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Full name: Hà Thị Huyền Linh

ID students: 185120450

1.What is the employer position in the workplace? Give your examples.

The Employer Position:
• As an employee of the organization, your allotted shift or normal work period are at the
discretion of the company.
• Other than lunch and any scheduled breaks, all your activity should be work-related, and any
monitoring of that activity should not be regarded as an infringement of your privacy.
• If you want to do something in private don’t do it at work.
• It is part of the organization’s obligation to its stakeholders to operate as efficiently as
EX: The recruitment specialist or the human resources department of the company needs to
give a detailed and complete job description to recruit the best and most suitable candidate for
the job position of your business.
2.What are the benefits of doing business ethics?Give your examples.

The importance of business ethics reaches far beyond employee loyalty and morale or the
strength of a management team bond. As with all business initiatives, the ethical operation of a
company is directly related to profitability in both the short and long term. The reputation of a
business in the surrounding community, other businesses, and individual investors is paramount
in determining whether a company is a worthwhile investment.

- Draws more investors towards the business

- Provide a competitive advantage in terms of customers

EX: a Unilever survey which found a third of consumers (33 percent) choose to buy from brands
that are making a positive social or environmental impact.

- Build Customer Loyalty

- Enhance a Company's Reputation

- Avoid Legal Issues

- Retain Good Staff

EX: by a 2015 survey of more than 2,000 Brits which found that 36 percent of people would
work harder if they knew their company helped society and 62 percent of people born between
1981 and 1996 (millennials) want to work for a company that makes a positive impact.

-Better for society

EX: A printing company may be interested in sourcing sustainable materials and manufacturing
their products in an eco-friendly manner. When printed products are created, it will be in an
eco-friendly way – such as using sustainable inks or an energy efficient printer.

3.A worker knows that a fellow worker occasionally snorts cocaine on the job. Should she
inform the boss? Explaining?

Personally, I think she should report it to her boss. If in a social situation, it is not right to
suggest or interfere in other people's private affairs. But in a workplace setting, it is completely
inappropriate for other employees to inhale cocaine, causing agitation, low morale, or perhaps
even more, a distraction that slows down the work progress. To avoid causing disunity, or
causing hatred in co-worker relationships, report it to your boss, but anonymously. But as a
friend, it's a good idea to tell the employee yourself and help you stay away from the stimulants.

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