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1. Theory 2 – 21

2. Exercise - 1 22 – 31

3. Exercise - 2 31 – 35

4. Exercise - 3 35 – 37

5. Exercise - 4 38 – 41

6. Exercise - 5 41 – 42

7. Answer key 43 – 44

Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision

When we have dealt with an extended body (that is a body that has size), we assumed that it can be
approximated to be a point particle or that it underwent only translational motion. Real “extended”
bodies, however, can undergo rotational and other types of motion as well. For example, if you flip a pen
in air, you will find that its motion is indeed very complex as every part of the pen moves in a different
way. Therefore, a pen can not be represented as a particle, but as a system of particles. However, if you
closely look, you will find that one of the special points of the pen moves in a simple parabolic path, as
if pen's entire mass is concentrated there. That point is called the 'center of mass' of the pen. Thus,
precisely speaking centre of mass is the location where the entire mass of system of particles is assumed
to be concentrated.
Centre of mass is an imaginary point, which may or may not be located on the system.

To locate, centre of mass, of a body, balance the body (let us say pen) on outstretched finger. The point
on the axis, above your finger is centre of mass of the pen.

When a force is applied on a body apart from the magnitude & direction of F the motion of the body
also depends upon the point of application.

   F
Thus, F = m a is not valid for all particles but for a special point i.e. centre of mass, a cm  .
Also, if the net force applied is along a line passing through the centre of mass of the body, all the
particles of the body move with same velocity and acceleration.

Position of centre of mass

First of all we find the position of Centre of mass of a system of particles. Just to make the subject easy
we classify a system of particles in three groups :
1. System of two particles
2. System of a large number of particles and
3. Continuous bodies.
Now, lest us take them separately.

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Mass Moment A
It is defined as the product of mass of the particle and distance of the m
particle from the point about which mass moment is taken. It is a vector z
quantity and its direction is directed from the point about which it is
taken to the particle, as shown in figure, the mass moment of particleA
(mass = m) about the point P is given by z.
There is an important property of centre of mass associated with the mass moments of the components
of the system which forms the basis of analytical determination of centre of mass of a system. The
property is “The summation of mass moments of all the components of a system about its centre
of mass is always equal to zero”. This statement is an experimentally verified property which does not
require any analytical proof. It can be used as a universal property in all types of systems.

1. Position of Centre of mass of two particles

Consider the situation shown in figure. Two masses m1 & m2 are separated by a distance l, let C be the
centre of mass of the system at a distance r1 from m1 and (l–r1) from m2. According to the property of
mass moments about centre of mass of system of two particles The summation of mass moments of
all the components of a system about its centre of mass is always equal to zero we have
r1 r2

m1 C m2   
m1 r1  m 2 r2  0

in scalar form, – m1r1 + m2 r2 = 0 (as r1 is towards left we consider it –ve)
m1r1 = m2 r2 .........(i)
r1 m 2

r2 m1
r1 m2 r m2
  1
r1  r2 m1  m 2  m1  m 2
m 2
r1 = m  m
1 2
From equation (i). The distance of centre of mass from any of the particle (r) is inversely proportional to
the mass of the particle (m).
r1 = r2 = if m1 = m2, i.e. Centre of mass lies midway between the two particle of equal masses.
Similarly, r1 > r2 if m1 < m2 and r1 < r2 if m1 > m2 i.e. Centre of mass is nearer to the particle having larger

2. Definition of Centre of mass for point particles :

Consider the situation shown in figure. There are three masses in a coordinate system with respective
coordinates (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) and (x3, y3, z3). The position vectors of these masses with respect of
origin can be given as
  
r1  x1î  y1ˆj  z1k̂ r2  x 2 î  y 2ˆj  z 2 k̂ r3  x 3î  y3 ĵ  z3k̂

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rc r2 z3

In this system, we will now locate the position of centre of mass. Let the coordinates of centre of mass
be (xc, yc, zc) and so the position vector will be

rc  x c î  yc ĵ  zc k̂
The mass moments of the masses m1, m2 and m3 about the centre of mass can be given as
           
z1 = m1 r1/ c = m1 . ( r1 – rc ) z2 = m2 r2/ c = m2 . ( r2 – rc ) z3 = m3 r3/ c = m3 . ( r3 – rc )
According to the property of mass moments, (the summation of mass moments of all the components of
a system about its centre of mass is always equal to zero) we have
  
z1  z 2  z 3 = 0
      
m1 . ( r1 – rc ) + m2 . ( r2 – rc ) + m3 . ( r3 – rc ) = 0
On solving we get
  
 m1 r1  m 2 r2  m 3 r3
rc  ....(i)
m1  m 2  m 3
This relation can also be generalized for n mass system. Now by substituting the vector in terms of unit
vectors î , ˆj and k̂ and comparing the coefficients of î , ˆj and k̂ we get
m1 ( x 1î  y1 ĵ  z1k̂ )  m 2 ( x 2 î  y 2 ĵ  z 2 k̂ )  m 3 ( x 3î  y 3 ĵ  z 3 k̂ )
x c î  y c ĵ  z c k̂ 
m1  m 2  m 3
m x  m2 x 2  m3x 3
xc  1 1 ....(ii)
m1  m 2  m 3
m1y1  m 2 y 2  m 3 y 3
yc  ....(iii)
m1  m 2  m 3
m1z 1  m 2 z 2  m 3 z 3
zc  ....(iv)
m1  m 2  m 3
Equation (ii), (iii), (iv) can also be extended to n - objects system.
    
 m1 r1  m 2 r2  m 3 r3  .......m n rn  mi ri
rC.M .  = m
m1  m 2  m 3  ........m n i

m1x1  m 2 x 2  m 3 x 3  ........ y
Thus xcm = m1  m 2  m 3  ....... m2
For a two body system this equation reduces to (x2 , y2)

m1 x 1  m 2 x 2
xcm = m1  m 2 m1
(x1 , y1)
m1y1  m 2 y 2 0
ycm =
m1  m 2
Note: Centre of mass divides two point masses in inverse ratio of their masses

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Centre of Mass of Continuous

Mass Distribution in rigid bodies
Mass distribution in rigid bodies is often termed as density.
We have often heard about density as being mass per unit volume. But there are other densities as well.
Linear mass density () mass/length
Superficial mass density () mass/area
Volume mass density () mass/volume
Examples of linear mass density :
(a) Let be the linear mass density of a uniform rod of mass m and length l.
m x
Then by definition = O
, l
Thus, the mass of element chosen = dx
(b) Let  be the linear mass density of a uniform ring of mass m & radius R
m d
Then by definition  =
Thus, the mass of chosen arc = Rd
Examples of areal mass density :
(a) Let  be the mass per unit area of the disc of mass m and radius R
Then by definition  =
R 2
Area of ring chosen =  (r + dr)2 – r2  2 dr
Thus, mass of the chosen ring is =  2r dr
dA = 2rdr
(b) Let  be the superficial mass density of rectangular plate
Thus, mass of the chosen ring is =  2 r dr

b m m
by definition ,  =

Examples of volume mass density ()

(a) Sphere of mass m radius R =
R 3
(b) Cone of mass m, radius R, height H, =
R 2 H
 1 
3. Centre of mass of rigid bodies rCOM   r dm
While calculating the COM of rigid bodies, we consider small elements in the body and integrate, by
replacing the element with equal mass placed at its centre of mass.
To summarize, meaning of each term

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XCOM = x dm

m system’ mass, x position (co-ordinate) of COM of the element chosen

dm  mass of the chosen element

1. Centre of mass of some commonly used systems :

Find the COM of the following systems:
Body Answer
a. Uniform rod of length L. L/2
b. rod having linear mass density    x 2L/3
c. Quadrant of a uniform circular ring , radius R. 2R/
d. Uniform semi circular ring of radius R. 2R/
e. Uniform semi circular disc of radius R. 4R/3
f. Uniform hemispherical shell of radius R. R/2
g. Uniform solid hemisphere of radius R. 3R/8
h. Hollow cone of base radius R & height h. h/3 from base of
the cone.
h/4 from base of
i. Solid cone of base radius R and height h.
the cone.

Motion of center of mass

Position vector of centre of mass

  
 m1 r1  m 2 r2  .....  m n rn
rc.m.  ..........(1)
m1  m 2  ......m n
Differentiating the above equation, we get the velocityof centre of mass in terms of velocityof individual
Velocity vector of centre of mass
   

v c.m . 
m1v1  m 2 v 2  .....  m n v n  mi vi
= ...........(2)
m1  m 2  ......m n  mi
On further differentiation, acceleration of centre of mass can be obtained.
  
 dv1 dv 2 dv n
dv c .m . m1  m 2  ......  m n
= dt dt dt .
dt m1  m 2  ........  m n
Acceleration vector of centre of mass
   

a c.m . 
m1a 1  m 2 a 2  .......  m n a n m ai i
= ..............(3)
m1  m 2  ......  m n m i
 
Let net force on particle of mass m1be F1 , m2 be F2
   
F1  m1a 1 , F2  m 2 a 2 ............
substituting these values in equation (3)
  
 F1  F2  F3  ......
a cm 
m1  m 2  m 3  .......

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We know that summation of internal forces is zero, thus

   
F1  F2  F3 ........Fn is the net external force.

 

 Fexternal net
a cm  .
M total
Displacement vector of centre of mass
   

sc.m. 
m1s1  m 2 s2  ......  m n sn  m i si
m1  m 2  ....  m n  mi
Equation (ii) and (iii) are vector equations and thus can be solved separately for the three mutually
 
perpendicular components î , ˆj and k̂ as we did earlier in determining the position of centre of mass.
Components of velocity

m v i ix
vc.m.(x) =
m i

m v i iy
vc.m.(y) =
m i

Component of acceleration

m a i ix
ac.m.(x) =
m i

m a i iy
ac.m.(y) =
m i

Components of displacement

m s i ix
sc.m.(x) =
m i

m s i iy
sc.m.(y) =
m i

 
 
dv cm  Fext net
 a cm 
dt M total

 
 
If Fext net = 0  acm = 0  v cm is constant.
if v cm initial  0
During the course of motion it will remain zero, and thus displacement of the centre of mass of the system
will also be zero.
Two body system
Initially m1 and m2 are at rest and they set free to move under the influence of internal forces only, then m1
and m2 may move with variable velocity and variable acceleration but centre of mass of system will
remain at rest.

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m1r1 = m2r2 r1 r2
After some time M m
m1(r1 – s1) = m2 (r2 – s2) s1 s2
m1 r1 – m1s1 = m2r2 – m2s2
M m
m 1s 1 = m 2s 2 C
r1–s1 r2–s2
ds1 ds
m1  m2 2
dt dt
m1v1 = m2v2 C is centre of mass of M & m

dv1 dv
m1  m2 2
dt dt
m1a = m2a2
s1 v1 a 1 m 2
  
s 2 v 2 a 2 m1 [numerically]
s1 and s2, v1 and v2 and a1 and a2 are oppositely directed.

Linear momentum and its conservation principle

 
The (linear) momentum of a particle is defined as p  mv . The momentum of an N-particle-system is
the (vector) sum of the momenta of the N particles i.e.,
  
Psys   p i   m i v i .
i i

 d  d  
But i mi vi  dt i mi ri  dt MR CM  MVCM
 
Thus, Psys  M VCM
As we have seen, if the external forces acting on the system add up to zero, the centre of mass moves

with constant velocity, which means P = constant. Thus the linear momentum of a system remains
constant (in magnitude and direction), if the external forces acting on the system add up to zero. This is
known as the principle of conservation of linear momentum.
Let as see a simple example of a bomb explosion.
Consider a bomb placed on a horizontal surface which suddenly explodes into two parts of masses m1
and m2 . The forces that are responsible for the explosion are internal.As there is no external force on the
system, momentum of system remains conserved. The initial momentum of the system is zero, Thus the
final momentum of the system must also be zero.
 
i.e. After explosion, if mass m1 moves with velocity v1 , and mass m2 moves with velocity v 2 , then by
conservation of linear momentum. m1+m2
   m2
m1v1  m 2 v 2  0 v2
in scalar form,
Before After explosion
m1v2 + m2 (– v2) = 0 explosion
m1v1 = m2v2.

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The C-Frame
The total momentum of a system of particles in
the C-frame of reference is always zero. We can
attach a frame of reference to the center of mass of a
system, this is called the center of mass or C-frame of
reference (figure). Relative to this frame, the center of XC YC
mass is at rest (vcom = 0) and according

to equation P = Mvcom , the total momentum of a
Ground frame
system of particles in the C-frame of reference is al-
ways zero. XL YL
 
P   Pi  0 in the C-frame of reference C-frame of reference
The C-frame is important because many situations can be more simplyanalyzed in this frame. It is clear
that the C-frame moves with a velocity vcom relative to the ground frame. When no external forces act on
a system, the C-frame becomes an inertial frame.
Illustration :
The velocities of two particles of masses m1 and m2 relative to an observer in an inertial frame are
v1 and v2. Determine the velocity of the center of mass relative to the observer and the velocity of
each particle relative to the center of mass.
Sol. From definition

drcom 1 dr m v i i
vcom =
M i mi dti  i

The velocity of the center of mass relative to the observer is
m1v1  m2 v2
vcom = m1  m2
The velocity of each particle relative to the center of mass (figure) using the relative motion
equations for velocities is
m1v1  m2 v2
v1c' = v1 – vcom = v1 –
m1  m2
m2 (v1  v2 ) m2 v12
= m m = m m
1 2 1 2

m1 (v2  v1 ) m1v12
v2c' = v2 – vcom = = –
m1  m2 m1  m2
where v12 = v1 – v2 is the relative velocity of the two particles.
Thus, in the C-frame, the two particles appear to be moving in opposite directions with velocities
inversely proportional to their masses.
Also relative to the center of mass, the two particles move with equal but opposite momentum
m1m2 v12
p1' = m1v1c' = (m  m ) = p2'
1 2
The expressions for two particle problems are much simpler when they are related to the C-frame
of reference.
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Kinetic energy of system of particles

Let us find relation between kinetic energy of a system from ground frame and C-frame. We have a
system consisting of many particles, let's say speed of the ith particle is vi. Then kinetic energy of system,
K, in ground frame will be summation of individual kinetic energies.
1 2
Ksys =   m i vi 
2 
now v1 = vi/c + vc
where vi is velocityof the ith particle in ground frame, vi/c is velocityof the ith particle in reference to frame
attached to the center of mass and vc is velocity of center of mass in ground frame.
Ksys = mi vi / c  vc 2
 
1 1 1
× 2 m i · vi / c · vc 
  
Ksys = mivi/c2 + mi vc2 +
2 2 2
1 1
(mi) vc2 + vc2 m i · vi / c vc
   
Ksys = mivi/c2 +
2 2
We can take vc out of summation in second and third term as it is constant. Now third term becomes
 
zero, as m i vi / c  Mvc / c = 0 (total momentum of a system of particles in the C-frame of reference is
always zero.)
vc/c is velocity of center of mass in frame of com. Which is zero.Also it represents momentum of system
in C-frame which is zero.
1 2 
 m1v i / c  = Ksys/c
2 
1 2
Thus, we get Ksys = Ksys/c + mv c
Where Ksys/c means kinetic energy of system in C-frame. This important conclusion will be useful again
in rotational dynamics; we can do little manipulation to write the equation as
p c2
Ksys = Ksys/c +
A system of two Particles
Suppose the masses of the particles are equal to m1 and m2 and their velocities in the K reference frame
 
be v1 and v 2 . respectively. Let us find the expressions defining their moment and the total kinetic energy
in the C-frame.
The momentum of the first particle in the C-frame is
   
P1/ c  mv1/ c  m1 ( v1 – v c )
Where vc is the velocity of the center of mass of the system in the ground frame. Substituting in this
formula expression.
 
 m v  m2 v2
v1  1 1
m1  m 2
  
P1/ c  ( v1 – v 2 )
Where  is the reduced mass of the system, given by
m1m 2
m= m m
1 2

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Similarly, the momentum of the second particle in the C-frame is

  
P2 / c  ( v 2 – v1 )
Thus, the momenta of the two particles in the C-frame are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction;
the modulus of the momentum of each particle is

P1/ c   rel
 
Where  rel  1 –  2 is the velocity of one particle relative to another..
Finally, let us consider kinetic energy. The total kinetic energy of the two particles in the C-frame is
 
P2 P2
Ksys/c = K1 + K2 = 
2m 2 2m 2

m1m 2 1 1 1
we know  or  
m1  m 2 m2 m2 

P 2  2rel
Then Ksys/c = 
2 2
Ksys = Ksys/c+ Kc, we get
 2rel mvc2
Ksys =  (where m = m1 + m2)
2 2

The impulse of the net force acting on a particle during a given time interval is equal to the change in
momentum of the particle during that interval. The Impulse is a vector quantity.

For any arbitrary force. The impulse J is defined as
 t2 
J   Fext dt
ared under the curve is impulse
 
Fext dt  dPsys
 Pf
J   dP sys
  
J  Pf – Pi t1 t t2
The concept of impulse can be better explained by an example shown in figure
v1 v2


t=0 t=t
A is a block of mass m moving with a velocity v1, at time t = 0, a constant force F is applied on it in the
direction of velocity for a time t. Due to this force the velocity of the body increases hence momentum
increase. If after time t the velocity of the body becomes v2, then according to momentum conservation
we have
Initial momentum + momentum imparted = final momentum
mv1 + F t = mv2 .......(i)

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If applied force is opposite to the direction of v1 then we’ll have

mv1 – F t = mv2 .......(ii)
Equation (i) and (ii) are similar to the equations written for work - energy theorem as work done by the
system or on the system are subtracted or added to the initial kinetic energy, gives the final kinetic energy
of the system. Similar to that, to initial momentum, impulse due the forces acting on the system are added
or subtracted, gives the final momentum of the system. If force is in the direction of the initial velocity of
the particle, impulse is added to the initial momentum and if it is against the velocity, impulse is subtracted
from theinitial momentum

Impulsive Force
When a force of high magnitude acts for a time that is short compared with the time of observation of the
system, it is referred as an impulsive force.An impulsive force can change the momentum of a body by
a finite magnitude in a veryshort time interval.
An impulsive force can only be balanced by another impulsive force.
We defined the impulse in terms of a single force, but the impulse-momentum theorem deals with the
change in momentum due to the impulse of the net force –that is, the combined effect of all the forces
that act on the particle. In the case of a collision involving two particles, there is often no distinction
because each particle is acted upon by only one force, which is due to the other particle. In this case, the
change in momentum of one particle is equal to the impulse of the force exerted by the other particle.
Average Force F
The impulsive force whose magnitude is represented in figure is F(t)
assumed to have a constant direction. The magnitude of the impulse of
this force is represented by the area under the F(t) curve. We can Fav
represent that same area by the rectangle in figure of width t and height
Fav where Fav is the magnitude of the average force that acts during the
interval t. Thus O ti tf
J = Fav t. t

Impulsive force is a relative term. There is no clear differentiation between an impulsive and non-impulsive
1. Gravitational force and spring force are always non-impulsive.
2. Normal tension and friction are case dependent.
1. Impulsive Normal :
In case of collision, normal forces at the surface of collision are always impulsive.
eg. (i) N1 is Impulsive ;
Normal reaction due to ground N2 & N3 are Non-impulsive

v1 v2

m1 N1 N1 m2

N3 m1g N2 m2g
(ii) Consider a ball dropped on a large ball.
Both normal forces N1 and N2 are impulsive
N2 is impulsive, as it balance N, for the large ball.

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(iii) Consider a large ball colliding with small ball N1, N3 are impulsive ; N2 is non-impulsive
N1 can be easily seen to be impulsive, as it is the normal force during collision here N3 balance a
component of N1, therefore it is also impulsive.


2. Impulsive Friction : If the normal between the two objects is impulsive, then the friction between the
two will also be impulsive.


3. Impulsive Tensions In a string : When a string is jerked out equal and opposite tension acts suddenly
at each end and impulses act on the bodies attached with the string in the direction of the string.
T is impulsive T
T is non-impulsive B N2
T is non-impulsive
All normal are impulsive but tension
T is impulsive only for the ball A
One end of the string is fixed : The impulsive force which acts at the fixed end of the string cannot
change the momentum of the fixed object attached at the other end. The object attached to the free end
however will undergo a change in momentum in the direction of the string. The momentum remains
unchanged in a direction perpendicular to the string. In this direction string cannot exert impulsive forces.
Both ends of the string attached to movable objects : In this case equal and opposite impulses act
on the two object, producing equal and opposite changes in momentum. The total momentum of the
system therefore remains constant, although the momentum of each individual object is changed in the
direction of the string. Perpendicular to the string however, no impulse acts and the momentum of each
particle in this direction is unchanged.
In case of rod : Tension is always impulsive.
In case of spring : Tensions is always non-impulsive.

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Newton’s laws are useful for solving a wide range of problems in dynamics. However, there is one class
of problem in which, even though Newton’s laws still apply as we have defined them, we may have
insufficient knowledge of the forces to permit us to analyze the motion. These problems involve collisions
between two or more objects
In this section we will learn how to analyze collisions between two objects. In doing so, we will
find that we need a new dynamic variable apart from velocity acceleration force and energy, called linear
momentum. We will see that the law of conservation of linear momentum, one of the fundamental
conservation laws of physics, can be used to study the collisions of objects from the scale of subatomic
particles to the scale of galaxies.
In a collision, two object exert forces on each other for an identifiable time interval, so that we can
separate the motion into three parts : before during, and after the collision. Before and after the collision,
we assume that the objects are far enough apart that they do not exert any force on each other. During
the collision, the objects exert forces on each other; these forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction, according to Newton’third law. We assume that these forces are much larger than any forces
exerted on the two objects by other objects in their environment. The motion of the objects (or at least
one of them) changes rather abruptlyduring the collision, so that we can make a relativelyclear separation
of the situation before the collision from the situation after the collision.
When a bat strikes a baseball, for example, the bat is in contact with the ball for an interval that
is quite short compared with the time during which we are watching the ball. During the collision that bat
exerts a large force on the ball. This force varies with time in a complex way that we can measure only
with difficulty.
When an alpha particle (4He nucleus) collides with another nucleus, the force exerted on each
by the other may be the repulsive electrostatic force associated with the charges on the particles. The
particles maynot actuallycome into direct contact with each other, but we still mayspeak of this interaction
as collision because a relatively strong force, acting for a time that is short compared with the time that
the alpha particle is under observation, has a substantial effect on the motion of the alpha particle.

u1 u2
m1 m2

Consider the situation shown in figure . Two block of masses m1 and m2 are moving on the same straight
line on a frictionless horizontal table. The block m2, which is ahead of m1 is going with a speed u2 smaller
than the speed u1 of m1 .Aspring is attached to the rear end of m2. Since u1 > u2, the block m1 will touch
the rear end the spring at some instant.
Since m1 moves faster then m2, the length of the spring will decrease. The spring will compress, it pushes
back both the blocks with force kx. This force is in the direction of the velocity of m2, hence m2 will
accelerate. However, this is opposite to the velocity of m1 and so m1 will decelerate. The velocity of the
front blockA(Which was slower initially will gradually increase, and the velocity of the rear block B
(which was faster initially ) will gradually decrease. The spring will continue to become more and more
compressed as long as the rear block B is faster than the front blockA. There will be an instant when the
two blocks will have equal velocities.
This corresponds to the maximum compression of the spring. Thus “the spring compression is maximum
when the two blocks attain equal velocities”

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Now, the spring being already compressed, continues to push back the two blocks. Thus, the front
blockAwill still be accelerated and the rear block B will still be decelerated.At the instant of maximum
compression velocities were equal and hence after this the front block will move faster than the rear
block. And so do the ends of the spring as they are in contact with the blocks. The spring will thus
increase its length. This process will continue till the spring acquires its natural length. Once the spring
regains its natural length, it stops exerting any force on the blocks.As the two blocks are moving with
different velocities bythis time, the rear one slower, the rear block will leave contact with the spring and
the blocks will move with constant velocities. Their separation will go on increasing.
During the whole process, the momentum of the two - blocks system remains constant.
This is because there is no resultant external force acting on the system. Note that the spring being
massless, exerts equal and opposite forces on the blocks.
Next consider the energy of the system.As there is no friction anywhere, the sum of the kinetic energy
1 2
and the elastic potential energy remains constant. The elastic potential energy is kx when the spring
is compressed by x. If v1 and v2 are the speeds at this time, we have,
v1 v2
1 1 1 m1 m2
m1 v12  m 2 v 22  kx 2  E
2 2 2
Compression in the spring is x
Where E is the total energy of the system.
Initially the spring is at its natural length so that,
1 1
m1u12  m 2 u 22  E ....(i)
2 2
At the time when the compression of the spring is maximum.
v1 = v2 = v
1 1 m1 m2
( m1  m 2 ) v 2  kx 2max  E
2 2
During maximum compression v 1 = v 2 = V
when the spring acquires its natural length, so that,
1 2 1 2
m1v1,  m 2 v ,2  E ....(ii)
2 2
From (i) and (ii),
1 1 1 2 1 2
m1v12  m 2 v 22  m1u1,  m 2 u ,2
2 2 2 2
The kinetic energy before the collision is the same as the kinetic energy after the collision. However, we
can not say that the kinetic energy remains constant because it changes as a function of time, during the
Now consider a verysimilar situation as shown figure. The two bodies of masses m1 and m2 are moving
along a line with velocities u1 and u2 respectively, u1 should be greater than u2 for two bodies to collide.
Fig. I m1 u1 m2 u2

After some time the two bodies will come in contact as in the previous situation.

Fig. II N N
m 1 m2

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As the velocity of m1 (u1) is greater than that of m2 (u2), there will be a deformation in the bodies (as we
saw in the previous example of spring mass system). This deformation continues till they acquire same
velocity. Now a question arises, that why will they acquire same velocity.
As shown figure II both m1 and m2 exert force on each other equal in magnitude (Newton’s IIIrd Law)
This force is in the direction of the velocity of m2, hence m2 will accelerate. However, this is opposite to
the velocity of m1 and so m1 will decelerate. The velocity of the front body m2 (which was slower
initially) will gradually increase, and the velocity of the rear body m1 (which was faster initially) will
gradually decrease.
When they have attained a common velocity ; if bodies do not possess elastic properties, the two
bodies will continue to move together and the process of collision ends here at maximum deformation.
This is known as perfectlyinelastic collision.
u1 > u2 Inelastic collision
m1 m2 (bodies do not separate)
u1 u2

Just before collision Just after collision Long time after collision
As net external force is zero therefore by conservation momentum, we can find the common velocity.
m1u1 + m2u2 = (m1 + m2) V
m1u1  m 2 u 2
V= m1  m 2
If bodies possess elastic property they will try to regain their shape that is the potential energy stored in
deformation period will get converted into kinetic energy. If bodies are perfectlyelastic then total potential
energy will get converted into kinetic energy that is kinetic energy will be same before and after the
collision, this type of collision in known as perfectlyelastic collision.
u1 > u2 v2 > v1
m1 u1 m2 u2 m1 v1 m2 v2

Just before collision Just after collision

By conservation momentum.
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1 v1+ m2 v2
During the whole process, the momentum of the two -block system remains constant.
Before and after collision total kinetic energy may be same but not during the whole process.
Force of impact
The total time period of impact t is divided into period of deformation and period of restitution (recovery).
Impulse of deformation and restitution (recovery) are finite and appreciable although the time interval of
impact is extremelysmall.

Force of impact

A1 A2
deformation recovery or,
period restitution

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AreaA1 represents impulse of deformation

AreaA2 represent impulse of reformation (restitution).
Deformation is maximum at the end of deformation period or at the start of recovery period.
In collision (impact) we consider the situation just before and just after collision. Just before collision is
the moment when deformation period starts and just after collision is the moment when recovery period
ends. At these moments one may say that force of impact becomes effectively zero.
Since time interval of impact is verysmall so impulse due to weight of body or weight dependent force is
neglected during collision.

Line of collision (LOC)

When two bodies collide, they exert force on each other through point of contact, perpendicular to the
plane of contact. The direction of force of interaction is line of collision. Line of collision is independent
of the direction of velocities of colliding bodies.

Line of collision
Line of collision


After collision, only the components of velocity along line of collision changes, the perpendicular
components of velocity remain unaffected.
According to initial velocities and line of collision, collision is of two types :
(A) Head on (B) Oblique
Line of collision is same as the line of motion When the lines of motion of two bodies are
(velocities) of the two colliding bodies. different, then the collision is oblique.

Line of collision
Line of collision
Head on collision Oblique collision

Laws of collision
(i) Conservation of momentum
If no external impulsive forces act in a particular direction, the total momentum of system in that direction
remains conserved.
Here we talk about external impulsive force because the force of impact is impulsive and changes the
momentum of the individual bodies in a very short interval of time. The effect of non-impulsive forces
such as gravity,springforceinsuchasmall interval oftime is negligible.Thusmomentum remains conserved
   
m1v l  m 2 v 2  m1u l  m1u l
u1 > u2 v2 > v1
m1 u1 m2 u2 m1 v1 m2 v2

Just before collision Just after collision

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(ii) Newton's Experimental Law.

This is an experimental law which relates the velocity of approach of the bodies before collision and the
velocity of separation after the impact.
When the collision is neither perfectly elastic nor perfectly inelastic, for such cases, Newton did certain
experiments and gave another law which is now called as Newton's Experimental Law.
u1 > u2 v2 > v1
m1 u1 m2 u2 m1 v1 m2 v2

Just before collision Just after collision

v 2  v1 v 2  v1
u 2  u1 = – e (coefficient of restitution) or u1  u 2 = e
v 2 – v1 is velocity of separation and u1 – u2 is velocity of approach.
Relative velocity of impact = e [Relative velocity of approach before impact]
v1 and v2 : Components of velocities of masses colliding, along the line of contact, after collision
(with sign).
u1 and u2 : Components of velocities of colliding masses, along the line of contact, before collision
Newton’s Experimental Law can be stated “velocity of separation is e times velocity of approach”
Coefficient of Restitution is the property of colliding bodies which depends on their elastic behaviour.
Note : This Law is valid even when momentum is not conserved i.e. external impulsive forces act.
(iii) Type of collision depends on e
For e = 1, collision is perfectly elastic
for 0 < e < 1, collision is inelastic
for e = 0, collision is perfectly inelastic (Bodies will move together)

Head-on collision
 
Two bodies m1 & m2 are moving with velocities u1 and u 2 along the same line as shown.

-ve +ve

before collision
m1 m2
Line of impact

after collision
v1 v2

1. By conservation of momentum
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2 ... (i)
2. By Newton's experimental law
v 2  v1
u1  u 2 = e ... (ii)

From (i) & (ii)

(m1  em 2 ) u1 (1  e)m 2 u 2
v1 = m1  m 2 + m1  m 2

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(1  e)m1 u1 (m 2  em1 )u 2
v2 = m1  m 2 + m1  m 2
for perfectly elastic collision velocities can be obtained by substituting e = 1.

m1  m2 2m2 & 2m1 m  m1

v1  u1  u2 v2  u1  2 u2
m1  m2 m1  m2 m1  m2 m1  m2

Special cases:
Case 1: m1 = m2: In this case the velocities of particles are exchanged.

m v1 m v2 m v2 m v1

Just before collision Just after collision

Case 2: m1>> m2 : v1  u1 & v2 = 2u1 - u2


Loss in kinetic energy

The loss in kinetic energy is equal to initial kinetic energy (ki ) minus final kinetic energy (kf)
KE = ki – kf
1 1
ki = m1u12 + m2u22
2 2
1 1
kf = m1v12 + m2v22
2 2
Substituting the values of v1 & v2 we obtain
1 m1m 2
KE = (u – u2)2 (1 – e2)
2 m1  m 2 1
This result can also be obtained by using concept of C-frame.
For e = 1, i.e. perfectly elastic collision
KE = 0
As we discussed earlier there is no loss of kinetic energy
However, in elastic collision, KE is same before & after the collision,
1 1 1 1
i.e. m1u12  m 2 u 22  m1v12  m 2 v 22
2 2 2 2
This equation is not independent, using Newton's experimental law & momentum conservation we can
solve for final velocities more easily.
For e = 0 , i.e. perfectly in elastic collision
1 m1m 2 2
KE = 2 m  m (u1  u 2 )
1 2
In this case, there is maximum loss in kinetic energy.

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Oblique collision
In, oblique impact, the relative velocity of approach of the bodies
2 tangent
doesn't coincide with the line of impact. 1
Conserving the momentum of the system along and perpendicular Line of
1 impact
to the line of impact (due to absence of anyother external impulsive 2
force) we obtain
m1 u1 cos1 + m2u2 cos2 = m1v1 cos1 + m2 v2 cos2 …(1)
and, m1 u1 sin1 + m2 u2 sin2 = m1 v1 sin 1 + m2 v2 sin 2

Since no force is acting on m1 and m2 along the tangent, the individual momentum of m1 and m2 remains
 m1 u1 sin 1 = m1 v1 sin1 …(2)
and m2 u2 sin2 = m2 v2 sin 1 …(3)

Newton's experimental Law:

(We consider velocities along the line of collision)
v1 cos  – v 2 cos 1
e = u cos  – u cos  …(4)
1 1 2 2

Now we have four equations and four unknown's v1, v2, 1 and 2. Solving four equations for four
unknown we obtain.
(m1  m 2 )u 1 cos 1  m 2 (1  e)u 2 cos  2
v1 cos1 = m1  m 2 …(5)

m1 (1  e) cos 1  (m 2 – em 2 )u 2 cos  2
and v2 cos2 = m1  m 2 …(6)

 v1 = ( v1 sin 1 ) 2  ( v1 cos 1 ) 2
v1 sin 1
and tan1 = v cos 
1 1

 v1 sin 1 
 b 1 = tan-1  
 v1 cos 1 
[Put v1 sin from (2) and v1 cos from (5)]
Similarly, find v2 and 2
m1m 2
Impulse = m  m (1 + e) (u1 cos1– u2 cos2)
1 2

m1m 2
Energy loss = 2(m  m ) (1 - e2) (u1 cos1 – u2 cos2)2
1 2

Oblique collision on a Fixed Plane

Let a small ball collide with a smooth horizontal floor with a speed u at an
u v
angle  to the vertical as shown in the figure. Just after the collision, let the ball  
leaves the floor with a speed v at an angle  to vertical.

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It is quite clear that the line of action is perpendicular to the floor. Therefore, the impact takes place along
the (normal) vertical. Now we can use Newton's experimental law as
velocity of seperation
e = velocity of approach
 e[velocity of approach] = velocity of seperation
 e(u cos) (– ˆj ) = –(v cos) (+ ˆj )
or v cos = e u cos …(i)
Since impulsive force N acts on the body along the normal, we cannot conserve its momentum. Since
along horizontal the component of N is zero, therefore we can conserve the horizontal momentum of the
 (Px) body = Constant
 (Px) initial = (Px)final
 m u sin = m v sin
 v sin = u sin …(ii)
Squaring equations (i) and (ii) and adding,
v2 cos2 + v2 sin2 = e2 u2 cos2 + u2 sin2
 v2 = u2 [e2 cos2 + sin2 ]
 v=u sin 2   e 2 cos2 
Dividing equation (i) by(ii)
u cos  eu cos 
 
u sin  u sin 
 cot = e cot 
  = cot–1 (e cot).
Impulse of the blow = change of momentum of the body
= {mv sin î + (mv cos)} ˆj } – (mu sin î – mu cos ˆj )
 Impulse = m (v sin  – u sin ) î + m (v cos + u cos) ˆj
Since v sin = u sin 
 Impulse = m (v cos + u cos ) ˆj
Putting v cos = eu cos from eq (i), we obtain
Impulse = m(1 + e)u cos ˆj
 Magnitude of the impulse = m(1 + e) u cos (in the direction of line of collision)
Change in kinetic energy
1 1
K.E. = mv2 – mu2
2 2
Putting the value of v we obtain
1 

= m  u sin   e sin  – u 
2 
2 2 2
 2

1 1
= mu2 [sin2 + e2 cos2 – 1] = mu2 [cos2 – e2 cos2 ]
2 2
K.E. = (1– e2) mu2 cos2
Negative sign indicates the loss of K.E. i.e. final K.E. is less than initial K.E.
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EXERCISE-1 (Objective Questions)

Q.1 A man of mass M stands at one end of a plank of length L which lies at rest on a frictionless surface. The
man walks to other end of the plank. If the mass of the plank is , then the distance that the man moves
relative to ground is :
3L L 4L L
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 5 3

Q.2 A particle of mass 3m is projected from the ground at some angle with horizontal. The horizontal range
is R. At the highest point of its path it breaks into two pieces m and 2m. The smaller mass comes to rest
and larger mass finally falls at a distance x from the point of projection where x is equal to
3R 3R 5R
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3R
4 2 4

Q.3 A man weighing 80 kg is standing at the centre of a flat boat and he is 20 m from the shore. He walks 8 m
on the boat towards the shore and then halts. The boat weight 200 kg. How far is he from the shore at
the end of this time ?
(A) 11.2 m (B) 13.8 m (C) 14.3 m (D) 15.4 m

Q.4 From a circle of radius a, an isosceles right angled triangle with the hypotenuse as the diameter of the
circle is removed. The distance of the centre of mass of the remaining portion from the centre of the circle
(   1)a a a
(A) 3( – 1)a (B) (C) 3 (   1) (D) 3 (   1)

Q.5 Centre of mass of two thin uniform rods of same length but made up of
different materials & kept as shown , can be, if the meeting point is the
origin of co-ordinates
(A) (L/2, L/2) (B) (2L/3, L/2)
(C) (L/3, L/3) (D) (L/3, L/6)

Q.6 There are some passengers inside a stationary railway compartment. The track is frictionless. The centre
of mass of the compartment itself (without the passengers) is C1, while the centre of mass of the
'compartment plus passengers' system is C2. If the passengers move about inside the compartment along
the track.
(A) both C1 and C2 will move with respect to the ground
(B) neither C1 nor C2 will move with respect to the ground
(C) C1 will move but C2 will be stationary with respect to the ground
(D) C2 will move but C1 will be stationary with respect to the ground

Q.7 A system of N particles is free from any external forces.

(a) Which of the following is true for the magnitude of the total momentum of the system?
(A) It must be zero
(B) It could be non–zero, but it must be constant
(C) It could be non–zero, and it might not be constant
(D) The answer depends on the nature of the internal forces in the system
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(b) Which of the following must be true for the sum of the magnitudes of the momenta of the individual
particles in the system?
(A) It must be zero
(B) It could be non–zero, but it must be constant
(C) It could be non–zero, and it might not be constant
(D) It could be zero, even if the magnitude of the total momentum is not zero

Q.8 A body of mass ‘m’ is dropped from a height of ‘h’. Simultaneously another body of mass 2m is thrown
up verticallywith such a velocityv that they collide at the height h/2. If the collision is perfectly inelastic,
the velocity at the time of collision with the ground will be :

5g h gh 10gh
(A) (B) g h (C) (D)
4 4 3

Q.9 A truck moving on horizontal road towards east with velocity 20 ms–1 collides elastically with a light ball
moving with velocity 25 ms–1 along west. The velocityof the ball just after collision
(A) 65 ms–1 towards east (B) 25 ms–1 towards west
(C) 65 ms–1 towards west (D) 20 ms–1 towards east

Q.10 Two billiard balls undergo a head-on collision. Ball 1 is twice as heavy as ball 2. Initially, ball 1 moves
with a speed v towards ball 2 which is at rest. Immediately after the collision, ball 1 travels at a speed of
v/3 in the same direction. What type of collision has occured?
(A) inelastic (B) elastic
(C) completelyinelastic (D) Cannot be determined from the information given

Q.11 Three blocks are initially placed as shown in the figure. BlockAhas mass m and initial velocity v to the
right. Block B with mass m and block C with mass 4m are both initially at rest. Neglect friction. All
collisions are elastic. The final velocity of blockAis

(A) 0.6v to the left (B) 1.4v to the left (C) v to the left (D) 0.4v to the right

Q.12 Aball is dropped from a height h.As it bounces off the floor, its speed is 80 percent of what it was just
before it hit the floor. The ball will then rise to a height of most nearly
(A) 0.80 h (B) 0.75 h (C) 0.64 h (D) 0.50 h

Q.13 A ball is dropped from height 5m. The time after which ball stops rebounding if coefficient of restitution
between ball and ground e = 1/2, is
(A) 1 sec (B) 2 sec (C) 3 sec (D)infinite

Q.14 A ball strikes a smooth horizontal ground at an angle of 45° with the vertical. What cannot be the
possible angle of its velocity with the vertical after the collision. (Assume e  1 ).
(A) 45° (B) 30° (C) 53° (D) 60°

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Q.15 As shown in the figure a body of mass m moving vertically with speed
3 m/s hits a smooth fixed inclined plane and rebounds with a velocity vf in the
horizontal direction. If of inclined is 30°, the velocity vf will be
(A) 3 m/s (B) 3 m/s
(C) 1 3 m/s (D) this is not possible

Q.16 Two massless string of length 5 m hang from the ceiling very near to each
other as shown in the figure. Two balls A and B of masses 0.25 kg and
0.5 kg are attached to the string. The ballAis released from rest at a height
0.45 m as shown in the figure. The collision between two balls is completely
elastic. Immediately after the collision, the kinetic energy of ball B is 1 J.
The velocity of ballAjust after the collision is
(A) 5 ms–1 to the right (B) 5 ms–1 to the left
(C) 1 ms–1 to the right (D) 1 ms–1 to the left

Q.17 A small bucket of mass M kg is attached to a long inextensible massless cord of length L . The bucket
is released from rest when the cord is in a horizontal position.At its lowest position, the bucket scoops
up m kg of water and swings up to a height h. The height h in meters is
2 2
 M   M  Mm Mm
(A)   L (B)  L (C)   L (D)  L
Mm Mm  M   M 

Q.18 In a smooth stationary cart of length d, a small block is projected along it's length with velocityv towards
front. Coefficient of restitution for each collision is e. The cart rests on a smooth ground and can move
freely. The time taken by block to come to rest w.r.t. cart is
ed ed d
(A) (B) (C) (D)infinite
(1  e) v (1  e) v e

Q.19 A force exerts an impulse I on a particle changing its speed from u to 2u. The applied force and the initial
velocity are oppositely directed along the same line. The work done by the force is
3 1
(A) Iu (B) Iu (C) I u (D) 2 I u
2 2

Q.20 A boy hits a baseball with a bat and imparts an impulse J to the ball. The boy hits the ball again with the
same force, except that the ball and the bat are in contact for twice the amount of time as in the first hit.
The new impulse equals:
(A) half the original impulse (B) the original impulse
(C) twice the original impulse (D) four times the original impulse

Q.21 A ball is projected from ground with a velocity V at an angle  to the vertical. On its path it makes an
elastic collison with a vertical wall and returns to ground. The total time of flight of the ball is
2 v sin  2 v cos  v sin 2 v cos 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g g g g

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Q.22 A smooth sphere is moving on a horizontal surface with a velocity vector ( 2 î  2 ˆj ) m/s immediately
before it hit a vertical wall. The wall is parallel to vector ˆj and coefficient of restitution between the
sphere and the wall is e = 1 2 . The velocity of the sphere after it hits the wall is
(A) î  ĵ (B)  î  2 ˆj (C)  î  ĵ (D) 2 î  ˆj

Q.23 An open water tight railway wagon of mass 5 × 103 kg coasts at an initial velocity 1.2 m/s without friction
on a railwaytrack. Rain drops fall vertically downwards into the wagon. The velocity of the wagon after
it has collected 103 kg of water will be
(A) 0.5 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 1 m/s (D) 1.5 m/s

Q.24 A rocket of mass 4000 kg is set for vertical firing. How much gas must be ejected per second so that the
rocket may have initial upwards acceleration of magnitude 19.6 m/s2. [Exhaust speed of fuel = 980 m/s.]
(A) 240 kg s–1 (B) 60 kg s–1 (C) 120 kg s–1 (D) None

Q.25 The system of the wedge and the block connected by a massless spring
as shown in the figure is released with the spring in its natural length.
Friction is absent. Maximum elongation in the springwill be
3Mg 6Mg 4Mg 8Mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5k 5k 5k 5k

Q.26 AballAsuffers an oblique elastic collision with a ball B that is at rest initially. If their masses are the same,
then after the collision
(A) they will move in opposite directions
(B)Acontinues to move in the original direction while B remains at rest.
(C) they will move in mutuallyperpendicular directions.
(D)Acomes to rest and B moves in the direction of the original motion ofA.

Q.27 A ball of mass m collides horizontally with a stationary wedge on a rough horizontal surface, in the two
orientations as shown. Neglect friction between ball and wedge. Two student comment on system of ball
and wedge in these situations

m m
m m

rough rough
(I) ( II )

Saurav : Momentum of system in x-direction will change by significant amount in both cases.
Rahul : There are no impulsive external forces in y-direction in both cases hence the total momentum of
system in y-direction can be treated as conserved in both cases.
(A) Saurav is wrong and Rahul is correct (B) Saurav is correct and Rahul is wrong
(C) Both are correct (D) Both are wrong

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Q.28 Two interacting particles form a closed system whose centre of mass is at rest. Fig. illustrates the positions
of both particles at a certain moment and the trajectory of the particle of mass ml. Select the trajectory
of the particle of mass m2 if m2 = ml.


m2 m2

(A) (B) (C) (D)

m2 m2

Paragraph for question nos. 29 to 31
A small ball B of mass m is suspended with light inelastic string of length L from
a block A of same mass m which can move on smooth horizontal surface as
shown in the figure. The ball is displaced by angle  from lower most position
& then released.
Q.29 The displacement of block when ball reaches the lower most position is
L sin 
(A) (B) Lsin (C) L (D) none of these
Q.30 Maximum velocity of block during subsequent motion of the system after release of ball is
(A) [gl (1–cos)]1/2 (B) [2gl(1–cos)]1/2
(C) [glcos] 1/2
(D) informations are insufficient to decide
Q.31 The displacement of centre of mass ofA+ B system till the string becomes vertical is
(A) zero (B) (1  cos ) (C) (1  sin ) (D) none of these
2 2

Paragraph for question nos. 32 to 33

A uniform chain of length 2L is hanging in equilibrium position, if end B is given a
slightly downward displacement the imbalance causes an acceleration. Here pulley is
small and smooth & string is inextensible
Q.32 The acceleration of end B when it has been displaced by distance x, is
x 2x x
(A) g (B) g (C) g (D) g
L L 2

Q.33 The velocity v of the string when it slips out of the pulley (height of pulley from floor > 2L)

(A) (B) 2gL (C) gL (D) none of these
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Q.34 Statement-1 : The centre of mass of any uniform triangular plate is at its centroid.
Statement-2 : The centre of mass of any symmetrical body lies on its axis of symmetry.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.35 Statement-1 : A man falling from a given height on hard ground is hurt more than falling on a soft bed
from same height.
Statement-2 : A man falling from a given height on hard ground experiences larger impulse than falling
on a soft bed in coming to rest in both cases.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.36 Statement-1 : In an elastic collision in one dimension between two bodies, total momentum remains
the same before, during and after the collision.
Statement-2 : In an elastic collision in one dimension between two bodies, total kinetic energyremains
the same before, during and after the collision.
[Assume external forces are absent in both the above statements]
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.37 Statement-1 : In a head on elastic collision between a moving bodyAwith an initially stationary body
B, the kinetic energy lost byAis equal to the kinetic energy gained by B till the instant of
maximum deformation during their contact.
Statement-2 : The total kinetic energy of system before and after collision is same in elastic collision.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.38 Statement-1 : The momentum of a particle cannot be changed without changing its kinetic energy.
Statement-2 : Kinetic energy (K) of a particle is related to momentum (p) as K 
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

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Q.39 Statement-1 : Total linear momentum of system in centre of mass frame is zero only when there is no
net external force.
Statement-2 : Total linear momentum of system is conserved in absence of net external force.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True, Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False
(D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True

Q.40 Statement-1 : Internal forces can change total linear momentum of system.
Statement-2 : Due to work of internal forces kinetic energy of system may change.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.41 Statement-1 : The kinetic energy of a system of particles is minimum from centre of mass frame of
Statement-2: The total momentum of a system as seen from centre of mass frame is minimum.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.

Q.42 Statement-1 : The impulse of any real force is same as seen from any frame of reference.
Statement-2 : The momentum of a body is same as seen from any frame of reference.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.


Q.43 Two balls Aand B having masses 1 kg and 2 kg, moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 m/s respectively in
opposite direction, collide head on.After collisionAmoves with a speed of 1 m/s in the same direction,
then correct statements is :
(A) The velocity of B after collision is 6 m/s opposite to its direction of motion before collision.
(B) The coefficient of restitution is 0.2.
(C) The loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 200 J.
(D) The impulse of the force between the two balls is 40 Ns.

Q.44 An object comprises of a uniform ring of radius R and its uniform chordAB (not
necessarily made of the same material) as shown. Which of the following can
not be the centre of mass of the object
(A) (R/3, R/3) (B) (R/3, R/2)
(C) (R/4, R/4) (D) ( R 2, R 2)

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Q.45 Consider following statements

[1] CM of a uniform semicircular disc of radius R = 2R/from the centre
[2] CM of a uniform semicircular ring of radius R = 4R/3from the centre
[3] CM of a solid hemisphere of radius R = 4R/3from the centre
[4] CM of a hemisphere shell of radius R = R/2 from the centre
Which statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 4 (B) 1, 3, 4 (C) 4 only (D) 1, 2 only

Q.46 The diagram to the right shows the velocity-time graph for two
masses R and S that collided elastically. Which of the following
statements is true?
(I) R and S moved in the same direction after the collision.
(II) Kinetic energy of the system (R & S) is minimum at t = 2 milli sec.
(III) The mass of R was greater than mass of S.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I, II and III

Q.47 In an inelastic collision,

(A) the velocity of both the particles may be same after the collision
(B) kinetic energy is not conserved
(C) linear momentum of the system is conserved.
(D) velocity of separation will be less than velocity of approach.

Q.48 Two blocksA(5kg) and B(2kg) attached to the ends of a spring constant
1120N/m are placed on a smooth horizontal plane with the spring
undeformed. Simultaneously velocities of 3m/s and 10m/s along the
line of the spring in the same direction are imparted toAand B
(A) when the extension of the spring is maximum the velocities ofAand B are zero.
(B) the maximum extension of the spring is 25cm.
(C) maximum extension and maximum compression occur alternately.
(D) the minimum speed of B is 0.

Q.49 In a one–dimensional collision between two particles, their relative velocityis v1 before the collision and

v 2 after the collision
   
(A) v1 = v 2 if the collision is elastic (B) v1 = – v 2 if the collision is elastic
   
(C) | v 2 | = | v1 | in all cases (D) v1 = –k v 2 in all cases, where k  1

Q.50 A spring block system is placed on a rough horizontal floor. The block is pulled towards right to give
spring some elongation and released.
(A) The block may stop before the spring attains its natural length
(B) The block must stop with spring having some compression.
(C) The block may stop with spring having some compression.
(D) It is not possible that the block stops at natural length of the spring.

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Q.51 In the above situation the block will have maximum velocity when
(A) the spring force becomes zero (B) the frictional force becomes zero
(C) the net force becomes zero (D) the acceleration of block becomes zero

Q.52 We want to build a clock having different features.

(A) It is possible to build a clock in which the tips of the second hand, the minute hand, and the hour hand
move with the same tangential acceleration.
(B) It is possible to build a clock in which the tips of the second hand, the minute hand, and the hour hand
move with the same angular speed.
(C) It is possible to have a situation in which the second hand, the minute hand, and the hour have with
the same angular displacement.
(D) It is possible to build a clock in which the tips of the second hand, the minute hand, and the hour hand
move with the same angular acceleration.

Q.53 A particle moving with kinetic energy = 3 joule makes an elastic head on collision with a stationary
particle which has twice its mass during the impact.
(A) The minimum kinetic energy of the system is 1 joule.
(B) The maximum elastic potential energy of the system is 2 joule.
(C) Momentum and total kinetic energy of the system are conserved at every instant.
(D) The ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy of the system first decreases and then increases.

Q.54 In a one dimensional collision between two identical particles A and B, B is stationary and A has
momentum p before impact. During impact, B gives impulse J toA.
(A) The total momentum of the ‘A plus B’ system is p before and after the impact, and (p-J) during the
(B) During the impactAgives impulse of magnitude J to B
(C) The coefficient of restitution is 1
(D) The coefficient of restitution is 1

Q.55 Two persons standing on a frictionless surface throw a ball back and forth. Which statement(s) is true ?
(A) The interaction mediated by the ball is repulsive.
(B) If we film the action and play the movie backward, the interaction appears attractive.
(C) The total momentum of the two persons and ball is conserved.
(D) The total mechanical energy of the two people is conserved.

Q.56 Two identical balls are interconnected with a massless and inextensible thread. The system is in gravity
free space with the thread just taut. Each ball is imparted a velocity v, one towards the other ball and the
other perpendicular to the first, at t = 0. Then,
(A) the thread will become taut at t = (L/v)
(B) the thread will become taut at some time t < (L/v).
(C) the thread will always remain taut for t > (L/v).
(D) the kinetic energy of the system will always remain mv2.

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Q.57 Two blocks A and B of mass m and 2m respectively are connected by a massless spring of spring
constant K. This system lies over a smooth horizontal surface. At t = 0 the block A has velocity u
towards right as shown while the speed of block B is zero, and the length of spring is equal to its natural
length at that instant.
2m m u
Smooth horizontal surface
Column-I Column-II

(A) The velocity of blockA (P) can never be zero

(B) The velocity of block B (Q) may be zero at certain instants of time

(C) The kinetic energy of system of two block (R) is minimum at maximum compression of spring

(D) The potential energy of spring (S) is maximum at maximum extension of spring

EXERCISE-2 (Subjective Questions)

Q.1 Four particles of mass 5, 3, 2, 4 kg are at the points (1, 6), (-1, 5), (2, -3), (-1, -4). Find the coordinates
of their centre of mass.

Q.2 The figure shows the positions and velocities of two particles. If the
particles move under the mutual attraction of each other, then find the
position of centre of mass at t = 1 s.

Q.3 Two cars initially at rest are free to move in the x direction. Car A has mass 4 kg and car B has mass
2 kg. They are tied together, compressing a spring in between them. When the string holding them
together is burned, car A moves off with a speed of 2 m/s
(a) with what speed does car B leave.
(b) how much energy was stored in the spring before the string was burned.

Q.4 A 45.0-kg girl is standing on a plank that has a mass of 150 kg. The plank, originally at rest, is free to
slide on a frozen lake, which is a flat, frictionless supporting surface. The girl begins to walk along the
plank at a constant speed of 1.50 m/s relative to the plank. (a) What is her speed relative to the ice
surface? (b) What is the speed of the plank relative to the ice surface?

Q.5 Two balls of equal masses are projected upward simultaneously, one from the ground with speed
50 m/s and other from a 40 m high tower with initial speed 30 m/s. Find the maximum height attained by
their centre of mass.

Q.6 In the arrangement shown in the figure, mA = 2 kg and mB = 1 kg. String

is light and inextensible. Find the acceleration of centre of mass of
both the blocks. Neglect friction everywhere.

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Q.7 Three carts move on a frictionless track with inertias and velocities as shown. The carts collide and stick
together after successive collisions.
(a) Find loss of mechanical energy when B & C stick together.
(b) Find magnitude of impulse experienced byAwhen it sticks to combined mass (B & C).

Q.8 A body is thrown vertically upwards from ground with a speed of 10 m/s. If coefficient of restitution of
ground, e = 1/2. Find
(a) the total distance travelled by the time it almost stops.
(b) time elapsed (after the ball has been thrown) when it is at its subsequent maximum height for the third time.

Q.9 Asmall block of mass 2m initiallyrests at the bottom of a fixed circular,

vertical track, which has a radius of R. The contact surface between the
mass and the loop is frictionless. A bullet of mass m strikes the block
horizontally with initial speed v0 and remain embedded in the block as
the block and the bullet circle the loop. Determine each of the following
in terms of m, v0, R and g.
(a) The speed of the masses immediately after the impact.
(b) The minimum initial speed of the bullet if the block and the bullet are to successfullyexecute a complete
ride on the loop

Q.10 A spaceship is moving with constant speed v0 in gravity free space along +Y-axis suddenly shoots out
one third of its part with speed 2v0 along + X-axis. Find the speed of the remaining part.

Q.11 A smooth sphere A of mass 0.1 kg is moving with speed 5m/s when it collides head on with another
smooth stationary sphere B. IfAis brought to rest by the impact and e = ½, find the mass of B, its speed
just after impact and magnitude of impulse during collision.

Q.12 A force F acts on an object (mass = 1 kg) which is initially at rest as shown
in the figure. Draw the graph showing the momentum of the
object varying during the time for which the force acts.

Q.13 Bullets of mass 10 g each are fired from a machine gun at rate of 60 bullets/minute. The muzzle velocity
of bullets is 100 m/s. The thrust force due to firing bullets experienced by the person holding the gun
stationary is _________.

Q.14 A 24–kg projectile is fired at an angle of 53° above the horizontal with an initial speed of
50 m/s.At the highest point in its trajectory, the projectile explodes into two fragments of equal mass, the
first of which falls vertically with zero initial speed.
(a) How far from the point of firing does the second fragment strike the ground? (Assume the ground is level.)
(b) How much energy was released during the explosion?

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Q.15 Two masses Aand B connected with an inextensible string of length l lie on a smooth
horizontal plane.Ais given a velocityof v m/s along the ground perpendicular to lineAB
as shown in figure. Find the tension in string during their subsequent motion

Q.16 Two trolleys A and B of equal masses M are moving in opposite directions with velocities  and - 
respectively on separate horizontal frictionless parallel tracks. When they start crossing each other, a
ball of mass m is thrown from B to A and another of same mass is thrown from A to B with velocities

normal to  . The balls may be thrown in following two ways:
(i) balls fromAto B and B toAare thrown simultaneously.
(ii) ball is thrown from Ato B after the ball thrown from B reaches A.
Which procedure would lead to a larger change in the velocities of the trolleys?

Q.17 A massive vertical wall is approaching a man at a speed u . When it is at a distance of 10 m, the man
throws a ball with speed 10 m/s at an angle of 37° which after completely elastic rebound reaches back
directly into his hands . Find the velocity u of the wall .

Q.18 Two particles, each of mass m, are connected by a light inextensible string of length 2l. Initially they lie
on a smooth horizontal table at points A and B distant l apart. The particle at A is projected across the
table with velocity u. Find the speed with which the second particle begins to move if the direction of u
is, (a) along BA, (b) at an angle of 1200 withAB, (c) perpendicular to AB. In each case calculate (in
terms of m and u) the impulse of tension in the string.

Q.19 M assm1 hits & sticks with m2 while sliding horizontallywith velocityv along the common line of centres
of the three equal masses (m1 = m2 = m3 = m). Initially masses m2 and m3 are stationary and the spring
is unstretched. Find
(a) the velocities of m1, m2 and m3 immediatelyafter impact.
(b) the maximum kinetic energyof m3.
(c) the minimum kinetic energyof m2.
(d) the maximum compression of the spring.

Q.20 Aflexible chain has a length l and mass m. It is lowered on the table top with constant velocityv. Find the
force that the chain exerts on the table as a function of time.

Q.21 A car P is moving with a uniform speed of 5(31/2) m/s towards a carriage of
mass 9 Kg at rest kept on the rails at a point B as shown in fig. The height AC
is 120 m. Cannon balls of 1 Kg are fired from the car with an initial velocity
100 m/s at an angle 300 with the horizontal. The first canon ball hits the stationary
carriage after a time t0 and sticks to it. Determine t0. At t0, the second cannon
ball is fired.Assume that the resistive force between the rails and the carriage Car C
is constant and ignore the vertical motion of the carriage throughout. If the P
second ball also hits and sticks to the carriage. What will be the horizontal Trolley
velocity of the carriage just after the second impact? A B

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Q.22 Three balls are kept on a straight line on a smooth surface. The first ball is projected towards middle ball
as shown. It collides with middle ball of mass m2 which then collides with m3. We want m3 to move with
maximum possible velocity. What should be mass m2 (in kg) ? All collision are elastic.
m1 = 4kg m2 m 3 = 9kg

Q.23 A flexible drive belt runs over a frictionless flywheel (see Figure). The mass per unit length of the drive
belt is 1 kg/m, and the tension in the drive belt is 10N. The speed of the drive belt is 2m/s. The whole
system is located on a horizontal plane. Find the normal force (in N) exerted by the belt on the
flywheel. v

Q.24 A sphere of mass m is moving with a velocity 4î  3ˆj  5k̂ when it hits a smooth wall and rebounds with
velocity 2î  2ˆj  3k̂ . Find the impulse it receives. Find also the coefficient of restitution between the
sphere and the wall.

Q.25 Two bodies of same mass tied with an inelastic string of length l lie together. One of them is projected
vertically upwards with velocity 6gl . Find the maximum height up to which the centre of mass of
system of the two masses rises.

Q.26 A stream of particles each of mass m moving with velocity v with number of particles per unit volume n
strike against a wall at an angle  to the normal elastically. Find the pressure exerted by the stream on the

Q.27 Two blocks of mass 2kg and M are at rest on an indiclined plane and
are separated by a distance of 6.0m as shown. The coefficient of friction
between each of the blocks and the inclined plane is 0.25. The 2kg
block is given a velocity of 10.0m/s up the inclined plane. It collides
with M, comes back and has a velocity of 1.0m/s when it reaches its
initial position. The other block M after the collision moves 0.5m up and
comes to rest. Calculate the coefficient of restitution between the blocks and the mass of the block M.
[Take sin tan = 0.05 and g = 10m/s2]

Q.28 The simple pendulumAof mass mA and length l is suspended from the trolley B
of mass mB. If the system is released from rest at  = 0, determine the velocity
vB of the trolley and tension in the string when  = 90°. Friction is negligible.

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Q.29 A bullet of mass m strikes an obstruction and deviates off at 60° to its original direction. If its speed is
also changed from u to v, find the magnitude of the impulse acting on the bullet.

Q.30 A sphere A is released from rest in the position shown and strikes the
block B which is at rest. If e = 0.75 between A and B and k = 0.5
between B and the support, determine
(a) the velocity ofAjust after the impact
(b) the maximum displacement of B after the impact.

Q.31 The linear mass density of a ladder of length l increases uniformly from one endAto the other end B,
(a) Form an expression for linear mass density as a function of distance x from end A where linear mass
density 0. The density at one end being twice that of the other end.
(b) find the position of the centre of mass from endA.

(JEE Main Previous Year's Questions)
Q.1 Consider a two particle system with particles having masses m1 and m2. If the first particle is pushed
towards the centre of mass through a distance d, by what distance should the second particle be moved,
so as to keep the centre of mass at the same position –
m1 m2 m1
(A) m d (B) d (C) m d (D) m  m d
2 1 1 2
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.2 A player caught a cricket ball of mass 150 g moving at a rate of 20 m/s. If the catching process is
completed in 0.1 s, the force ball exerted by the ball on the hand of the player is equal to –
(A) 30 N (B) 300 N (C) 150 N (D) 3 N
[AIEEE 2006]
Q.3 A block of mass 0.50 kg is moving with a speed of 2.00 ms on a smooth surface. It strikes another

mass of 1.00 kg and then they move together as a single body. The energy loss during the collision is
(A) 1.00 J (B) 0.67 J (C) 0.34 J (D) 0.16 J
[AIEEE 2008]
Q.4 Athin rod of length ‘L’is lying along the x-axis with its ends at x = 0 and x = L. Its linear density (mass/
length) varies with x as k   , where n can be zero or any positive number. If the position xCM of the
centre of mass of the rod is plotted against ‘n’, which of the following graphs best approximates the
dependence of xCM on n ?


(A) L (B) L (C) L (D) L
2 2 2 2
n n n n

[AIEEE 2008]

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Q.5 Consider a rubber ball freely falling froma height h = 4.9 m onto a horizontal elastic plate.Assume that
the duration of collision is negligible and the collision with the plate is totally elastic. Then the velocity as
a function of time the height as function of time wall be :-
 y
1 h

(A) t t

 y
(B) O t
–1 t

 y
O t h
(C) t1 2t1 3t1 4t1

 y
t h
O t
(D) 1 2t1 3t1 4t1
[AIEEE 2009]
Q.6 Statement-1 : Two particles moving in, the same direction do not lose all their energy in a completely
inelastic collision.
Statement-2 : Principle of conservation of momentum holds true for all kinds of collisions.
(A) both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are true, and Statement-2 is the correct explanation of Statement-1
(B)both Statement-1 and Statement-2aretrue but Statement-2is not the correct explanation ofStatement-1
(C) Statement-1 is true but Statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false but Statement-2 is true.
[AIEEE 2010]
Q.7 The figure shows the position-time (x-t) graph of one-dimensional motion of a body of mass 0.4 kg. The
magnitude of each impulse is :


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(A) 0.4 Ns (B) 0.8 Ns (C) 1.6 Ns (D) 0.2 Ns
[AIEEE 2010]
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Q.8 This question has statement-I and statement-II. Of the four choices given after the statements, choose
the one that best describes the two statements.
Statement-I : A point particle of mass m moving with speed v collides with stationary point particle of
1 2  m 
mass M. If the maximum energyloss possible is given as f  mv  then f =  .
2  Mm
Statement-II: Maximum energy loss occurs when the particles get stuck together as a result of the
(A) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, Statement-II is not a correct explanation of Statement-I
(B) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is false
(C) Statement-I is false, Statement-II is true
(D) Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true, Statement-II is a correct explanation of Statement-I.
[JEE Main 2013]
Q.9 Distance of the centre of mass of a solid uniform cone from its vertex is z0. If the radius of its base is R
and its height is h then z0 is equal to :
5h 3h 2 h2 3h
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 8R 4R 4
[JEE Main 2015]
Q.10 A particle of mass m moving in the x direction with speed 2v is hit byanother particle of mass 2m moving
in the y direction with speed v. If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the percentage loss in the energy
during the collision is close to:
(A) 56% (B) 62% (C) 44% (D) 50%
[JEE Main 2015]
Q.11 Aparticle Aof mass m and initial velocity v collides with a particle B of mass which is at rest. The
collision is head on, and elastic. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelengths A to B after the collision is :
A 1 A 1 A A 2
(1)   2 (2)   3 (3)   2 (4)   3

[JEE Main 2017]

Q.12 It is found that if a neutron suffers an elastic collinear collision with deuterium at rest, fractional loss of its
energy is pd; while for its similar collision with carbon nucleus at rest, fractional loss of energy is pc, The
values of pd and pc are respectively [JEE Main 2018]
(A) (0, 0) (B) (0, 1) (C) (·89, ·28) (D) (·28, ·89)

Q.13 In a collinear collision, a particle with an initial speed v0 strikes a stationary particle of the same mass.
If the final total kinetic energyis 50% greater than the original kinetic energy, the magnitude of the relative
velocity between the two particles, after collision, is: [JEE Main 2018]
v0 v0 v0
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2 v0
2 2 4

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(JEE ADVANCED Previous Year's Questions)
 
Q.1 Two balls, having linear momenta p1  p î and p 2  p î , undergo a collision in free space. There is no
 
external force acting on the balls. Let p'1 and p'2 be their final momenta. The following option(s) is(are)
NOT ALLOWED for any non-zero value of p, a1, a2, b1, b2, c1 and c2.
 
(A) p'  a î  b ˆj  c k̂
1 1 1 1
(B) 1p'  c k̂
 
p'2  a 2 î  b 2 ĵ p'2  c 2 k̂
 
(C) p'1  a1î  b1ˆj  c1k̂ (D) p'1  a1î  b1ˆj
 
p'2  a 2 î  b 2 ˆj  c1k̂ p'2  a 2 î  b1ˆj
[JEE 2008]
Comprehension Q.2 to Q.4 (3 Questions)
A small block of mass M moves on a frictionless surface of an inclined plane, as shown in figure. The
angle of the incline suddenly changes from 60° to 30° at point B. The block is initially at rest at A.
Assume that collisions between the block and the incline are totally inelastic (g = 10 m/s2).
60° B

30° C

3m 3 3m
Q.2 The speed of the block at point B immediately after it strikes the second incline is :
(A) 60 m/s (B) 45 m/s (C) 30 m/s (D) 15 m/s
[JEE 2008]
Q.3 The speed of the block at point C, immediately before it leaves the second incline is :
(A) 120 m/s (B) 105 m/s (C) 90 m/s (D) 75 m/s
[JEE 2008]
Q.4 If collision between the block and the incline is completelyelastic, then the vertical (upward) component
of the velocity of the block at point B, immediately after it strikes the second incline is :
(A) 30 m/s (B) 15 m/s (C) 0 (D)  15 m/s
[JEE 2008]

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Q.5 Three objects A, B and C are kept in a straight line on a frictionless horizontal surface. These have
masses m, 2m and m, respectively. The object A moves towards B with a speed 9 m/s and makes an
elastic collision with it. Thereafter, B makes completely inelastic collision with C.All motions occur on
the same straight line. Find the final speed (in m/s) of the object C.

m 2m m
Q.6 Two small particles of equal masses start moving in opposite directions from a point Ain a horizontal
circular orbit. Their tangential velocities are v and 2v, respectively, as shown in the figure. Between
collisions, the particles move with constant speeds.After making how many elastic collisions, other than
that atA, these two particles will again reach the point A?
V 2V

(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 1

Q.7 Look at the drawing given in the figure which has been drawn with ink of uniform line-thickness. The
mass of ink used to draw each of the two inner circles, and each of the two line segments is m. The mass
of the ink used to draw the outer circle is 6m. The coordinates of the centres of the different parts are:
outer circle (0, 0), left inner circle (–a, a), right inner circle (a, a), vertical line (0, 0) and horizontal line
(0, –a). The y-coordinate of the centre of mass of the ink in this drawing is

a a a a
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 8 12 3
Q.8 Apoint mass of 1kg collides elastically with a stationary point mass of 5kg.After their collision, the 1kg
mass reverses its direction and moves with a speed of 2 ms–1. Which of the following statement(s) is
(are) correct for the system of these two masses ?
(A) Total momentum of the system is 3kg ms–1
(B) Momentum of 5kg mass after collision is 4kg ms–1
(C) Kinetic energy of the centre of mass is 0.75 J
(D) Total kinetic energy of the system is 4J

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Q.9 A ball of mass 0.2 kg rests on a vertical post of height 5 m. A bullet of mass 0.01 kg, travelling with a
velocity V m/s in a horizontal direction, hits the centre of the ball.After the collision, the ball and bullet
travel independently. The ball hits the ground at a distance of 20 m and the bullet at a distance of 100 m
from the foot of the post. The initial velocity V of the bullet is
V m/s

0 20 100

(A) 250 m/s (B) 250 2 m / s (C) 400 m/s (D) 500 m/s
Q.10 A particle of mass m is projected from the ground with an initial speed u0 at an angle  with the
horizontial.At the highest point of its trajectory, it makes a completely inelastic collision with another
identical particle, which was thrown vertically upward from the ground with the same initial speed u0.
The angle that the composite system makes with the horizontal immediately after the collision is
   
(A) (B) + (C) – (D)
4 4 2 2
Q.11 A bob of mass m, suspended by a string of length l1, is given a minimum velocity required to complete a
full circle in the vertical plane. At the highest point, it collides elastically with another bob of mass m
suspended by a string of length l2, which is initiallyat rest. Both the strings are mass-less and inextensible.
If the second bob, after collision acquires the minimum speed required to complete a full circle in the
vertical plane, the ratio l is

Q.12 A tennis ball is dropped on a horizontal smooth surface. It bounces back to its original position after
hitting the surface. The force on the ball during the collision is proportional to the length of compression
of the ball. Which one of the following sketches describes the variation of its kinetic energyK with time
t most appropriately? The figures are only illustrative and not to the scale.

(A) (B)
t t

(C) (D)
t t

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Q.13 Aflat plate is moving normal to its plane through a gas under the action of a constant force F. The gas is
kept at a very low pressure. The speed of the plate v is much less then the average speed u of the gas
molecules. Which of the following options is(are) true?
(A) At a later time the external force F balances the resistive force
(B) The plate will continue to move with constant non-zero acceleration, at all times
(C) The resistive force experienced by the plate is proportional to v
(D) The pressure difference between the leading and trailing faces of the plate is proportional to uv.
Q.14 A block of mass M has a circular cut with a frictionless surface as shown. The block rests on the
horizontal frictionless surface of a fixed table. Initiallythe right edge of the block is at x = 0, in a coordinate
system fixed to the table. A point of mass m is relased from rest at the topmost point of the path as
shown and it slides down. When the mass loses contact with the block, its position is x and velocity is v.
At that instant, which of the following options is/are correct?
y m

x M


(A) The velocity of the point mass m is : v =

(B) The x component of displacement of the center of mass of the block M is : 
(C) The position of the point mass is : x =  2
(D) The velocity of the block M is : V =  2gR


(Potential Problems Based on CBSE)

Q.1 Does the centre of mass of a body lie necessarily on the body ? [1]

Q.2 Give one example where centre of mass of a body lies where there is absolutely no mass. [1]

Q.3 Is it possible to have a collision in which whole of K.E. is lost ? [1]

Q.4 If the centre of mass of a CO molecule is at a distance of 0.068 nm from the carbon atom, what is the
separation between the nuclei of carbon and oxygen ? [2]

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Q.5 Define centre of mass and centre of gravity of a body. When do they coincide? [2]

Q.6 State and explain the principle of conservation of linear momentum. [2]

Q.7 State the equations governing perfectly elastic collision of two bodies in two dimensions. [3]

Q.8 Find the centre of mass of a uniform disc of radius a from which a circular section of radius b has
been removed. The centre of hole is at a distance c from the centre of the disc. [3]

Q.9 Two balls of different masses under go perfectly elastic collision in one dimensions. Obtain expressions
for their velocities after collision. [5]

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Q.1 B Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 C Q.5 D
Q.6 C Q.7 (a) B (b) C Q.8 D Q.9 A Q.10 B
Q.11 A Q.12 C Q.13 C Q.14 B Q.15 B
Q.16 D Q.17 A Q.18 D Q.19 B Q.20 C
Q.21 B Q.22 B Q.23 C Q.24 C Q.25 B
Q.26 C Q.27 D Q.28 B Q.29 A Q.30 A
Q.31 B Q.32 A Q.33 C Q.34 B Q.35 C
Q.36 C Q.37 D Q.38 D Q.39 D Q.40 D
Q.41 A Q.42 C Q.43 ABC Q.44 BD Q.45 C
Q.46 D Q.47 ABCD Q.48 BCD Q.49 BD Q.50 AC
Q.51 CD Q.52 AD Q.53 ABD Q.54 BC Q.55 AC
Q.56 AC Q.57 (A) Q (B) Q (C) PR (D) QS

Q.1 (1/7, 23/14) Q.2 x = 6m Q.3 4 m/s, 24 J
Q.4 (a) 15/13 m/s (b) –9/26 m/s Q.5 100 m Q.6 g/9 downwards

12 40
Q.7 (a) 3 J, (b) N·s Q.8 (a) m, (b) te = 3.25 s
5 3

Q.9 (a) v0/3, (b) 3 5gR . Q.10 v Q.11 0.2kg,2.5m/s, 0.5Ns
2 0

Q.12 Q.13 1N Q.14 (a) 360 m, (b) 10800 J

Q.15 2mv 2 3l Q.16 in case I Q.17 13/3m/s

Q.18 (a) u/2, mu/2; (b) u 13 /8, mu 13 /8; (c) u3/4, mu3/4

Q.19 (a) v/2, v/2, 0; (b) 2mv2/9; (c) mv2/72; (d) x = m 6k v

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Q.20 (  gt ) Q.21 t0 = 12 sec, v = 1003/11

Q.22 6 Q.23 12 N Q.24  

m  2î  ˆj  8k̂ , e =

Q.25 l Q.26 2 mnv2 cos2  Q.27 e = (5 + 3)/8, M = 26/3 kg

mA 2gl 2m 2A g
Q.28 vB = m 1  m A m B ; T = 3mAg + m Q.29 m × u 2  uv  v 2

0x 5
Q.30 vA = g 12 m/s, Smax = 49/48 m Q.31 (a) (x) =  + , (b) L
L 9

Q.1 A Q.2 A Q.3 B Q.4 D Q.5 C
Q.6 A Q.7 B Q.8 C Q.9 D Q.10 A
Q.11 C Q.12 C Q.13 D

Q.1 AD Q.2 B Q.3 B Q.4 C Q.5 4
Q.6 C Q.7 A Q.8 AC Q.9 D Q.10 A
Q.11 5 Q.12 B Q.13 ACD Q.14 AB

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