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(2018 – 20)







I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who took part in helping me
throughout this project and build my final research project report.

I would start by offering sincere thanks to Dr Smita Sharma, faculty at LBSIM who
took all the efforts to guide me during this project and provide her valuable
opinions. I would also like to thank several advertising industry members whom I
reached out to on LinkedIn and got their valuable opinions. Mr Utsav Kumar was
extremely helpful during the data analysis for the responses.

Lastly my thanks to my batchmates and family members for their utmost support.



This is to certify that the present study is based on my original research work and my indebtedness
to others’ works, publications, etc. wherever cited in this study has been duly acknowledged at
appropriate places.

This work has not been submitted either in part or in full for the award of any diploma or degree in
any university/Institute and is now being submitted for evaluation in partial fulfillment for the
requirement of the Two-year Full Time Post-Graduate Diploma in Management (General).


Signature of the Student

Devvrat Pandey

The student consulted / did not consult (strike off whichever is not applicable) me while doing
this Final Research Project.

Extent of Plagiarism:________%

Prof. ______________
Faculty Guide

Executive Summary
The report “Creativity in advertising and its effects in influencing costumer purchase
behaviour” briefly introduces creativity and its importance in the advertising
industry. The research then aims at understanding whether a relationship between
creativity in advertisements and costumer purchase behavior exists using regression

Primary research was done with the help of structured questionnaires, responses to
which were collected through online forms that first show a poster advertisement
and then ask the respondent to rate the advertisement on its creativity and whether
it would lead to purchase. The survey has a total of 3 advertisements from the FMCG
sector, all of whom are chosen from foreign nations and have won creative awards.

First phase of the report introduces the topic and reasoning behind choosing the
same. It goes on to explain the scope of the study, objectives and hypotheses that were
undertaken. The second phase brings forth the research methodology and analysis.
Last phase explains the results and draws conclusions from the research.

The research finds that there does exist a significant relation between creativity in an
advertisement and purchase behaviour modulation of the customer towards that
product. Specific factors of creativity namely, “Artistic Value” , “Elaboration” play a
major role in defining the creativity for purchase behaviour variables like
“willingness to buy”, “intention to recommend” and “Likelihood of purchase”.
Table of Contents

Sl. No Content Page no

1 Introduction 01

2 Literature Review 03

3 Theoretical Model 05

4 Objectives 06

5 Research Methodology 07

6 Data Analysis 11

7 Findings 33

8 Conclusions 35

9 Managerial Implications 36

10 Limitations and Scope for Future Study 37

11 Bibliography 38

12 Annexure 39
An ongoing debate in the advertising industry is whether agencies going up and above
for creativity content in their advertisement actually lead to sales and/or mold
positive purchase behaviour of the customer. This debate arises to the increase in
Advertising Awards like AdStars, Marquees, AdAge, Effies etc. Some critics comment
that certain campaigns are planned to achieve wins at these award ceremonies and
win galore for the agency’s credit rather than the client paying for it.
Creativity is considered to be an important determinant of advertising effectiveness
and advertising textbooks normally devote one or two chapters to creative strategy
and tactics. Major industry awards (e.g. Clio’s) are given to ‘creative’ advertisements
and salaries to ‘creative’ personnel represent a considerable portion of ad agencies’
expenses. Similar to definitions in psychology, creativity in marketing is usually
defined as having two characteristics: divergence and relevance (sometimes called
effectiveness). Based on the psychological and marketing literature reviewed,
creative ads are defined as those that are both divergent and relevant.
A third characteristic found in some definitions of creativity in advertising is the
notion of effectiveness – the ad must be productive or capable of achieving its goals.
However, in this conceptualization, incorporating the notion of effectiveness
confounds advertising creativity with its consequences. That is, creative ads are
defined by some researchers as ones that are effective at achieving their goals.
However, the primary reason why researchers and advertising practitioners are
interested in advertising creativity is as an explanation for why some ads are more
effective at achieving their goals than others. To make effectiveness part of creativity
itself is to eliminate its usefulness as an explanatory variable. It is illogical to say that
ads are more effective because they are creative, if they are creative, in part, because
they are more effective. Therefore, we argue that notions of effectiveness,
productivity, and impact should not be part of the definition of ad creativity.
This study will be an experimental research on understanding the correlation
between creative copyrighting techniques used by advertisers and its effectives on
the consumer’s purchase behaviour.

Purchase behaviour is studied under Consumer Behaviour which gives out a

Consumer Decision Making

Model as shown below

Need Recognition


Problem Awareness



Evaluation of


Post Purchase

Literature Review

1) “Reinartz Werner & Saffert Peter. (2013). Creativity in Advertising: When

It Works and When It Doesn’t,Harvard Business Review, 15(2).”

a) Creativity of an advertisement can be measured in terms of Originality,
Elaboration, Flexibility, Synthesis and Elaboration.
b) The research found that Elaboration is the most effective factor followed by
artistic value.
c) However, advertisements tend to focus on artistic value and originality

2) “Dominic Twose, Polly Wyn Jones " The link between creativity and
effectiveness in advertising," The Drum Marketing.
and-effectiveness-advertising (accessed August 22, 2019).”

a) The article mentions that creativity cannot be defined or prescribed, its
effects can be measured, and creative ads tend to be enjoyable and involving,
and different to other advertising. The author says that they tend to stimulate
an emotional response.
b) The analysis given in the article also highlights that one differentiator
between creative ads and effective ads which is that effective ads are more
likely to have the brand as an integral part of the advertising. There is no
single route to effective advertising, and this is particularly in evidence in
looking at emotional response, where no one emotional response seems to be
related to effective advertising.

3) “Palikhe, Amin. (2018). Impact of Humor Advertisement on Purchase

Intention of Consumer. 1.”

a) The paper measures purchase intention in terms of factors like “willingness
to buy”, “intend to recommend”, “likelihood of purchase”, “future purchase”
and “buying regardless of place of origin”.
b) In the research humour was found to be positively and significantly related to
purchase intention.
c) The paper notes that credibility of the source can be enhanced using humour
while also increasing the appeal of the ad.

4) “Younus, S., Rasheed, F., & Zia, A. (2015). Identifying the Factors Affecting
Customer Purchase Intention . Global Journal of Management and
Business Research: A Administration and Management, 15(2).”

a) The research paper measures purchase intention using factors like “customer
knowledge”, “perceived value”, “product packaging” and “celebrity
b) The author concludes that the above factors have positive and significant
correlation with purchase intent.

5) “Khan, Mustafa Bilal., Khan Saima. (2013). Effect of humorous advertising

on brand recognition. The IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. X, No. 1,

a) In this research, humor appeal was studied and it was found to be key in
building ad liking, which ultimately led to strong brand recognition.
b) The authors also noted that humor made the respondents feel good about the
advertisement and these positive feelings created profound brand
recognition amongst the respondents.

Theoretical Model
Using the literature review, the following model was designed to conduct research

○ To examine the relation of creativity in advertisements and whether it affects
purchase behaviour in customers.
○ To understand the specific factors of creativity that influence different
variables of purchase variables.

Research Methodology
A combination of Qualitative and Quantitative research methodology was used in
fulfillment of this research.

Qualitative Research:

• Research Papers
• Online Articles

Quantitative Research:

Data sources : Primary Sources

Data approaches : Questionnaire.

Sample size : 181

Sampling Method : Convenience sampling.

Research Design : Descriptive.

Research design: Research design is simply the framework or plan for a

study, Used guide in collecting and analyzing data.

Descriptive research design: Descriptive research is also called Statistical

Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and
characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is
to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. Although this
research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation.

Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better
understanding of a topic. That is, analysis of the past as opposed to the future.

Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain phenomena. The

details of the facts won’t be known. The existing phenomena’s facts are not known
to the persons.

Data Collection:

Exploratory research

Qualitative research in the form of qualitative research through Literature reviews.

Descriptive research

For analysing the buying pattern of the consumers structured survey would be
conducted in electronic form.

Research instruments:

For primary data collection:

1. Questionnaire/ in depth

For secondary data collection:

1. Emerald Insights

2. Online Research Papers

3. Newspaper/Magazine articles

Measurement and Scaling

Types of scale to be used:

For determining factors, a 5-pointer scale is used.

Sampling Plan:

Population universe: Pan India

Sampling method: Non-probabilistic –convenience sampling

Sampling frame: The sampling frame includes personal contacts list

Sampling unit: individuals of the age group 24-50 years

Sampling size: A 5 pointer scale which is a combination of more than one continuum,
will be used to calculate the sample size.


SD = 5-1/6

= 2/3

95% confidence interval level, Z= 1.96

Tolerable Error ‘e’= .10

n = (Z*S/e) ^2

Applying in the formula, we get sample size ‘n’= 170 (approximate)

Pretesting Questionnaire:

• Pilot Survey of 31 respondents.

• Reliability Analysis.

In the questionnaire, three advertisements were shown to the respondents. These
advertisements were all chosen from the FMCG sector respectively in the low
involvement category to specifically map the influence that creativity has on
purchase behavior of the respondent, specially because being low involvement
these products need to stand out more in the consumer’s mind space and positively
impact the purchase decision in favor of the advertiser.
The advertisements were chosen to be from foreign nations rather than domestic to
eliminate any bias that might exist from prior exposure. Creativity could be better
rated hence because the respondent would experience it from the start and
immediately answer questions for purchase decision that would help in
understanding the relation between the two.
In order to map the respondent’s behaviour, the advertisements chosen were of
products that compete in the Indian market and the customer is well versed with
the offering, so as there is no information gap regarding what the advertisement
copy is trying to show and its relation with the product.
As derived from the objectives of the research, in order to study relation between
creativity and purchase behaviour, the advertisements necessarily have to be
creative to begin with. Literature review suggests getting a panel familiar with
psychology to rate advertisements and then show the advertisements rated highly
on creativity to target group and measure the purchase behaviour. With the
limitations of the study that would not be possible. To tackle this challenge,
advertisements were chosen from the winners of an advertising award “AdStars”
from 2019 and 2018. This ensured that the advertisements were high on creativity
they were rated by a group of highly experienced individuals in the advertising
industry. Also, AdStars awards the best advertisements from around the globe and
not just one nation, which helped the scope of research as respondents would
experience different understandings of creativity.

Data Analysis
Reliability Test
Cronbach’s Alpha test is used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire:

a) Originality

In the above table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.650 which is greater than 0.5. This means
that the item is reliable in explaining the originality in advertisement, thus, we can
apply other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.

b) Flexibility
In the below table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.775 which is greater than 0.5. This means
that the item is reliable in explaining the flexibility in advertisement, thus, we can
apply other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.

c) Elaboration

In the above table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.822 which is greater than 0.5. This means
that the item is reliable in explaining the elaboration in advertisement, thus, we can
apply other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.

d) Synthesis

In the above table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.845 which is greater than 0.5. This means
that the item is reliable in explaining the synthesis in advertisement, thus, we can
apply other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.

e) Artistic Value

In the above table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.791 which is greater than 0.5. This means that
the item is reliable in explaining the artistic value in advertisement, thus, we can apply
other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.
f) Purchase Behaviour

In the above table, the Cronbach alpha is 0.897 which is greater than 0.5. This means
that the item is reliable in explaining the purchase behaviour in advertisement, thus,
we can apply other tests on the data to test the hypothesis.

g) Reliability of questionnaire

The above table is showing the reliability of the whole questionnaire. Cronbach
alpha is greater than 0.5 which mean the items in questionnaire are reliable.

Regression Analysis
General regression equation is written as follows:

Dependent variable= Constant + Beta* Independent variable

In the above equation, independent variable is the humor and the dependent
variables are consumer attitude towards advertisement and product. Beta is the
coefficient of the independent variable

a) Regression analysis of overall average creativity with averaged
purchase behaviour

1) Advertisement 1 ( Coca-Cola)

The regression equation comes out to be

Purchase behaviour = -0.192 + 1.051* (creativity)
For the above equation it can be stated that a unit increase in the creativity, consumer
purchase behaviour towards product will increase by 1.051 units. The R square value
shows that the impact of creativity on purchase behaviour for advertisement, which

is .458. The Significance is below 0.05 which indicates a positive and significant
relationship between creativity and purchase behaviour.

2) Advertisement 2 (Nivea)

The regression equation comes out to be

Purchase behaviour = 0.364 + 0.895* (creativity)
For the above equation it can be stated that a unit increase in the creativity,
consumer purchase behaviour towards product will increase by 0.895 units. The R
square value shows that the impact of creativity on purchase behaviour for
advertisement, which is .379. The Significance is below 0.05 which indicates a
positive and significant relationship between creativity and purchase behaviour .

3) Advertisement 3 (Burger King)

The regression equation comes out to be

Purchase behaviour = 0.852 + 0.641* (creativity)
For the above equation it can be stated that a unit increase in the creativity,
consumer purchase behaviour towards product will increase by 0.641 units. The R
square value shows that the impact of creativity on purchase behaviour for
advertisement, which is .231. The Significance is below 0.05 which indicates a
positive and significant relationship between creativity and purchase behaviour .

b) Regression Analysis of Creativity variables with Purchase Behaviour

1) Willingness to purchase
1.1) Advertisement 1

Here we see that variables “Synthesis” and “Artistic Value” have a positive and
significant relation with “willingness to buy”. While R square is 0.458.
1.2) Advertisement 2

Here we see that variables “Elaboration” ,” Flexibility and “Artistic Value” have a
positive and significant relation with “willingness to buy”. While R square is 0.613.

1.3) Advertisement 3

Here we see that variables “Elaboration” and “Artistic Value” have a positive and
significant relation with “willingness to buy”. While R square is 0.251.

2) Intention to recommend
2.1) Advertisement 1

Here we see that variables “Synthesis” and “Flexibility” have a positive and
significant relation with “Intention to recommend”. While R square is 0.187. The R
square is low.

2.2) Advertisement 2

Here we see that variables “Artistic Value”, “Elaboration” and “Flexibility” have a
positive and significant relation with “Intention to recommend”. While R square is

2.3) Advertisement 3

Here we see that variables “Elaboration” and “Artistic Value” have a positive and
significant relation with “Intention to recommend”. While R square is 0.270.

3) Likelihood of Purchase
3.1) Advertisement 1

Here we see that variables “Synthesis” and “Artistic value” have a positive and
significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is 0.568.

3.2) Advertisement 2

Here we see that variables “Elaboration” and “Artistic value” have a positive and
significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is 0.411.

3.3) Advertisement 3

Here we see that variables “Elaboration”, “Originality” and “Artistic value” have a
positive and significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is
4) Future Purchase
4.1) Advertisement 1

Here we see that variables “Originality”, “Synthesis” and “Artistic value” have a
positive and significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is

4.2) Advertisement 2

Here we see that variables “Flexibility” and “Artistic value” have a positive and
significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is 0.339.

4.3) Advertisement 3

Here we see that variables “Elaboration”, ”Flexibility” and “Artistic value” have a
positive and significant relation with “Likelihood of purchasing”. While R square is

Regression Analysis of Creativity variables with Purchase Behaviour
factors- Summary
With respect to all the regression analysis of different factors of purchase
behaviour the following summary can be made:

• Significant variables of “Willingness to Purchase”

1st Advertisement: Artistic, Synthesis
2nd Advertisement: Elaboration, Flexibility
3rd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration

• Significant variables of “Intention to recommend”

1st Advertisement: Synthesis, Flexibility
2nd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration, Flexibility
3rd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration

• Significant variables of “Likelihood of purchase”

1st Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration, synthesis
2nd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration, Originality
3rd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration, Originality

• Significant variables of “High future purchase”

1st Advertisement: Artistic, Originality, synthesis
2nd Advertisement: Artistic value, Flexibility
3rd Advertisement: Artistic, Elaboration

• The research found that all of three advertisements displayed varied levels of
creativity in terms of Originality, Elaborative, Flexibility, Synthesis and Artistic
Value meaning the respondents were able to differentiate between these
factors effectively.
• The creativity of the advertisement measured through variables “Originality”,
“Elaborative”, “Flexibility”, “Synthesis” and “Artistic Value” with four questions
in each was averaged to give one score of creativity per response and
influenced purchase behaviour measured through factors like “intention to
recommend”, “willingness to buy”, “likelihood of purchase” and “future
purchase” was averaged to give one score of purchase behaviour.
• Regression Analysis was run on this averaged out score with Creativity as
independent variable and Purchase behaviour to find the relationship between
the two of each of the three advertisements. The analysis depicted a positive
and significant relationship between Creativity and Purchase Behaviour of all
the advertisements used in the study.
• Regression Analysis was also run for all the three advertisements with all the
creativity variables “Originality”, “Elaborative”, “Flexibility”, “Synthesis” and
“Artistic Value” taken as independent variables and each of the purchase
factors “intention to recommend”, “willingness to buy”, “likelihood of
purchase” and “future purchase” taken as dependent variable to understand
which variable of creativity has the most significant influence on each of the
individual factor of purchase behaviour.

• The following table represents the most recurring creativity variables for each
of the purchase behaviour factor:
Purchase Behaviour Factor Creativity Variables
Willingness to Purchase Artistic Value, Elaboration
Intention to recommend Artistic Value, Elaboration, Flexibility
Likelihood of purchase Artistic Value, Elaboration
High future purchase Artistic Value

• The following table represents the most recurring creativity variables overall:

Creativity Variables Repetitions

Artistic Value 10/12
Elaboration 7/12
Flexibility 4/12
Synthesis 4/12
Originality 2/12

Creativity is often debated to be just a factor to catch the audience’s attention and
negligible or of minimum relevance when it comes to the top line. This can be partially
due to the fact that, unlike “Direct Selling” the sale of good or service cannot be
directly traced to the advertisement of said good or service. This research helps in
understanding the linkage or the influence that exists between creativity and
purchase behaviour of the consumer experiencing the advertisement.
When rating each advertisement from foreign nations, the respondents were able to
comprehend the different of creativity at play. This implies that the target consumer
is the Indian scenario is quite savy with the creative copies of advertisement served
to him/her.
Furthermore, the data analysis depicts there to be a positive and significant casual
relationship between creativity in the advertisement and its influence on the
customer’s purchase behaviour. This means that high levels of creativity in the
advertisement would lead to the consumer of the advertisement being positively
influenced to consider purchasing, intend to recommend and/or keep it in mind space
while making future purchase decisions. This confirms the primary objective and
scope of the study.
Upon further data analysis into which creativity variable influences specific purchase
behaviour factors, it was found that “Artistic Value” and then “Elaboration” were the
most influential in most of the purchase behaviour factors. “Artistic Value” was also
the most recurring creativity variable overall. This is consistent with the Literature
Review as the HBR article by Reinartz Werner & Saffert Peter notes that these two
very creativity variables affect the sales most. However, in the our study “Artistic
Value” is the most recurring while Saffert & Reinartz conclude that “Elaboration”
should be most important followed by “Artistic Value”. This could be due to the
limitations of the study.

Managerial Implications
• Advertisers must focus on the creativity component of the advertisement’s
copy and attempt to keep it divergent from generic advertisements to gain
shelf space in the consumer’s mind. This would positively influence the
consumer’s purchase decision making and drive the top line of the product
being advertised.
• The advertiser can further specifically target a purchase behaviour according
to needs of the Marketing objectives of the product. This study indicates that
focussing on “Artistic Value” and “Elaboration” of the advertisement would
effective all the purchase behaviour factors.
• Variables like “Flexibility” and “Synthesis” could be given second importance
after the above factors as both these variables also have significant positive
influence in some specific advertisements.

Limitations and scope for future study
• The overall number of respondents is on the lower side and a higher number
of responses could provide more specific results.
• The respondents interviewed were majorly from the 21-30 years old age
group. This could present a divergence when compared with other age groups.
• The advertisements shown were of print format only. Digital media channels
and interactive advertisements could have varied results from this study.
• The advertisements chosen were from low-involvement FMCG sector
selectively. The results may vary when compared with different sectors.
• The advertisements chosen were not specific in terms of creativity variables.
Future studies can have advertisements that score high on specific creativity
variables and then test the purchase behaviour influence of those specific
variable in isolation.

• “Reinartz Werner & Saffert Peter. (2013). Creativity in Advertising: When It
Works and When It Doesn’t,Harvard Business Review, 15(2).”
• “Dominic Twose, Polly Wyn Jones " The link between creativity and effectiveness
in advertising," The Drum Marketing.
effectiveness-advertising (accessed August 22, 2019).”
• “Palikhe, Amin. (2018). Impact of Humor Advertisement on Purchase Intention
of Consumer. 1.”
• “Younus, S., Rasheed, F., & Zia, A. (2015). Identifying the Factors Affecting
Customer Purchase Intention . Global Journal of Management and Business
Research: A Administration and Management, 15(2).”
• “Khan, Mustafa Bilal., Khan Saima. (2013). Effect of humorous advertising on
brand recognition. The IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol. X, No. 1, 2013.
• Smith, R. E., & Yang, X. (2004). Toward a General Theory of Creativity in
Advertising: Examining the Role of Divergence. Marketing Theory, 4(1–2), 31–
• Kokemuller, Neil. "The Role of Creativity in Advertising." Small Business -,
61394.html. Accessed 11 November 2019.
• Howell, Parl. “can creativity really increase sales?” Business of,
• Klien, David. “How Important Is Creativity in Advertising?”.,


1) Coca-Cola “Try not to hear this”

2) Nivea “Wrinkles”

3) Burger King “Flame Grilled since 1954”





Artistic Value

Purchase Behaviour

Meeting Date Purpose Remarks Signature
# (Project Guide)
1 23rd July Introductory Meeting Discussion around
2019 possible topics for the

2 20th Project Title, Research Relevant discussion

August Methodology Proposed And about the topic and
2019 Discussed the objectives
undertaken were
3 22nd Final Discussion For Layout and content of
August Submission Of Synopsis synopsis was finalised

4 5th January Discussion Before Mid Term Carious doubts were

2020 Review solved and
suggestions given

5 6th January Seeking Assistance In Data Suggestions regarding

2020 Analysis data analysis were

6 11th Final Report Draft Discussion The Draft was

January approved for
2020 submission


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