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Carrie Kube
Credits Special Thanks
Written By: Carrie Kube To all the people (both past and present) who looked
Edited By: Debra Leonard and Scott Metzger through my work and were honest with me. Also to the
person who let me use his work on the original
Layout By: Charles Siegel Nephilim for my project. (I know we lost contact, but
Cover by: Pixabay thanks.)
Pictures By: Various White Wolf Art Packs

© 2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vam-

pire: The Masquerade®, World of Darkness®, Storytelling Sys-
tem™, and Storytellers Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER ONE: MY SIDE OF THE STORY .................................................................................................................. 8
CHAPTER TWO: CHILDREN OF THE HOST ............................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER THREE: SHAPING THE DIVINE ............................................................................................................. 34
CHAPTER FOUR: POWERED BY GOD ............................................................................................................................ 40
CHAPTER FIVE: HOLY WAR ............................................................................................................................................. 70


Sometimes the world can be a very cold, chaotic, and lonely sion and the best of intentions can lead to tragedy.
place. So much that we will put our heads in the sand and just go Lexicon
on with our lives; simply existing until the next day comes. Just Aasama: The offspring of a mortal and an angel.
shut yourself off except for those who matter lest the world’s wor- Angel: A heavenly creature created to aid God.
ries drag you down with it. Feast on the bread and circuses around Angelos: A Divine that has transcended into a
you, let their stale taste shut out the doubts. superior form that is beyond that of an Angel.
One day it’s not enough, the world’s cries won’t shut-up. Every They are a perfect balance between a Human’s free
abused child, every lost soul, every two-bit thug brings forth a burst will and ability to adapt and an Angel’s purity and
of passion inside you. No longer can you be apathetic, that luxury holiness.
is long gone. Now you wonder where are God and his angels are. Apocalyptic Form: The physical reflection a Di-
Heck, you can sure relate to the love, anger, and frustration this vine’s true nature.
world would make them feel. Aura: The inner glory a Divine (except the In-
fused) possesses.
One day the passion builds so much that it bursts and suddenly Candidates: The other gods (Gaia, Osiris, etc.) in
you understand. God’s angels never truly left, for you are one of the World of Darkness. One of them will arise as
their children. Whether you are part of a regular angel, a fallen the New God. Candidacy could also go to crea-
one, undead, or just simply touched, you are there to help heal this tures that were able to ascend to godhood or some
broken world so a new god can come forth. Are you ready embrace other powerful state like Caine, Charon, Lucifer,
this divine passion? Lilith, etc.
Angel the Revelation is a companion piece to the Chari: Holy, undead creatures who have been
Demon the Fallen line. The tone and themes plays revived by the mysterious Charon to do his bid-
upon the rivalry and fragile hope that these half- ding to aid God.
breeds bring. As the book goes into Heaven’s side Charon: The god-like creator of the Chari.
of the story, the reader will learn about how pas- Children of Goliath: Nephilim warriors, dedi-

cated to fighting both Mystics and Mortals who Rising: When a Divine’s morality rating raises to
would seek to bring the world into further ruin. the point that they become more angelic in
Connection: A gift bestowed by God to the Di- thought and deed.
vine (with the exception of the Infused) where they Saulites: Former mortals who have committed
can summon memories of their ancestors, their acts of evil and now have a second chance as one
Grigori or Charon to help them. of the Divine.
Deadmen: Mortals who were unjustly killed due Seers: Divine charged with the duty of guiding
to the cruelty of others and have been revived as the other heritages.
forces of justice. Seraphim: Mediators and diplomats of the Di-
Despar: A Divine that has fallen so far from vine.
grace, they become a creature worse than any De- Sign: A physical side effect a Divine (except the
mon. Infused) receives from her Revelation.
Divine, The: A term used to describe all the di- Shepherds: Aasama who are in charge of prepar-
vinities as a whole. ing and guiding humanity for the New God.
Divinity: The breed a Divine is from (Aasama, Touched, The: Mortal followers who know of a
Chari, Infused, Nephilim). Divine’s holy heritage.
Faith: Mortal and Mystic belief that allows a Di- Twist: The mental side effect a Divine (except
vine to fuel her powers. the Infused) receives from her Revelation.
Falling: When the imperfections of the Divine’s Watchers: The spies and scholars of the Divine.
mortal side overpower them, pulling them away Slang
from their divine heritage.
Angel-Parent: A slang term for Grigori. Some-
First-Born, The: The original Nephilim that
times referred to as Angel-Mother or Angel-Father
were supposed to have been killed millions of years
depending on the Grigori’s gender.
Cherubs: Divine under the age of 13.
Flock: A group of Divine.
Ferrymen: Slang term for the Chari.
Grigori: An Aasama’s angelic parent.
Half-Angel: Slang term for the Aasama.
Heritage: An assigned group that a Divine (ex-
Half-Fallen: Slang term for Nephilim.
cept Infused belongs to).
Orphans: Slang term for the Infused.
Infused: Mortals who have come in contact with
Spirit-Born: A term for the Divine that is used
holy energy and become a Divine as a result.
by outsiders who are ignorant of the heavens (Lu-
Light-Bringers: Healers and harbingers of hope.
pus Garou, people who are raised outside of mon-
Lost, The: Divine that become evil.
otheistic religions, etc.).
Miracle: A special power that a Divine can use.
Muses: The artisans of the Divine. Themes
Mystics: The general term for the other creatures Like any World of Darkness game, personal hor-
(Vampires, Hunters, Wraiths, etc.) in the World of ror will always be a staple. There are two themes
Darkness. that separate it from the others: identity, passion
Nephilim: The half-breed children of Fallen An- and love. These may sound like odd choices for
gels and Mortals. this setting, but there is both purity and corruption
New God, The: An unknown being chosen by in both that can provide for good gameplay.
God to take his place during the New World.
New World, The: The World of Darkness' next Identity
incarnation that the New God will rule over. Despite their differences, all of the divinities
Nymphs: Caretakers of the spiritual and physical have one question they have to answer, "Where do
world. I stand in all of this?" Being thrown into a world
Path: A group of Miracles that get more power- that is darker, stranger and more fascinating than
ful as a Divine puts more study into it. anything you've ever imagined would screw with
Revelation: When a mortal learns of her holy anyone's beliefs. Everyone and everything seems to
mission and heritage. have some kind of secret or personal war they're

Angel: The Revelation

fighting without regards to you. All you've got is a Mortals to improve things. This is not a cute or
fragile promise of a "New God" arising. It is not sappy love, but a burning passion that haunts them
just trying to keep out of crossfire to find out all, regardless of Divinity. It can’t help, but to draw
what's going on, but putting together what you are her into even the darkest aspects of the World of
now. Darkness in hopes of fixing it.
For the Nephilim and Aasama it is being in the Another issue is that one can mistake despera-
shadows of their ancestors while trying to form tion and lust for love. The Divine have their own
their own identities. For the Chari, it is coming to otherworldly appeal and awe that can entice your
the terms that their second chance at life is at the average mortal. Beauty (inside or out), awe-
cost of servitude. Or the Infused learning that hav- inspiring auras, power or knowing that there is
ing no historical ties can be both a blessing and a someone who generally cares can be a source of
curse. fascination that leads to obsession. As a result, love
"But where is the horror in that?", you might ask. becomes twisted into selfishness and obsession.
This can also be corrupted in many ways. Some- Love can also be frightening. There are those
times fanaticism or just the wrong influences can who believe that their flaws and sins have rendered
shape a Divine into something worse. Change isn't them unworthy of hope and to know that they are
always bad, but it can be very scary. Old things may not can be a shock to the system. While others
have to be put down to improve yourself or at least have indulged in their wickedness and corruption
survive. As a Divine goes up in morality, the flawed to the point that the light is like a burning acid to
parts of her humanity begin to wash away into their souls. Both of them fear this and will fight
something holier. While some may welcome this, back with every inch of their being to ensure their
there are others who may not be all that hot in los- stability.
ing what makes them what they are. (Let alone
“Without love, I wouldn’t believe in anything that lives and
watching someone else go down a road like that.)
breathes. Without love I'd have no anger. I wouldn't believe in the
There is no set path for the Divine and no mat- right to stand here. Without love I wouldn't believe. I couldn't
ter what choice is made, they must be prepared to believe in you and I wouldn't believe in me.”- ”Believe”, Elton
make the sacrifices necessary to stay that way. John
Love On the positive side, love is a powerful force that
“Love is a dangerous angel.”-Dirk McDonald, “Wheetze Bat opens our hearts and gives us a purpose in life. It
Love can bring out the best and the worst in us. can bring us hope, inspiration and a drive to suc-
It can drive us to acts of heroism to protect those ceed. Whether it is love for a spouse, a friend, life,
that we care about, but it can also enslave us to family or even a pet; it fills our souls like nothing
abusive manipulators that have no qualms with else. Even the pathetic and wretched can be healed
tearing us down. by this force. It is this belief that allows a Divine to
When a Divine receives her Revelation, a feeling keep going no matter how bad things can get.
of love does starts to arise (depending on how high Tragedy
her Morality is). As times goes on, she will begin to “Then you know there comes a time where you need her more
understand this feeling and how it drove Lucifer, than anything. You believe yours are the wounds that only she can
The Host and her ancestors to such extremes. See- heal. Suddenly she turns around and she becomes so serious,
ing the denizens of the World of Darkness as lost because what she chose to offer you was all that you can have.”-
children, she feels like she must guide and protect ”She Runs Away”, Duncan Sheik
them like a loving parent. This feeling is not the
same for everyone as each one will view and act No matter if either Lucifer or God were right,
upon it in her own way. One may totally dive right there will always be a sadness of what the World of
into her divine side (even at the cost of her human- Darkness could’ve been. The broken dreams and
ity) to better understand these feelings while an- hurt feelings of the past weigh heavily on all the
other may feel like a long-suffering parent who Divinities as they try to fix things. Their demonic
knows she may have to be a little tough on the counterparts are some of the biggest reminders of


this. Light-Bringer has to step back, because he knows

The Demons have a long memory and even that a Mortal is relying too much on him even if he
some of those that cry for redemption, might have is not sure if the Mortal can do it on their own.
too much Torment to do anything other than slap
a Divine’s hand away. The same can go for the How To Use This Book
mortals that are just too far gone that they’d rather This book is divided into different chapters for
kill themselves than face their own mistakes. It al- easy access to whatever you need to get your game
ways seems that the flaws of both Mortals and Mys- running.
tics tend to put a monkey wrench in things for Chapter 1: My Side of the Story - This chapter
good or for ill. Sometimes even the best-laid plans goes into the war between the heavens through the
can fall apart and this is what both Angels and Divine’s point of view.
Demons will learn within time. Chapter 2: Children of the Host - Covers the
Another aspect is that despite their power, the Divinities and Heritages of these new characters.
Divine are still partially human and are far from Chapter 3: Shaping the Divine - Handles basic
perfect. (Or as the Nymphs put it, “even the Fae character creation.
have their flaws”.) They won’t be able to save eve- Chapter 4: Powered by God - Goes into the spe-
ryone or live up to all of their expectations. It is cial powers and relics that the Divine possess.
heartbreaking when a Muse has to tell a gravely ill Chapter 5: Holy War - Learn about the Divine's
person who desperately searched for her that “not troubled relationship with the Demons and a few
every Angel has the same powers”. Or when a new adversaries and allies.

After what happened to Old Man Vanderhalt, the on his chest. After all, an entire childhood playing
best thing Margie could do was honor his request. Japanese console RPGs wouldn't lie. "Heal! Revive!"
Sure, he was a grouchy, pissy old man that bitched She could feel streams of tears falling from her eyes
every time she turned on the radio, but even he didn't as she tried again and again and again until the police
deserve to be torn-up by God-knows-what. arrived. "Please, come back."
"It's yours," He said, grabbing her arm as a rush of
From the Tome of Ancients
power flooded into her. "The blessing of God; the
powers of the heavens." Margie, if you are reading this then I'm already
"Come on, stupid, say something." Paper-cuts were more dead. I know it's hard to believe, but out of all the idi-
than enough to make Margie uneasy, but now she just ots in this God-forsaken apartment complex, you were
wanted to scream. Blood and what she swore was a bit always the least stupid. As horrible as this world is,
of bone peeking out of his left arm were now staining there's a war a-brewing between Heaven, Hell, and the
her clothes. "Just don't run out screaming. Don't run out rest of us poor bastards. And it's up you and the rest
screaming..." of our kind to make sure it doesn't get any worse.
That's when she felt something in her hand; a small, I know you thought I was nothing but a bitter old
green notebook. "The Tome of Ancients, the curmudgeon, but even I can understand love. A very
knowledge of this world, keep it safe from the De- weird, twisted kind of love that only the Heavens
mon." could possess. God, out of love, wanted nothing but
"Demons? What Demons?" And he was gone. "Don't to preserve our happiness and Lucifer believed in our
just leave me here!" Her mind running a mile a mi- potential. Either way humanity was going to get the
nute, but an idea still came to her. "Heavens, that brunt of it: ignorance or hardship.
means angels, angels mean holiness...white magic." With a few fancy words, humanity chose the latter.
Tossing the "Tome of Ancients" into her apartment, In a way I can commend Lucifer and his Angels, they
she set Mr. Vanderholt down and placed her palms were good to their word and even stayed to teach
them everything they know. Then I remember God
My Side of the Story

damned them all in return and I just want to strangle

them. When you get as old as me, you see and lose
too much.
We watched as love drove both sides into wars and
when the dust settled, it gave the Fallen Angels a new
idea. If man could never return to Eden, they would
help make a new one on earth with their own special
offspring, the Nephilim. In best intentions of the Fall-
en, my Nephilim ancestors were to be shining light
that would lead humanity to greatness. They were to
be these perfect little creatures that would have the
adaptability of Mortals and the Fallen's power and
love for humanity.
But like my first ex-wife (in all her stage mom glory),
your own personal demons and broken dreams will
only screw your kids up even more. Or maybe this was
God's way of getting back at his disloyal servants by
twisting their children's hearts. Either way it merged
into their offspring, driving many of them insane with
torment. Whatever it was, it brought more pain to the
Terrors: The monomaniacal leaders of the Ne-
philim. Blessed with thunderous voices, Mortal and
Mystic could be bent to their will.
Furies: Vengeful creatures whose torment grant-
ed them a twisted form of justice that brought forth
the grisly deaths of the innocent as well as the wicked.
Giants: Reclusive yet skilled craftsmen who had
just as much potential for wickedness as their Malefac-
tor parents.
Gorgons: Self-proclaimed watchers of nature,
they often fell from grace and were often worse than
the most sadistic of predators
Augur: Half-mad children both blessed and curs-
ed with visions of endless pasts and futures.
Fairest: Beautiful, yet cruel seducers that can
twist the emotions of any man like clay.
Rouges: The lowest of them all, they scurried the
shadows performing any deed for any price.
Once again, out of love for the Mortals, the Fallen
Angels went out to wipe out their prodigy and let God
sort them out. Seeing sparks of good in a few of the
Nephilim as they tried to protect their families, God
had the souls of my ancestors turned into creatures
called Ferrymen who would guide the spirits of the
restless dead, cast their parents to the Abyss, and
sealed away the powers of the Nephilim's children un-
til it was needed. In case you are wondering, no, you

Angel: The Revelation

are not one of us; you just have a bunch of my celes- servants of the dead, Lucifer would see his followers
tial power in you. and dreams become a twisted mess, and God was
In the end, love played one last act: the Demons doomed to see his creations’ pain.
have broken out and God knows it. A new god and a As time passed God (despite his continued efforts)
new world will arise and this time he thought ahead... realized that if the world was to survive, a successor
Aasama: For the last 60 years the Angels have would need to rule his place. So after he granted the
been knocking-up humans to create these less screwed- Angels the gift to create the Aasama, he allowed
up versions of my ancestors. Charon to go on with his plan to make his army, and
Chari: They're on our side yet they aren't. These gave the powers of the original Nephilim's to their de-
divine corpses answer to an old associate of The scendants, God finally stepped back and let his be-
Host's they call Charon. loved creations make their own choices.
Infused: That's what you are. In Lucifer's eyes it was a different story. After being
Nephilim: The descendants of the original Ne- granted the knowledge of God, he began to see where
philim whose powers have to awakened. his creator's love for the Mortals came from. The di-
Even someone as old as me doesn't know everything, but I've told vine spark they possessed fascinated him to no end,
you what you need to know (which is more than some of your kind but deep down he felt like something was wrong: it
get). They're coming for me and I don't have much time as it is. So never grew. For years the mortals would wander about
keep this with you and don't screw it up. creation, ignorant of their potential while he and the
rest of the Angels were forced to keep their distance.
-Amos Vanderholt So out of love, Lucifer was willing to risk damnation
to let humanity finally grow. Even if they were to be
The Basics caught in the middle of him and God's wars, he
would never let them be controlled again.
While Mr. Vanderholt got a lot of it right, there's
Tragedy seemed to fall upon Lucifer from the fail-
only so much that even he could know with his own
ure that were the original Nephilim, his allies being
biases. Despite all of its power, God was lonely so he
tossed into Abyss and later overestimating his arch-
created the Angels and the mortals to ease this pain.
dukes' sanity when he freed them in hopes of guiding
In God's eyes, he desired for his children to learn
humanity again in the Dark Ages. Still, he would keep
and grow at their own pace until they would no longer
need Eden and leave on their own terms. When Luci-
In a funny way one could see the struggle between
fer betrayed him, God's fear for the safety of the Mor-
Lucifer and God like two conflicting parents who be-
tals grew as he saw them struggle against each other.
lieved they knew what was best for their beloved chil-
He did whatever he could to stop Lucifer and his trai-
dren. Both were willing go to any length to the point
torous kin from their delusional ideas for humanity.
that they would destroy their own happiness in the
In the end, there was no real victor as they all ended
process, but never realizing that in the end they were
up with their own burdens: the Fallen-Angels were
their own worst enemies.
cast into the Abyss, the First-Born were turned into

My Side of the Story


All of the Divine in the game come from one of the
four Divinities (Aasama, Chari, Infused and Ne-
philim) which helps shape their powers, outlook, and
history. You can only pick one Divinity for your char-
Pronounced: Aah-sah-ma
When the world is falling into despair, the Aasama
represent the hope and purity that was once consid-
ered lost. We often feel trapped and ineffectual,
doomed to be wrung dry by the ones with the real
power. Now as an Aasama you realize that (hopefully)
you can at least make a dent in this world. All is not
sunshine and roses for the Half-Angels, the World of
Darkness is a cold and frightening place that for as
many people who will admire you, just as many have
much darker desires.
Symbol: A small, white, featureless human figure
with a burst of light around it.
Creation: God gathered his most loyal Angels and
granted them a blessing: the ability to sire children.
Children of the Host

Over the course of the last 60 years, these Angels visit- • Demons: "There are some that regret what they'd
ed earth in various forms from immaculate concep- done, but given how the rest of them are, we must
tion, short-lived romances as Mortals, or even in the take all of what they say with a grain of salt."
forms of deals. One particular example of the third of
the three was with the Ordo of Angelus, a cabal of oc- Chari
cultists. In return for providing aid to all the divini- Pronunciation: Shar-rye
ties, they would mate with the highest ranking mem-
bers to produce their own Aasamas.
Revelation: Until their Revelation, all Aasamas
lived as mere Mortals. Since they have no family line-
age to fall back on, The Host has blessed them with
strong genes that turns any children (and grandchil-
dren) they conceived as a Mortal into one.
Blessing: With parent and child working as a joined
unit, all Aasama have a special resistance to mind con-
trol and forced shape change (example: fleshcraft).
Anyone who tries gets a +2 penalty (max 10).
Curse: There are some heavy expectations on the
Aasama. If they have to make a Morality check, it is
done at a +1 difficulty (max 10).
Connection: All Aasama have a one-on-one connec-
tion with their Grigori and can mentally and physical-
ly talk to each other depending on how strong the
connection is.
Aura: Aasama auras tend to radiate a sense of
warmth and comfort.
Loyalties: Since their Revelation is more often
viewed as a divine gift, many Aasamas are more likely
to side with God on things. The feelings towards Lu-
cifer's involvement can range from pity to downright
wanting to destroy him for all the damage he caused.
An Aasama who thinks Lucifer was in the right exists
and is usually "tolerated" by their Grigori.
Miracles: Aasama miracles focus on holy energy
(Path of Light), protection of themselves and others
(Path of Protection) and goodness (Path of the Saint).
Beyond their intense loyalty and undead bodies, all
Chari harbor the sad realization that they are as dead
• Chari: “I know that technically the Ferrymen are on in the spiritual sense as they are in the physical. Their
our side, but can we totally trust a group that souls have either transcended to their reward, become
doesn’t even answer to God?” Wraiths/Specters, or have been destroyed. It's their
• Infused: “No guidance, no family, the poor things.” master's (who claims to be the god-like being, Charon)
• Nephilim: “Dear brother, I hope you can break free own mystical energy that animates their bodies and
from your family’s chains. For we will watch over retains their memories.
you.” How do you handle such a revelation? How would
• Mortals: “A number of them love us and we love you feel if you see your soul happy in Heaven or soul-
them in return. Sometimes those feelings becomes forged into an ashtray? On the other hand, you have a
so strong that you can’t even breathe.” wonderful second chance at life as a divine being who

Angel: The Revelation

can make this world a better place. How it is handled happen if they discovered that we don't even have
is up to each Chari. souls to begin with.”
Symbol: A jawless human skull with a glowing aura • Mortals: “We are your necessary reminder of what is
around it. beyond death and the little bubble you surround
Creation: For reasons only known to Charon, him- yourself in.”
self, he will bring a mortal of his choosing back to life • Demons: "You just can't stop being your own worst
by repairing their corpses and infusing them with his enemies, can you?"
divine energy. Charon will not revive a corpse that has
been dead for more than 80 years. Infused
Revelation: While Charon is extremely powerful, Pronunciation: In-fewsed
he is not a true god. Thus, he is only able to fuel five
thousand Chari on the earth at one time. If one were
to die or become an Angelos/Despar, he'll just create
another in its place.
Blessing: Since they’re undead, the Chari cannot
die by suffocation, bleeding to death (they don’t
bleed) or dehydration and starvation. (While they can
eat and drink, they don’t need it to survive.)
Curse: Since holy energy fuels their undead bodies,
a Chari must spend one point of Faith every 48 hours
otherwise their body stops functioning and will col-
lapse. Unless someone infuses a point of Faith to re-
animate the corpse, the body will deteriorate into a
pile of ash in 48 hours.
Connection: All Chari have a direct hive-like con-
nection to Charon.
Aura: There is an odd kind of enigmatic feeling that
just seems to intrigue those around a Chari. Mortals
just can’t help, but to be fascinated by them.
Loyalties: With Charon's essence in them, the Cha-
ri are infused with at least some loyalty to their creator
whether they like it or not. Charon has often whis-
pered into his servants’ ears that they can gain souls of
their own when they become Angelos, thus enhancing
their loyalty even further. The whole God vs Lucifer
affair can range from caring less about their squab-
bling to a devotion that is second to their creator.
Miracles: Chari miracles focus on controlling spirits
(Path of Spirits), their undead natures (Path of
Undeath) and the darkness itself (Path of Night)
• Aasama: “All that idealism and hope is necessary for
God's good little soldiers.”
• Infused: “Think of an Aasama who doesn't know
what she's doing.”
• Nephilim: “It is for the better that these hotheads Probably the biggest challenge for any Infused is just
keep their distance. For Charon knows what would trying to find where you fit in this world. With no
guidance, mission, or celestial aura, there is a lot going

Children of the Host

against you. But, God has not abandoned these lost • Demons: "It would be foolish to see them all as
children and has given them the gift of freedom. The irredeemable, but they're too dangerous to let our
Infused can pursue any path in healing the World of guard down around them."
Darkness where others have to gain their approval by
following their heritage. As well as keeping most of Nephilim
your former self by not having any signs or a twist. Pronunciation: Nef-flim
Though there's probably more than one Infused who
wishes she had a voice as lovely as a Seraphim's or a
Child of Goliath's strong sense of justice.
Symbol: See the Infused's entry in the Heritage sec-
Creation: There's a number of ways that an Infused
can gain their Revelation: receiving a heart transplant
from another Divinity (which will be treated as perfect
match that doesn’t need drugs), getting at blood trans-
fusion of least four points of blood (doesn’t have to be
from the same person), being exposed to large
amounts of celestial energy, or simply being rewarded
by The Host itself for her pious nature.
Revelation: No one really knows why one mortal
will get this chance and not another. Perhaps it is a
fluke or God's own long-term planning.
Blessing: The Infused are allowed to learn any other
Heritage’s Miracles. The player may pick any three she
wants during character creation (but can't learn any
Curse: An Infused cannot have any dots in Aura
and Connection.
Connection: None.
Aura: None. How does one cope with the idea that they are the
Loyalties: Just like the Nephilim, an Infused's loyal- descendant of a failed dream? This is what every Ne-
ty can be just as varied. That is if she fully understands philim has to learn once they receive their Revelation.
what her purpose is other than the message she re- While your celestial blood has cooled down after all
ceives when her Revelation kicks in. those years of interbreeding with mortals, you can still
Miracles: Infused miracles focus on their own bod- feel lingering bits of the torment that raged in your
ies. This allows them to enhance (Path of Enhance- ancestors.
ment) or alter it (Path of Alteration) and tap into their The biggest theme with this divinity is overcoming
own minds (Path of the Mind). the sins of your ancestors by making the name, Ne-
Relations philim, a thing of honor despite the odds against you.
While you have the advantage of the average layman
• Aasama: “Thanks for the help, but we’re not your not having any idea of what a Nephilim is, there are
kids.” others out there who have very long memories.
• Chari: “Um...hi creatures that kind of scare us.” Symbol: A small, gray, featureless human figure
• Nephilim: “Maybe a history having no expectations with a burst of black light around it.
on you can be a good thing.” Creation: After the destruction of the First-Born,
• Mortals: “Sometimes we feel just as lost as you.” their children were granted to chance to live a normal
life as mortals by The Host who sealed away their di-
vine powers until it was needed.

Angel: The Revelation

Revelation: Usually one or two members from a

family line will receive the Revelation at a time. This is
done to keep the Nephilim under a low profile and to
Each Divine is granted a special job to do in healing
make sure there will always be reserves in case the cur- and preparing this world for the New God. From war-
rent ones dies. In the case of death or falling, The riors to scouts to healers, etc. each Heritage has their
Host will bestow the Revelation to another member of own abilities, benefits, and drawbacks depending on
the family to take their place. Though some may not their ancestry or what Charon chooses for them.
be worthy of the Revelation (even as Saulites). While the Infused do not have as assigned role, they
Blessing: Tougher than the average human, all Ne- are included in this section to show how they fit in
philim are given an extra health level. with the rest of the Heritages.
Curse: If a Nephilim is under extreme stress, they
must make a Willpower roll to avoid frenzy (at least Children of Goliath
one success is needed). If the roll fails, she has to kill “Stop those who seek to bring the world into further ruin.”
or otherwise neutralize the stimulus responsible for it.
This can also be negated if the Nephilim is killed,
they’re rendered unconscious or through mystical
Connection: Nephilim can draw from the memo-
ries of their ancestors for guidance.
Aura: Nephilim auras tend to have a sense of power
that can inspire admiration and awe. Even those that
are more timid or have weak physiques will have an
inner strength to them.
Loyalties: Depending on how the Nephilim feels
about her new condition, their feelings toward The
Host and Lucifer are varied. Some may resent one or
both for their involvement or even be on the fence.
Miracles: Nephilim miracles focus on the elements
such as earth (Path of the Earth), water and wind
(Path of Water and Wind) and fire (Path of Fire.)
• Aasama: “Sibling rivalry, I wonder if that’s how our
fallen ancestors felt.”
• Chari: “I swear there’s something wrong with them.
I’ve never seen one of these stiffs eat. Hell, I swear
they don’t even breathe.”
• Infused: “They’re like the little brother you just
want to watch over and protect and then sigh when
they go running off.” From the Diary of Officer Peter Teller: How am I
• Mortals: “Thank The Host most of them are too going to explain this? It’s bad enough that I might
ignorant to know what we are. Sometimes the feel- have to arrest the former mayor’s son, but it was what
ings that aren’t awe (which is pretty damn flattering) he was hiding that was the weird part. His mother or
still rear their ugly heads.” what was a hideously mutated version of her was
• Demons: "Damn, it’s always complicated with them. wrapped in a bed sheet and thrown over Alex’s shoul-
There's just a lot of baggage that keeps from getting der. At first I thought that the boy had just witnessed
anything done." his mom being butchered and was going to go bury
her. I mean, Alex is a good kid; he looks after his little
brother, he’s a straight-A student, and wouldn’t even

Children of the Host

hurt a fly. social life where only the most pure and enlightened
Then I see the angry look on his face, just daring me of Mortals and Mystics can truly understand her.
to try and arrest him. His clothes are bloody and torn Falling: Fanaticism is the greatest enemy of the
and if my eyes were deceiving me, I would’ve sworn Children of Goliath and even the smallest step can
that he shot up six inches. lead to becoming a greater monster than what she
“Test her if you want.” Alex said coldly. “It’s not hunts.
like she’s human anymore.” Choosing: The Nephilim (and only Nephilim) is a
Too shocked to move any part of my body, he descendant of a Fury.
throws the corpse at my feet and walks over to his Miracles: The Miracles revolve around defense
convertible with his little brother waiting for him. I (Path of Defense) and battle (Path of Melee and Path
know I should’ve done something, but as I said be- of Range).
fore, Alex is a good kid and he wouldn’t lie. Stereotypes
Duty: The Children of Goliath are to cut down the • Deadmen: “Before you bitch about us being ruth-
numbers of the wicked to keep them from making less, just look at these guys.”
things worse whether they be Mortal or Mystic.
• Infused: “They mean well; even in the battlefield.”
Through loving rehabilitation to a single bullet in the
• Light-Bringers: “I don't know what good a bunch of
head to end their misery, she must use her best judg-
celestial shrinks are going to do; it's best that they
ment lest she becomes the very monsters they hunt.
stay behind and let the rest of handle the big stuff."
Symbol: An upright celestial war hammer.
• Muses: “They can find and create some of the cool-
Sign: All Children of Goliath become six inches
est stuff. One of them even got me this great axe.
My little brother is trying to contact the spirits in it."
Twist: Even the meekest Child's personality be-
• Nymphs: "Just be as pleasant as possible and they'll
comes more passionate and upfront. It's not that she
help you."
can't be subtle, it's just that she is more honest with
their emotions. • Saulites: “I know what it’s like to be screwed-up, but
Apocalyptical Form: Skin looks like it’s made of unlike most people they know they have to set
molten lava and their hair like fire, giving them a vi- things right.”
brant and threatening presence. Their hawk wings are • Seers: “Predictions are fine, but they need to focus
white. on what’s going on now.”
Blessing: Not only does a Child become taller, but • Seraphim: “When their little alliances work, it
her muscle mass grows as well. Add an extra dot of makes things both easier and a whole lot more
Strength to your character (even if it goes over 5). The complicated.”
player can even go up to six on her Strength score by • Shepherds: “They do a good job, don’t get me
spending experience points. wrong, but they need to watch who they let in.”
Curse: Since it is the job of the Children of Goliath • Watchers: “They’re the best allies a Child can
to protect the innocent, if a Child witnesses an atroci- have.”
ty like a mugging or a rape, she must make a Willpow- • Mortals: “Sometimes, you just can’t blame the mon-
er roll vs. 6 to avoid intervening. A botch forces the ster on everything. Mom might’ve been tainted by
Child to frenzy and take care of the problem in a vio- those dark forces, but it was her fault for attracting
lent way. it.”
Rising: Becoming more like the brave and just, a • Mystics: “Other than having super powers, they’re
risen Child inspires bravery and might wherever they no different than everyone else and should be
go. Even if her holy mission starts overpowering her judged that way.”

Angel: The Revelation

“Go and extract the justice you were denied.”
Even after 80's ended, Tesse still had to convince
herself that she did the right thing. It was all Penelo-
pe’s fault that poor little boy died; Satanists like her
were always capturing and drinking the blood of in-
nocent children just like all the special reports said.
To Hell with the autopsy saying he drowned in a
nearby stream while collecting skip stones. The callous
disregard toward the church and her misanthropic
views were poisoning the town and that child was part
of the final pact for Satan to send his demons to tear
the town to shreds.
With her husband, Tesse had corned Penelope in
her own home and hanged her like their good Chris-
tian ancestors did a long time ago. Of course it was
the right thing to do. She was the unknown savior of
her town and maybe even the world; a badge she wore
with more pride than when the Virgin Mary discov-
ered she was pregnant with the messiah. Besides, it’s
not like she is going to be coming come out of her
grave. Then again, that strange woman who could be
Penelope’s twin sitting on her couch made her think
“Hello Tesse.” The woman slyly grinned, pulling
down her collar and revealing the rope marks on her
Duty: Even the Children of Goliath can’t stop every
injustice in the world and this is where the Deadmen
come in. Be it Mortal or Mystic, the Deadmen under-
stand what it’s like to be unjustly hurt for they were
once died due to the cruelty and small-mindedness of
others. Now revived, they hear the cries of the op-
pressed and will avenge them in any way possible.
Even a simple, honest apology from the offender can
be enough depending on the situation.
Symbol: An upside-down ankh with blood trickling
down the upper left corner.
Sign: All Deadmen have some kind of mark on
them that shows how they died such as a scar from a
fatal gunshot wound, blue lips if they drowned or a
limp from being beaten to death.
Twist: In times when accurate judgment is needed,
emotions cannot get it the way. This is why all Dead-
men become more logical once they receive their Rev-
elation. Many outsiders would consider them to be
"cold", but the Deadmen can still feel just like anyone
else. They just happen to be more subdue about it.
Children of the Host

Apocalyptical Form: Resembling more of the agents ment (Path of Curses and Path of Justice) and tracking
of vengeance and death they are, the Deadman hovers (Path of the Hunt).
over the ground wearing a long, glistening, white, Stereotypes
hooded cloak that flows like a pair of wings. When • Children of Goliath: “They are the assassins, we are
the hood is over the Deadman’s head, her eyes will the cleaners.”
glow white.
• Infused: “No direction; just pray that they don’t
Blessing: After all the pain they went through, very
screw-up too much.”
little scares a Deadman anymore. Thus, the difficulty
• Light-Bringers: “Too bad their powers can’t do a
score any check invoking fear (both supernatural and
thing about the voices.”
mundane) is lowered by two (minimum 1).
• Muses: "At times their curiosity makes them the
Curse: The voices of the oppressed constantly call to
most troublesome of all."
the Deadman that they automatically become haunted
• Nymphs: “They’re a completely different species. So
by one of these voices until they are helped (treat this
just let them be.”
as if they have the Haunted flaw). All Deadmen have a
pet cause related to their deaths (those that prey on • Saulites: “Both of us have been hurt, they just
women, the falsely accused, victims of fraud, etc.) and brought it on themselves.”
those are where the voices come from. The victims do • Seers: “You run into a few weird ones, but they
not have to be dead. almost understand you.”
Rising: The mark becomes more of a badge of hon- • Seraphim: “When they're doing their negotiations,
or as a Deadman goes up in the ranks of Morality. you have to wonder which one is being manipulat-
Their very presence strikes fear in the hearts of even ed.”
the vilest sinner and brings strength and comfort to • Shepherds: “Nothing is more aggravating than
those in need. when your latest target happens to be under their
Falling: While the duty of a Deadman is far from watch.”
pretty, some become so wrapped up with their own • Watchers: “If you get them interested enough, you
agendas or go too far in punishing sinners that they can really learn something.”
become addicted to the pain they cause. • Mortals: “Innocent or guilty? That is the question.”
Choosing: The Chari (and only Chari) has to have • Mystics: “Most can usually take care of themselves,
died due to the cruelty and small-mindedness of oth- but Charon does send us a number of ghosts asking
ers. Charon assigns his warriors' Heritages himself. for our help”
Miracles: Deadmen Miracles revolve around judg-

Angel: The Revelation

"Ok." Margie began talking to herself as she contin-
ued reading through the Tome of Ancients. It was like
the rest of the world had been shut off, creating an
aura of eerie silence that clung tightly around her.
"Pissed off experiments, nutso earthbound demons,
anti-faith fanatics...Sure, make this harder than it al-
ready is." Knowing the feelings would linger ever
harder if she just sat there, Margie sprung up from her
seat and began pacing around her apartment. "Let's
see, the Earthbound want us all dead, the First Born
probably only want about have half of us dead and
who knows what to think with the Demons. I can see
why they're mad, but maybe we could just talk about
this and..." Her optimism was squashed the second
reality hit. "Or they'll put us all out of our misery."
"Hello?" She immediately turns to her answering
machine, thankful to have a break from studying.
"You don't know me or my master, but if your neigh-
bor gave you anything, destroy it. Shred it, burn it,
and never speak of it again. You may have been pulled
into God's war, but your kind does not have to fight.
Just live your life as you normally would and pretend
this crap doesn't exist. Bye."
Duty: As said before, the greatest blessing an In-
fused has is her freedom. She may take any path she
wants in helping to heal the World of Darkness.
Symbol: A stick figure child standing alone in the
middle of a hollow square.
Sign: Infused don't have a sign.
Twist: No Twist, either. You're just you.
Apocalyptical Form: Other than a halo appearing
over their heads and a pair of cute little wings, that’s
all they’re getting. It is said that as an Infused goes
higher on the scale of Morality, the bigger and more
magnificent-looking her wings get.
Blessing: An Infused can learn the Miracles from
any other Heritage unless otherwise noted. At the
start of character creation, she can pick any three
Paths she wants (example: Path of Ecstasy, Path of
Command, and Path of Scrying) and can’t learn any
Curse: Infused cannot take any dots in Aura and
Rising: Being the underdogs they are, a risen In-
fused is a real source of inspiration. It takes a lot of
work due to a lack of celestial help, but it is all the
Children of the Host

more glorious in the end. in him still hurt to see her this way. There had to be
Falling: Not even the most arrogant Angel would something...
ever say "I told you so" when an Infused falls. It Placing his hand on her shoulder, she briefly turned
could've been the lack of support, ignorance of their and smiled back just as a ghost materialized in front of
celestial duty or just plain old human sin. them.
Choosing: See divinity section. "Don't worry." Solomon turned to it and smiled.
Miracles: See blessing. "We're here to help."
Stereotypes Duty: The Shepherds are the priests of the New
• Children of Goliath: "Until you can prove yourself, God, but a Light-Bringer is the doctor who heals their
you're pretty much stuck in the back." physical, spiritual and emotional wounds. While no
two Light-Bringers perform their duty the same, both
• Deadmen: "A good reminder of why being Infused
Human and Mystic are their responsibility. With the
is not so bad."
End of Times coming, there will be plenty of shattered
• Light-Bringers: "They're pretty decent, I guess. But
they still treat you like one of their patients."
• Muses: "They understand how it feels to be seen as
• Saulites: "Makes me feel bad for all the times I've
intentionally hurt others."
• Seers: "Man, those guys are weirdos. I know they
mean well, but it's just best to shut-up and listen."
• Seraphim: "They're playing an interesting, yet dan-
gerous game."
• Shepherds: "It sounds like a prestigious, but pretty
thankless job at the same time."
• Watchers: "They're ok in my book; it's a good thing
they don't discriminate."
• Mortals: "Getting your Revelation really gives you a
new perception on humanity. You just keep think-
ing about them and how lost they really are."
• Mystics: "Who would've thought monsters had such
depth to them. You just can't take them at face val-

“Heal the world before it destroys itself.”
When it came to old Victorian-style houses, they al-
ways had an appeal to both Solomon and Danica, but
this one was different. The smell of death and the
tragic memories that radiated everywhere seemed to
grab him with their metaphorical hands and plunge
their fingers into him. Seeing the slightly nervous
trembling in her hands, he knew his sister felt the
same way. Danica's chanting became even louder as if
it would ward any intruders away. Not that she'd ad-
mit it. Miss Dark and Creepy afraid? She'd swear up a
blue streak if he even asked her, but the older brother

Angel: The Revelation

minds and broken spirits to be taken care of. • Saulites: "Everyone deserves a second chance, just
Symbol: An open pair of hands holding a ball of make sure you are there when they slip-up."
light. • Seers: "When you least suspect it, their guidance can
Sign: A faint halo of light appears over their head be a real life-saver."
whenever they use their powers. This can be sup- • Seraphim: "While the games of wits sounds fascinat-
pressed if the Light-Bringer makes a successful Will- ing, we usually don't get too much contact with
power roll vs 5. them."
Twist: Because of their new missions, all Light- • Shepherds: "With the right amount of cooperation,
Bringers become more extroverted. you can achieve a whole lot more."
Apocalyptical Form: The Celestial grows a pair of • Watchers: "Their knowledge is quite helpful, but
swan wings, their halo becomes more prominent (even not when they're too addled to tell you."
when not using their powers) while their skin takes on • Mortals: "With the way things are going, they need
a more light-based quality. our help more than ever."
Blessing: Due to the appeal of their role as healers, • Mystics: "I'd pretty much say the same thing with
all Light-Bringers receive an extra dot in Charisma them. They are our quasi-brothers and sisters, but so
even if it goes over 5. The player can even go up to six many have caused enough pain in their own right."
on her Charisma score by spending experience points.
Curse: All their concern toward others has left the Muses
Light-Bringers with a mild case of monophobia.
"Go out into the world for you are its lost inspiration."
Rising: A risen Light-Bringer is a pinnacle of hope.
Any kind of pain or problem is healed in an instant. If this world could listen to me, would it think I was
Just don't expect to remember much of your former stupid? That's what a lot of people think. I know I'm
social life as your duty takes up more your time and not that smart, but I understand what "Oh, when her
heart. looks fade" means.
Falling: With the right advertising, hope can be- It wouldn't judge me would it? Not with all crazy
come very profitable in both funds and power. Besides stuff running around. Does it get ideas for new crea-
greed, one has to watch out for burnout or giving into tions and hope that it will get taken seriously as a re-
despair when the number of people needing your help sult? (At least it makes them happy.) I'm listening,
becomes overwhelming. world, so if you feel like talking, I'm here.
Choosing: The Celestial is a descendant of a Terror -Sasha
or Herald parent. Duty: The idea of Celestials as creatures of wonder,
Miracles: Light-Bringer miracles can bring forth inspiration, and beauty; can be attributed to the Mus-
hope (Path of Hope), pleasure (Path of Ecstasy) and es. The World of Darkness is a place of wonder rid-
help (Path of Aid). den with a pain that threatens to destroy everything. It
Stereotypes hurts their hearts, especially when this force starts to
take its toll on the Mortals and their fellow Celestials.
• Children of Goliath: "They do a valuable service, While their creations help Mortal and Mystic alike,
but sometimes innocent people get caught in the they have another duty to their Angelic kin as their
crossfire." source of hope; a reminder that this world is worth
• Deadmen: "When I think about it, they're healers in fighting for.
their own way." Symbol: A jeweled scepter standing upright.
• Infused: "They are like children, well intentioned, Sign: Interestingly, the hands of a Muses become af-
but dangerous without proper guidance." fected once they awaken. They have a star-shaped
• Muses: "There's something about their child-like mark on one of the palms of their hand. It can be a
curiosity that keeps you going." scar, a birthmark or a tattoo.
• Nymphs: "They can’t help it, but if they just focused Twist: All Muses regain a wide-eyed curiosity toward
more on the human half of this world, things would the world around them since their Revelations
be a lot better.” opened them up to a fascinating new world. Because
of this, a strong surge of creativity and crafting comes

Children of the Host

to them. • Seraphim: "It sounds so stressful. Even if they do

Apocalyptical Form: Their skin takes on a liquid have pretty voices and get to meet interesting peo-
metal-like quality and they sprout machine-like wings. ple."
While the star mark glows brightly. • Shepherds: "Same with the Seraphim. I just stay out
Blessing: When making a new Talent, the amount of their way unless Charon thinks I shouldn't."
of Faith needed to make it is reduced by one. Also a • Watchers: "They must see a lot of interesting things,
Muse can never botch a Crafts roll. too."
Curse: Being the lost inspiration of this world, • Mortals: "The mundane world has been so hard on
Muses will not tolerate seeing something of beauty them. Hopefully we can ease that."
(unless it is evil or dangerous) from being destroyed. • Mystics: "Some are on your side if they decide to
(Example: Rushing into a burning museum to save the listen to you. Maybe they're too busy fighting off the
art or rescuing a person with an appearance score of 4 ones who aren't."
or higher from a beating.) They must roll willpower vs
6 to keep from interfering. If they botch, the Muse
will risk life and limb to protect whatever they are af-
Rising: Both inner and outer beauty shine through
a risen Muse as their very presence lifts the spirits of
those around them. Their hands can make something
out of the most useless garbage. Surrounded by such
beauty and inspiration, you old life and the mundane
world make you feel almost claustrophobic.
Falling: Just like being bombarded with luxury, a
weak soul can become addicted to pleasures this new
view on life provides. Or maybe the Muse just got too
greedy with how valuable her creations are to others
and started using that to her advantage.
Choosing: A descendant of a Giant or an Artificer
Miracles: Muse miracles focus on support (Path of
Support) and creating and manipulating objects (Path
of Objects and Path of Creation).
• Children of Goliath: "They sure like our creations.
Otherwise they'd never take us seriously."
• Deadmen: "They're so cold. Maybe that's why they
have so many problems with us."
• Infused: "Freedom sounds nice, but they've lost a lot
in return."
• Light-Bringers: "If they didn't have so many de-
pressed people to watch over and created things,
we'd probably be the same thing."
• Nymphs: "They get to see so many neat things."
• Saulites: "That's more of Light-Bringer territory. But
help them when you can"
• Seers: "They're lucky, too, but sometimes they get a
little loopy after seeing things."

Angel: The Revelation

“Watch over this world. Both the one you can see and the one you
Clayton’s Story: When you get fired for flicking off
the security camera at your local K-Mart when they
catch you scratching your dick, you know you’ve hit a
new low. The superintendent should be coming
around any moment to yell at me for something I
didn’t do so until then I decided to watch a little TV.
What will it be this time? Supposed flirting with his
trophy wife, not paying my rent, slashing his tires?
There’s some kind of ancient history show on every
channel, even the static.
“Clayton.” One of the people on the screen turns to
me. What the? I haven’t lit a joint in weeks and I’m
already seeing things. “Be not afraid.” It walks out to
the TV and leaps into my body.
Everything except my senses are shut down as ran-
dom images flash into my head: the woods where I got
my first hickey when I was twelve, my grandfather’s
funeral where some clumsy pallbearer drops the casket
on my foot; your usual, boring mundane stuff until I
see her. That gentle, motherly aura around her, God,
I think I’m in love. Sure she doesn’t look all that hu-
man, but something tells me that neither am I.
The images finally tell me everything. She’s Gaia, a
possible candidate for the New God and now it’s my Curse: Since they have Fae blood, Nymphs take ag-
job to watch over both this world and the one of the gravated damage from wrought iron.
spirits, the Umbra, before it falls apart. Rising: It is said that even the most dead and wilted
Duty: Like the creatures of myth, Nymphs watch plants can grow under a risen Nymph’s care. Even the
over the natural and spiritual world. Examples could spirits of the Umbra seem a little nicer or at least not
be hunting evil spirits, starting an ecological group or too hostile toward her. Her relationships with the
protecting mystical sites from harm. Mortals may begin to suffer a bit, as nature and the
Symbol: A butterfly with its wings spread. Umbra become more of her home.
Sign: The touch of Heaven makes a Nymph’s ears Falling: A Nymph can become so burnt-out that she
take on a more Elfin appearance. gives up on their mission all together or completely
Twist: Some say that these Divine have a touch of entrapped to the point that she falls into fanaticism.
Fae blood in them which explains why a Nymph will The Umbra is also known to carry great knowledge
automatically cut herself off from her former humani- and treasures that could trigger her greed.
ty once she receives her Revelation. Nymphs are una- Choosing: All Nymphs have some kind of Fae an-
ble to see themselves as part of the human race, but as cestry (no matter how diluted the bloodline is) that
a completely new and different creature (usually as a throws them into this Heritage no matter what their
celestial Fae). Divinity is. Though a number of them have had a
Apocalyptical Form: A Nymph's skin becomes light Gorgon ancestor or an Angel of the Wild parent.
blue with decorative black spirals. Their colorful but- Miracles: Nymph Miracles involve Umbral travel
terfly wings have a stained glass look to them. (Path of the Umbra) and the manipulation of nature
Blessing: A Nymph can never botch a roll involving (Path of Nature) and beasts (Path of Beasts).
entering or leaving the Umbra.
Children of the Host

Stereotypes you have the chance to not eat from a dumpster for
• Children of Goliath: “Good for getting rid of mon- the rest of your life, you take it. I just want to fly up to
sters. Otherwise I leave them alone.” heaven and scream at your very face before you aban-
don us all. Then I realize the stupidity of it all. I look
• Deadmen: “Man these guys are freaks. Their pre-
at my scars, remember that I had a hand in creating
cious Charon must’ve seen The Crow one too many
them, and go off to make amends.
times when he came up with them.”
Duty: The forgiveness of The Host is infinite and
• Infused: "Freedom without the guidance. Not sure
the Saulites are no exception. Given a second chance
if I'd want that or not."
and a warning, they are proof that anyone can atone
• Light-Bringers: "Great help if you have a breakdown
for their evil. Many Saulites may try to fix the trouble
or somethin'."
they caused while others may use their talents for a
• Muses: "They sure do like us."
higher cause or try to keep people from becoming like
• Saulites: "It makes you feel better for all the times them.
you've been an asshole, but there are times I would- Symbol: A bone white human hand with thorns
n't wish some of the shit they go through on any- growing out of the palm.
one." Sign: They all have a tattoo-like marking of thorny
• Seers: "There's a lot you can learn. In a way they can vines somewhere on their body as a reminder of their
almost understand how your duties can alienate sins. This doesn’t affect their appearance score.
• Seraphim: "Great help, especially if some vampire
or angry Mortal is giving you trouble."
• Shepherds: "Also another group I pretty much leave
• Watchers: "Pretty adaptable guys. Since they're such
a use to everyone, I bet they can get away with a lot
of shit."
• Mortals: "Why is it that the ones with the most
power are causing the most damage?"
• Mystics: "Some of them are on our side, but it takes
forever to get them to trust you."

“Atone for the sins you have committed.”
It’s the symbol of every life I helped destroy. I touch
the largest of the scars that now cover my body. The
images of one of my best customers mowing down a
street full of helpless people in hopes of hitting the
cop who put him in jail fill my head. Damn it, why
me? Thanks to whichever stupid fallen angel knocked-
up my ancestors, I’m the one who can’t wear anything
shorter than jeans and a turtleneck unless I want peo-
ple thinking I’m some of freak. I'll probably never get
laid again.
If you were some skinny, weaselly little grunt living
in some slum with the rest of the poor throwaways,
never to be given a shit about you wouldn’t be so high
and mighty. I didn’t have a lot of options and when

Angel: The Revelation

Twist: Anything resembling a conscience that a Sau- • Nymphs: “I bet all that nature never makes you feel
lite repressed or never had has returned with a venge- guilty.”
ance, leaving them with a deep feelings of regret. • Seers: “If a Seer does something wrong, do they get
Apocalyptical Form: Saulites have a pair of gray c bad visions?”
row wings, gray skin and glowing, white celestial ener- • Seraphim: “Sometimes a peaceful solution is the
gy that emerges from their eyes. best thing. How can they stand it?”
Blessing: Breaking away from the evil in their • Shepherds: “Maybe they can prevent the rest of the
hearts, a Saulite’s Willpower grows allowing her to use world from becoming like us.”
an extra die when making a Willpower roll. • Watchers: “Nosy little fuckers aren’t they?”
Curse: Each Saulite has a curse tailor-made to her • Mortals: “It would do the world a whole lot better if
past sins. Such as nightmarish visions of the pain they more of them got our little punishment, but then
caused when asleep or stressed-out, becoming hideous, again I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone.”
bad luck, etc. • Mystics: “They have their own crosses to bear. You
Rising: The signs that have plagued a Saulite begin might be able to understand some of them.”
to disappear as they rise in Humanity. The ultimate
symbols of redemption, a risen Saulite is able to set Seers
even the cruelest heart on the right path.
“Guide the others with your visions.”
Falling: A fallen Saulite might raise the question if
there are some people who are beyond redemption or A Poetry Reading by Judith Werner:
if they just didn’t try hard enough. Old habits die- My father watches over me,
hard and a Saulite might just give up on redemption
and use her powers to further her own schemes. Or But he is not who you think.
maybe after trying and failing so many times, she just Away from this realm,
gives up. Giving me inspiration among the chaos,
Choosing: The Celestial just has to have committed
great sins in the past to have this Heritage chosen for That is already in my head when I awoke,
her. To my divine heritage.
Miracles: Given their past cruelty, Saulite Miracles
His love is like God,
include providing aid (Path of Helping), healing (Path
of Healing) and their own redemption (Path of Re- Infinite and eternal,
demption.) Unfortunately, even if she manages to re- Wishing for his children to know
deem herself, a Saulite can never learn the Miracles of
the Heritage they were supposed to be in. That his disappearance is not good-bye.
Stereotypes For he has left us in charge.
• Children of Goliath: “Luckily most of them realize Duty: The mysteries of the World of Darkness are
that we’re on their side otherwise we’d probably be so numerous that it would drive a normal man insane.
at each other’s throats.” That it’ll take one with a heavenly guidance to make
• Deadmen: “You can’t help feeling a little guilty some sense of it all. This is where the Seers come in
since it was people like us who screwed them over.” with their minds full of thoughts and insight to make
• Infused: “At times you almost worry that one major sense of it all.
fuck-up will make them worse than the old you on a Symbol: A glowing pair of human eyes.
bad day.” Sign: A third eye placed in the middle of the fore-
• Light-Bringers: “Sometimes it takes more than a head. The eye can easily close, perfectly hiding it.
second chance and a heaping of regret to keep you Twist: Maybe it has to do with the constant chaos
on the right track.” in their mind that makes the Seers a little eccentric.
• Muses: "I should find these guys annoying, but it's It’s not enough to be a derangement, but makes them
hard not to like them." seem a bit odd.
Apocalyptical Form: Skin becomes a light indigo

Children of the Host

while a pair of wings made out of peacock feathers • Shepherds: "They are guides in their own way, but
sprout from their back. without the visions."
Blessing: All Seers get an extra dot in Perception • Watchers: "They see the world for what it is on the
even if it goes over 5. The player can even go up to six outside."
on her Perception score by spending experience • Mortals: "Sometimes you are just like Cassandra,
points. doomed to never be believed."
Curse: If a Seer botches a Willpower roll, they will • Mystics: "Some will listen to you, but they have their
receive a horrifying vision relating to what is going on. own visions to handle first."
For example: If a Seer enters a mafia hideout, she will
get visions of the innocent victims that have been brut
ally murdered. During this time, she temporarily can-
not act unless someone or something snaps them out
of it.
Rising: Almost no mystery in the World of Dark-
ness is unknown or cannot be searched to a risen
Seer. Your words are held with the utmost respect and
admiration. Even if more and more visions fill your
head, it doesn't matter since you don't know what
you'd do without them.
Falling: Not every Seer is prepared for what they
will see and may go insane from some of the more
horrific ones. Or become greedy and take advantage
of a needy person’s kindness in exchange for some
"advice" or manipulate them into their own personal
Choosing: A descendant of a Fiend or an original
Seer parent
Miracles: Seer miracles revolve around effecting the
mind (Path of the Mind), their own senses (Path of
Senses) and scrying (Path of Scrying.)
• Children of Goliath: "Grunt work mostly."
• Deadmen: "What goes through their heads? I'd like
to know, yet I don't."
• Infused: "They need our help; they have nothing to
guide them."
• Light-Bringers: "Trade a bad vision for some hope."
• Muse: "Despite what they think, some of the things
we see would either kill their sense of wonder or
make it all the stronger."
• Nymphs: "I could never imagine the endless inspira-
tion I could get from their travels."
• Saulites: "Their visions are always the same, but they
know what to do with them."
• Seraphim: "Would my visions be all the much help
for dealing with such unpredictable creatures?"

Angel: The Revelation

"Bridge the gaps that keep others apart."
"I can understand how you feel." Noah said to the
diseased mockery of a human girl; or at least what he
thought was a girl. She stood at the edge of a con-
demned apartment complex awaiting the painful rays
of the sun to tear her apart. "You look in the mirror
and you can't even recognize yourself."
The five-inch dangling bits of skin that were sup-
posed to be her ears perked up at his words. So far, so
good. Despite the many of negotiations he had done
in his short career, Noah felt like a damn rookie. Not
just because this was his first Mystic and one mistake
could lead to letting God down, but more of the me-
lodic voice of his own mother feeding him guidance
from his own head. No, not the one that died in a car
accident when he was an infant. This one was so
much older and more complex. One that awakened
his angelic heritage and every idealistic hope and
dream that he told to shut-up when the rest of the
world said that such feelings were stupid. "You can't
think straight, because of all the voices are eating away
at your memories."
"Can't even face your own family." She said as Noah
held out his hand without a single trace of fright to-
ward her.
"Pitchforks or a trip to the loony bin?"
"Both before the entire town recovers from scream-
ing." She accepted his hand as Noah felt the approval
of God smile down on him. Maybe this guidance
thing could be a real blessing after all.
Duty: For millennium God's children (both Mortal
and Mystic) have been fighting amongst themselves
when there have been much bigger problems to take
care of. This is where the Seraphim, the mediators
and diplomats of the New God, come in. They are the
ones that try to help gain a pack of Garous' trust to
assist some Nymphs, match wits in bargaining with
umbral spirits, calm a frantic Mortal, or even keep
their fellow Celestials from killing each other. Total
harmony is pretty much a pipe dream, but this thank-
less job is nevertheless important.
Symbol: A single white feather.
Sign: Once a Seraphim receives her Revelation, her
voice becomes a thing of pure beauty from a deep,
rich Berry White baritone to becoming so harmoni-
ums that it seems like the Seraphim is singing. Even
those who were once mute or had speech impedi- ments can now speak clearly.
Children of the Host

Twist: Even the most cynical Seraphim can feel the • Saulites: "Good if you want to get into the head of
walls around their heart break as a renewed sense of something evil, but otherwise we pretty much leave
hope and passion flows through them. them alone."
Apocalyptical Form: Skin takes a golden metallic • Seers: "Cryptic, but it makes sense when you finally
sheen and they grow a pair of prismatic wings with figure it out."
jewel-like colors. • Shepherds: "We sometimes cross over into their
Blessing: Due to the loveliness of their voices, all territory at times, but most of them appreciate the
Seraphim gain an extra dot to their Manipulation help."
score even if it goes over five. The player can even go • Watchers: "Please let them not mention us if they
up to six on her Manipulation score by spending ex- get caught."
perience points. • Mortals: "Since they are a vital part of our mission,
Curse: Due to their increased idealism and sensitivi- they can be difficult. Should you even tell them the
ty, Seraphim are more prone to powerful emotions truth in the first place?"
and must roll Willpower vs 6 to avoid going into emo- • Mystics: "Are they are more difficult than Mortals?
tional outbursts. It can vary.”
Raising: A risen Seraphim is the pinnacle of unity
and a master negotiator that is more at home with her Shepherds
duty than her old mortal life. The fact that they can
“Prepare the Mortals for the New God.”
calm even the most stubborn hearts makes up for it.
Falling: Probably one of the most thankless jobs of Natsume’s story: The end of innocence, I never
all, a Seraphim might give up and start using their sil- thought it would happen to me until I found my
ver tongue to fill their own agendas. Some might even brother’s hung body dangling from his room. All
become so entangled in the webs of intrigue that they those years of coming home with bruises from the lo-
don't even notice that they've created a mess with cal bullies, staying up past midnight to memorize eve-
their own selves sitting on the throne. ry word in his textbook and sudden withdrawal from
Choosing: A descendant of a Defiler or a Nereid everyone started to make sense. It forced me to see
parent. things for what they really are as I wailed by my broth-
Miracles: Seraphim miracles aid in diplomacy (Path er’s feet so loudly that my parents had to drag me to
of Diplomacy and Path of Manipulation) and their my room kicking and screaming.
own voices (Path of the Voice.) Without a word of comfort, they threw me onto my
Stereotypes bed and went to call the police. I started to cry again
until I heard a voice tell me to stop. I knew his voice
• Children of Goliath: "Sometimes you have to cut was too kind to be my father's so I took a chance and
off the leg to stop the infection. It's cold to say, but raised my head to the man who was calling me. My
it's true. You can't help everyone." vision was still a little blurry from all the crying, but
• Deadmen: "They're not as insane as everyone makes this creature composed of pure light was the most
them out to be. The whole "rising from the grave" beautiful thing I ever saw. He wiped my tears and
gives them bad press; not that they really care about promised that he’d take care of me even after the New
that." God comes. The world was very sick and that as his
• Infused: "You have to admit, they have it a lot easier child, it was my job to prepare the Mortals for the new
and a lot worse than any of us." age that is coming.
• Light-Bringers: "Just when you think everything Since then I’ve gotten into scrapes protecting others
going to hell, they're at their most useful." from bullies and endless arguments with my parents
• Muses: "They may seem like nothing more than for turning the house into a “shelter for losers,” but I
simple inventors to those that don't understand could care less. I don’t want anyone else to go through
them, but there's a lot more to them than that." what my brother had to and with my new father’s
• Nymphs: "When you're in the Umbra, the both of guidance I know I will succeed.
us will need each other more than ever." Duty: The End of Times will bring uncertainty even

Angel: The Revelation

with the arrival of the New God. This is where the

Shepherds come in to ease the Mortals from one age
to another. This can take many forms from starting a
religious movement based on the New God to trying
to guide the populace into one that is stronger and
more accepting toward the changes that will come.
Symbol: A shepherd’s crook.
Sign: Wings. Unlike the feathery ones often shown
on westernized Angels, a Shepherd’s wings are made
of transparent beams of light. These wings are non-
functional and can only be seen if the Shepherd's back
is completely bare. This can be repressed with a will-
power roll vs 5.
Twist: The priests of the New God need to be
strong and brave so The Host has twisted their per-
sonalities to make them more confident and strong-
willed even to the point of stubbornness.
Apocalyptical Form: The skin becomes smooth and
marble-like. Their wings become more prominent, but
are still transparent to the touch.
Blessing: Any social rolls involving Mortals are re-
duced by one. (Minimum of 1)
Curse: Due to their concern for humanity, a Shep-
herd is unable to attack a Mortal except in self-defense
or protecting someone else. They must roll willpower
vs. 6 to do so.
Rising: There is no truer example of heavenly guid-
ance then a Shepherd who has embraced her angelic
side. She is a benevolent guide who can bring out the
best in her followers and bring even greater glory to
the New God.
Falling: They say the road to Hell is paved with
good intentions. In an attempt to guide the Mortals, a
Shepherd can become fanatical to the point of op-
pressing them or developing a massive god complex
the demands worship.
Choosing: Since the Angels were the ones that
bared the brunt of The Host's message, it is only fit-
ting that the Aasama (and only Aasama) be the ones
to share the burden. So God appointed his highest-
ranking Angels to create the followers of this Heritage.
Miracles: Given their connection to their followers
(Path of The Touched), their Miracles revolve around
feelings (Path of Emotions) and leadership (Path of
• Children of Goliath: “We’re not that different. We
guide the mortals and they protect them.”

Children of the Host

• Deadmen: “I know they’ve had it bad, but why do spies and the Angels are no different. Where a Seer
they scare me so much?” will look from a distance at what is going on beyond
• Infused: “They try so hard. I could never imagine this world; the Watchers see the world at face value
guiding the people without my angel-father to watch and actively dive into it. This talent is what makes
over me.” them the New God's trusted information-gathers.
• Light-Bringers: “I think they’d be more effective if Symbol: A shadowy figure with white eyes.
they expanded beyond a few people at a time.” Sign: A Watcher's eyes will flash a small, glowing
• Muses: "They can be a real help, I'm happy to have light when displaying intense emotion (anger, curiosi-
them on our side." ty, lust, etc.). This can be repressed with a willpower
• Nymphs: “We all need something to take care of. roll vs 5.
Even we Shepherds can’t handle everything.” Twist: All Watchers have a compulsion to know the
• Saulites: “They scare me a lot less than the Dead- world around them as if there was a burning desire
men. Maybe because they know what their anger within them.
can do to them.” Apocalyptical Form: Shadows drape around the
• Seers: “We will know the New God when he or she Watcher's body like a skin-tight cat suit with wings
comes. So don’t worry.” made out of shadows.
• Seraphim: “The Mystics are not my department Blessing: At the start of character creation, a
(though I’d love to meet one). All I can do is trust Watcher can choose whether she wants to put an ex-
the Seraphim to do what’s right.” tra dot in Stealth, Subterfuge or Investigation (even if
• Watchers: “I have learned so much from them even it goes over 5). The player can even go up to six on her
if they go a little too far sometimes.” Stealth/Subterfuge/Investigation score by spending
• Mortals: “They are our most important duty.” experience points.
• Mystics: “I know some of them are kind of human,
but as long as they are not hurting the Mortals, I
don’t see the harm. The wizards and monster hunt-
ers are the closest so maybe we can guide them as

"Use what you see to aid in the glory of the New God."
"You know what to do." Vincent's Grigori said to
"Yes dad." If the Ordo of Angelus is correct, they al-
ready took care of the owner ahead of time. All he
had to do was go in and find those three chalices. "I
can't wait."
He could practically feel his eyes flash as he walked
in with all those religious texts, altars, decora-
tions...Oh, it was just too tempting. "Look away, Vin-
cent, look away."
That's when he came across a copy of "The Holy
Books of Thelema." It was like that dead wizard knew
ahead of time what he liked. Just to tempt him to run
his fingers over the first edition cover and to the edge
where he could easily turn it.
"You're wasting time." Damn, he was right.
Duty: Every elite force needs its share of sneaks and

Angel: The Revelation

Curse: Given all the fascinating stuff that a Watcher • Deadmen: "Oddly, they really don't care how you
can learn, the PC has something in particular that get your information as long it completes their own
catches her interest. (Demonology, sexual acts, old ends. I know it's for a good cause, but I can't help
world rituals, etc.) If they do come across some infor- feeling I made a deal with the Devil afterwards."
mation that would feed their obsession they become • Infused: "We're too busy to look after them all the
absorbed by it and wouldn't do anything else than time. You just hope they know what they're doing."
study up on it until they are snapped out, roll Will- • Light-Bringers: "I'm not sure how much good we
power vs 6 or get what they need. can do for them; we don't meet all that often."
Rising: No bit of information, no matter how mi- • Muses: "They're like children. Mature children, but
nuscule escapes the eye of a risen Watcher. They are children none of the less."
the greatest ally you could have since so much of their • Nymphs: "I think they get a little resentful when
life is now dedicated to their Heritage. you step into their territory."
Falling: Sometimes knowing too much can drive a • Saulites: "Don't be so nervous around us, we're not
Watcher insane or trick them down a dark path by here to judge you."
centuries-old manipulators. Not to mention one can • Seers: "Maybe a little time in reality might do them
get greedy with the wealth their knowledge can bring some good."
and start their own disastrous little power games. • Seraphim: "Next to the Children of Goliath, they
Choosing: A descendant of a Scourge or a Guardian are one of our biggest clients."
Angel parent. • Shepherds: "Other than to keep an eye on a mem-
Miracles: Watcher miracles revolve around learning ber of their flock or two, we don't really talk to each
(Path of Information), hiding (Path of Illusion) and other all that much."
getting to where she needs to go (Path of Movement). • Mortals: "As fun as it is to watch them, you got to
Stereotypes: remember that you can't take it too far."
• Children of Goliath: "Great for protection and • Mystics: "So interesting yet to secretive."
clearing the way for new information."

Angel: The Revelation

Step 1: Choose a name and concept for your char- three more dots for their Heritage ones. If the charac-
acter. ter is Infused, she may pick which three from any Her-
Step 2: Pick a Divinity and Heritage. Remember itage she wants. For example: Path of Justice, Path of
that only Nephilim can be Children of Goliath, only Ecstasy and Path of Range.
Aasima can be Shepherds and only Chari can be Step 9: Calculate Morality (Conscience + Convic-
Deadmen. Since the Infused are given the most versa- tion) and Willpower (Courage), and write down the
tility in their holy mission, the player just puts down number of Favors.
“Infused” in the Heritage section since the Infused Step 10: Spend freebie points, add stat alterations
don’t need one. (depending on Heritage) and purchase merits and
Step 3: Write down the character’s Nature and De- flaws if you want to.
Step 4: Attributes (7/5/3)
New Abilities
Step 5: Abilities (13/9/5) (The abilities are the same Fly
as the ones on in the Demon character sheet except No matter what divinity she is from, all Divine have
replace Demolitions with Fly.) the power to fly when in the Umbra. While basic fly-
Step 6: Backgrounds (5) All the basics are available ing can be handled, the more dots your character has,
with three new ones: Aura, Connection, and the better they are at pulling off more complex ma-
Touched. neuvers.
Step 7: Conscience, Conviction, and Courage (5 1 Dot: At least you can take off and land.
with one dot in each category) 2 Dots: Giant demons? You can fly around those with no
Step 8: Miracles: Three dots for the Divinity and problem.
three for the Heritage ones. In this case, the player can 3 Dots: Not only can you fly around them, you can bob
spend three dots among their Divinity Miracles and and weave through them with ease.

Shaping the Divine

4 Dots: Not even some Corax can keep up with you. N/A: You're Infused.
5 Dots: Barrel roll while blindfolded? Too easy. 1 Dot: It's there, all it takes is for anyone to be next to you.
Specialties: Combat flight, rescuing, spying, dive- 2 Dots: Anyone within five feet of you will notice.
bombing 3 Dots: Anyone who is in seeing distance of you is affect-

New Knowledge ed.

4 Dots: Same as three, but it also applies to hearing. (Being
Angel Lore on videos counts.)
5 Dots: Your aura is so strong that those that even if you're
Angel lore is mainly for outsiders (Mortals and Mys- online or mentioned in a newspaper, it
tics) and how much they know of your kind. counts.
1 Dot: You know that the Angels are part of a divine
bloodline or they at least have some connec- Connection
tion to it. They can perform “miracles” that Even the heralds of the New God need a little help
can heal, hurt by attacking your sinfulness every now and then. Each Divinity (except for the In-
and even alter things. fused) has a mental link that can help them in times
2 Dots: You have some basic knowledge of the four Divin- of need.
ities. As in that you know that only half of System: Roll Connection + Perception vs. 6 or
them are Human-spirit hybrids and others
higher if the user is asking for something specific.
can be touched (Infused) or connected to the
divine (Chari). You may even have heard • Aasama: All Aasama have a connection to their
about a “New God” being mentioned, but Grigori who watches over the child like a guardian
not much else. spirit. More successes on your roll will give you a
3 Dots: You have some knowledge on the different Herit- more detailed explanation, but remember that their
ages. You know that a New God will come. advice can be a little biased.
4 Dots: You know the history of at least one of the non- • Chari: Charon's connection system is a collection of
Infused Divinities and the power players in- minds all linked to Charon himself. Their founder
volved (Charon, Lucifer, God).
prefers that his servants figure things on their own
5 Dots: You know the history of what lead to the fall of
and will offer them cryptic information (more suc-
man, the creation of the Demons and the
First Born and what both The Host and
cesses equals more clues).
Demons’ plans are. • Nephilim: Their connection is tied to the memories
Specialties: A specific Heritage/Divinity and knowledge of their ancestors. When using their
connection, the user gets a brief flashback. The
New Backgrounds more successes equal a longer and more descriptive
Note: Given how different the Divine are, the fol- flashback.
lowing backgrounds cannot be used: Eminence, Fol- N/A: No connection means you're definitely an Infused.
lowers, Legacy, and Paragon. 1 Dot: You'll get a flashback that is only a few seconds long
Aura or has a sentence long answer.
2 Dots: Flashbacks last for one minute or you can get a
It's a lot like Pure Blood in Werewolves. With all
few-sentence response.
that celestial energy brewing inside, it starts to mani-
3 Dots: You can get up to ten minutes worth of infor-
fest itself on the outside. Those around you get a vibe mation. Or in the case of the Chari and Aa-
that there's something special about you. This can be a sama, can talk normally.
blessing and a curse as it can draw admirers as well as 4 Dots: Flashback can last as long as half an hour as long
enemies to you, for few can touch the hearts and as your concentration isn't broken. Charon's
minds like a divine being can. voice can be heard as long as he desires or
NOTE: These auras can be seen through the use of until the PC shuts it off. A Grigori can faint-
mystical means (like Auspex) and will come off as a ly appear in front of their child.
glittery gold. The more dots, the more prominent it is. 5 Dots: Flashbacks last up to an hour with proper concen-
In the case of Infused, it’s extremely faint. tration (hopefully they wouldn't be too dis-

Angel: The Revelation

turbing). Chari can receive images if Charon you into getting the wrong idea (that you're a superhe-
wishes it. And Grigori can manifest in ghost ro) and do something stupid.
like-form and touch his or her child as long
as no one else is looking. (If a mundane Fallen Blood
Mortal does come across, the Grigori imme- Mystic
diately vanishes.) Cost: 4 pt. Merit
Merits and Flaws When the Nephilim received their Revelation, any
Mystic relatives got one of their own. Now with the
You can use almost any of the regular merits and blood of Fallen Angels in their veins, these Mystics
flaws in the other game books, but here's some extras. now receive an Aura of 1 and a Connection score of
Celestial Leak 2. (This cannot be raised.)
Aasama, Chari, Nephilim Holy Blood
Cost: 4pt Flaw Mystic
Given how the Infused are created due to celestial Cost: 4 pt. Merit
exposure, your Aura might be one of the causes. It Mortals were not the only ones the Angels mated
seems that yours leaks out more than just emotions. with and you just happen to be a Mystic with a holy
Once every four months (game time), you risk acci- heritage. You now have an Aura of 1 and a Connec-
dentally infusing a random Mortal with your celestial tion score of 2. (This cannot be raised.)
energy and turning them into an Infused. Since this is
up to the ST, the chosen person can range from the
Holy Familiar
Angel's spouse of 24 years to a hooker she spent the Any
night with once. Since all of these Infused automati- Cost: 3 or More pt. Merit
cally know you were the one that turned them into Even a Divine needs a little help and this special pet
this, this can lead to some sticky situations. is it. Sometimes they're a gift or the Celestial's normal
System: Once the ST picks someone with a Human- pet transformed into a holy creature. Holy Familiars'
ity score of at least 6, the player must roll their Will- lives are connected to their owner's and live as long as
power vs 8 to keep this from happening. Only one their owner does (thus they automatically drop dead if
success is needed. the owner dies). If it is killed, the owner must create a
funeral for it and wait four months before they can
Cherub get another. The Holy Familiar is an Intelligence
Works in place of the Child Flaw except that the point higher than a creature of its type, are able to talk
strength penalty is ignored for Children of Goliath. normally and can enter the Umbra with its owner. It
Corpse Rot is quite loyal and supportive as well (think the Guard-
Chari ian Cats from Sailor Moon.)
Cost: 2 pt. Flaw For creatures that are the size of a medium dog or
Somehow your body never fully preserved itself so smaller is 3 points, an equine creature would be a 4
once every 48 hours you have to drink at least 16oz. of and something larger would be 5.
any alcoholic liquid to pickle it. If you don't, your Humility of Beauty
body will gradually decay into something resembling a Muse
rather smelly zombie within 5 hours (Appearance Cost: 1 pt. Flaw
score will become 0). Drinking alcohol again will re- You love beauty so much that it has changed your
turn you to normal. mannerisms. You now act humble and polite towards
Don't Know Jack beautiful people and creatures (Appearance of 4 or
Infused higher). Even if you’re normally arrogant or ill-
Cost: 2 pt. Flaw mannered, you just can’t help it. You’re smart enough
While an Infused will usually get some clue to what to know that beauty doesn’t equal goodness and you
they are, you didn't get a single word. So you're not have your limits, so standing up to them can be done.
even sure what has happened to you which may lead You’re just a bit of a sucker for a pretty face; that’s all.
Incestuous Heart
Shaping the Divine

Aasama The remains of your Fae half are stronger than you
Cost: 1 pt. Flaw thought. Not only does cold iron hurt you, but the
You have fallen in love with your Grigori and will sight of it makes you recoil. When coming across a
do whatever you can to make her happy. Along with person or thing that has a cold iron object you have to
the creepy factor, this can distract you from real rela- roll Willpower vs 7 to even approach it. A botch forc-
tionships with others. How the Grigori reacts is up to es you to flee.
the ST, but any romantic feeling are not really re- Repelled by Holy/Unholy Symbols
Karma's Bitch Cost: 3 pt. Flaw
Saulite Your holy/fallen blood is so strong that holy (Ne-
Cost: 4 pt. Flaw philim) or unholy (Aasama) symbols can drive you off.
The Host has decided to make extra sure you don't Thus anyone who brandishes one in attempts to repel
stray on the path of righteousness. Once you start go- you has a fighting chance (must roll against your
ing back to your old ways, you automatically get the Willpower against theirs). A botch forces you to flee.
Unlucky flaw until you atone. If your Curse is the Un- Trouble Magnet
lucky flaw, then the re-roll number is upped to four.
Ordo of Angelus Connections Cost: 2 pt. flaw
Any You just can't see to have a normal day. Trouble
Cost: 2 to 4 pt. Merit seems to follow you everywhere from the girl you were
The Ordo of Angelus has noticed you and wants to flirting with having a jealous boyfriend with anger
help out. The higher amount of points equals a higher management issues to accidentally walking in on a
standing among the organization, but even then you demonic ritual. It's not that you go out looking for
still have to show your loyalty. trouble, it just seems to find you.
Parting Gift Basic Celestial Powers
Vampire No matter what divinity you come from, all Angels
Cost: 5 pt. Merit have these abilities.
Out of any of the Divinities, only the Infused can be
turned into Vampires. While you have lost all your • Slow Aging: As soon as they receive their Revela-
Infused abilities, God was nice enough to let you keep tion, a Divine will physically and mentally age one
a level one Miracle (Example: Detect Lies, Razorlocks, year for every three. In the case of chil-
Repair, etc.) to remind you of where you came from. dren/teenagers, the aging won't kick in until they're
You may never earn any more Miracles and spend 18.
blood points instead of Faith if any is required to use • Divine Immunity: All Divine are immune to mun-
it. dane poisons and diseases. If they had one before
their Revelation, it is automatically cured. (Unless
Sibling Connection this is part of a Saulite curse.)
Aasama • Family Scent: Any Divine can automatically recog-
Cost: 3 pt. Merit nize another of their kind just by looking at them
Your Grigori had mated with more than one Mortal regardless of divinity. They can also recognize De-
(or you're the product of a multiple birth) and now mons and vice-versa.
you and your siblings can also communicate with each • Anti-Delirium: All Divine are immune to Delirium
other. The number of points you have in Connection effects.
apply here. • Gathering Faith: The Divine must meditate/pray at
Repelled by Cold Iron sacred sites (Wiccan covens, churches, werecreature
Nymphs caerns, cemeteries, etc.). Awareness + Perception vs
Cost: 3 pt. Flaw 6. (Each success gets a point of Faith.) Once any

Angel: The Revelation

Faith has been gathered, it cannot be used again for Morality: Much like the Demons' scale for sin, the
24 hours. These sacred places cannot be drained of Angels have their own code of morality they must fol-
their power no matter how much Faith is taken. low. The more dots you have in it, the more restricted
• Umbral Travel: All Angels can travel into the Um- you are in what you cannot do.
bra just like a Garou. Which means they have to 10-Any act of cruelty, selfishness or thought-
gaze into a highly reflective or shiny surface, such as lessness. As well as allowing such an act to
a clear pool or a mirror, they must roll Perception + happen in your presence without trying to pre-
Awareness vs 6. The amount of successes is equal to vent it. An unwillingness to sacrifice for the
how long it takes to enter the Umbra. greater good.
o Botch: The reflective surface breaks,
tarnishes or becomes agitated and 9-Doing harm to any mortal creature for any
unusable. reason than self-defense or the greater good.
o 0 Successes: Failure; may not try Permitting any lesser sin in your presence
again for another hour without at least trying to prevent it. NOTE:
o One Success: 5 minutes Any Divine who can maintain this level of Mo-
o Two Successes: 30 seconds rality can begin training as an Angelos.
o Three or More: Instant 8-Doing harm (physical, emotional, or spiritu-
Once they are in there, they revert into the al) to any mortal creature for any reason other
Apocalyptical Form and can now fly. than self-defense or the greater good.

Rising and Falling 7-Theft from or deception of others without

just cause. Breaking your sworn word.
Just like any of the Mystics in the World of Dark-
ness, the Divine have the potential to become some- 6-Accidental violations: Doing harm to others
thing more than they already are. Whether it rising through carelessness, negligence or thought-
and becoming more angelic or having the worst parts lessness. Neglecting duties or responsibilities.
of yourself take over and lead to your destruction. Betraying another's trust.
Rising: To the Nephilim, rising is a step in becom- 5-Destruction of the works or inflicting inten-
ing something better than their twisted ancestors. For tional emotional harm though cruelty or ne-
the Aasama it's a chance to become closer to the an- glect.
gelic parents they never knew they had. The Infused 4-Sins of passion: Murder in a fit of rage, giving
see it a chance to improve themselves. While the Cha- into intense feelings of hate, anger, jealousy or
ri cling to the promise that a soul of their own will be irrational prejudice, encouraging the same in
their reward. others. Destroying particularly inspirational or
The concept of rising works like a Path does for a meaningful objects. Doing personal harm
vampire. But there is also a price: the loss of the Di- through addiction or other self-destructive pat-
vine's old self. The purifying of the soul will bring out
terns of behavior. NOTE: The Divine becomes
a lot of emotional baggage, feelings, past sins and se- one of The Lost.
crets that the PC will have to face. To some Divine,
opening this can of worms is quite frightening that 3-Premeditated violation of others: plotted
they would rather to find a balance between their di- murder or assassination, systematic destruction
vine and mortal halves. While there is no punishment of another, long-sought revenge.
for doing this, the Divine will miss out on the enlight- 2-Casual violation of others: murder for no
enment rising can bring. reason, thoughtless cruelty and torture, near-
Falling: Nobody really wakes up one day and de- mindless savagery.
cides to be evil. It takes a variety of elements for
1-There is no sin for a damned soul like you.
someone to take that downward spiral and the Divine
are no different. As the PC drops in the ranks of Mo- Angelos: When a Divine has reached and main-
rality, the closer they become to being one of The tained a morality score of nine, she will receive a vi-
Lost. sion from God allowing her to ascend to the ranks of
Shaping the Divine

the Angelos. While there is no penalty for refusing, with God himself, their Aura raises to five (even if
but she must wait a year (and still maintain their high they’re Infused) and they are able to have access to any
morality) to be asked again. Miracles. Only problem is that as soon as an Angelos
If the Divine agrees, God will give her a difficult is created, they ascend and are no longer PCs.
mission (up to the ST) to prove herself. The Divine No one really knows what the Angelos do, but they
does not have to go it alone, but is still required to do can be found (as NPCs) on earth or in the Umbra
a majority of the work. If the mission fails, she must when there is something could use their help.
wait a year while keeping her high morality score be- Despar: A true epitome of evil, the Despar are irre-
fore given another chance. deemable souls. If a Divine's morality is at 2, all they
Becoming an Angelos is a rare and miraculous thing have to do is commit a true act of great evil (up to the
and shouldn't be given out lightly and is better off be- ST) that will transform them into a Despar and are no
ing a long-term goal in a chronicle. An Angelos is the longer playable. They get the bonuses of an Angelos
perfect blend of a Mortal's free will and ability to gets except that they no longer have a connection and
adapt and an Angel's divine nature and purity. The stay on earth/umbra for the rest of their existence.
character will stop aging, has a five point Connection

light around yourself that shines like a lantern. The
Miracles light can help warm you up (it creates a room-
temperature heat.)
Aasama Miracles Duration: An hour, but can be shut off for free at
any time.
Path of Light NOTE: In the case of powers like a Lasombra’s Ob-
● Light tenebration, they can negate each other. Both users
Description: Makes an object temporarily shine. must roll their Willpower against each other.
System: Spend a Faith point to make a small, mun- ●●●● Blur
dane object shine like a lantern. Description: Turn into a blur of light and become
Duration: An hour, but can be shut off for free at harder to hit.
any time. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Dexterity +
●● Hand of Light Stealth vs. 7. Each success equals a round of activation
Description: Cause minor damage from your touch. and the difficulty to strike you is upped by one. (The
System: Spend a point of Faith and roll Aura + user appears blurry to those trying to attack her.)
Connection vs. 6. Each success equals a round of acti- ●●●●● Charge
vation. The user must have their hands on the target Description: Turn an object into a light-based ex-
for a full round to activate one level of aggravated plosive.
damage. System: Spend a Faith point to infuse a mundane
●●● Body of Light object (it should no bigger than a soda can) and an-
Description: Create an aura of light around your- other to detonate it early. It does the same damage as
self. This is useful if you need someone to find you, to a hand grenade.
make yourself look more powerful or even warm your- Duration: The object will explode in a minute un-
self up. less detonated early.
System: Spend a Faith point to create an aura of
Powered by God

Path of Protection ●●● Share Connection

Description: Allows others to see, hear and com-
● Bad Taste
municate with your Grigori.
Description: Infuses your blood, chi and flesh with
System: The Divine must hold on to the target's
so much angelic energy that it becomes inedible.
hand and spend a Faith point. As long as the both of
System: Roll Aura + Stamina vs 7. Each success
you are undisturbed and keep holding hands, the tar-
equals ten minutes (or one round if in battle). A
get will be able to see (if your Connection is high
botch will cause your body to become so overwhelmed
enough), hear, and communicate with your Grigori.
by the angelic energy that you'll violently ill for one
The Grigori must agree to this in order for this Mira-
round and be unable to do anything but try not to
cle to work.
●●●● Silence
Anyone that attempts to bite or consume any part
Description: Temporarily shuts off the user's Aura
of you must make a Willpower roll vs 7 and score at
and Connection.
least two successes or throw-up anything they con-
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Connection +
sumed. If the target botches, they throw-up twice the
Wits vs. 7. Each success will block out your Grigori
and aura for ten minutes. The Miracle can be shut-off
●● Celestial Weapon
at any time.
Description: Temporarily turn a weapon into a holy
●●●●● Override
Description: Temporarily allows the Grigori to take
System: Spend 1 Faith to infuse a melee weapon or
over the user's body.
a projectile (an arrow or a bullet). (Does not work on
System: The user must go into a trance and spend
weapons of a mystical nature.) Does a point of lethal
two Faith to let their Grigori take over their body for a
damage per Sin point upon striking. Please note that
half hour. Their child's soul will be kept safe in a state
this cannot stack.
of torpor and will be ignorant of what happened. The
Duration: Instant. Projectiles can only be used
Grigori can shut the Miracle off at any time.
once, but once a melee weapon has successfully hits
something, it returns to normal.

No matter how hard one tries to hide it, sin has a way of staining the soul. Since some of the Miracles are
related to this, refer to this chart to calculate a creature's sin score.

• Changelings: Unseelie Changelings have a Sin rating equal to half their Glamour score (rounded down),
while Thallains have their full Glamour.
• Demons: Each point of Torment equals one point of sin.
• Eastern Kindred: Subtract the Dharma rating from 10 to calculate the sin score. In the case of Scorpion-
Eaters and Devil-Tigers, add a point of sin for each dot in their Dharma rating.
• Hunter: Except for Infernal Extremists, no damage whatsoever.
• Mages: For the Nephandi one point of sin per dot of avatar. Mages are not in any way near as vulnerable
as Demons or Vampires to this kind of deal. For every strike, one point of quintessence in their pattern
changes into possessing a strong Holy resonance. As a result, it’s almost useless for the dark magic of the
• Mortals: 10 minus Humanity, divided by 2 (rounded down).
• Mummies: Only Bane Mummies have to worry about damage.
• Vampires: In the case of Humanity and non-evil/infernal paths, subtract the current score from ten and
that's how much sin they have. For paths that are evil/infernal in nature, each dot equals a point of Sin.
• Werecreatures: Only Black-Spiral Dancers and other Wyrm servants have to worry about a sin score. For
each rank, add two points of Sin.
• Wraiths: One point of Sin per point of permanent Angst.
Angel: The Revelation

• Botch: The target will ignore you and wholehearted-

ly indulge in their act.
• 1 Success: The target reluctantly stops what they are
• 2-3 Successes: The target feels bad about what they
were about to do and stops.
• 4 Successes or more: The target will feel so bad that
they want to find a way to atone for what they tried
to do.
●●●● Angelic Soul
Description: Use your beauty and holiness to en-
thrall others.
System: Spend two Faith points and roll Aura +
Appearance vs the target's Willpower. The target is
entranced by the user, unable to do anything for five
minutes or one round if in battle per success. A botch
causes the target to become crazed and obsessed with
the user for one scene.
Duration: Enchantment breaks off if the target is
attacked, the user performs a violent action, the dura-
tion ends or the user leaves the target's line of sight.
●●●●● Shield of Faith
Description: Protect yourself and others from mun-
Path of the Saint dane and mystical damage.
● Lay On Hands System: Spend two Faith for a half hour of activa-
Description: Your touch heals others. tion and another Faith for another twenty minutes.
System: The user must be touching the target for An invisible aura will surround the user and anyone
this Miracle to work. Spending one Faith point will who is huddled around her. It will protect all of you
heal a level of damage. against mundane attacks and reduces mystical ones by
●● Protect Me two levels of damage. The only catch is that you must
Description: The target has a strong desire to pro- be protecting someone to activate the Miracle.
tect the user. Duration: The Miracle is shut off if the user com-
System: Roll Aura + Charisma vs the target's will- mits a violent action, the protected leaves the huddle,
power. The ST may want to add or subtract points the duration ends or the user shuts it off.
depending on the target. Each success will equal a
round of protection. Chari Miracles
NOTE: If the Divine uses this Miracle for selfish or Path of Night
lazy reasons when they are clearly capable of protect-
● Night Eyes
ing themselves, they must roll a Morality check.
Description: From now on, the Celestial has night
●●● Inner Good
Description: Appeals to the goodness inside the
System: This Miracle works automatically and is
target's heart to keep her from doing something
●● Darkness
System: Spend a point of Faith and roll Manipula-
Description: Shuts out all artificial light sources
tion + Empathy vs the target's Willpower. This will
around the user.
not work on targets with a Humanity (or any other
System: Roll your Faith score, each success equals
kind of morality score) score of 0 since they are too far
adds ten feet and five minutes to the Miracle's effect.
gone. Or 10 if they are on a darker path of morals.
It may be shut off at any time.

Powered by God

Botch: All mundane light sources shine twice as tals, etc.

bright for the next five minutes. System: Roll Willpower vs. 5 (for simple doors and
●●● Black Fog boxes), 6 (for more complex ones) and 8 for portals.
Description: Creates a black fog that affects the tar- For anything that requires more than a roll of 6 will
get's perception. require a Faith point to be spent.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Subterfuge + ●●● Ward
Perception vs. 7. Each success equals ads ten feet and Description: Prevents spirits from attacking you.
five minutes to the Miracle's effect. It may be shut off System: Spend a Faith point to activate this Miracle
at any time. While you are immune to your Miracle, for ten minutes (and another Faith for an additional
anyone caught in the fog gets a +1 penalty when at- ten). If you perform any aggressive action against any
tacking you or anyone else. spirits, the Miracle is shut off. Otherwise you can turn
Botch: The fog erupts around you, giving you the it off or let the time run out.
attack penalty. NOTE: If the spirit wishes to attack, she and the
●●●● Heart's Blood Chari must roll Willpower against each other.
Description: Grow temporary fangs and drain ●●●● Entrap
blood for health like a Vampire. Description: Unlike binding a spirit into a Talent,
System: Spend two faith points to activate. One Trap will only temporarily bind a spirit into an object
point of blood will heal one regular health level. The as a way to defend yourself from its wrath or protect it
Miracle does provide the same pleasure as a Vampire's from harm. An example would be if a Wraith was
bite and may hurt if the victim struggles. The wound summoned in the mundane world and abused by the
will close automatically. (This Miracle will only work summoner, the Celestial could use this Miracle to
on living creatures.) smuggle to Wraith out.
NOTE: Due to the nature of this Miracle, a Morali- System: For this Miracle to work, the user must
ty check will be required if the Chari uses it malicious- have something to contain the spirit. Then spend two
ly. Faith and roll their Willpower vs the spirit's. If the
●●●●● Nihilus spirit is willing, then the number can lower and only
Description: Creates an invisible aura that makes one Faith point is needed. This will last for one scene.
nearby enemies sick. Botch: The container shatters and you have to face
System: It works just like Black Fog except you need a rather perturbed spirit.
two Faith to activate it and instead of fog, an invisible ●●●●● Banish
aura radiates from the user, causing anyone (except Description: Send a target in the Umbra away from
allies) to roll their willpower vs. 7 (1 round per suc- the user.
cess) or become so ill that that take a +1 penalty to System: Spend two Faith and roll Intimidation +
their rolls until they leave the area or the Miracle ends Manipulation vs. the target's Willpower. Each success
or is shut off. If the target tries to leave, they must equals how far away the target is sent. The Chari has
make a Willpower roll. no control over where the subject is sent. (This is up
Botch: The aura affects you instead for a round. to the ST.)
Path of Spirits Botch: The Miracle is thrust upon the user instead
of their target.
● True Sight
Description: Allows the user to see through illu- Path of Undeath
sions. ● Eyes of Another
System: Roll Perception + Awareness vs the illusion Description: See what a corpse last saw before their
user's willpower. death.
Botch: Anything that's not an illusion become System: The user must touch the corpse and roll
warped and grotesque for five minutes. Perception + Empathy vs 6. Each success gives you a
●● Seal longer and clearer picture of last moments of the tar-
Description: Will close an object: doors, boxes, por- get's death.

Angel: The Revelation

Botch: The Celestial gets no vision but feels the System: Spend a Faith point to activate this Miracle
death as if it happened to them. for ten minutes. Anyone who tries to run their hands
●● Solify through your hair or grabs it will risk getting their fin-
Description: The user can physically touch and af- gers cut off. The user is immune to their own hair and
fect the Shadowlands. can easily pull off a strand and use it to cut mundane
System: Spend a Faith point to activate this Miracle objects like handcuffs. If the user has long dreads or
for ten minutes and another for each additional ten. braids, they can now be used as a light slashing weap-
As long as the Miracle is active, the Celestial can phys- on with a +1 difficulty to use.
ically touch and affect the Shadowlands. ●● Dragon Claws
●●● Sanctify Description: Turns fingernails or toenails into
System: Spend a Faith point, place your hands on claws.
the corpse (or where it's buried) and roll your Will- System: Roll Strength + Brawl vs 6 and for each
power vs 7. Each success equals a day that any necro- success, you get one round of use. The PC's finger-
mantic rituals/powers are rendered useless (this in- nails become six inches longer and have the same
cludes Chari Miracles). This Miracle will not prevent damage effect as a mundane dagger. It takes one
the spirit from becoming a Wraith. round for the nails to grow long enough for Miracle
Botch: The difficulty of using any necromantic ritu- can be used.
als/powers with the corpse are reduced by one (mini- Botch: The extra length shatters. The PC cannot
mum 1). use the Miracle again for every round per botch.
●●●● Zombie Guards NOTES: The user can spend a point of Faith along
Description: Turns nearby corpses into loyal body- with their roll to activate both finger and toenails.
guards. ●●● Green Mist
System: Spend two Faith and roll Aura + Manipula- Description: Emit a green spray that blinds your
tion vs 7. Up to five corpses in the area, (including target.
animals) will rush to the Chari's aid and fight to the System: Spend a Faith to let out a five-foot long,
death to protect her (the ST chooses which ones). green spray from your mouth. Anyone who gets hit
Each success will equal a round of protection. must roll Stamina + Brawl vs 7 or becomes blinded
Botch: The corpses attack you instead for one until it is removed.
round. ●●●● Acidic Blood
NOTE: If the Chari uses this Miracle for self- Description: Your blood becomes acidic.
ish\lazy reasons when she is clearly capable of protect- System: Spend a Faith point to activate this Miracle
ing herself, she must roll a Morality check. for ten minutes. While your blood will not hurt you,
●●●●● Eternal Rest treat the blood as if it were acid.
Description: Prevents a newly dead person's soul Note: If a vampire (or any other creature) tries to
from getting destroyed, captured or becoming a ingest the user's blood, instead of gaining any nour-
Wraith. ishment, a point of aggravated damage is inflicted for
System: Spend a point of Faith to sense if the soul is every point of blood they drink. There is also a risk of
about to become a Wraith, be captured, destroyed, dissolving the fangs for vampires.
etc. If this is going to happen, the Celestial has 24 ●●●●● Octi
hours to spend 2 Faith and roll their Willpower vs 8 Description: Temporarily grow an extra pair of
to activate the Miracle. Only one success is needed to arms.
send the soul to her final destination where she won't System: Spend 2 Faith for ten minutes of activation
be hurt again. and an additional favor for another five minutes. An
Infused Miracles extra pair of arms will sprout from the sides of their
torso (think Goro from Mortal Kombat). These arms
Path of Alteration work naturally as if you had them all your life, but do
● Razorlocks not produce any delirium to keep onlookers from
Description: Hair becomes razor sharp. freaking out. So you'll have some explaining to do.

Powered by God

Path of Enhancement done at a +1 penalty for one scene.

● Night Eyes Path of the Mind
Description: You can see perfectly in the dark. ● Memory
System: This Miracle works automatically and is Description: Allows the user to perfectly store in-
permanent. From now on, the Infused has night vi- formation/memories inside their mind.
sion. System: The PC must spend one Faith (though
●● Enhanced Senses more Faith may be needed for larger and more com-
Description: Temporarily enhances one of the us- plex stuff) to store something they read or heard into
er's five senses. their memory (you can store as many memories as you
System: Pick one of the five senses and roll Percep- have dots in intelligence). The information can be
tion + Awareness vs. 6. Each success equals ten mentally extracted at will for one day per dot of Intel-
minutes of activation. ligence.
• Sight: Allows the user to zoom in on what she sees. NOTE: If the user has the Merit, Photographic
Memory, they can store and extract one extra
• Touch: Your touch becomes sensitive enough that
you could read a book blindfolded by running your
●● Tongues
fingers over the letters.
Description: Speak and read any language.
• Sound: One extra die for any rolls involving hear-
System: Roll Perception + Awareness vs 6 (it may be
altered depending on if the language is no longer spo-
• Smell: Your sense of smell is just like a bloodhound
ken or similar to any the PC can speak). Each success
that you track people/objects by their scent.
determines how well you can read and speak the main
• Taste: Your palate is refined enough that you can
language of the place you are in for one scene.
taste the very ingredients of what you're eating.
• Botch: Everything you say or read comes out com-
Botch: The sense you were using is shut off for ten
pletely different.
• 1 Success: You struggle with a heavy accent, but you
●●● Featherweight
know enough to just barely get by. You have to read
Description: Temporarily alters the user's weight.
anything more complicated than "Goodnight
System: Spend a Faith point and for the rest of the
Moon" slowly.
scene, your weight (the user's body stays the same) be-
• 2 or 3 Successes: You'll speak with a slight accent
comes light enough float down from heights that
and read at a normal rate.
would normally hurt you, walk past alarms that are
triggered by a specific weight, escape by going through • 4 or more: You talk like a native and you can read
even the most complex writings.
a floor by making yourself really heavy, etc.
●●●● Winged Sandals ●●● Psion Blast
Description: Temporarily alters the user's jumping Description: The user can now emit a powerful
ability. blast of psionic energy from the center of her fore-
System: For each Faith point you spend, you can head.
add ten feet to your jumping height and distance for System: Spend a Faith point to launch a blast that
one scene. User is immune to any damage that nor- causes aggravated damage on its target. Roll Dexterity
mally would be taken from any landings. + Brawl vs the target's Dexterity + Dodge, each success
●●●●● Unbreakable equals a point of damage (this is soakable.)
Description: Their user's bones are impossible to ●●●● Brain Boost
break without a strength score of 6 or higher. Description: Gain an extra die to use in an intelli-
System: Spend two Faith and roll Stamina + Athlet- gence-based roll.
ics vs 7. Any successes allows the Miracle to be used System: Spend a one Faith point per die (up to
for one scene. three.). Once the roll is made the Miracle is over.
Botch: Any roll that involves absorbing damage are

Angel: The Revelation

●●●●● Telepathy System: Spend two Faith and roll Strength + Stealth
Description: Send a telepathic messages to someone vs 7. Each Success equals a round or 5 minutes of ac-
else. tivation.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness Path of Fire
vs 7. Each success allows grants a greater range for the
● Lighter
Description: User creates a small flame from their
Botch: User receives a backlash for 5 minutes, that
causes a +1 penalty (max 10) on all perception-based
System: Spend a Faith point to create a small flame
that works just like a regular fire for 10 minutes or
Nephilim Miracles until it is extinguished/shut off.
●● Anti-Fire
Path of Earth Description: User is temporarily immune to fire.
● Muddy System: Roll Stamina + Survival vs 6, each success
Description: Turns a small patch of dirt, small equals ten minutes of activation that can be shut-off at
amounts of water (example in a glass) and puddles in- any time.
to mud. Useful for slowing targets down, showing a Botch: The user receive an extra point of damage
display of your divine powers, making sure a target from fire for ten minutes.
leaves a trail or create an emergency projectile to dis- ●●● Endure Elements
tract someone. Description: User becomes immune to harsh natu-
System: Spend a Faith point to turn the land/water ral elements like heat and the cold.
into mud for one scene. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Stamina +
●● Harden Earth Survival vs 7, each success equals ten minutes where
Description: Hardens mud, quicksand, molten lava, naturally created heat and cold have no effect on you.
etc. ●●●● Dragon’s Breath
System: Spend a Faith point to harden an area for Description: User breathes out a stream of fire not
one scene. unlike a dragon.
●●● Body of Stone System: Spend two Faith to burn non-living objects
Description: User gets an extra die when making within three feet of the user. To burn living things,
rolls to soak up damage. the user must also roll Stamina + Melee vs 5 plus the
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Stamina + target's Stamina (max 10). Treat as normal fire.
Brawl vs 6 (each success equals an extra die). This does ●●●●● Pyrokinesis
not stack and is activated automatically until the user Description: User can control fire.
is hit or the battle is over. System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness
●●●● Earthen Wall vs 7 (may vary depending on the size of the fire and
Description: Summons a wall made of earth to ap- what the user wants to do with it). More successes in-
pear in front of the user. creases the complexity of what the user wants to do
System: Spend two Faith and roll Stamina + Brawl and for how long (ten minutes per success).
vs 8 to make the ground in front of the user become a
6-foot wall that can take two points of damage; more
Path of Wind and Water
successes creates a larger wall that can take an extra ● Walk on Water
point of damage. Description: Allows the user to temporarily walk on
NOTE: The wall can only be created with organic water.
matter like dirt and sand. System: Roll Dexterity + Athletics vs 6, success
●●●●● Gravity Control equals one scene of activation.
Description: The user can control gravity from mak- ●● Water and Blood
ing a person so heavy they fall through floors to being Description: The user can transform water into
light enough to float away or alter it to enhance one's blood and vice-versa. Good for emergency blood
jumping abilities. transfusions, quick blood for a vampire, to strike fear
into your targets, etc.

Powered by God

System: Spend a Faith point to turn a pint’s worth causing her to cough and gag for the rest of the
of water/blood (which is Type O) to transform it. round.
(Another point needs to be spent to reverse it. The ●●●●● Storm
user must be able to see the blood/water for it to Description: The user summons forth a powerful
work.) In the case of it being used on a bleeding tar- storm under her command.
get, only the blood showing will get turned into water. System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation +
●●● Wind Blast Survival vs 8. Each success equals a larger and more
Description: The user can create blasts of wind. powerful storm for one round per success. The user
System: Spend a Faith point to create a small breeze can summon bolts of lightning down once per success
to make papers blow away or lift up a skirt. Anything (the target must roll Dexterity + Dodge vs 7 to avoid
more powerful needs a roll of Wits + Survival vs 7 it).
(number can rise, max 10, in the case of larger winds),
more successes means a longer duration. Children of Goliath Miracles
●●●● Breath of Ice Path of Defense
Description: The user breathes out a cloud that can ● Flee
freeze objects and living things. Description: Allows the user to make a hasty re-
System: Spend two Faith to freeze non-living objects treat.
within three feet of the user. To freeze living things, System: Roll Dexterity + Athletics vs 6; each success
the user also must roll Stamina + Melee vs 5 plus the equals a better and faster escape.
target's strength (max 10). The more successes means Botch: The user trips over her own feet.
the more of the target the user can freeze. The target ●● Fluidity
can break out with a successful Strength roll of 7 (one Description: Enhances dodge rolls the next time
success is only needed) and can receive aid from oth- the player is attacked.
ers. System: Spend one Faith for each extra die for your
Botch: The frost to gets stuck in the user's throat,

Angel: The Revelation

next dodge roll (max 3). The player cannot choose long as the target(s) stay in the circle, anyone wishing
which attack she'll use the Miracle on and if the battle to harm or kidnap them must make a Willpower roll
ends before the player can get attacked, the Miracle is vs the user's willpower and score two successes to suc-
shut-off. ceed.
●●● No Pain The ring does not protect against projectile attacks
Description: Temporarily cancels out the user's abil- or explosions. The Miracle lasts until the fight/scene
ity to feel pain. is over, the target(s) leaves the ring or the user shuts
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Willpower vs the power off. In the case of multiple people, all of
7. Each success equals a result on this chart... them must step out, but any that do, no longer benefit
• Botch: User is more vulnerable to pain for ten from the Miracle's protection.
minutes. ●●●●● Selective Immunity
Description: The user is temporarily immune to
• 1 Success: 10 minutes
one kind of mundane attack.
• 2 to 3 Successes: 1 hour
System: The user must pick one kind of mundane
• 4 Successes: 5 hours
attack: fists/kicks, blades, bashing weapons or bullets
• 5 or More Successes: 1 day
(one this decision is made, the user cannot go back).
●●●● Ring of Salt Two Faith must be spent with a roll of Stamina +
Description: By creating a circle on the ground, the Brawl vs 8. Each success equals a round of activation.
user can create a protective ward around someone This Miracle does not stack and a botch allows the
else. select attack inflict one extra point of damage for one
System: Spend two Faith to protect one living crea- round.
ture (spend another one for each extra person). As
Powered by God

Path of Melee ●● Reload

Description: Will reload mundane firearms.
● Goliath’s Favor
System: See the chart to see how much Faith needs
Description: Temporarily allows an extra die for
to be spent.
strength-based rolls.
System: Spend a Faith point to get an extra die (max • 1 Faith: Disk guns, BB Guns, simple guns with (at
3) for the user's next strength-based roll. most) six bullets, rifles that contain (at most) 2
●● Celestial Weapon shots.
Description: Infuses a mundane melee weapon • 2 Faith: More complex guns with (at most) 15 bul-
(fists count) with hidden celestial power that attacks lets, rifles that shoot (at most) 5 shots.
the inner evil of the victim. • 3 Faith: Uzis, machine guns, etc.
System: Spend one Faith to infuse a melee weapon ●●● Come
or a projectile (an arrow or a bullet). (Does not work Description: Summons the nearest item around you
on weapons of a mystical nature.) Does a point of ag- into your hand to use as a weapon.
gravated damage per Sin point upon striking. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Brawl
Duration: Instant. Projectiles can only be used vs 7. Each success is determined by this chart...
once, but once a melee weapon has successfully hits Botch: Summons something useless into your hand
something, it becomes an ordinary weapon. like a wad of gum.
●●● Shatterblow
Description: The user's fists (and all melee weapons • 1 Success: Minor item like a sharpened pencil or a
can break objects. glass beaker.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Strength + • 2 or 3 Successes: A more useful item like a gun or a
Melee vs 7 (may vary with harder and larger objects). knife
More successes equals how much damage the user • 4 or More Successes: Magical items.
does. Once it is used, the Miracle must be reactivated. NOTE: If only item available is in someone else's
●●●● First Strike possession, it will appear in the user's hand instead.
Description: The user goes first in the next round (Unless she is using the Sticky Fingers Miracle.) The
no matter what. user has no choice in what item will appear. The over-
System: Spend two Faith and roll Dexterity + Brawl all range for getting something is within 20ft of the
vs 8, only one success is needed and does not stack. user (add ten more feet per success after the first one).
Note: In case two people using the same Miracle or ●●●● Longshot
something similar, flip a coin. Description: Doubles the range of a mundane pro-
●●●●● Flaming Sword jectile weapon.
Description: Temporarily summon a flaming short System: Spend two Faith for the next shot the user
sword to aid the user in battle. makes. This does not stack.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Strength + Melee ●●●●● Magic Bullet
vs 8, each success equals a round of activation which Description: Turns a miss done by a mundane pro-
does not stack. Treat the weapon as a regular short jectile weapon into a hit.
sword that does fire damage and has a permanent Ce- System: Spend two Faith that turns the next missed
lestial Weapon cast on it. shot into a hit that only does one point of damage. In
Path of Range the case of called shots, a re-roll must be made and the
● Sticky Fingers result must be taken no matter what.
Description: Temporarily prevents the user from
being disarmed.
Deadman Miracles
System: Roll Strength + Melee vs 7, each success Path of Curses
equals a round of activation. A botch causes the user ● Transfer Pain
to drop any items in their hands. Description: Makes the target feel the pain of an-

Angel: The Revelation

other. round.
System: The Deadman must touch both the person ●●●●● Curse
who is suffering and the person they wish to feel it. Description: Bestows a curse upon the target.
Then roll their Willpower vs the Willpower of the System: Spend two Faith and roll Willpower vs the
person they're wishing to inflict. The more successes, opponent's Willpower. (One success is all that is
forces the target to receive a more intense feeling. needed.) The curse must have a way to cure it and
While a botch forces the user to receive the pain. The must be within reason. A botch prevents the user
sufferer can be the user, herself. from ever inflicting another curse on that person
It is possible to store the sufferer’s pain inside the again.
user so it can be inflicted upon the target later. But it Example: A Deadman wishes to make a heartless
costs a Faith point to do this and must be used within bully pay for his cruelty towards others (especially fat
24 hours or the pain fades away. people). So when one of his beatings causes brain
NOTE: If this Miracle is used for malicious reasons, damage to one of his victims, she knows that it's time
a Morality check must be done. to step in. She curses him that "until he learns kind-
●● Hidden Fears ness and empathy towards others, he will become just
Description: Exposes the target to their worst fears. like his victims." The bully soon learns to his horror
Only the user and the target will be able to see this that he is rapidly gaining weight until he's 400 lbs.
fear. Finding that he can't really get any thinner, he must
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception + sincerely learn his lesson and start doing right by oth-
Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower. Will not work ers or he'll stay that way.
on characters who are immune to fear. NOTE: It is possible for an outside force to remove
• Botch: The Miracle forces the Deadman to become the curse. If used on an innocent person or for mali-
queasy. cious reasons, a Morality check is needed. The user
can also shut off the curse early at any time.
• 1 Success: A hazy vision of the fear appears in both
the user and the victim's minds. Path of Justice
• 2 to 3 successes: The image is the more vivid and ● Scales of Judgement
the target must roll their willpower vs 6 to avoid be- Description: Determines if the target is worthy of
ing shaken. redemption.
• 4 or more successes: Same as before, but the target System: The user must roll Perception + Awareness
receives a point of damage from the mental back- vs 6. The more successes equals a better reading while
lash. a botch will give the user a massive headache from the
NOTE: If used for malicious reasons, a Morality jumbled mess of information she is getting.
check must be made. ●● Celestial Weapon
●●● Jinx Description: Infuses a mundane melee weapon with
Description: Forces the target's next roll to be done hidden celestial power that attacks the inner evil of
over. the victim.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll your Willpow- System: Spend a Faith point to infuse a melee
er vs the target's. If the target has the flaw Unlucky or weapon or a projectile (an arrow or a bullet). (Does
Karma's Bitch, the target number is reduced by one not work on weapons of a mystical nature.) The
(min 1). The target’s next roll (even if it's a botch) weapon will do a point of aggravated damage per Sin
must be done over. If the Deadman botches while ac- point upon striking.
tivating the miracle, the rules apply to her. Duration: Instant. Projectiles can only be used
●●●● Stop the Powerflow once, but once a melee weapon has successfully hits
Description: Temporarily prevents the target from something, it becomes an ordinary weapon.
using what fuels their powers (blood, chi, gnosis, etc..) ●●● Guilty Conscience
System: Spend two Faith and roll your Willpower vs Description: Awakens the guilt inside the target.
the target's. Each success equals a round of activation System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception +
while a botch will turn the Miracle on the user for one Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower. More success will

Powered by God

equal heavier feeling of guilt while a botch inflicts it causing a +1 penalty on Dexterity rolls.
on the user. System: Spend a Faith point and roll your Willpow-
NOTE: If used for malicious purposes, roll a Moral- er vs the target's. Each round of success equals a
ity check. round of activation while a botch inflicts it on the us-
●●●● Divine Presence er for one round. Along with the dexterity penalty,
Description: Forces the target to cower and submit the target's walking, flying and running speed is
to the user. halved.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation + ●●●● Celestial Mark
Aura vs the target's Willpower. Two or more successes Description: The target is inflicted with an invisible
are needed and will render the target unable to do an- mark that alerts others of her presence. Enforcers of
ything other than submit in fear and awe unless in good like cops, other Angels, werewolves, etc. will
direct danger. sense there is something wrong about this person.
●●●●● Recant System: Spend two Faith and roll Dexterity + Sub-
Description: Forces the target to question their own terfuge vs 7.
morality, beliefs and motives. • Botch: The target gets an extra die involving stealth
System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation + for the rest of the scene.
Empathy vs the target’s willpower.
• 1 Success: 1 scene
• Botch: Target becomes even more stubborn in their • 2 to 3 successes: 1 day
beliefs. • 4 to 5 successes: 1 week
• 1 Success: The target kind of considers it, but is still • 6 or more: 1 month
on the fence.
●●●●● Charon’s Link
• 2 to 3 Successes: The target considers it and can be
Description: Creates a link between the user and
talked into joining.
the target. From now on, the user can sense where the
• 4 to 5 Successes: The target totally changes her
target is and doing.
System: Spend two Faith points and roll Perception
• 6 or more: The target is now totally devoted to a + Awareness vs the target’s Willpower. With a success-
new way of thinking. ful Perception + Awareness roll (vs the target’s Will-
• Note: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality power), the user gets visions of the target’s wherea-
check needs to be made. bouts and what she is currently doing. The more suc-
Path of the Hunt cesses gained equals a longer and more detail vision.
● Sense Evil Light-Bringer Miracles
Description: Allows the user to sense evil energies
among them. Path of Aid
System: Roll Perception + Awareness vs. 6. More ● Food for the Hungry
successes equals a more vivid description while a Description: Creates an edible gruel out mundane
botch forces the user to become overloaded with in- materials.
formation and become queasy. System: The user must have a container and place a
●● Seeker liquid or solid inside (example: mud/dirt, oil, cement,
Descriptions: Allows the user to find where the tar- etc.) and roll Wits + Survival vs 6 (or streetwise if she
get is hiding. is in an urban area). If the user has a specialty in cook-
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception + ing, the roll is reduced to 5.
Stealth vs 7 (can be altered or require more successes • Botch: The gruel is completely inedible.
if they are hiding by mystical means). More successes • 1 Success: Gruel is bland, but edible.
equals a more vivid descriptions. • 2 Successes: Gruel has some flavor and filling.
●●● Stall • 3 or More: Gruel tastes delicious, very filling and is
Description: Slows down the target down while high in nutrients.

Angel: The Revelation

●● Spare Home Each success equals five minutes of activation

Description: Creates a makeshift shelter out of Botch: Target gets depressed for five minutes.
mundane materials. ●● Pleasure/Pain
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Surviv- Description: By placing their hands on a target, the
al/Streetwise (depending on the location) vs 6 before user can emit a pulse of pleasure or pain on them.
building. If the user has a specialty in building, the System: The user must be touching the target,
roll is reduced to 5. spend a Faith point, choose whether they want pain
• Botch: The shelter looks like crap and falls apart the or pleasure and roll Wits + Subterfuge vs the target's
second someone enters. Willpower (it can be lowered if she's willing). The
more successes equals a more powerful surge.
• 1 Success: Shelter just barely works.
Botch: The opposite effect happens to the target.
• 2-4 Successes: Shelter looks nice and provides ade-
●●● Mass Bliss
quate protection.
Description: Same as Bliss, but infects more targets.
• 5 or More: Shelter looks like a work of art and su-
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Charisma +
pernaturally protects against the worst weather and
Empathy vs the average Willpower of anyone in range.
is very comfortable.
Each success equals a round of activation and an extra
●●● Lend Courage five feet of influence. The target(s) will feel a burst of
Description: Grants a point of the user's Willpower happiness and confidence.
to a target. Botch: The user breaks down and cries for a round.
System: The user must touch the target and one ●●●● Jubilee
point of Willpower is granted to her that cannot go Description: Evokes a strong feeling of jubilation
over 10. (The user will lose one temporary Willpower upon multiple targets.
point when doing this.) This last until the target uses System: Spend a two Faith and roll Charisma +
it or after 24 hours. Empathy vs the average Willpower of anyone in range.
●●●● Good Luck Kiss Each success equals a round of activation and an extra
Description: By kissing the target, she will get an ex- five feet of influence. The target(s) will feel the urge to
tra die on their next roll for a non-violent action. This drop everything and dance.
does not have to be done on the lips and can be Botch: The Miracle effects the user for one round.
placed on the cheek, hand or forehead. ●●●●● Cupid
System: Spend two Faith and kiss the target. This Description: Makes two people fall in love with
does not stack. each other.
●●●●● Prayer System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation +
Description: The user prays for a random occur- Subterfuge vs both target’s Willpower. (If the targets
rence that will act in their favor. are willing, the target number is reduced by one.)
System: Spend two Faith, roll Charisma + Aware-
• Botch: One or both feel a repulsion towards the
ness vs 8 rating and pray for two rounds. The user has
no choice in what will happen and if her concentra-
• 1 Success: One or both seem fond of the other.
tion is broken, the Miracle ends. The more successes
rolled equals a more beneficial event. • 2 to 3 Successes: One or both has/have a crush on
Botch: A scene of complete and utter chaos (like the other.
water turning into chocolate milk that lasts for the • 4 to 5 Successes: One or both fall in love with the
rest of the scene). other.
• 6 or more: Both create a perfect true love for the
Path of Bliss other. (In the case of the evil, abusive or jerks, they
● Bliss will attempt to make themselves better people.)
Description: Grants a temporary feeling of happi-
NOTE: If this is used for malicious/evil reasons, a
ness and confidence to the target.
Morality check must be made.
System: The user must touch the target and roll
Manipulation + Subterfuge vs that target’s Willpower.

Powered by God

Path of Hope • 2 Successes: Memory is erased for one scene.

• 3 Successes: Memory is removed, but can be re-
● Anesthetic
Description: Temporarily eases the physical pain
the target is feeling. • 4 or more: Memory is permanently removed.
System: Roll Wits + Subterfuge vs the target's Will- Note: If this Miracle is used for nefarious purposes,
power (if the target is willing, subtract one from the roll a Morality check.
roll). More successes equals an extra ten minutes of ●●●●● Mercy
relief. Description: Grants the target a peaceful death.
Botch: The pain becomes worse for five minutes. System: Spend two Faith, touch the target and roll
●● Calm Emotions Wits + Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower (if the sub-
Description: Calm's the target’s emotions (includ- ject is willing, subtract one from the roll). Cannot be
ing frenzies). used in combat.
System: Roll Manipulation + Subterfuge vs the tar- Note: If this Miracle is used for nefarious purposes,
get's Willpower. roll a Morality check.
• Botch: Target becomes even worse. In the case of a Muse Miracles
frenzy, the target will attack the user first.
• 1 Success: Target is calmed a little. Does not work Path of Creation
on frenzies. ● Instructions
• 2-3 Successes: Target is totally calmed down. Fren- Description: Tells the user how to make something.
zies are calmed a little. System: Roll Perception + Craft vs 5 for a simple
• 4 Successes: Frenzied targets are totally calmed. object (a meal), 6 for more complex stuff like gun
Treat others as a 2-3 success. powder or 7 for magical items. This is treated like a
• 5 Successes: Not only is the target calmed, but will flash of inspiration where each success gives a more
act friendly to the user and even try to defend her. detailed description.
(Such as a frenzying Werewolf calming down and ●● Repair
licking the user's face like a happy dog.) Description: Repairs a single object.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Intelligence +
●●● Hope Crafts vs 5 for simple objects (a bike), 6 for more
Description: Eases any derangement, fits of mad- complex ones (a car engine), 7 for big and complex
ness or severe depression the target is feeling. machines (a tank) and 8 for magical items.
System: Spend a Faith Point and roll Manipulation Botch: Makes the condition of the object even
+ Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower (if the target is worse.
willing, subtract one from the roll). ●●● Break
• Botch: The target becomes worse for five minutes. Description: The user hums out a long, continuous
• 1 Success: 1 day note that causes one object to break down.
• 2 to 3 successes: 1 week System: Spend a Faith point and begin humming,
• 4 successes: The derangement is cured. This will not roll Willpower vs 6 for simple objects (a bike), 7 for
work on Malkavians since their derangements are more complex ones (a car engine), 8 for big and com-
permanent (but it will ease it for a week). plex machines (a tank) and 9 for magical items. At
least 2 successes are needed for any target score over 7.
●●●● Empty Memory
Botch: User receives a point of damage.
Description: Removes a memory from the target.
●●●● Customize
System: Spend two Faith and roll Perception + Sub-
Description: The user can alter the form on a non-
terfuge vs the target's Willpower (if the target is will-
living, mundane object such as turning it into vapor,
ing, subtract one from the roll).
modifying the density or separating the object into
• Botch: Memory becomes more prominent. components.
• 1 Success: Memory is erased for five minutes. System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Crafts vs 7

Angel: The Revelation

(8 for more complex objects or alterations). More suc- ●●●● Telekinesis

cesses equal a better job. Description: Cause objects to levitate.
Botch: Non-magical objects melt into a hot puddle System: Spend a Faith point and roll Willpower vs
of goo. 6 (increase the difficulty to bigger objects and more
●●●●● Master of Flesh complex maneuvers.)
Description: Now a master of creation, The Host ●●●●● Breath of Life
has granted the user the power to alter flesh, animals Description: Briefly brings a mundane object to life
and even living objects like an artist does to clay. Al- under the user's command.
low them to do something as simple as fixing a cleft- System: Select one object, spend two Favors and roll
palate to turning a dog into a larger, stronger protec- Willpower vs 7 (8 for more complex objects); each
tor. success equals a round of activation. This does not
System: The user must be touching the target, pend stack.
two Faith and roll Wits + Crafts vs 7 (it will take a 1 Botch: Object is immune to the Miracle for the rest
to 3 rounds depending on the complexity). The num- of the battle/scene.
ber can be adjusted for more complex or simpler jobs Path of Support
(min 6, max 10). The more successes equal a better
● Inspire
job while a botch infects the user's hands with severe
Description: Give the target t a burst of inspiration.
arthritis for the rest of the scene. Returning the sub-
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Subter-
ject back to normal can be done in one round.
fuge vs the target's Willpower (subtract one if the sub-
Note: Using this Miracle for nefarious purposes
ject is knows of the Miracle). Each success equals a
calls for a Morality check.
better and more descriptive plan (ST's discretion).
Path of Objects Botch: The idea is as dumb as Hell and is useless at
● Absorb Lore
Description: Learn about the history of an object or
System: The user must touch the item and roll In-
telligence + Investigation vs 7. The more successes
equals a longer, clearer and more descriptive reading.
Botch: The reading comes in a jumbled mess that is
impossible to decode.
●● Living History
Description: By tasting a few drops of the subject's
blood or tears*, the user can learn about her history,
personality traits and abilities.
System: After ingesting the tears/blood*, and roll
Intelligence + Investigation vs 7. The more successes
equals a longer, clearer and more descriptive reading.
Botch: The user spend the next round vomiting up
the fluids.
*Other bodily liquids can be used, but these are the
most preferred methods.
●●● Divine Skill
Description: If the user is making a roll for an un-
trained skill, this miracle lowers the penalty by 1 for
each Faith point spent.
System: Spend one Faith per penalty point (max 3)
on the next roll.

Powered by God

best. tomatically used on the next ability they use and if no

●● Lend Favor ability is used by the end of the scene/battle, the Faith
Description: Grant a point of Faith to someone points are wasted.
else. ●●●● Bestow Turn
System: Touch the target and spend a Faith point Description: By sacrificing her turn, an ally get an
that will go to them. In the case of other Mystics, the extra turn in the next round.
Faith point will turn into whatever power source they System: Spend two Faith and touch the subject or
use. spend an extra Faith point if they are not in reach.
●●● Miracle Boost The user loses their next turn in return for the subject
Description: Grant an ally an extra die on the next to go again. If the battle ends before the Miracle can
Miracle (or special ability for other Mystics) they use. be used, it is wasted.
System: Touch the subject and grant them a Faith ●●●●● Mass Support
point per die you want to grant them (max 3). It is au- Description: The user is engulfed in a burst of light

Angel: The Revelation

that put all that see them at ease, granting the five to keep it going for another five). This can be shut off
closest viewers an increase/decrease on the difficulty at any time, but once the duration is over, the user
on their next roll. automatically transforms back to their original form.
System: Spend three Faith, if the subject is an ally, The user keeps their abilities and Miracles.
they get a one point decrease on the difficulty of their Path of Nature
next roll while enemies are given a one point increase.
● Nature's Plenty
This lasts until a roll is done. If the game session ends
Description: Helps user to search natural areas for
before the roll is made, the Miracle is wasted.
food and plants that can heal.
Nymph Miracles System: Roll Wits + Survival vs 7 (if the user has any
specialty or knowledge with nature-related stuff, target
Path of Beasts number can be lowered). The more successes equals a
● Doolittle's Tongue better find while a botch give you the wrong infor-
Description: Talk to and understand mundane an- mation.
imals. ●● Bloom
System: Roll Charisma + Animal Kin vs 6. The Description: Can make a plant bloom and bear
more successes equals a better result while a botch food out of season or make it wither.
comes out jumbled. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Surviv-
●● Warp the Beast al vs 7. The more successes equals a better result while
Description: Calm mundane animals or rile them a botch does the opposite.
up. ●●● Ensnare
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation Description: Entrap a target with branches, vines,
+ Animal Kin vs 7. The more successes equals a better etc.
result while a botch does the opposite. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Subter-
●●● Avian Plague fuge while the target rolls their Dexterity + Dodge.
Description: Send a swarm of near-by, mundane in- The more successes equals a better result while a
sects/birds to attack/distract a target or destroy things. botch cause the branches, vines, etc., to crumble to
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation dust.
+ Subterfuge vs 7. The more successes equals more ●●●● Earth Trap
insects/birds and damage while a botch causes them Description: Turn patches of dirt, concrete and
to attack the user for one round. sand into a quicksand-like substance that makes a tar-
●●●● Command Animal get sink knee deep in it.
Description: Makes an animal (even mystical ones) System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Subterfuge
obey a non-suicidal command. vs 8. This will effect a 10 by 10 foot area for a half
System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation + hour.
Animal Kin vs the target's Willpower. The more suc-
cesses equals a better result while a botch protects • Botch: the earth becomes harder than before.
them from ever being under control of the Miracle for • 1 Success: Causes the target(s) to sink in up to their
the rest of the scene. In the case of mystical ones, they ankles.
are allowed to roll Willpower to avoid doing some- • 2 to 3 Successes: Causes the target(s) to sink up to
thing that would be against their own agendas. the waist.
NOTE: If used on a Werewolf, she must in her his- • 4 or more Successes: Causes the target to sink up to
po or lupus form for this Miracle to work. (Or the their neck.
equivalent for other werecreatures.) NOTE: The effects of this Miracle can be shut off
●●●●● Wild Form early. If used for malicious purposes, a Morality check
Description: Temporarily transform into a mun- must be made.
dane animal of the user's choice. ●●●●● Pure Earth
System: Spend Two Faith to activate this Miracle Description: Heal natural, polluted areas.
for 20 minutes (and spend an additional Faith point System: Spend two Faith and roll Perception + Sur-

Powered by God

vival vs the area's gauntlet rating, minus one. More • 4 to 5 successes: 5 miles in a random direction.
successes equals a better result while botch makes • 6 or more: Up to 10 miles in whatever direction the
things worse. user desires.
Path of the Umbra
● Gauntlet-Finder
Saulite Miracles
Description: Locates portals to the Umbra. Path of Helping
System: Roll Perception + Awareness vs 7. The ● Refill
more successes equals a more accurate description Description: Refills items like canteens, blood
while a botch tells the opposite. packs, cars, etc.
●● Come With Me System: Roll Wits + Survival vs 6, the more success-
Description: Take a person who normally can't en- es, equals more stuff and a better product.
ter/leave the Umbra with you. ●● Purify
System: Hold the hand of the person who you want Description: Purify a mundane object (like food) of
to take with you and spend a Faith point to enter or poisons, harmful chemicals, etc.
exit the Umbra. This Miracle can only be used on one System: Spend a Faith point to permanently purify
person at a time and hand contact must be kept when it.
entering/leaving or the other person will get lost in ●●● Take the Pain
the Umbra. Description: A Saulite can temporarily take on the
●●● Umbral Swarm pain and injuries of another for one scene. For exam-
Description: Attack and damage a target with beam ple, she can transfer a paraplegic or blind person’s
of cloud-like Umbral energy. disability into herself so the target can escape a nasty
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Dexterity + situation.
Melee vs the target's Dexterity + Dodge. More success- System: Spend a Faith point, touch the target and
es equals another point of damage (which is soakable). roll Stamina + Empathy vs 7 for one scene. If the tar-
A botch inflicts a point of damage on the user. get is willing, the target number is 6
NOTE: This Miracle only works in the Umbra. ●●●● Ring of Salt
●●●● Umbral Armor Description: Same as the Child of Goliath Miracle.
Description: Creates a temporary see-through set of ●●●●● Sacrificial Burst
full-body armor for the user or someone else to get Description: By sacrificing some health, you can
through the nastier parts of the Umbra. create a burst of holy energy.
System: Spend two Faith to create the armor which System: Spend two Faith and a point of health to
lasts about 30 minutes (and spend an additional Faith create a 5ft burst of holy energy that inflicts a point of
point to keep it going for another ten). This armor damage per Sin (it's soakable) of any adversary caught
will provide protection against the elements of the in the blast. If the user is already down to one health
Umbra though it will not protect against battle dam- level, she can't use it.
age. While the user can still wear armor, the Miracle
does not stack. Path of Redemption
●●●●● Warp ● Second Chance
Description: Warps a target to another part of the Description: Same as the Deadman Miracle, Scales
Umbra. of Justice.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness ●● Saulite's Bane
vs the target's willpower. Description: Temporarily bestow the user's curse on
another to teach them a lesson.
• Botch: Warps the target right next to the user. System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation
• 1 success: Warps the target ten feet away in a ran- + Empathy vs the target's Willpower. This can be shut
dom direction. off by the user at any time.
• 2 to 3 successes: One mile in a random direction.

Angel: The Revelation

• Botch: Makes the user's curse worse for the rest of System: The user must touch the target and infuse
the scene. one point of health to the other. (The user will lose
• 1 Success: 1 hour one temporary health point when doing this.) This
• 2 to 3 Successes: 1 day last until target loses the point or the scene/battle
• 4 to 5 Successes: 1 week ends. If the user is already down to one health, she
• 6 or More: 1 month can't use this Miracle.
●●●●● Reattach
Note: If used for malicious purposes, a Morality
Description: Reattach severed body parts.
check is needed.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Medicine
●●● Inner Good
vs 6 (for fingers/toes, ears, noses, scalps and ears) and
Description: Same as the Aasima Miracle.
7 (for limbs, breasts and private parts). Only one suc-
●●●● Walking Target
cess is needed, but if the user botches the attached
Description: Same as the Child of Goliath Miracle.
part rots and falls off. In the case of the head, it must
●●●●● Temporary Forgiveness
be reattached within one round, three Faith must be
Description: Temporarily eases a Mystic's drawback
spent and the user must score at least three successes
or another target's curse. But not your own.
vs a target score of nine.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Aura vs 8.
• Botch: Makes the user's curse worse for the rest of Seers Miracles
the scene. Path of The Mind
• 1 Success: 1 hour ● Addle
• 2 to 3 Successes: 1 day Description: Temporarily addles the target's mind.
• 4 to 5 Successes: 1 week System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation
• 6 or More: 1 month + Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower. Each success
equals a round of activation while a botch effects the
Path of Healing user for one round. The target becomes dizzy. (Can-
● Angelic Touch not be used in battle.)
Description: Same as the Aasima Miracle. ●● Memory Leech
●● Remove Disease Description: Absorb and copy a memory from the
Description: Removes any disease the target is suf- target.
fering from. System: Spend a Faith point, touch the target's head
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception + and roll Perception + Awareness vs the target's Will-
Medicine vs the number on the chart. If the disease is power. Each success results in a larger, clearer memory
mystical in nature, then add a point to the target while a botch sickens the user for a round. The target
score. will still have this memory.
• Common cold, the flu, etc.: Target score 5 ●●● Eye Beam
• Strep throat, chickenpox, etc.: Target score 6 Description: The Seer's third eye shoots a beam of
• Deadly, but curable diseases: Target score 7 holy energy that damages the target (that shoots up to
• Deadly and incurable diseases: Target score 8 40 feet). In case of Infused, it comes from their regu-
lar eyes into a single, concentrated beam.
●●● Plastic Surgery
System: Spend a Faith point for each point of soak-
Description: Fixes a target's mundane deformities.
able damage you wish to inflict with the beam (max
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Medi-
3). The target can dodge this attack.
cine vs the number on the chart.
●●●● Dream Gaze
• Harelips, barely noticeable scars, etc.: 5 Description: By making eye-contact, the target en-
• Moderate deformities: 6 ters a harmless, zombie-like state until there is a threat
• Severe deformities: 7 of physical harm.
System: Spend two Faith, make eye-contact and roll
●●●● Lend Health
Manipulation + Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower.
Description: Lends a point of health to the target.

Powered by God

Each success equals a round of activation while a gives a jumbled message.

botch inflicts this Miracle on the user for one round. Path of Sight
This Miracle cannot be used in battle.
● Location
NOTE: If this Miracle is used for nefarious purpos-
Description: Sense where you or something else is.
es, a Morality check must be made.
System: Roll Perceptions + Survival/Streetwise (de-
●●●●● Mind-Jolt
pending on the area) vs 7. Each success gives a more
Description: By making eye-contact, the user can
vivid description while a botch will give you a jumbled
temporarily enter a target's body and take control of it.
System: Spend two Faith, make eye-contact and roll
●● Detect Lies
Manipulation + Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower.
Description: Determines if someone is lying to you.
Each success equals a round of activation while a
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception +
botch makes the target immune to this Miracle for the
Empathy vs the target's Willpower (if the target is us-
rest of the scene.
ing mystical means to protect themselves, add one to
NOTE: If this Miracle is used for nefarious purpos-
the target score). Each success exposes more of a lie
es, a Morality check must be made.
while a botch prevents the user from using the Mira-
Path of Senses cle on the target for the rest of the scene.
● Sense Evil ●●● X-Ray
Description: Same as the Deadman Miracle. Description: See through walls, barriers and even
●● True Sight clothing.
Description: See through illusions and disguises. System: Spend a Faith point for ten minutes of acti-
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception + vation (this can stack).
Awareness vs 7. Each success equals five minutes of ●●●● Eyes of Another
activation that only the user can see while a botch will Description: See what another person is seeing.
make everything blurry for one round. System: Spend two Faith and roll Perception +
●●● Warning Awareness vs the target's Willpower (if done willingly,
Description: Sense when the user or allies are going reduce the number by 1). Each success equals ten
to be attacked. minutes of activation while a botch gives nothing but
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception + darkness for one round.
Alertness vs 7. Each success equals ten minutes of ac- ●●●●● Past Shock
tivation (at least two successes are needed to sense Description: See the past of a person, object or
mystical tactics) while a botch gives the user a massive place.
headache for one round. System: Spend two Faith and roll Perception +
●●●● Telepathy Awareness vs 8. Each success shows a longer, more
Description: Send a telepathic message/image to a vivid vision of the past.
target. Botch: Gives a jumbled message.
System: Spend two Faith points and roll Perception
+ Awareness vs 7. Each success equals a longer and Seraphim Miracles
clearer message that can be given. A botch prevents Path of Diplomacy
the user from sending another message to the target ● Detect Lies
for the rest of the scene. If the target is one of the Description: Same as the Seer Miracle.
Touched or an ally, than the target score is reduced by ●● Tongues
one. Description: Same as the Infused Miracle.
●●●●● Future Shock ●●● Aura
Description: Predicts possible futures. Description: Sense auras of others to learn more
System: Spend two Faith points and roll Perception about them.
+ Awareness vs 8. Each success shows a longer, more System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception +
vivid potential future (ST's discretion) while a botch Awareness vs 7. This works just like a Vampire's aura-

Angel: The Revelation

reading ability so use their chart for that one. protects the target from being affected by the Miracle
●●●● Friend for the rest of the scene. Cannot be used in combat.
Description: Your inner and outer beauty warms ●●●● Implant
the hearts of the target, making them like you. Description: Implant a memory into the target.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Appearance + Au- System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation +
ra vs that target's Willpower. Subterfuge vs the target's Willpower. Each success
• Botch: The target is disgusted by your presence. equals a larger and more complex memory that can be
implanted while a botch protects the target from the
• 1 Success: You don't seem so bad.
Miracle for the rest of the scene.
• 2 to 3 Successes: The target likes and wants to be-
Note: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality
friend you.
check needs to be made.
• 4 to 5 Successes: Your presence is like being in front
●●●●● Recant
of their favorite celebrity.
Description: Same as the Deadman Miracle.
• 6 or More: Not only does the target like you, but
she has fallen in love with you regardless of sexual Path of the Voice
orientation or if romantically attached to someone ● Throw Voice
else (they will still love that person). Description: Allows the user to throw their voice.
System: Roll Wits + Subterfuge vs 7. Each success
●●●●● Word of God
equals a clearer message while a botch becomes jum-
Description: Make the target (even Mystics) follow a
bled. (If the character already has any skill in ventrilo-
non-suicidal command.
quism, add a die for each dot she has in it.)
System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation +
●● Sound of the Mind
Leadership vs the target's Willpower. (Add one if the
Description: Even those who have hearing prob-
target doesn't know the language the user is speaking.)
Only one success is needed (two if it's a Mystic). lems or are plugging their ears can hear you perfectly.
System: Spend a Faith point for ten minutes of acti-
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality
vation. (This will stack.)
check must be made.
Path of Manipulation
● Fluster
Description: Makes the target stutter and fumble
their words.
System: Roll Manipulation + Intimidation vs the
target's Willpower. Each success equals a round of ac-
tivation where the target must roll their Willpower to
be able to speak correctly. If there is a botch, the Mir-
acle effects the user for one round.
●● Taunt
Description: Taunt the target into acting irrational-
System: Spend a Faith and roll Manipulation + Ex-
pression vs. the target's Willpower. Each success
makes the target more agitated until they perform an
irrational action or the scene ends. A botch makes the
target calmer for five minutes.
●●● Staredown
Description: Subdue the target through eye-contact.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation
+ Intimidation vs the target's Willpower. Each success
makes the target more docile for a scene while a botch

Powered by God

●●● Shout Brawls vs 8. Each success equals five extra feet of

Description: By letting out a powerful shout, the height and width to the wall has and an extra point of
user can shatter glass and cause damage. damage it can take. (A botch will wreck the user's
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Brawl voice for the rest of the scene/battle). The Miracle
vs 7. Allies do not count when this Miracle is used. lasts for one scene/battle.
• Botch: The user gets a sore throat for the rest of the Shepherd Miracles
scene instead.
• 1 Success: Will cause an annoying ringing in any Path of Emotions
target(s)'s ears, distracting them a bit. Fragile glass ● Calm Emotions
cracks. Description: Same as the Light-Bringer Miracle.
• 2 to 3 Successes: The target(s)' eardrums are now in ●● Empath
serious pain. Fragile glass will shatter while regular Description: Know exactly what the target is feeling
glass starts cracking. and thinking which will appear as a ghostly being next
• 4 to 5 Successes: Regular glass breaks while tougher to them that only the user can see. Example: A person
glass becomes heavily cracked and the target(s)' ear who greatly regrets an action's "ghost" will be gray with
drums now risk becoming ruptured. Any target a look of sadness with its hand on the target's shoul-
must take a point of soakable damage. der, while someone who would like to kill the user,
• 6 or More: Tougher glass shatters and add a point will have a "ghost" that is giving a sinister look at the
of damage. Everything else is treated like four to five user as if they can't wait to wrap their hands around
successes. her neck.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception +
●●●● Siren's Song Empathy vs the target's Willpower. Each success gives
Description: By singing, the user can lure targets to a more detailed image while a botch allows the target
them. to see the user's true feelings.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Charisma + Lead- ●●● Stir Emotions
ership vs the average target(s)' Willpower. If the user Description: Bring forth an emotion (fear, joy, an-
has any dots in Performance, add one die for every ger, etc.) upon your target.
two dots. (Cannot be used in battle.) System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation
• Botch: User gets a sore throat for the rest of the + Empathy vs the target's Willpower. More successes
scene. equals a more powerful emotion and 5 minutes of ac-
• 1 Success: Targets will feel driven to come towards tivation while a botch brings the opposite emotion for
you. five minutes.
• 2 to 3 Successes: As long as there is no big obstacles ●●●● Mob
or anything suicidal in the way, they have no prob- Description: Rally a group to feel a strong, powerful
lem coming in a slight daze. emotion and act upon it.
• 4 to 5 Successes: Big obstacles are no problem for System: Spend two Faith and roll Charisma + Lead-
the dazed targets, but if it's too dangerous they have ership vs the average Willpower. It can be lowered by
to roll Willpower to even attempt it. one if the majority of the group are allies or the
• 6 of More: Almost nothing can stop them from Touched.
coming to you. • Botch: The group (up to five) feels the opposite and
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality will turn against you for a round.
check must be made. • 1 Success: About 5 targets could go either way with
●●●●● Voice Wall a little coaxing.
Description: With a shout, the user can create a • 2 to 3 Successes: Up to 10 targets will rally to your
temporary, invisible wall to protect themselves from cause as long as it doesn't go against their ideals.
System: Spend two Faith points and roll Stamina +

Angel: The Revelation

• 4 to 5 Successes: Up to 25 people have no problem themselves, a Morality check must be made.

rallying for you as long as they don't get too badly ●●● Power of the People
hurt. Description: Draw power from Touched and allies.
• 6 or More: Up to 50 people will drop what they're System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits + Leader-
doing, regardless of beliefs or danger to your cause. ship vs 8. Each success equals and extra die that you
can use on your next roll. A botch reduces one die
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality
from your next roll. At least one Touched/ally is
check must be made.
●●●●● Emotional Outburst
●●●● Lend Miracle
Description: Release a five-foot burst of energy
Description: Let an ally use one of your Miracles for
based on the most prominent emotion in the area.
a one-shot action.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Stamina + Brawl
System: Spend two Faith and touch the target. Just
vs 8. For each success, any adversaries will suffer a
substitute Favor for whatever fuels them (Willpower
point of damage related to the main emotion in the
for Mortals).
area. Treat as any normal attack of that kind.
●●●●● Bless
• Happiness: Laser-based Description: Grant a special blessing upon one of
• Anger: Fire your flock's Touched/allies. Example: Granting great
• Excitement: Electrical beauty to a Touched's unborn child or promise that
• Sadness: Cold all attempts to hitchhike will bring no harm to the
• Lust: Acidic target.
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Aura vs 8.
Path of the Ally
• Botch: The ST gets to twist the blessing. Example:
● Talk to the Touched
The beauty will be inner beauty with the child being
Description: Send a basic message to an ally or one
ugly or the hitchhiker will be picked up by very an-
of the Touched. (Even someone else's.)
noying people or the driver is reckless (for example:
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits +
stops to work out a dangerous drug deal.)
Awareness vs the target's Willpower (if willing, reduce
• 1 Success: A minor improvement. Example: A beau-
it by one.) Each success gives a clearer message while a
ty blessing will insure that the child will have 3
botch scrambles it.
points in appearance (though their personality
●● Hear My Call
could go either way). While the hitchhiker will be
Description: Summon a nearby person, animal or
safe, but will only be driven part of the way.
Mystic to help you.
System: Spend a Favor and roll Manipulation + • 2 to 4 Successes: Good improvement. Example: The
Leadership vs the gauntlet rating minus 1. beauty blessing will boost the points to 4 and guar-
antee that child will at least be fairly nice. The
• Botch: Not only will the nearest person not help hitchhiker will be driven all the way to her destina-
you, but they'll do something to hinder you. tion.
• 1 Success: Someone will help, but only through • 5 to 6 Successes: Excellent improvement. The beau-
minor, non-violent action. ty blessing will give the child an appearance score of
• 2 to 3 Successes: The target will do more to help as 5 and a caring heart. Not only will the hitchhiker be
long as it isn't too dangerous or involves them kill- given a safe ride, but will gain a new friend in the
ing anyone. (Though physical violence on their end process.
can be done.) • 7 or More: Legendary improvement. The beauty
• 4 to 5 Successes: The target do what they can to blessing grants an appearance score of 6 (but can't
help (even murder) as long as it's not suicidal. be expanded) and a strong inner beauty that cannot
• 6 or More: Even a fate worse than death won't stop be tarnished. The hitchhiker also gets free rides in
them from protecting you. taxis, buses, trains, etc. as well. These trips will al-
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes or if the user ways been pleasant with friendship and support.
is more than capable of defending or doing the task NOTE: The ST has the right to set limits to make

Powered by God

sure it is within the realm of possibility. • 4 to 5 Successes: The target is happy to do it as long
Path of Command as it's not suicidal.
• 6 or More: Nothing will get in their way.
● Persuasion
Description: Persuade a target into agreeing with NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality
you. check must be made.
System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge vs the target's
Willpower (minus one you're pretty much preaching
Watcher Miracles
to the choir.) More successes equals a better result Path of Movement
while a botch does the opposite. ● Location
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes or for dan- Description: Same as the Oracle Miracle.
gerous ideals (like hatred towards a certain race) re- ●● Unlock
quires a Morality check. Description: Opens and locks doors, boxes, etc.
●● Suggestion System: Roll of Wits + Awareness vs 7 to unlock
Description: Implant a subliminal message inside mundane, non-complex locks. If it's mystical or more
the target. complex, a Faith point must be made as well. A botch
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Manipulation just makes the lock worse.
+ Subterfuge. Each success will equal a better, more ●●● Other Side
subtle result while a botch makes it blatantly obvious. Description: Walk through solid objects.
NOTE: If used for nefarious purposes, a Morality System: Spend a Faith point and just walk through
check must be made. the object.
●●● Halt ●●●● Summon Ride
Description: Stops a target in their tracks. Description: Summon a ride (taxi, bike, etc.) to
System: Though it absolutely cannot be used in bat- help you.
tle, any other time is fine. Spend a Faith and roll Wits System: Spend a Faith point and roll Wits +
+ Intimidation vs the target's Willpower. Each success Awareness vs 7. Each success equals a better result
equals a round of activation as long as a violent action (like a taxi where you don't have to pay) while a botch
is not performed against the target. A botch effects the will leave you something stupid like a Big Wheel.
user for one round. ●●●●● Ride the Current
●●●● Exorcism Description: Travel through electric currents (ex-
Description: Use your celestial glory to drive ghosts, ample: phone cords, electrical wiring).
demons, etc. out of a victim's body. System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Aura vs vs 8. Each success lets you go faster while a botch gives
the Willpower of the Ghost/Demon/etc. If the user the user a point of electrical damage.
has more successes, than the possession ends. A botch
protects the possessed from the user for one week. Path of Illusion
●●●●● Geas ● Face in the Crowd
Description: Command someone to go on a minor Description: User can blend in with crowds.
quest for you. System: Roll Wits + Stealth vs 7. Each success
System: Spend two Faith and roll Manipulation + equals five minutes of activation and a better result,
Leadership vs the target's Willpower (add one point while a botch makes the user stick out like a sore
for Mystics). thumb.
●● You Can't See Me
• Botch: The user cannot use this Miracle again on Description: User is seen as invisible as long as no
the target for a week. aggressive action is performed.
• 1 Success: The target will reluctantly perform the System: Spend a Faith point a roll Wits + Stealth vs
mission. 7 as long as you don't make an aggressive action, it
• 2 to 3 Successes: The target will do it as long as it's works (up to one scene)
not too dangerous.

Angel: The Revelation

●●● Aura of Silence (rounded down). Each success equals a longer, more
Description: Creates an invisible sphere of silence in depth scrying. If a target has any kind of anti-
around the user. mental protection (like Block), the user and the target
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Dexterity + must roll against each other's Willpower scores.
Stealth vs 7. Each success equals five extra feet of si- Botch: The targets can see into your mind for one
lence for one scene. A botch makes the user extra round.
noisy for one round.
●●●● Camouflage
Description: Allows the user/target(s) to blend in
Being part Mortal, the Divine have a different way
perfectly with their surroundings. of creating relics. It requires either sacrifice or asking
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Stealth vs an Umbral spirit to enter the object.
the area's gauntlet rating minus 1. It works like You
Can't See Me, but aggressive actions are allowed. AC/Heat Candle
●●●●● Illusion Level: 1
Description: The user can create silent illusions. Description: Instead of just producing light, these
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness candles (red for heat and blue for AC) can help heat
vs 8. More success equals a round of activation and a or cool down an area.
bigger and more realistic illusion. A botch makes it Creation: The Divine must make the candle herself,
look the opposite of what you wanted for a round. soak the finished candle in a bucket of ice water (AC)
Path of Information or lighter fluid (heat) for an hour and infuse it with
● Enhanced Senses two points of Faith.
Description: Same as the Infused Miracle. System: Once lit, the candle has the effect of an air
●● Share Sight condition or fireplace. It has a 10 foot radius and will
Description: Allows another to see what you're see- burn out in 12 hours. This Relic is reusable.
System: Spend a Faith point and touch the target.
Accessory of Competence
Level: 1
As long as you have your hand on her, she can see
Description: What appears to be a normal part of
what you see.
an instrument, (like a bow, reed, mouthpiece, guitar
●●● Scry
pic, drum stick) allows the user can no longer botch a
Description: With a reflective surface (crystal balls,
performance roll when using it.
mirrors, puddles of water, etc.) the user can scry on a
Creation: The Divine must buy a quality instrument
selected target.
part and infuse it with 2 Faith.
System: Spend a Faith point and roll Perception +
System: No matter what the user rolls, she can nev-
Awareness vs the gauntlet rating (minus one) of the
er botch a performance roll when using it.
place you want to scry on. Each success gives you a
Note: There are other versions for dancers such
clearer picture and sound for one scene or until the
shoes or G-strings (for strippers).
user cuts it off. A botch becomes a scrambled mess.
●●●● Block Aegis Medallion
Description: Temporarily prevents others from scry- Level: 2
ing/spying on you or another. Description: While it doesn't turn anyone to stone
System: Spend two Faith and roll Wits + Awareness like that famous shield, the Aegis Medallion helps
vs the Scryer’s Willpower. Each success equals ten protect against and delivers fear.
minutes of activation. Creation: The Divine has to create a medallion and
●●●●● Hive Mind get a fear spirit to bind it with.
Description: Allows the user to access and scry into System: As long as the Relic is on the user's neck,
the minds of up to five targets. they are immune to natural fear effects and receive
System: Spend two Faith and roll Perception + Sub- two extra dice when making intimidation rolls.
terfuge vs the average Willpower of the targets

Powered by God

Ammo Virus lbs., the bottom will tear open and all the contents
will spill out.
Level: 1
Description: Not only will this Relic hurt, to makes Celestial Bow
the victim ill. Level: 3
Creation: Take a mundane projectile (bullets, BBs, Description: It is said that these bows were used by
arrows, darts) and either bind it with 1 Favor and the original Angels and their Mortal servants to take
shot-glass full of blood from a sick person\animal on- down their fallen counterparts. Most of the original
to five of these projectiles (or one container of BB pel- Relics have been destroyed in the War of Wrath, but
lets). they can still be created.
System: Once the target is hit with this Relic, they Creation: The Divine must either craft a bow or buy
must roll stamina vs. 7 or get stricken with a bad case one that costs at least $30. A pint of Divine blood (the
of the flu. This Relic does not work on Mystics who Divine must have a Morality rating of 7 or higher)
are normally immune to mundane diseases. must be poured over the Talent and be infused with 4
NOTE: You cannot make any more until you use points of Faith.
the five you've already created. System: When used against a Demon, Thrall or In-
Blasting Conch fernalist, the arrows fired from the Relic will never
miss their target as if the Divine used the Magic Bullet
Level: 2 Miracle. If used on anyone else, it functions as an or-
Description: Allows the Divine to use the Shout dinary bow.
Miracle by blowing into it even if they don't have ac-
cess to it. Cloak of Feathers
Creation: The Celestial must convince a wind spirit Level: 3
to enter an unbroken conch shell that the Celestial Description: While the style of this Relic varies,
has to paint a picture on it in honor of the spirit and each cloak has fifty feathers sewn into or glued on to
infuse it with 3 Faith. it.
System: When used, treat it as if the blower used Creation: A cloak must have at least 50 feathers
the Shout Miracle. (down counts) sewn in or glued to it. The Divine
NOTE: The conch has a 25% chance of shattering needs to convince a bird spirit to be bound to it.
each time it's used. If broken, the spirit is freed and What kind of bird is bound will determine what kind
the conch can't be used again. the owner can turn into.
Bottomless Pocket System: The owner is allowed to use the Miracle,
Featherweight. Once a day, the owner can turn into a
Level: 1 bird and back up to an hour by spending a Faith
Description: Not unlike a Bag of Holding in Dun- point. (This can be switched back at will.)
geons & Dragons, the Bottomless Pocket has an infi- Note: If the user is killed in bird form, she returns
nite amount of space (up to 20 lbs.) for you to store to their original form and the Relic is destroyed.
stuff as long as they can normally fit into a 5"x5"x3"
inch pocket. Endless Flask
Creation: The Divine must create the pocket and Level: 1
sew it on to a piece of clothing by themselves and in- Description: While it appears to be a run-of-the-mill
fuse it with two Faith. water-skin, this Relic never wears out or runs out of
System: When trying to get a desired item out, the water.
player must roll Perception + Intuition vs 5. Only one Creation: The Divine must make the water-skin
success is needed, but if the player botches, they will themselves (help is allowed, but at least 80% of the
not be able to get the item out until they emptied out job must be done alone), soak it in water for 5 hours
everything else in their pocket. and infuse it with two Faith.
NOTE: If the total weight of objects exceeds a 20 System: No matter what, the flask never runs out of

Angel: The Revelation

water. feel hungry for the rest of the day.

Fullstride Boots Moses' Staff
Level: 2 Level: 2
Description: What appear to be a simple pair of Description: Once used to show the supreme power
boots (that will automatically fit almost any foot), con- of God, this simple wooden walking staff can be cre-
tains a special ability. ated to aid it's user.
Creation: The Divine must either craft the boots Creation: The Divine must find or create a wooden
herself or purchase a pair of new boots that cost at staff and bind a snake spirit to it. The snake will be
least $25. The boots must be left outside in severe the same as the spirit.
weather (such as a thunderstorm) with the crafter for System: Spend a favor and drop the staff to turn it
an hour and infused with 3 points of Faith. into a serpent that is loyal to its owner and will defend
System: This Relic allows the user to walk on any her to the death. The snake will revert back into a
kind of natural terrain (snow, rocks, etc.) without any staff after an hour unless the owner calls it back. If the
trouble. snake is killed, the creator must wait a week before
Ghost Ward she can reactivate the staff (see creation).

Level: 3 Nemian
Description: Incense that can truly ward off almost Level: 5
any kind of spirits. Description: Inspired by the famous cloak of Hercu-
Creation: The Divine must create the incense and les, the Nemian can help protect its user.
have a protection spirit bound to it. Creation: The Divine can craft this talent into a
System: Any spirit (including the possessed) at- jacket or a cloak that must be made from real
tempting to enter the room must roll their Willpower furs/skins. You can have some else make it, but you
vs 7 or be unable to enter the room. (A botch forces must have some hand in making such as hunting the
her to flee.) The incense lasts for five hours and can animals yourself or help-out the craftsman in some
be reused. way. Once it's done, you bind a spirit of defense (like
Low-Lighters a turtle or rock).
System: As long as you have the Relic on, you have
Level: 2 an extra health level and mundane bladed weapons
Description: Now your character can have the will not hurt the wearer.
chance to have low-light vision.
Creation: Take an ordinary pair of glasses or con- Sanctification Coin
tacts, infuse them with 3 Favors and leave them in a Level: 3
light-less room for 24 hours. If any light enters during Description: Death can be very cruel, but to see a
the creation period, the entire process must be repeat- loved one used in some sick ritual is heart-breaking.
ed. That is why the Sanctification Coin is such a valuable
System: As long as the Relic is on, the wearer now Relic.
has low-light vision. Creation: Either mint your own coin or buy one
Mana costing at least $10. A Mortal holy man (nun, Bud-
dhist monk, Rabi, Wiccan coven leader, etc.) must
Level: 1 willingly place three drops of blood on the coin while
Description: These one-inch bread balls may not the Divine infuses it with 4 Faith.
look like much, but they are preeminently fresh and System: By placing this reusable Relic into the
nourishing. The taste is rather plain, though. mouth of a corpse, all attempts to use the corpse in
Creation: The Divine must make the bread balls necromantic rituals/abilities automatically fail (includ-
herself and infuse 1 Faith into the dough before bak- ing Divine Miracles). If the Relic is removed, the
ing. corpse is up for grabs and can never be protected by
System: Just eating two of them will fill the eater up the coin ever again.
as if they had a full course meal and the eater won't
Powered by God

NOTE: The Relic does not prevent the corpse's System: The Relic works just like a regular breast-
spirit from becoming a Wraith or coming to any phys- plate, but with a twist. Each time someone attacks the
ical harm. wearer, a gem shatters and the attacker receives a
Skeleton Key point of damage in return (it can be soaked). The gem
can only be replaced by one of the same size and three
Level: 2 Faith are used to activate it.
Description: Will open any mundane lock with a
keyhole. Crown of Thorns
Creation: The Celestial must melt three keys and Description: The very crown that Jesus was forced
pour it over a fourth key then infuse it with 3 Faith. to wear is a set of dried, thorny vines are weaved into
System: Just stick the key into a mundane lock a circular "crown".
where the key will alter itself to fit, and unlock the System: This Relic grants the wearer the Miracles
keyhole. Angelic Touch. Non-Angels are allowed to use them,
Ultimate Jacket but have to use whatever fuels their abilities (blood,
gnosis, etc.) while Mortals use willpower.
Level: 3 NOTE: Infernalists, Demons, Mortals with a Hu-
Description: A true gift from God, this Relic can manity score of 4 or lower or Mystics with a sin rating
keep the wearer safe from the elements. of 5 or higher try to access the crown's powers, the
Creation: It must either be created by Divine herself thorns will start to burrow into her head (a half inch);
or she can opt to buy a jacket worth at least $35 and causing a point of aggravated damage until it is re-
then get a weather related spirit to bind with it. moved or the wearer dies. To remove it, the wearer
System: The wearer feel like they're at room tem- must roll Strength vs 7 and score two successes (they
perature no matter how hot or cold the weather is. will suffer point of soakable damage from the thorns).
This protects against things like heatstroke, frostbite, A Divine can remove the Relic for them with no ef-
etc. fort.
Windblast Fan Eden's Gate
Level: 4 Description: The very sword used to guard the
Description: A seemingly ordinary fan that grants Garden of Eden, Eden's Gate resembles a scimitar
the user access to the Miracle, Wind Blast, regardless that is surprisingly light (5 lbs.) with a three foot
of their Divinity. blade. To make it easy for travel, the blade will retract
Creation: The Divine must craft the fan and bind a and extend at will. Containing a mixture of gold, sil-
wind spirit to it. ver and cold iron, it is a danger to many Mystics as
System: The user must wave the fan at the desired well.
target otherwise treat it as if you have the Windblast System: This Relic allows the user to access the
Miracle. Flaming Sword Miracle and by spending two Faith,
she can access a portal to the Umbral realm of Eden.
Items of Faith Given the blade's mixture of gold, silver and cold iron,
These are special Relics. Thus they are something it causes aggravated damage to Werecreatures and Fae.
that the ST must not give away to the players at the
start without a good reason.
Fruit From the Tree of
Armor of Judgement Description: In the Umbral realm of the Garden of
Description: This golden breastplate weighs 20 lbs. Eden, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
and held together with gold rings tied with blue rib- still stands with its fruit tempting all who gaze upon it.
bons. On the chest are seven various gems, each two Contrary to popular belief, the fruit resembles more
inches. The Relic can be worn under a jacket or a of a baby-boo pumpkin than an apple. Its soft yet firm
loose, baggy top. purple skin feels like a peach and makes a nice crunch

Angel: The Revelation

sound (not unlike an apple) when bitten into. The into ignoring it. A Perception + Awareness roll vs. 8
insides are a cross between a kiwi's and a tomato's must be made for them to notice it. If they are famil-
with a sweet, fragrant smell and a taste that can't be iar with the legend of the Tree of Life, they only have
beat. to roll against a 7.
System: Unless one gets permission from God or
one of his high-ranking Angels, anyone who attempts Hjidskjalf
to eat the fruit will discover that the seeds and pulp Description: Said to be the throne of the Norse
become acidic as soon as it goes down her throat. The god, Odin, it is in the style of the throne fit for a Me-
acid deals two points of aggravated damage. dieval Norse king.
Those that get permission, will permanently gain System: As long as the user stays seated on
three dots in intelligence, perception and wits (even if Hjidskjalf, they are unable to botch a Leadership roll.
it goes over five) after eating the entire fruit (swallow- Any of the Seer and Shepherd Miracles gets two extra
ing it whole counts). The benefit only works once and dice.
if she eats from the tree again, it will be no different
than eating any other kind of fruit.
King Solomon's Box
Note: Under no circumstances can a player begin Description: This ornate Talent is the size of a
with this Relic, it must be earned. To punish the shoebox made of solid gold and decorated with bits of
wicked, the tree is able to charm anyone with a sin silver, jewels and intricate carvings.
rating of five or higher in a fifty mile radius to eat System: This mysterious box is claimed to contain
from it. The target can attempt a willpower save vs 8 different things depending on who you ask. The pos-
to resist with only one success needed. If they are fa- sibilities could be…
miliar with the legend of the Tree of the Knowledge • Lucifer's Soul
of Good and Evil, they only have to roll against a 7. • An ancient, god-like creature that cannot be killed
Fruit From the Tree of Life and only contained.
• King Solomon's knowledge and wisdom that will
Description: Unlike its counterpart, the Tree of transfer into the person/people who opens it.
Life’s fruit hangs humble on its branches. With its • Half a baby
dull gray color and simple, round shape, it is easy to • A strange fruit with two bites in it.
ignore among the beauty of Eden. Its texture and skin
is a lot like an apple without the seeds and has a bit-
tersweet taste that easily dissolves in the eater’s mouth
Lucifer's Halo
Description: When Lucifer turned his back on
like cotton candy.
Heaven, he left his halo behind. This basketball hoop-
System: Just like the fruit from the Tree of the
sized halo once sparkled and glowed, but is now rusty
Knowledge of Good and Evil, one must gain permis-
and dull. Nonetheless, in the hands of either a Divine
sion from God or one of his high-ranking Angels be-
or Demon, it returns to its former glory.
fore eating it (swallowing it whole counts). Otherwise,
System: As long as the user is wearing (in any way)
the fruit causes aggravated damage just like its coun-
or holding it so others can see, Demons and those
loyal to them must roll Willpower vs 7 to attack her.
If permission has been granted, the eater will stop
(Demons of the Luciferian faction have to do it
aging or in the case of an elderly person, she will re-
against 8.) If she botches the roll, she will bow down
gain their youth and stay (physically) the age of 25. In
to the user, call her master and be under their control
the case of Chari, they no longer have to spend a
for the rest of the scene (as long as the target isn't told
point of Favor every 42 hours to keep their bodies
to do anything suicidal.) Things that are normally
fueled. In the case of Vampires (both eastern and
against the target’s interests (like killing an ally) forces
western), it will turn her back into a human again.
her to roll her willpower vs the owner's. If a Light-
(Even the Antediluvians.)
Bringer or Namaru (Demon) is using it, she now has
NOTE: Under no circumstances can a player begin
access to the Emotional Outburst Miracle. If she al-
with this Relic, it must be earned. To protect itself,
ready has it, the difficulty is reduced by one.
the tree can fool those with a sin rating of five or high

Powered by God

Osiris' Crown and Flail Veil upon the user and any social rolls with Mummies
(even Bane Mummies), Followers of Set, Child of Osi-
Description: These talents resemble an ancient ris and Silent Striders are reduced by one. The Flail
Egyptian royal crow and flail in perfect condition that does aggravated damage vs the target's sin rating.
never gets dirty or wears down.
System: The crown grants a permanent Pierce the

Thanks to the Sixth Great Maelstrom in the Un-
Antagonists derworld, the Demons are freed, but forced to possess
the bodies of the recently dead to survive. But that
Demons doesn't matter since they will fight back to keep their
Since the Fall of Man, the relationship between lot in life.
Heaven and Hell has always been a long, tragic and • Cryptics: Despite God's little stunt, these scholars
complex one. Their exile from Heaven, the pain of are still curious of what role the Divine and their
their failed dream of the Tower of Babel and their talk of The New God plays into all of this. For now
half-breed children, the disappearance of Lucifer and they will "tolerate" their existence to see what they
being sent to Hell, but the appearance of the Divine is can learn.
the biggest slap in the face of all. To many of them, • Faustians: With God's new allies, this is definite
God has now begun to play dirty by rubbing their proof how much of a dick God really is and how
failures into their faces. How dare it uses the descend- much harder they have to work. Humanity must be
ants of their failed offspring against them and arro- taught its full potential even if they're only using
gantly displays how many of the Angels' children them as tools against Heaven. It's all for the greater
turned out better. Or how The Host took Lucifer's good to destroy the biggest adversary of all.
title, Light-Bringer, and freely gave it to its followers. • Luciferians: Sure this was a dick move on God's
And Charon? That butt-kisser who turned their chil- part, but the joke's on it. Lucifer will arise as The
dren into his personal mind-wiped servants and can't New God and they will savor the look on his face
create anything that doesn't bow down to him (Cha- when the Fallen Angel he knocked from Heaven
ri)? If he thinks this will earn him enough suck-up takes his place. Now all they got to do is find their
points to become the New God, then screw him as leader...
well. As for the Infused, one could argue they're just
accidental pawns in God's war against them, so they
earn the least disdain.
Holy War

• Raveners: The world deserves a mercy-kill and these

jerks are in the way. Time to make some more
• Reconcilers: They made a mistake and wish to make
things right with God and the world itself. Just
maybe the Divine are the key.
To the Divine, they have all wondered what to do
with these broken creatures. Granted the Reconcilers
seems honest enough and the Cryptics will at best not
try to destroy you, it's the others they worry about.
There are Nephilim that will sympathize with some of
Lucifer's ideas and more open-minded members of the
other Divinities that feel pity for them. As well as
times when both will have to reluctantly team-up to
protect themselves from creatures that would love to
see them both dead. Overall, the Divine are the De-
mons rivals, occasional reluctant allies and healers all
in one.
The First Born
God and the Demons didn’t destroy all of the orig-
inal Nephilim. By hiding into the deepest parts of the
Umbra, the First Born have been plotting their return
for millenniums. Now that the great apocalypse went
with a whimper and all the other Mystics too busy be- "Thou art no child of mine."
ing at each other's throats, it is a perfect time to the It is always a tragedy when a good soul falls. As
First Born to set their plans into action. Thankfully mentioned before, when a Celestial's Morality falls to
the remaining First Born can be counted on two four they become one of The Lost. Sadly, most have
hands, but it doesn't make them any less dangerous already began to embrace their fallen natures and go
given their long life spans (rivaling that of the oldest on despite the persecution they will now face. It is
Vampires) and vast powers. possible for The Lost to redeem themselves but it will
• Aasama: "Your holy blood will look so nice splat- take a very skilled person to do this without falling
tered against the altars man will build in our glory." into the same abyss they are now looking down at.
Despar: A true epitome of evil, the Despar are irre-
• Charon: "Look at yourselves. You're nothing but
deemable souls. If a Celestial's morality is at 1, all they
trained dogs at the beck and call of some idiot with
have to do is commit a true act of great evil (up to the
a god-complex."
ST) that will transform them into a Demos and they
• Infused: "They may be nothing more than wanna-be
are no longer become playable. They get the bonuses
Angels, but we've worked too hard to just brush
of an Angelos gets except that they no longer have a
them off. Who knows, maybe they could be of some
connection and stay on earth/umbra for the rest of
use to us."
their existence.
• Nephilim: "How dare they use our descendants
against us! We will make them see the light and join
our side even if it kills them."
• Demons: "Don't worry Mommy Dearest, we'll get
our revenge for our brothers and sisters real soon."
Ordo of Angelus
Created in 1645 AD by Armando Flores, the Ordo
The Lost of Angelus is dedicated to the study and communica-

Angel: The Revelation

tion with the divine. Originally a scribe for the King Influence: Given their ties to the Spanish royal fam-
of Spain, Armando saw the stupidity and self- ily, the Ordo of Angelus' biggest influence is in Spain
destructiveness of those that would follow Demons and any of parts of the former Spanish Empire.
and would risk their immortal souls for a future of Alliances: The Ordo of Angelus are on decent terms
pain and suffering. After all, not all Demon- with groups like the Inquisition, the Arcanum and the
worshipers would be granted cushy jobs in Hell. So Society of Leopold given some of their common inter-
with the King's support, Armando contacted the most ests. There has also been a very uneasy "truce" with the
educated and devout scholars, holy men, mediums Vampires known as the Lasombra (who also have
and sages to help him in his work. their own ties with Spain and the Catholic Church.)
For the next 300 years, the Ordo of Angelus has The Angel-Watchers Society: This is an internet
functioned as a secret society of moderate power. In sub-group created in the late 90's to find Mortal sup-
1945, they got their most prominent message from port for The Ordo Angelus' goals by reporting angel
one of God's most powerful Angels. In return for sightings, fandom, studies and possible new recruits.
more knowledge and the chance for some of their Members can range from ammeter occultists and art-
members to mate with Angels to create their own Aa- ists to silly, harmless late-middle-aged women who just
sama, they will aid these new warriors (regardless of happen to like angels.
their Divinity) any way they can.
Leader: Grand Saint Jose Flores. The position of The Touched
Grand Saint is hereditary and bestowed by a council What Acolytes are to Mages, Bystanders to Hunters
of elders and the current one (if (s)he is still alive.) or Kinfolk to Garou, The Touched have their own

Holy War

special connection to the heavens. Some follow

around the Divine of their choice around like a help- The Voyeur
ful puppy, others help from a distance and some just ”Someday you’ll thank me for all this scary love.”-Homer Simpson,
can't help, but to get dragged in. Regardless, the The Simpsons
Touched's life will never be the same now that the It is the self-proclaimed protector of all the Divine.
blinders have been torn off. Not even the Seers have any clue as to who this enig-
Creation: One way is for a Mortal to witness an An- matic guardian is except that it communicates
gel's Revelation, where she will see the Angel's Apoca- through untraceable letters, e-mails and phone calls.
lyptical form and hear the message that she receives. (Some even claim that the Voyeur has even left expen-
Many Touched have claimed to have heard a voice sive presents in their homes.) No matter what form of
telling them that must also aid the Angel in her quest. communication it takes, its presence is easily felt.
The other is through a ritual (The Rite of Touched) As loving and devoted (in an obsessive kind of way)
where the Angel and Mortal must sincerely vow to aid as the Voyeur is to his beloved, woe is to the person
and care for each other on sacred ground (churches, who would even think of hurting them or the Divine
grave yards, etc.) while the later spends three Faith who is on the verge of becoming one of The Lost. For
points. (This method can only be used once every sea- there have been a number of lawmen who have come
son.) across the tortured and mutilated bodies of its victims.
Abilities: Its obsession with the Divine is infinite and it will use
any resource it can get its hands on to protect them.
• From now on, all Touched see Angels and Demons Some say it's an ancient Earthbound looking for re-
in their Apocalyptical forms no matter how well the demption or even a mere Mortal with way too money
Angel/Demon tries to hide it. (Though the and time on his/her hands. The only clues are from
Touched can repress it for one scene with a Will- one of the Voyeur’s minions (who immediately killed
power roll vs 7.) herself with a cyanide tablet shortly after her capture)
• Three times per game, a Touched can ask for an and a suitcase full of photos. Overall, The Voyeur is a
extra die (and only one) when making a roll to help double-edged sword that one is better off having as a
out an Angel or go against a Demon. friend than an enemy.
• Can enter and leave the Umbra by holding on to an
Angel as she enters/leaves.


For years we had thought God had up and left this world, leaving us to pick up the
pieces and face an apocalypse. To hell with him, we should usher in a new world and
send it and the faith it would take to create it crashing down on his head.
But we were wrong, the apocalypse went with a whimper and his angels have left us a
little parting gift.
This book includes:
• Rules on how to play the Demons’ newest rivals, the half-breed children of the
• New powers, rules, and tips to play with the tense and tragic relationship
between Heaven and Hell

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