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Name: Jane O.

Encarquez Section: BSTM-3


ESSAY. Think of a specific mode of transportation in the Philippines. In no more than three (3)
sentences for each item, describe it according to the following. You may respond with text or
attachment. (4 items x 10 points each)

What characteristic of tourism transportation best describes your chosen mode of transportation?
- The characteristic of tourism transportation best describe as my chosen mode transportation is
Oligopoly,because they controlled by a single dominant provider that include the auto industry, cable
television, and commercial air travel that huge advantage in industry.

What classification of tourism transportation does your chosen mode of transportation fall under?
Recreational transport
It will fall under the recreation tranport because this has type of two purpose mobility and recreation
this is more likely active and more fun as well a lot of teen age well definately love to exprience this
kind of activity because they know that they will enjoy and experience unique activity under
recreation transport

What determinant/s will make you choose to utilize your chosen mode of transportation? Why?
-For me, convenience is important since it allows me to choose whatever transportation services I
want to utilize, making it easy for tourists. Transportation choices is influenced by a variety of criteria,
including boarding, location, terminal location, and check-in procedures.

What improvements/changes did you notice concerning the mode of transportation you’ve chosen? If
none, what improvement/changes would you like to see?
- I want to see changes in the airline sector so that no passengers are inconvenienced by aircraft
delays or cancellations. Because it may produce inconvenient situations, the passenger may become
frustrated and will undoubtedly complain. They might potentially blame it on the airline's personnel
or management.

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