picking as their
(b) The ragpickers settle down in a place permanently.
(c) Rag picking has accomplished itself as a skill and form of
(d) Ragpickers live in unsteady shanties on the outskirts of

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8. The simile 'dream looms like a mirage amidst the dust of

streets' indicates that his dream was
(a) a reality, yet seemed distant. (b) lost in the sea of dust.
(c) illusory and indistinct. (d) hanging in the dusty air

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9. 'I will learn to drive a car,' he answers, looking straight

into my eyes. This sentence highlights that Mukesh was
1. determined 2. fearless 3. hopeful 4. valiant 5. ambitious
6. stern
(a) 1 & 5 (b) 2 & 4 (c) 2 & 5 (d) 3 & 6

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10. Choose the term which best matches the statement 'The
young men echo the lament of their elders.’
(a) acceptance (b) reiteration (c) reflection (d) doubtfulness

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III. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
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Poem extract:
Driving from my parent's
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realized with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away…
11. Choose the option that best applies to the given extract. The poem is…
1. a conversation 2. an argument
3. a piece of advice 4. a strategy
5. a recollection 6. a suggestion
(a) 1, 3 & 6 (b) 2, 4 & 5 (c) Only 5 (d) Only 1

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12. Choose the option that displays the literary device used
in the given lines:
'her face ashen like that of a corpse…'
(a) personification (b) simile (c) metaphor (d) hyperbole

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13. What is the most likely reason the poet capitalized

'Young Trees'?
This was to
(a) convey a clearer meaning. (b) highlight the adj.-noun
(c) enhance the contrast. (d) Draw the connection with the

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14. The phrase 'old familiar ache' can also be

used to mean
(a) compare physical pain with mental agony.
(b) elicit someone's unanswered queries.
(c) substantiate reasons for pains.
(d) the pain that was felt once in the past

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15. Choose the option that completes the sentence given below.
Just as the brightness of the winter's moon is veiled behind the
haze and mist, similarly, __________.
(a) the pain of separation has shaded mother's expression.
(b) age has fogged mother's youthful appearance.
(c) growing up has developed a seasoned maturity in the poet.
(d) memories warm the heart like the pale moon in winter.

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IV. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

"I wondered, Your Excellency," Sadao murmured. "It was certainly very careless of
me," the General said. "But you understand
it was not lack of patriotism or dereliction of duty." He looked anxiously at his doctor.
"If the matter should come out you
would understand that, wouldn't you?" "Certainly, Your Excellency," Sadao said. He
suddenly comprehended that the
General was in the palm of his hand and that as a consequence he himself was
perfectly safe. "I swear to your loyalty.
Excellency," he said to the old General, "and to your zeal against the enemy."
16. Pick the option that best describes the word 'dereliction' as used in the passage.
1. evasion 2. deterioration 3. negligence 4. carelessness
5. dilapidation 6. management.
(a) 2, 3 and 6 (b) 1, 4 and 5 (c) 2, 4 and 6 (d) 1, 3 and 4

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17. At the end of the conversation with the General, Sadao

(a) rejuvenated and guilt-free. (b) conceited and egotistic.
(c) refreshed and self-conscious. (d) relieved and guilt-free.

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18. Read the analysis of the General based on the given extract. Choose
the option that fills in the given blanks most
The General (i) _____________ power but is (ii) ___________ of the
obligations of his job. He is so (iii) _____________
with his health that he forgets to send the assassins to kill the prisoner. Due
to his (iv) ____________ interests, he
doesn't want to expose Sadao and agrees to keep the prisoner's escape a
(a) (i) fantasizes; (ii) lonely ; (iii) consumed ; (iv) vested
(b) (i) relishes; (ii) weary; (iii) self-absorbed ; (iv) selfish
(c) (i) fancies; (ii) apathetic ; (iii) negligent ; (iv) worthless
(d) (i) desires; (ii) concerned ; (iii) indisposed ; (iv) narrow

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19. Hana, working hard on unaccustomed labour, saw a messenger come to

the door in official uniform. Her hands went weak and she could not draw her
breath. Why is ' Hana working hard on unaccustomed labour’ ?
(a) She is tired of serving the patient. (b) She is not a hard working woman.
(c) All the servants had left the job. (d) She wants to be habitual of working

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20. Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the
(a) World belongs to us, not a leader, king or religious
leader. World belongs to humanity.
(b) Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are
dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
(c) The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show
compassion and the will to help others.
(d) To deny people their human rights during war is not

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V. Attempt the following 21. Why does Kamala

Das 'smile and smile' in the poem?
(a) Happy to return to work.
(b) enjoyed the ride.
(c) to hide her fear from her mother.
(d) happily bidding goodbye

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22. Why did Douglas want to overcome his fear of water?

(a) His father instructed him.
(b) He had nightmares.
(c) Swimming instructor forced him.
(d) to enjoy all the water sports.

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23. Fill in the blank: " Mukesh's dream of being a

motor mechanic looms like a _________ amidst
the dust of streets that fill his town Firozabad".
(a) balloon (b) mirage (c) dream (d) cloud

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24. Dr. Sadao was a _________ as well

as a dedicated surgeon.
(a) sturdy man (b) man of purpose
(c) patriotic Japanese (d) patriotic brother

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25. Dr. Sadao decides to treat the

_________ soldier.
(a) boy (b) enemy (c) battered (d) white

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26. "I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went

at once to the bottom". Which place is the narrator talking
about ?
(a) At Yakima with mother
(b) At sea with father
(c) At YMCA pool
(d) At pool with instructor

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27. "All we have to fear is fear itself". What does

the narrator learn from President Roosevelt's
(a) To be deck the fear
(b) To affright the fear
(c) To dispel the fear
(d) To impede the fear

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VI. 'fishermen in cold sea would not harm
And the man gathering salt
Would look
at his hurt hands.’
28. Why has the poet mentioned 'whales'?
(a) Whales are in the midsea
(b) Whales are huge and not afraid of men
(c) Whales are a symbol of man's destructive
(d) Whales are good fishes

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29. Charley got to the 'Third level'. According to the lesson

what are the things he did not see?
(a) The man in the booth wore a green eyeshade and long
black sleeve protectors.
(b) A woman wore a dress with leg-of button sleeves and
(c) The World, the lead story said something about
President Roosevelt.
(d) A man wore black four-button suit, and he had a big,
black, handlebar moustache.

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30. The story, 'The Last Lesson' highlights which

human tendency?
(a) Male Chauvinism
(b) Procrastination
(c) Courage
(d) Nurturing

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VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that
______ and
looked but soon
Put that thought away, and
Looked out at young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their
homes, …….
31. What did the poet realise?
(a) that the trees looked beautiful (b) Children were spilling
(c) Trees had sprinted by (d) A long time had gone by

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32. What did she do then?

(a) She wanted to meet them (b) She looked out and got
(c) She admired the scene (d) Looked at the ground

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33. What did she notice in the world outside?

(a) Lots of greenery
(b) Children playing
(c) Distracted by the greenery outside
(d) Happiness in contrast to sadness in the car

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34. What does the writer mean when she

says,"Saheb is no longer his own master"?
(a) He did not like his master
(b) Master was not required
(c) He had lost his freedom
(d) He owned himself

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35. `Seemapuri is on the periphery of Delhi yet miles away

from it metaphorically'. Explain what the author means by
(a) it is far away from Delhi
(b) Physically close but far from it's quality of life
(c) It borders the capital in both ways
(d) It appears to be close

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. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

_______ On their slag heap, these children
Wear skins peeped through by bones and spectacles of steel
With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones.
All of their time and space are foggy slum
So blot their maps with slums as big as doom
36. Which two images are used to describe these slums?
(a) Children roaming around and holding a map
(b) Piles of garbage and dirty/green environment
(c) Skinny children appearing doomed
(d) Piles of garbage and wearing mended spectacles

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37. Which figure of speech is used in the last line?

(a) Metaphor (b) Alliteration (c) Simile (d) Oxymoron
How it must have broken his heart to leave it all, poor man;
to hear his sister moving about in the room above, packing
their trunks! For they must leave the country next day

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38. Who are 'they' here?

(a) Franz and his sister (b) M. Hamel and his
(c) Franz and M. Hamel (d) None of the above

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39. Why is M. Hamel's heartbroken?

(a) As no one is interested in his class. (b) As he has to leave the
school nurtured by him.
(c) Because he had no money. (d) Because his parents were no

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40. What does 'scrounging for gold' in the garbage mean?

(a) Searching for some valuable thing to make money
(b) Searching for gold in the garage
(c) Searching for gold ornaments in the garbage
(d) Searching for gold in the garbage

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. Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare's head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilised dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future's painted with a fog,
41. What does the expression - sour cream walls - suggest?
(a) Display of donated artefacts on the walls. (b) Badly maintained
(c) Wall-to wall furniture. (d) A poor choice of paint for walls.

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42. The map of the world in the classroom

(a) hopes and aspirations of the children.
(b) travel plans of the school authorities.
(c) a world that is unconnected with the children.
(d) Inter connectivity within the world.

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43. The expression, ‘Shakespeare's head’ is an

example of
(a) pun (b) satire (c) parody (d) irony

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44. In the extract, 'future's painted with a fog' suggests that

(a) classroom is as foggy as the paint on the walls.
(b) beautiful valleys are not a part of the children's future.
(c) life ahead for the slum children is as unclear and hazy as
(d) fog often finds itself in the classrooms through broken

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45. What is the theme of the poem ?

(a) elementary school students
(b) empathy for the children
(c) condition of slums
(d) social injustice and class inequalities

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Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

'On the seventh day after that, two things happened. In the
morning the servants left altogether, their belongings tied in
a large square cotton kerchiefs.'
46. Why did the servants leave Dr. Sadao's house?
(a) They got better offers.
(b) Sadao did not speak to them.
(c) Hana was not paying them well.
(d) Felt their master was wrong in hiding the enemy

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47. What was the gardener's fear about Dr. Sadao treating the
wounded American soldier?
(a) That it would make Sadao famous. (b) He was proud about his
(c) That nature would take revenge. (d) Felt that his master's son
was bad.

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48. How did Yumi react?

(a) She was happy to leave. (b) She cried for having to
leave the children.
(c) She was angry. (d) She was sad.

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49. What does Hana try to say to make Sadao understand ?

(a) That it would be difficult.
(b) that the servants could clearly see the wrong but they
(c) That she was unhappy.
(d) That she felt weak

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50. What message does 'The Enemy' give?

(a) reality of war (b) life of Japanese
(c) Superstitious nature of people (d) fellow feeling and

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Attempt the following.

51. Saheb wearing discarded and worn out tennis
shoes are
(a) an indication to procure different ones.
(b) a dream come true.
(c) a sign of his poverty.
(d) an insult to the sport itself.

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52. Concluding his last lesson by writing 'Vive la France!' on

the blackboard shows that M. Hamel…….
(a) was overwhelmed with emotions.
(b) wanted to distract all attending class that day.
(c) was keen on not leaving the country.
(d) wanted to teach French participles through it.

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53. 'Keeping Quiet' uses fishermen to symbolize

(a) persistent pollution of the natural environment.
(b) rapid degradation of human values.
(c) limitless exploitation of natural resources.
(d) constant participation in acts of terror

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54. In the poem, My Mother at Sixty-six, all that the poet did
smile and smile and
smile…, Her smile is
(a) sudden, in response to her mother’s.
(b) meaningful and loaded with love.
(c) accompanied with tears of farewell.
(d) put on to cheer mother and hide her emotions

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55. Choose the statement that is not true with reference to

(a) Douglas's fear allowed him to indulge in leisurely
activities in water.
(b) The fall in the pool at YMCA taught Douglas a life lesson.
(c) The fear of drowning was the source of Douglas's
anxiety and terror.
(d) Douglas decided to practice relentlessly to overcome his

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56. Why the General did not order immediate arrest of Dr

Sadao who had sheltered the white man?
(a) He was a polite fellow
(b) General was a sensitive man.
(c) Because he was in need of Sadao's help.
(d) He was afraid of the doctor.

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57. What does Neruda want the war mongers to

(Keeping Quiet)
(a) To revolt (b) Declare that they mean no harm.
(c) Invite the media (d) Stop fighting and put-on
clean clothes.

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58. Spender's use of imagery in "His eyes live in a dream, of

squirrel game, in tree room, other than this", brings out
(a) the similarity between the frail bodies of a squirrel and the
children in the classroom.
(b) the contrast between studying in the dreary classroom and
playing outside freely.
(c) the comparison of the dingy home of the squirrel and the dreary
(d) the difference between the games of the squirrel and those of
the children.

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59. In concluding the poem Kamala Das says she : 'felt that
old familiar ache, my childhood's fear,'What is the childhood
fear referred to here ?
(a) fear of school time.
(b) childhood fear of losing her mother.
(c) staying away from home.
(d) childhood fear of getting home late

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60. Why did Charley run away from the third

(a) He was scared.
(b) The ticket counter clerk charged him for fake
(c) He lost his way at Grand central.
(d) His wife called him.

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Read the extract given below and answer the questions that
follow: (18 Marks)
All at once the church's clock struck twelve. Then the Angelus. At
the same moment the trumpets of the Prussians, returning
from drill, sounded under our windows. M. Hamel stood up, very
pale, in his chair. I never saw him look so tall.
61. What does Angelus refer to?
(a) Sound of Prussian soldiers' drill. (b) Roman catholic prayer.
(c) Sound of Thanks giving. (d) Prussian trumpets.

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62. What does the trumpets of the Prussians imply?

(a) Igniting patriotic fervor.
(b) Playing the band to reduce war stress.
(c) People of Alsace are now enslaved.
(d) Prussians cheering up the people of Alsace.

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63. "I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing you
were right. And Charley, it's true I found the third level! I've been
here two weeks and right now down the street at the Daly's
someone is playing the piano." Why did the speaker wish that
Charley was right?
(a) Because he wanted to go for a holiday
(b) Because he wanted to believe his friend
(c) Because he too wanted to escape to a quiet town
(d) Because he had already visited Galesburg once before

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64. Who is the speaker of the above lines?

(a) Sam (b) Louisa (c) Charley's psychiatrist, Tom
(d) Charley's grandfather

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65. The third level in the above extract refers to the level of
(a) Grand Central railway station (b) Bus station (c) Level of
video Game (d) Parking level of a shopping mall

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But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my
desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up. I heard M. Hamel say to
me, "I won't scold you, little Franz; you must feel bad enough. See how it is!
Every day we have said to ourselves, 'Bah! I've plenty of time. I'll learn it
tomorrow.' And now you see where we've come out. Ah, that's the great
trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow. Now those fellows
out there will have the right to say to you, 'How is it; you pretend to be
Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language?'
But you are not the worst, poor little Franz. We've all a great deal to
reproach ourselves with."
66. The tone of M. Hamel in the given extract is………… (a) serious and
sarcastic. (b) gentle and taunting. (c) sarcastic and lamenting. (d) gentle,
grave and anguishing

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67. Mr. Hamel wants the children to ……….

(a) be indifferent and calmly accept the new language
(b) be attentive and not to be indifferent to the French
(c) be ignorant of the consequences of the order
(d) welcome their new master.

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68. The phrase 'to reproach ourselves with' means…………

(a) understand something in its true context (b) respecting
somebody's opinion
(c) Disapprove of one's actions (d) to take pride in our own

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69. M. Hamel looked pale and distraught because…….

(a) He felt emotional and choked
(b) He was worried about losing his lucrative job.
(c) He was annoyed by the thought that the Prussians are taking
(d) He didn't like the sound of the trumpets.

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70. All of a sudden the master looked 'tall’

(a) As he was standing against the light
(b) Franz saw him from behind that made him look tall
(c) M. Hamel's fine Sunday clothes gave him those extra
(d) He had grown in respect and stature and was swelling in

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71. What role did the American professor play in bringing

Hana and Sadao together? (a) He asked them to join his
(b) He invited them for his expedition.
(c) He invited a number of foreign students at his home and
that included Sadao and Hana.
(d) He talked to their parents to agree to their relationship

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72. How did Douglas plan to save himself when

he realised that he was sinking?
(a) By taking the help of the emergency squad.
(b) By taking a big jump.
(c) By holding onto the boundary wall of the pool.
(d) By remembering the warm arms of his mother.

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73. Neruda points out that humans are 'single-minded'. With

reference to the given statement, which of the following is
(a) We are single-minded in our actions which harm the
(b) Wars resulting from our hostility promote development.
(c) Because of the single-minded nature of humans, earth
will come to an end.
(d) We need to leave behind our single-mindedness and
inculcate human values

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74. What is the meaning of Saheb's full name?

(a) Emperor of the universe
(b) King of the country
(c) Lord of the country
(d) Lord of the universe

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75. "Her hands went weak and she could not draw her
breath.". This means that Hana was?
(a) tired of doing all the household chores
(b) was working laboriously to save Tom
(c) consumed by the feeling of anxiety
(d) irritated by Sadao's decision to treat the PoW

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76. The reports about the Japanese armies in the

newspapers indicated that:
(a) They were losing their wars against the enemies.
(b) They were received with shouts of joy wherever they
(c) They received mass support in their fight against the
(d) They faced stiff resistance wherever they went.

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77. "Ignorance of the human body is a cardinal

sin." was a statement of quoted by
(a) General Takima
(b) Sadao's Japanese General
(c) Sadao's Professor of Anatomy
(d) Sadao's father

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78. 1. 'Don't try to save him. What if he should live?’ A. Sadao

2. 'I'm a poor person and it's not my business. ' B. General
3. 'This man will live in spite of all’ C. Old gardener
4. 'Then certainly I can allow nothing to happen to you’. D. Hana
E. Yumi
Match the above-mentioned dialogues with their speakers.
(a) 1-E, 2-C, 3-B 4-A (b) 1-D, 2-E, 3-A, 4-B
(c) 1-C, 2-B, 3-E, 4-D (d) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C

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79. William Douglas was a friend and

advisor of:
(a) President John F Kennedy
(b) President Cleveland
(c) President Clinton
(d) President Roosevelt

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80. What does the narrative style of the poem, 'My

mother at sixty-six' signify?
(a) differing thoughts (b) many thoughts
(c) contrasting thoughts (d) a single thread of thought

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81. The moral that Alphonse Daudet wants to

bring out in 'The Last Lesson' would be…..
(a) not to put off things that one can do that day
(b) old order changed to new
(c) one should accept everything that happens
(d) teachers should be respected

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82. Which option describes the condition of

Douglas, in the picture given?
(a) I can't see anything to hold on to.
(b) I think I'll drown as I can keep myself afloat.
(c) I'll grab the rubber tube that has been thrown
into the water.
(d) I'm kicking my hands hard underwater

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83. "All I could hear was the empty sound

of my own footsteps." Charley was at
(a) the Third level
(b) the Second Level
(c) the corridor in the subway
(d) the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel

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84. His terror infected and she stood breathless, waiting.

There was only silence.
Sadao's head was muddled with the thoughts of……
(a) going through another sleepless night
(b) the American being seized by the General's men
(c) what could the sound of a crash mean
(d) somebody had broken into the house

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85. The introduction to the YMCA pool was

associated with
(a) pleasant memories
(b) unpleasant associations
(c) memories of spending time with his father
(d) unpleasant memories and childish fears

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86. In the poem, My Mother at Sixty-six, the poetess refers

to one of the following as a familiar ache
(a) A constant reminder of her childhood
(b) An ailment that was troubling her for a long time
(c) A dream that disturbed her
(d) The pain of losing her mother

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87. Choose the option that lists the correct set of literary devices and
examples from the following:
Allusion Pun
Alliteration Paradox
Oxymoron Metaphor
Simile Repetition

(i) "Belled flowery Tyrolese valley" "And not move our arms so much"
(ii) "his hurt hands" "like bottle bits on stone"
(iii) "Perhaps the Earth can teach us" "paper seeming boy with rat's eyes"
(iv) "their lives like catacombs" "break O break'
(a) Option (i) & (iii) (b) Option (ii) & (iv)
(c) Option (iii) & (iv) (d) Option (i) & (iv)

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88. Shakespeare, ships and sun are all images

that evoke……
(a) insecurity in the students
(b) curiosity to explore the world
(c) a feeling of hopelessness as its within their
(d) temptations to steal

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89. 'The stunted unlucky heir of twisted

bones' means the boy
(a) is short and bony
(b) is poor and unlucky
(c) is sad and unwell
(d) has an inherited

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90. Who is the poet of the poem 'An Elementary School

Classroom in a Slum’?
(a) StephanSpender
(b) Stephan Spendar
(c) Stephen Spender
(d) Stephen Spendar

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Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
On the roof the pigeons cooed very low, and I thought to myself, "Will they
make them sing in German, even the pigeons?"
whenever I looked up from my writing, I saw M. Hamel sitting motion less in
his chair and gazing first at one thing, then at
another, as if he wanted to fix in his mind just how everything looked in that
little school-room. Fancy! For forty years he had
been there in the same place, with his garden outside the window and his
class in front of him, just like that.
91. Franz thinks - "Will they make them sing in German- even the
pigeons?" What could this mean?
(a) Germans would use brutal force over everyone
(b) Harsh orders will be passed
(c) The people cannot be deprived of their essence
(d) The Germans will rob France of its language

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92. What does M. Hamel's motionless posture reflect?

(a) The school is dismissed forever
(b) Sense of finality
(c) Changing order of life
(d) Feeling nostalgic

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93. What made Franz forget about M. Hamel's ruler and

(a) Strange quietness
(b) Encroachment of Prussian soldiers drilling and marching
(c) He did not take his mother tongue seriously
(d) Thought of M. Hamel leaving forever

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94. What is the tone of the speaker in the

first line?
(a) Full of pleasure (b) Full of displeasure
(c) Full of rage (d) anxious

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95. What was the important lesson learnt by the

people ?
(a) learning is important (b) importance of
knowing one's language
(c) to hold on to language (d) never give up

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Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
Their fathers are as tired as they are. They talk endlessly in a spiral that moves from
poverty to apathy to greed and to
injustice. Listening to them, I see two distinct worlds- one of the family, caught in a web
of poverty, burdened by the stigma
of caste in which they are born; the other a vicious circle of the sahukars, the
middlemen, the policemen, the keepers of law,
the bureaucrats and the politicians. Together they have imposed the baggage on the
child that he cannot put down. Before
he is aware, he accepts it as naturally as his father. To do anything else would mean to
dare. And daring is not part of his
growing up.
96. 'Their Fathers are as tired as they are' which figure of speech is used in this
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile (c) Alliteration (d) Repetition

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97. What does the term 'apathy' imply

(A) A state of anger (B) A state without
(C) A state without understanding (D) A state with
(a) A & C (b) B (c) A, B, D (d) Both A & B

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98. Why doesn't any bangle maker dare to speak against

the bureaucrats?
(a) For they don't want to waste their time
(b) For daring is not the part for growing up
(c) For they are illiterate and backward
(d) For they don't have enough time and money

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99. 'The stigma of caste in which they are born'

implies that
(a) impoverished family (b) marginalized caste
(c) stagnation due to caste (d) suffering

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100. Why is the narrator asking them to organize a

(a) For a better earning and peace fullife
(b) For fixing them in a vicious circle
(c) For upgrading themselves in a foreign society
(d) For making govt. profit

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Use code SDC18
Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
What I want should not be confused
with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.
If we were not so single-minded
About keeping our lives moving,
And for once could do nothing,
Perhaps a huge silence
Might interrupt this sadness
Of never understanding ourselves
And of threatening ourselves with Death.
101. What should not be confused with 'total inactivity'?
(a) the work (b) poet's suggestion
(c) fishing (d) poet's act

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102. What is life about?

(a) making a move
(b) being inactive
(c) being active
(d) being around

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103. What would the single-minded people do ?

(a) going in one direction
(b) looking at a thing
(c) not bothered
(d) living unhappy life

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104. What would we do for once if we were not

(a) live life as we do (b) understand the cause of
(c) realize our effort (d) become doubly sure

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105. What is the meaning of 'truck'in the line 'I want no truck
with death. '
(a) something to do with death (b) no association with death
(c) heaviness (d) no connectivity

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Use code SDC18
Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
The presidents of the New York Central and the New York, New Haven and
Hartford rail roads will swear on a stack of time
tables that there are only two. But I say there are three, because I've been
on the third level of the Grand Central Station. Yes,
I've taken the obvious step: I talked to a psychiatrist friend of mine, among
others. I told him about the third level at Grand
Central Station, and he said it was a waking dream wish fulfillment. He said
I was unhappy. That made my wife kind of mad,
but he explained that he meant the modern world is full of insecurity, fear,
war, worry and all the rest of it, and that I just want
to escape.
106. What, according to the narrator, will the presidents swear on?
(a) the existence of the third level (b) there being a stock of time tables
(c) the non-existence of a third level (d) there being a second

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107. The phrase 'waking-dream wish fulfillment' means:

(a) we do not wish for something to happen
(b) we wake up suddenly from a dream
(c) we see something as we wish to see it
(d) subconsciousness

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108. Why was Charley's wife 'kind of mad’?

(a) to see her husband confused.
(b) to hear that her husband was not happy.
(c) as no one believed Charley about the
third level.
(d) due to Charley's insistence on there
being a third level.

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Use code SDC18

109. What does man in the modern world want to

escape from?
(a) anxiety (b) suspicion (c) jealousy (d) indifference

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110. Name the wife of the protagonist

(a) Maria (b) Edla (c) Hana (d) Louisa

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Use code SDC18

Attempt the following

111. Kamala Das's line 'looked out at young trees sprinting'
is an example of
(a) alliteration (b) simile (c) metaphor (d) personification

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112. While I was thinking of all this, I heard my name called.

It was my turn to recite. What would
I have not given….' The writer is trying to
(a) identify with the embarrassment (b) connect to what we
often experience but ignore
(c) make you reflect (d) make you take action on regret

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113. Franz regretted absence from school

earlier due to
(a) watering the plants (b) work in farms
(c) work in mills (d) playing on the saar

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114. In the lesson 'The Enemy',What was the faint

lettering on the battered cap ?
(a) A soldier (b) A sailor
(c) U.S. Army (d) U.S. Navy

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115. The moral that Alphonse Daudet has

stressed upon in the story is:
(a) To accept the change (b) Old order changes
with time
(c) Not to put off things for later (d) Teachers and
their students

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116. 'The young men echo the lament of their

elders.' -means
(a) insufficient sleep (b) insufficient money
(c) work in mills (d) dream of working

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117. 'Family, caught in a web of poverty,

burdened by the stigma of caste in which they are
born…...'' identify the literary
device used in the line.
(a) Irony (b) Metaphor
(c) Simile (d) Personification

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118. I never saw him look so tall. Here, Mr. Hamel

(a) had grown physically taller (b) exhibited
confidence and pride
(c) was unhappy to leave (d) stood with

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119. Explain 'crowded with families of humans

and animals co existing in a primeval state.'
Meaning of primeval is
(a) unhygenic (b) not clean
(c) ancient (d) primary

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120. Why did Douglas hate to walk with bare

(a) ugly looking legs (b) fat legs
(c) because of skin color (d) because of skinny

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Use code SDC18

Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

…reading the bulletin, called after me, "Don't go so fast,
bub; you'll get to your school in plenty of time!"
I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamel's
little garden all out of breath.
121. Who was called 'bub'?
(a) M. Hamel (b) the villagers (c) Franz (d) the postmaster

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122. Identify the tone in which the speaker said

the words, "Don't go so fast, bub; you'll get to your
school in plenty of
(a) sarcastic (b) humorous (c) depressive (d)

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123. M. Hamel taught the children their

last French lesson with
(a) excitement (b) impatience
(c) dedication (d) frivolous laughter

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124. Who advised Franz not to hurry?

(a) the iron smith (b) the classmate
(c) his friend (d) the blacksmith

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125. Who use to tend to M Hamel's

garden ?
(a) caretaker (b) gardener
(c) Franz (d) teacher & student both.

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Use code SDC18
Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
"That ain't money, mister," he said, "and if you're trying to
skin me, you won't get very far," and he glanced at the cash
beside him. Of course, the money was old-style bills, half
again as big as the money we use nowadays, and different-
I turned away and got out fast. There's nothing nice about
jail, even in 1894.
126. The person referred to as 'mister' is
(a) the psychiatrist (b) the ticket clerk
(c) Charley (d) the grandfather

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Use code SDC18

127. What do you think the expression, 'trying to

skin me' metaphorically means?
(a) trying to remove skin (b) trying to assault
(c) trying to get cheated (d) trying to pay in fake

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128. What does the expression, 'you won't get very far',
used in the extract above mean?
(a) You cannot touch my cash drawer.
(b) You will not succeed in your objective of cheating or
robbing me.
(c) This much fare cannot take you far on board a train.
(d) The cops are on their way and you are soon going to be

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129. Charley turned away and got out fast, most probably
because he
(a) had discovered the reality about the third level of the
New York Central.
(b) decided to come back with the correct currency notes.
(c) did not want to be branded as a mentally ill person.
(d) did not want to get arrested for using outdated currency
or attempted robbery

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130. How much money did Charley withdraw the

next day ?
(a) 200 dollars (b) 300 dollars
(c) 200 pounds (d) 300 pounds

Use code SDC18

Use code SDC18
Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:
On sour cream walls, donations. Shakespeare's head,
Cloudless at dawn, civilized dome riding all cities.
Belled, flowery, Tyrolese valley. Open-handed map
Awarding the world its world. And yet, for these
Children, these windows, not this map, their world,
Where all their future's painted with a fog
131. What does the expression, 'sour cream walls' suggest?
(a) a display of donated artifacts on the walls (b) badly
maintained walls
(c) wall-to-wall furniture (d) a poor choice of paint for the

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132. The map of the world in the classroom symbolizes

(a) hopes and aspirations of the children.
(b) travel plans of the school authorities.
(c) a disconnect of these children with this real world.
(d) inter connectivity within the world.

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Use code SDC18

133. The expression, 'Shakespeare's

head' is an example of
(a) irony (b) satire (c) parody (d) pun

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134. What do you understand by 'Open-handed

map' ?
(a) drawn with ease (b) no limitations
(c) drawn by capitalists (d) an unlimited one

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135. In the extract, 'future's painted with a fog' suggests that

(a) classroom is as foggy as the paint on the walls.
(b) beautiful valleys are not a part of the children's future.
(c) life ahead for the slum children is as unclear and hazy as
(d) fog often finds itself in the classroom through broken

Use code SDC18

Use code SDC18

Read the given extract to attempt questions that follow:

An old cap stuck to his head soaked with sea water. He was in wet
rags of garments. Sadao stopped, Hana at his side , and
turned the man's head. They saw the face. "A white man!" Hana
136. Why did Hana whisper 'a white man!' ?
(a) out of excitement (b) out of curiosity
(c) out of shock (d) out of fear

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137. Both Sadao and Hana spoke and discussed

him, but what did they not say
(a) he has escaped (b) he is wounded in the back
(c) he is a good fighter (d) how foolish his face is

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Use code SDC18

138. What helped Sadao conclude about the

identity of the wounded man ?
(a) garments (b) face (c) cap (d) head

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139. How did the man get soaked in sea

water ?
(a) fell off (b) shot down
(c) tried escaping (d) to escape he jumped
in the sea

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140. "A white man!" Hana whispered.

What did this indicate ?
(a) a native (b) a soldier
(c) a foreigner (d) from enemy rank

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Use code SDC18

141. Select the options, which best suggest the reasons

why Franz did not want to go to school that day
1. He wanted to go and seek bird's egg.
2. He was already late for school.
3. He had not prepared the topic of participles.
4. He wanted to go sliding on the Saar.
(a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3

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142. ‘For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes from fog
to endless night?’ The expression, 'from fog to endless
night’ means
(a) their life is as dull as misty mornings and dark nights.
(b) they are unable to see anything due to pollution and fog.
(c) their lives are moving from gloom to complete despair.
(d) darkness of night.

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143. 'The Last Lesson' showcases

(a) human dogmatism. (b) negligence on the part
of human beings.
(c) tendency to deferment. (d) political issues.

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144. Which option does not support the aspects

around which the story, 'The Third Level'
(a) fantasy and reality (b) psychoanalysis and
(c) escapism and harsh reality (d) dark humour
and fantasy

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145. The mother's old age and lack of energy is a

depiction of
(a) the poet's helplessness in old age. (b) joy and
fun of old age.
(c) the inevitable truth of human life. (d) sickness
and ill-health.

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146. Why is the map hanging in the classroom a bad

example for the slum school children?
(a) It tempts them to acquire things beyond their means by
(b) It can never provide them the respite from their
miserable world.
(c) The map is not clear in its depiction of the outside world.
(d) It can never help them to be successful in life.

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Use code SDC18

147. "I landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and

went at once to the bottom". Which place is W Douglas
talking about ?
(a) At Yakima river (b) At sea with father
(c) At YMCA pool (d) At sea with instructor

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148. "A 'pulley' that ran on an overhead cable". How can we

clearly understand this ?
(a) An apparatus with a wheel (b) An apparatus with a rope
and cable
(c) An apparatus without wheel (d) An apparatus with a
wheel and a rope.

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149. Why will Dr. Sadao be punished for

sheltering a white man?
(a) It was war time and he was from the enemy
(b) He was a doctor
(c) He took the help of his wife.
(d) The servants left the job.

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Use code SDC18

150. Which part of the body of young man

(a) Left side of upperback (b) Had and chest
(c) Both the legs (d) Right side of the lower back.

Use code SDC18

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