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Same Sex Parents and Their Children

Studies has proven that children in gay and lesbian households are more
likely to talk about emotionally difficult topics, and they are often more
resilient, compassionate and tolerant. The same concerns that face many
heterosexual parents when they are deciding to have children also face
same-sex parents including time, money, and responsibilities of
parenthood. Likewise, many of the parenting tasks faced by same-sex
parents are similar to those faced by heterosexual parents, such as
providing appropriate structure for children, while also being warm and
accepting, setting limits, teaching open and honest communication,
healthy conflict resolution, and monitoring of child’s peer network and
extracurricular activities.
Some differences may include adapting to different types of family
forms, the impact of social stigma on the family, and dealing with
extended family members who may not be supportive of same-sex
parenting. One of the biggest challenges facing same-sex parented
families is that they must live in a culture that supports heterosexist and
homophobic attitudes and beliefs, which can affect these families in a
variety of ways.
A second complication is that these families are usually part of a
blended family and include children from previous heterosexual
marriages. Some of these families may deal with disagreement from
other family members about the authenticity and validity of their family
patterns. Lack of support from a previous heterosexual partner or the
other biological parent can cause major conflict and distress within the
family system. 

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