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“| CHARACTER NAME : JOVEL NAL BOTHAN 5 10 6 20 TECHNCIAN (SLICER) enum ) Favor (8) The Nil canis far cf polis, and they arranged forthe pa eldest daughter to follow in their ne of work as @ Sent cide Desi tl _For the young Bathan, the intrigue of sing into covernent Mecha databases fr surpassed the constant bickering and posturing on edie ro the Senae flor Consequently, she used much of her tine as an aide honing her skis as techician, Senator Te ec lev Auer discovered her talents by accident and Sua to) fept them a secret. Now she works for fim, and by ecansion, the Pe cme sya, which as Aue nts pocket oa sare wth an Chigation ae of tut can increas the magnitude of her fer 8 much 20 n ode to aan ston tle or piece of enimert. Sis able 20 co the by ben- feng for her Soezanal connctng, bit the Obligation she curs may come back 0 EDGEz EMPIRE Wolowt Baster "Pees 5 ET; Crry 006 ooo 000 200 00 Set eo 1292 on ait 1 damage per Success symbol old Inflct 2 CriealInury on he or CHORD haunt her inthe fture. Add the anginal and in Gromes | Ages it) | Bim Set eo CA ali ll bal You deol 8 stun damoge on ait +1 damage pe Suess ¥ symbol Sune | roled. This damage fered wet rater than wounds Playing Jovel * You are the goto person for dealing vith damage. databases, soartysystams, and repr. ‘© The Nas are an expansive farily with roots set dwn all over Coruscant and be- yond. One of your clansmen, Korsin Fenn, ‘ccasionaly feeds you interesting tidbits of information from his sabaceparor, the Spyder. * Your stun grenades are perfect for dealing with large groups of enemies and keeping them of your ‘along enough for you to make your escape! Fite 2 Stimpacks Comin umpsit em Teer Taree Seamer Pee ee Ny lente 898832 a6 oO eg ‘tee ol tm Oe Dlowetresar Seay ammo «= Spee CA) for tact 8 al corectarsengoped with anget sur 8 sun + Yu have 3 sun grenades, Eech grenade canbe use once ° a1 darage on ait +1 damage per Success symbol role ‘lit 3 rca nary ona he for CHIH lous ranean etean ter reser wh coir Sak 1 ec inated in cok a sedi ecu ore, py an ergaiz ros yin fa Lintreneing meten song, etl etn sey ‘aiearere ade Feaure cain ansrisons Man Faces tine ecient Cargtareed aby 25 ove 1 Sock de Mell cc mate to dete aac tyes er open asad do trod cso ert casas by

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