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Salvete victoria

In 1775 a county was born free from tierney absolved of the intercontinental burdens of the
british empire this country is the United States of America. Free markets and free people
propelled this county rapidly into super powerdom, granting peace and prosperity to everything
it touched for a century and a half. Then something tragic happens: radical marxists marched
through the institutions of federal power. Now it is the year 2021 and this once great country is
but a shell of its former self, gutted by those who claim to have its best interest. So what can we
the people do about it? That is what I hope to explain in this book salvete victoria which means
to greet victory in latin.

One nation under god

Ower county used to be a united place. I know it is hard to believe but evin with the good
old US of A being a melting pot of different ethnicities, backgrounds and cultures it was still
unified. You see the melting pot just combild to the point where they were one nation under god,
a unified place with some disagreements but a common country. with terrorist groups burning
down city after city by blm and a idiotic march on the capital. Well the lator is more a victim of
circumstance the prior was not in the wake of a man dying gorge floyd at the hands of drugs
and it being blamed on deirk shovin. Degenerate race hustlers see us only in physical attributes
and intersectional hierarchy, not beliefs, personal history, background, struggle and experience.
For example, I was once told I could not understand what it's like to be black in this country
because of “lived experiences'' I did not have, which is partially true as I am not black. But
people in this country are almost always treated the same except by the people who support
this kind of idiocracy, also two blacks don't have the same “lived experiences' ' as each other as
if they think black is the person's defining characteristic. But our country used to share common
values and common sense like a man is a man and one should be judged on the content of their
caricature not the color of their skin. So how do we get back to this melting pot of success? We
re- discover the common values and morality which has been bestowed to us at birth. We all
know deep down what is right and just, people are people all deserving due process under the
law regardless of the hanisness of their crime. The only physical differences between us is only
skin deep and at most points irrelevant, and that a person's life is sacred and should not be
taken unless deserved. And to beat this ideology of intersectionality we must not corrupt the
youth with these teachings of division because you set two year olds in a room there going to
play with each other not caring what color of skin their new friend is or what background they
come from they just act normally and left uncorrupted they will act that way in adulthood.

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