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Script/ outline:

Birthday party reel

-Shows people waking up the character with some balloons in their room and party poppers
-Landscape shot of clouds/sun in sky
-POV of them walking downstairs following the centre character
-Shows some people preparing for the day, making food and on the phone
-Shows children making faces at the camera
-Shows kettle boiling and pouring water into cups
-Outside shot of other party members showing up with birthday gifts, etc.
-Children playing outside with paper planes and football.
-Garden shot and slow pan on tripod
-Characters playing video pong on tv/character that loses passes the control to someone
-The birthday character opens some presents, smiling and ‘saying’ thank you
-Shows a spread of food for the party with people talking
-People eating and preparing a cake
-Someone carries it and sings happy birthday
-Outdoor shot of them walking around a park
-They all gather round for a portrait which someone else in the frame takes
- Walk back to their house, back shot of them ahead
- The family plays some party games and having fun, such as pin the donkey or Trivial
pursuit or monopoly.
-Adults have a few drinks and watch tv
-Other characters leave and wave goodbye
-shot of birthday character playing with new things/ then going to bed.

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