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English Program/Mini – English Program

Subject: Additional Science Course Code: ----------------
Science 21201 Level: Mathayom 1/3
Semester: First Semester Unit: 1
Topic: Environment Sub - topic: Pollution and Types of Pollution
Period: 1 period/week Teacher’s Name: Mr. Paul Victor L. Tamuria

Strand 2: Life and the Environment

Standard Sc2.2: Appreciating the importance of natural resources; utilization of natural resources
at local, national and global levels; and application of knowledge for management of natural
resources and local environment on a sustainable basis.

a) Analyse the state of problems concerning the environment and natural resources in the local area,
and propose guidelines for problem-solving.
b) Explain guidelines for preserving the equilibrium of the eco-system.
c) Discuss sustainable utilization of natural resources.
d) Analyse and explain utilization of natural resources in terms of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.
e) Discuss environmental problems and propose relevant guidelines for problem-solving.
f) Discuss and participle in providing care and preserving the local environment on a sustainable

4.1 Knowledge
4.1.1 Describe human activities that contribute to air, water, soil, and noise pollution.
4.1.2 Identify ways to maintain a safe and healthy environment at school and at home.

4.2 Process
4.2.1 Perform simple experiments about types of pollution.

4.3 Attributes
4.3.1 Appreciate the importance of knowing the causes of environmental pollution and
suggest ways on how to minimize pollution.

5.1 Topic: Environment
5.2 Sub – topics: Pollution and Types of Pollution

6.1 Daily Routine
Cleanliness and orderliness of the classroom
Checking of attendance
6.2 Warm up/Lead in
6.2.1 Science Word Drill
➢ Show some jumbled letters and ask the students to guess the words.
➢ Post a letter puzzle on the board and let the students fill in the puzzle.

6.2.2 Motivation
➢ Show a short video clip/presentation about the polluted environment.
o What can you say about the video?
o What are the causes of the polluted environment?

6.2.3 Review
➢ Recall of their prior knowledge on environment.

6.3 Presentation
6.3.1 Discussion
➢ The teacher will use PowerPoint presentation and other teaching aids to discuss
about pollution and types of pollution. The teacher will direct the class to an
interactive discussion where exchanges of ideas among the students are solicited.
The following questions may be asked during the discussion:
✓ How have human activities contributed to air, water, soil, and noise
✓ Identify solutions to prevent air, water, soil, and noise pollution in your
➢ What do you know about pollution? List 5 adjectives that come to mind when you
hear the word pollution?

➢ The teacher will lead the class to point out that pollution may be defined as the
action or process of making land, water, and air, dirty and not safe or suitable for
➢ The quality of the land for the food we grow, water we drink, and air with breath
is essential to our health and wellbeing. Each of us has a role in preventing
pollution. In this lesson, you will learn more about pollution, what it is, the impacts,
and ways to advocate for prevention of pollution.

➢ Pollution is not a new problem. During the middle ages, increased populations led
to unsanitary conditions caused by human and animal waste and garbage.

➢ For the group activity, choose two types of pollution that you would like to learn
more about.

➢ For each type of pollution that you chose, write the effects, and the strategies or
solution for the prevention of that particular pollution.
✓ Explain which pollution types you researched, the effects, and strategies
for prevention.

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Pollution Type 1:
✓ What is the pollution type:
✓ What are the effects of the pollution type:
✓ What are the strategies for preventing/solving the pollution type?

Pollution Type 2:
✓ What is the pollution type:
✓ What are the effects of the pollution type:
✓ What are the strategies for preventing/solving the pollution type?

➢ Advocacy Activity:
✓ Select one of the types of pollution that you learned more about and write
a letter to one of the organizations below that you think are most
appropriate to advocate for a pollution solution. In the letter, describe the
pollution, its impact on the health of the communication, and share an idea
that you have to prevent or stop the pollution.

6.3.2 Pair/Group Activity

➢ For the group activity, choose two types of pollution that you would like to
learn more about.
➢ For each type of pollution that you chose, write the effects, and the strategies
or solution for the prevention of that particular pollution.

6.3.3 Conclusion
✓ Protecting our environment is a tough task that requires all of our attention.
The Earth is our home and you can make a difference in protecting it. Be the
leader that your school and home environment needs!
7.1 Question and Answer Drill
To check students understanding, the teacher will ask random questions as the lesson
progresses. This includes recitation, board work, and during the group activity.

7.2 Student Worksheet

➢ The students will answer the worksheet about the types of pollution provided by the

7.3 Vocabulary
The following words are consistently used all throughout the lesson:
✓ ENVIRONMENT - the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical
area, especially as affected by human activity.
✓ POLLUTION - the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or
thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.
✓ WATER POLLUTION - occurs when harmful substances—often chemicals or
microorganisms—contaminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of
water, degrading water quality and rendering it toxic to humans or the environment.
✓ AIR POLLUTION - the presence in or introduction into the air of a substance which
has harmful or poisonous effects.
✓ LAND/SOIL POLLUTION - the deposition of solid or liquid waste materials on land
or underground in a manner that can contaminate the soil and groundwater
✓ NOISE POLLUTION - harmful or annoying levels of noise, as from airplanes,
industry, etc.

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7.4 Homework
➢ Write a short speech about a certain type of pollution – its effects to the environment and
the solution to solve the pollution problem. Be able to present the speech to the class next

8.1 Activity sheet
8.2 Power point presentation
8.3 Worksheet
8.4 Diagrams/models

Prepared by:

(Mr. Paul Victor L. Tamuria)

Subject Teacher

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