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Negotiation is a form of social interaction that functions to find a mutual solution between parties
who have different interests without harming either party

Negotiation comes from English, "negotiate" which means negotiation, negotiation is the process of
bargaining by way of negotiations to reach an agreement.

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namely reducing the differences in the position of each party to reach a mutual agreement

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negotiation structure

minimal negotiation & complete negotiation

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minimal negotiation




complete negotiations






market negotiation







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Key Aspects in Business Negotiations

For negotiators, there are several key aspects to consider when negotiating, Be-emers. According to
Investopedia, these aspects are:

- Involved Parties

As a negotiator, you must know who will be involved in the negotiation activity and also what
the purpose of the negotiation is.

You also have to know the background of the related parties, one of which is the professional
background, which will affect the role of each party in negotiating.

- communication

Effective communication skills are needed to be able to convey the desired bargaining points,
and also convince the other party with every point put forward by the negotiator.

- Alternative

Note! Plan B or alternative plans are always needed when the parties involved cannot find a
middle ground or the initial agreement is not accepted by one of the parties

- Valid Claim

Every right and obligation agreed upon in a negotiation must be stated in a valid form and
constitute a valid requirement, all matters discussed will be discussed and followed up

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General features of negotiation

-Make a deal

-Means to find solutions

-Prioritize common interests

-Leading to practical goals

-Produce mutually beneficial decisions

Linguistic features :

- persuasive language

- application language

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Negotiation strategy :







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Basic negotiation skill :

Sharpness of mind

Articulation Skills

Have a sense of humor

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negotiation process

1. Parties who have the program or the first party convey the intention of being polite and polite

2. The talking partner or the second party denies politely and still respects the first party

3. the program owner presents arguments with polite sentences and convinces the talking partner
with logical reasons

4. there is a discussion and agreement on the implementation of the program or the purpose of the

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-We don't have a better choice to solve the problem

-Have the power to impose a result we want

-There is a conflict between parties

-Our success is influenced by the power of the other party

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Benefits of Business Negotiation :

-Forming a strong cooperative relationship

-Achieving common goals

-Forming sympathy for every deal taken

-Win-win solution

-Forming positive interactions

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