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Healthy food

Andres Felipe Pazos Villarreal
Yaqueline Urbano

Cambridge Academy
San Juan de Pasto
Nowadays, many people are interested in be healthy, but one of the most common

mistakes at starting a healthier life is people things that the food is less important

than the exercise, people things doing a lot of exercise can be successful and have a

nice body with strong muscles, like abs, biceps, triceps, or a big back, without being

careful with their food habits, many of this type of people, says that they don´t eat

healthy food, because is green, it has a bad flavour, and the point is, Do people

really not eat healthy for these reasons or because they don't want to get out of their

comfort zone?

First of all, I´m not trying to change your mind, I´m not interested in that, my purpose

is to show to you the benefits about a healthy diet, not that diets that forbidden kinds

of food or force to you to eat lot of vegetables and specific dishes, keep this thought

out of your mind. One of the benefits of healthy food, is if you are going to the gym or

doing any sport or physical activity in a few days you will notice a big chance in your

resistance, strength, why because some of the foods are considered physical

enhancers, another benefit is, you would have a skin clean without pimples, your

teeth and eyes healthier, your immune system is stimulated, and there are more

benefits, but these are the most important effects if you increased your healthy food


Previously I said that people don´t eat healthy food because they things that the food

have bad flavour, for example bitter, or maybe strange, like grass; one of the typical

phrase is, it doesn´t have sugar, it´s bitter, but that is the point, if you want to be a fit

person, you need to eliminate or reduce extremely the consumption of sugar, or in

the other case use natural sweeteners, in fact sugar is an addiction, if you are used

to consume sugar with your coffee, juices, tea, etc., it should be unpleasant for you

to get used to consuming your drinks again without sugar, but you will be doing your
health favor, greatly decreasing the chance of having diabetes in the long term. It is

commonly said that food is liked by how it looks, the bright colors, the way it is

cooked, but there is a kind of lie that all healthy food must necessarily be green or

only contain vegetables in its preparation. and this is a lie, you can see that there are

dishes that combine chicken, meat, there are even ways to cook fast food to make it

healthy, I'm not referring to lentil burgers, I mean cooking without much oil in an air

fryer it is a good option to make empanadas for example.

There are many options to take care of food, such as reducing fat, increasing the

consumption of vegetables, but it is true that many people prefer not to take care of

themselves in this habit for the simple fact that at that time it does not affect their

health or they do not get fat, the fact is that the body accumulates everything that we

do day by day and although there are times when things do not happen from one

day to the next, problems can come to light, that is why, although it is not mandatory

by that time, we should have the habit of eating healthy to prevent many problems in

the future, in the kidneys, in the blood, even in the heart itself, since it is known that

fat accumulates in the organs, and that is a problem, because if in addition to having

a bad diet, we are sedentary, we are slowly killing our body but it is not enough just

to say I am going to eat hamburger all week and on the weekend I go jogging or

riding a bicycle, not because the exercise in average is 30% of the health of our

body, the other 70 are our daily habits, and not only food, but also sleep and in

general our daily activities.

In conclusion, each one is different, each one realizes what is best for himself, but

we should all start taking care of ourselves, for our own good, our body will thank us

in a few years, when we are older, our body will begin to charge us for all our habits,

with diseases, problems in our organs, but, even so, I do not want to say that we
should eliminate everything, for example, if you take care of yourself for a whole

week, on Saturday or any day of the weekend eat what you like the most pizza a

hamburger, but do not exaggerate and order three hamburgers in one day, no, you

must take care of yourself and stay healthy, exercise and above all eat well.

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