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A question that often perplexes me is what happens if at the end of a long and somehow tiring journey,
say it building a career, you cannot figure out balance in your gains or losses. At one time everything
appears dazzling and the ‘self’ outshines itself with luminosity of intellect and success but the next time,
another moment, you seem to doom or compelled to doom in unscientifically or illogically proven
“black-hole”. These ups and downs might appear reasonable but when it comes to cost you to ponder
upon your priorities and struggles to your destiny; subsequently outweighing losses from gains. This is
the moment when balancing these two variables doesn’t appear meaningless indeed.

Possibly, there are only two explanations which need quite a focus here; either gains fog or losses
outshine, simple. Regarding fogged gains it sometimes happen under sheer distress and gloom that you
forget or fail in realizing the appraisable struggles and sacrifices you once put in for exploring the
bounties with your outstanding brilliance and dedication. Yet, with all success in place, the point that
heavily demands the comparison is outshining losses. So with losses, a very distinctive role is played by
disappointments or disparity with its wings wide stretched shadowing the entire journey. Faltering n
achieving desires, re-set standards on brim, unjust luck, lost splendid merits or even humanly short-
comings, frequently used to enhance the darkness and misery.

However with no apparent insurity, I have a very consolidated belief that sincere and dedicated efforts
leading to success are always glorified ultimately, no matter how many hurdles obstruct the way
throughout. In this view, dangling between this balance or imbalance catastrophe and so on counting
your losses upon gains righteously cost nothing but some good worthy time at expense of your shaken
faith and belief in yourself.

Nevertheless, improvement as far as you can make of your loss factor but at the same time just grip with
firm belief, utter commitment and undying faith, the fundamentals of your gains and success
infrastructure. Belief in honesty, truth and beauty of your dedication will doubtlessly lead you towards
your desired destiny. And, no matter, a few persistent short-comings will just remind you the virtue of
being human in fact.

Errors, mistakes, falls and then rise; as was promised through long years of untiring efforts. And this
glory along with its cherished bounties will prevail forever, subsequently and meticulously dissolving the
once bothered ‘gain-loss balance disorder’.


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