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Logistics and supply chain

The components of logistics

Which of the following would involve forward
logistics , and which would involve reverse ?
In each case , explain why.
• a. delivering metal from an extraction plant to
a manufacturer.
• b. Returning bottles to a retailer so the can be
• C. Bringing a computer that is malfunctioning
back to the shop which supplied it, for repairs.
• D. transferring industrial waste from a
manufacturing plant to a waste disposal unit.
The key activities in supply chain operations
include the following:
• The transformation of natural resources ( e.g
growing the coffee cherries on farms)
• The movement and storage of raw materials
( e.g. moving the cherries to a coffee depot and
then to a processing plant)
• The processing of raw materials and
components into finished goods ( e,g, drying,
milling and bagging the coffee beans)
• The storage of work-in-progress and finished
goods(e,g, storing coffee in various forms at
the coffee depot , processing plant .
Wholesale warehouse and export warehouse)
• The deliver of the finished product from point
of origin to point of destination (e.g.
transporting the cherries to the depots and
then to the processing plants and shipping the
beans overseas to places like Paris , London,
Tokyo . As well as the coffee traders in Jamaica
and other parts of the Caribbean).

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