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Alfredo Casas

HW 001
Life Paper
Section 1 Family Tree
Well im going to talk about my moms side of the family because my dads is to big. My mom
does have diabetes. She has had for a while due to being overweight. Even though she isnt
overweight now. She has three other brothers that two actually suffer from diabetes to. She
also has a sister that is actually is pretty healthy. As for my grand parents. My grandma is in her
late 70’s and is actually pretty healthy for her age. No known illnesses at this time. She actually
likes to travel. Her husband my grandpa died when I was two years old. He was fatally shot. As
for my great grandparents my grandmas mom lived to be 98 years old and died of natural
causes. I actually got to saw her before she passed away. As for her husband my great grandpa
passed away from natural causes to. He passed away 10 years before my great grandma passed
away so I never got to see him. As for my dads side he has 10 siblings in his family. He has only
lost one brother due to pancreatis cancer which was a lifestyle disease because he drank and
smoked cigarettes daily for about 20 years even though he was cleaned up his act 5 years before
he passed away it still took him down. As for my dads parents my grandma died about 8 years
ago from clogged corenary artery. She died after they did surgery on her. As for my grandpa he
is still alive but suffers from parkinsons disease and has trouble getting around. As for theyre
parents I couldn’t really get any information for them. But I think one of the major things that I
need to watch out for due to genetics is diabetes because of my moms family. I think they got it
due to lifestyle decisions because my two uncles that due have it used to drink heavily. As for
my dads side I need to watch out for problems with my heart or parkisons disease as well.

Section 2 Personal Statistics

The body mass index (BMI), or Quetelet index, is a heuristic proxy for human body fat based on
an individual's weight and height. BMI does not actually measure the percentage of body fat.
Waist-hip ratio or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the
hips. The waist-hip ratio equals the waist circumference divided by the hip circumference. Your BMI
(Body Mass Index) = 31.6 (normal range 18 - 25). Your WHR (Waist/Hip Ratio) = 0.92 (normal < 0.85 for
women; and < 1.0 for men) Percent of fat in your body = 11.6 % (normal 18 - 30 % for women; and 12-25
% for men)

Section 3 Present Lifestyle

My present lifestyle is pretty common. I eat around 4 times a day and try to keep my calories
less than 2000 a day. I’m not going to lie not every day is under 2000 but most of the time it is. I
eat a lot of meat and not that many vegetables. I drink like one soda a day and drink lots of
water throughout the day like a gallon a day. I exercise 3 times a week by playing lots of
basketball. I also have a 3 year old nephew who keeps me pretty active around my house always
running and playing races with him. I also have sex like 3 times a week so that also keeps me
pretty active. As for my sleep habits they are pretty normal. I go to sleep daily around 9:00 pm
and wake up at 7:00 am so that’s like 10 hours of sleep. I get up 1 time like around 5:00 am to
use the restroom. On the weekend I go out and socialize and don’t go to sleep till like 3:00 am
and get up around 10:00 am. I don’t drink or do drugs anymore I used to but I’ve dry and clean
for 8 months. I used to drink, smoke crystal and marijuana daily before I got clean. I do smoke
cigarettes daily. I smoke like two packs a week. Ever since I got clean I substituted drugs for
cigarettes which aren’t really smart but oh well. As for illnesses I don’t have any right now that I
know of. I’ve perfectly healthy as of my last check up which was a couple years ago. I think it’s
time for an update.

Section 4 Lifestyle Changes/ Reinforcements

Some of the lifestyle changes that I need to make is that I need to stop smoking
cigarettes. I think that’s really the only unhealthy thing I’ve been doing. I actually just started
smoking cigarettes this past year. I need to quit before I develop a bigger habit for them. I also
need to start working out more because most of the exercise I have been doing is because of
school and the basketball class they offer. So I need to make the initiative to start playing
basketball on my own. I also need to make sure that I don’t fall back into drugs and alcohol
because those two will take some years off your life. I also need to start practicing safer sex. I
tend to get in the moment and forget to put on a condom I think my bigger worry is to not get
anybody pregnant than my health even though this girl I’ve getting with is on birth control I still
need to start using a condom for my protection because I don’t know whose she gotten with
before me or if she’s messing around on the side like I am. With that other girl I use a condom
because the fact of having a kid scares me at the moment. I also need to start watching my
sugar intake because diabetes does run in my family.

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