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Bullying and Harassment


We don’t allow the targeted harassment or bullying of other users, or the incitement of other
people to do so. This includes hurtful teasing or threats, attempts to humiliate, or embarrass
another person, and aggressive behavior that attempts to dominate or intimidate another
person with the effect of stopping them from participating in the conversation.

It also includes targeted abusive language, revealing another user’s personal information such as
their address or phone number (called “doxing”), or inciting or engaging others to do any of the

We allow critical commentary of people who are featured in the news or who have a large public
audience making them public figures. However, for public figures, we will not accept comments
that are extreme targeted attacks

We also allow debate and criticism of ideas between users – but not if this crosses over
into personal attacks that denigrate a person’s character or intelligence.


For content related to Bullying and Harassment to violate this policy, it must contain any
of the following:

Content that insults another user or disparages them based on attributes such as intellect,
appearance, personality traits, or hygiene. Appearance includes body shaming. Body shaming
can also be applied to a public figure e.g. “[Public figure name] is so fat” “[Public figure name]’s
nose is a honker!”

Calling for self-injury or suicide of a specific person, or group of people. (e.g. why don’t you kill
yourself, they should all shoot themselves).

Calls for death, serious disease, epidemic disease, or disability.

“Flaming” content designed to bait other users into trading insults.

“Trolling” content to create discord on the community by starting quarrels or posting

inflammatory or off-topic messages.

Attacks on a person through derogatory terms related to sexual activity (e.g. whore, slut).

Threats to release another user’s private phone number, residential address, or email address.

Statements of intent to engage in a sexual activity with another user or advocating for them to
engage in a sexual activity.

Claims about another user’s romantic involvement, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Attacks through derogatory terms related to a lack of sexual activity (e.g., you need to get laid,
all she/he needs a night of sex).

Wishing for anyone, including public figures, to fall victim to a serious accident or hoping any
physical harm on them, e.g., “I wish that you would get hit by a bus next time you run your
mouth, “I hope you get COVID and die.”

Harass, insult, tease, or correct other users about the grammar used in their posts. Good or bad
grammar isn't the point in users expressing their opinions.

Comment Examples Approve/Reject & Reason

What kind of drugs are you doing? Reject—user A is trying to demoralize user B by
implying they are using drugs and that is why
their position is wrong.
you are so afraid of the unvaxxed stay in your Reject— user A is trying to demoralize user B by
dungeon implying that they are a ‘lesser than’ person and
must live in a dungeon just because they do not
want to be around people not vaccinated against
Don't how she's going to get a driver license, her Reject—bullying because it is body shaming.
face doesn't fit in a 2x2.

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