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4000ENG/7001ENG: Statistics Quiz 2021

Quiz D: Email to marker

Provide numerical answers and one sentence to show the logic/method of your calculation
method. Most marks are for the explanations.
If we know that V1=21 + 4.2, V2 = 0.4 + 0.02 and Itot = 1 with a standard deviation of 0.06:

Q1: What is the error in V3 if V3 = 4V1 + V2? (2 marks)

Q2: What is the error in R if R =3 - V1/Itot? (2 marks)

Q3: The coverage of leaves falling on the ground from a tree during autumn (fall) was measured
each week t for 12 weeks. The leaf cover C is measured as a percentage of two square metres. The
results of these measurements are given in the eXcel sheet QuizD.csv. Apply a linear fit and insert
the completed plot (with labels and equation) in your Answer sheet. (3 marks)

Q4: Explain this relationship in words and calculate the linear correlation coefficient r and r2.
What is your conclusion about this relationship? (3 marks)

Q5: Comment on the linearity of the measurements. Suggest a more appropriate mathematical
description of the data. (2 marks)

Q6: Using this box and whisker plot, estimate the following: The
mean, the upper 25% range, and the upper extrema. (3 marks)

Q7: If the mathematical function 𝐿𝐿(𝜃𝜃) = 𝐾𝐾 − 𝐴𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠2 (𝜃𝜃) was

predicted to fit experimental results of L measured as a function of
angle θ, what would you plot on the x and y axes to estimate the value
of the constants A and K to fit a linear correlation coefficient to the
data? What would be a statistically convincing result? (3 marks)

Q8: The international standard for a 100 metre Olympic running

track is 100 ± 0.003 m. You measure a new running track at 100.02 m.
What is your conclusion? (2 marks)

Q9: An atomic force microscope is used to measure the oxide thickness of a semiconductor
square sample. Equally spaced 10 x 10 measurements of thickness are made. What statistical
technique would you use to prove that there is a thickness gradient of the oxide across the sample?
(3 marks)

Q10: How would you quantify a statistically significant difference between the thickness along a
line through the centre of the wafer and a line along the edge? (3 marks)

Q11: Hypothesis: Rain, heat and heavy aircraft have resulted in the degradation of bitumen
airport runways in North Queensland. How would you prove this hypothesis with 95% certainty?
(4 marks)

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