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Ferdinand Amorsolo’s “The Palay Maiden” and Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” bpth uses of the
technique that Da Vinci invented called the three-quarter view. Their subjects both women of
unidentified identities.

In addition to that, the painting techniques are similar. They both use oil paint, making use of
techniques such as sfumato, integrating lines, colors and stones in landscapes and the subject
producing harmony in the painting

2. Amorsolo, in his subject, depicted beauty (of women) differently from the Western standards.
He painted a rounded face instead of an oval one, lively eyes in comparison to the sleepy ones
of Mongolian women. The nose is is blunt but firm and the skin is neither white complexioned
nor dark brown but with clear skin or fresh colored type of a Filipina.

3. Amorsolo painted the subject with the characteristics of the Filipino woman. The rosy Morena
and the blunt nose. It also shows the hardworking and strong quality of a Filipino woman .

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