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Task 3: Individual strategy The student must choose one of the Unit 1 individual strategies to implement

professional development for language teachers: Workshops, teacher support groups, Teaching journal, teaching
portfolio or peer observation and answer the following information as a message in the forum on time so others
students can comment your participation.
a. Definition of the chosen strategy

Peer Observation.

Peer observation is about teachers observing each others’ practice and learning from one another. It aims to
support the sharing of best practice and build awareness about the impact of your own teaching.

b. Why did you select that strategy? Why is it important for your professional development?

Peer observation has the following most important characteristics:

Effective peer observation (including feedback and reflection):

Focuses on teachers' individual needs and gives an opportunity to learn from, and give feedback to peers      
Is a core component of creating a professional community and building collective efficacy
Can help teachers continue to improve their practice in ways that better promote student learning
Is a developmental learning opportunity.

c. Advantages and disadvantages

Some of the advantages of peer observation are

• offers an opportunity for teachers to see how their colleagues face the same problems as they do on a daily
• stimulates reflection on their own personal practice by observing other teachers;
• allows teachers to share ideas and experiences;
• offers an opportunity to see how other teachers teach;
• gives an opportunity to receive feedback on your teaching and;
• allows teachers to develop self-awareness of their own teaching styles.

As a possible disadvantage even though the use of peer observation could reduce anxiety since teachers
  are observed by friends or colleagues, the risk that this could have is the lack of objectivity, such as
  or suggestions that can be "very positive due to friendship" and incur judgment biases

d. If you were an English teacher right now, how would you apply and implement the strategy? Include specific
information about the means, audience, objective, time, steps, and other aspects or factors you consider
important to include.
Teachers may already be involved in a range of professional activities that include observations. This part provides
descriptions of some of the approaches used in schools. This guide could inform current approach or could be
used as a starting point for a new approach. Observations in the classroom can occur in a variety of ways and it
consists of the teachers' instructional practices being observed by other teachers.
Learning walks can include professional learning community team observations and their goal is to reinforce A
shared vision for high quality teaching and providing support to allow collective responsibility to achieve school
wide priorities.Digital recording may include individual observations and team analysis using technology to review
and evaluate educational practice and contribute to collaborative team learning. Protocols around use, storage
and management of digital recordings are agreed in consultation with participants and ensure compliance with
the school's obligation regarding photographing and filming students.
Professional learning teams aim to support the individual development of teachers through the sharing of
instructional practices and building skills for seeking, giving and receiving feedback. Small groups of colleagues
observe each other’s lessons to investigate answers to specific questions about instructional practice. This is
determined by each individual teacher and informed by a structured and agreed focus. A teacher or other
individual observes a lesson to gain an understanding of some aspect of teaching, learning or classroom
interaction. Observation snapshots aim to provide teachers with a convenient option for obtaining timely
feedback from a colleague focused on a specific teaching practice. A feedback seeking opportunity is initiated by
an individual teacher and involves a colleague from their teaching team observing part of a lesson and sharing
feedback ‘pointers’ in real time. Instructional rounds include school-to-school observations where a group of
leaders and nominated teachers visit a host school to observe practice in a range of classrooms. Instructional
rounds focus on an area of improvement that has been identified following an examination of aggregated student
data and provide a means of modelling the effective implementation of a particular teaching strategy or
e. Would you involve other people in the implementation of the strategy? If so, who and why?

The strategy of peer observation can be carried out between teachers and also between students, as a feedback
mechanism, it can also be carried out in the classroom, as well as in laboratories and field work.
It is necessary since it allows gathering first-hand information from the main actors.

Collaborative Task 4: Group strategy The group decides and agrees on the best individual strategy and designs an
example of the strategy using a technological tool. (Web page, a blog, an online presentation so fourth). Choose
the best that fits with the chosen strategy. In the practical environment, you will find a file with the name of Task
1 -Template – Strategy development. Task 5: Conclusions and recommendations The group writes some
conclusions about the benefits of using the strategy and also gives recommendations.

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