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Name: Muvida Dheliana

Registered Number: F041201065

1. What are some of the communication challenges that will have to be managed over
the next 50 years?
 Constant pings: too much communication that leads to annoyance
 Disconnect: miscommunication that creates frustration
 Radio silence: too little communication that causes anxiety
2. How do you think the united states becoming a “minority majority” nation will
influence dominant culture values?
New immigrants from asia and latin america have added a large measure of cultural
and phenotypic diversity to the american population in recent decades, just as waves
of immigrants from southern and eastern europe did a century ago. Moreover the
boundaries between racial and ethnic groups becoming blurred by high rates of
intermarriage. The relationship between the majority-minority often causes social
conflict which is characterized by subjective attitudes in the form of prejudice and
unfriendly behavior.
3. If you were planning a trip to another country, what preparations would you make to
minimize the effects of culture shock?
 Try to recognize that you are experiencing a culture shock. Realizing it can
help you deal with it better.
 Write down what you love when you first arrive, and look back later
 Learn as much as possible about your destination. As you learn and become
open-minded it is easier to understand the differences, see things from a
different perspective and thus adapt.
 Make sure to focus on all the positive aspects instead of having a negative
mindset. Spend time with positive-minded people, have fun and feel the good
 You will see differences everywhere but try to avoid comparing those with
your home country.
4. Why do you believe so many immigrants have a difficult time adapting to a new
culture? What suggestions do you have for making that process less troublesome?
I believe because we are not used to the new culture and preparation before departure
both the language and knowledge of the culture of the destination country will be
helping to understand the surface culture as well as being a provision to overcome
culture shock was not done. My suggestion is that before we move to another area, we
must understand and recognize the culture and customs there
5. What are the relative merits of a fundamentalist and a relativist approach to
developing an intercultural ethic?
Intercultural ethics is all about general rules and regulations that get imbibed in any
culture in the world. It also includes the components like respect for each and other
cultures. Being human and showing humanity, whenever there is a need for the same.
The nature of providing helping hand to the needy to make them happy and satisfied
is always an admirable factor. Leading a life that prioritizes gratitude for others rather
than enjoying a luxuries life is predominant. The respect for others cultural beliefs,
traditions, morals, standards and value is also the most prominent practices.
6. As a member of a host culture, what responsibilities do you believe you have to make
immigrants feel comfortable in their new cultural environment?
= i think the responsibility i have to help immigrants feel comfortable in their new
cultural environment is by introducing new cultures and customs to immigrants and
also we have to be friendly to immigrants so they feel comfortable.

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