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Lyceum- Northwestern University

Tapuac District, Dagupan City, Pangasinan

Second Semester S.Y. 2020-2021

Effects of the Covid-19 Threat to a Student’s Delicate Mental Health

(A Qualitative Study)

A Research Proposal

Submitted to the Lyceum-Northwestern University of Dagupan City, Pangasinan,

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Research Subject


Mia France Salvador

Maria Alliyah Julia Sioco

Leandro Quinto

Keith Mariam Tibalao

Chelsea Magat

Ms. Engracia Doria

Research Adviser

April 2021


The researchers would like to extend their utmost gratitude to the individuals who helped them to
make this research possible and successful.

To their parents, for the support and motivation they have expressed towards the researchers.

To their friends who helped them in making this research a successful one.

To Grade 11-STEM 3 Batch 2020-2021, for their nonstop help and support.

To their research adviser, Ms. Engracia Doria, for giving advices and support for the researchers,
also for giving them motivation throughout their research.

To Mr. Richard Pacheco, their Section Adviser for giving all out support

To Mrs. Maria Martha Manette Madrid, Senior High School Department Director

Above all, this research will not be successful without the help of Almighty God. The
researchers thank thee for His wisdom and blessing upon the researchers. To God be the Glory.

The Researchers




1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY........................................................................................................

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM......................................................................................................

1.3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................

1.4SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY.................................................................................

1.5 DEFINITION OF TERMS.....................................................................................................................


2.1 LOCAL LITERATURE.........................................................................................................................

2.1.1 LOCAL STUDIES.................................................................................................................................

2.2 FOREIGN LITERATURE.....................................................................................................................

2.2.2 FOREIGN STUDIES.............................................................................................................................


3.1 RESEARCH METHOD...........................................................................................................................

3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................................................

3.3 RESEARH LOCALE...............................................................................................................................

3.4 SUBJECT AND RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY.............................................................................

3.5 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS................................................................................................................

3.6 DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE.....................................................................................................

3.7 DATA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................


APPENDIX A. GANTT CHART .........................................................................................................................

APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRES....................................................................................................................

CURRICULUM VITAE........................................................................................................................................


This chapter contains information on the background of the study, research objectives, the
problem of the study, scope of the study research questions, and frameworks. This will help the
reader understand what is to be searched about.

1.1 Background of the study

The corona virus brought tough times, you switch on the news or look at your favorite
website, and you see an unpleasant picture. Death count increases every day and infections
are on the rise. John Hopkins now counts more than 100 Million cases and health care system
reaching their limits. Most countries are in lockdown, friends and families cutting off contact
with each other but it doesn’t end there. Businesses are facing bankruptcy and laborers are
losing their jobs. It is pretty scary. (BBC News 2020)

COVID-19 is a societal traumatic event. Its impact covers a wide range in disorders of
thinking, emotions, and behaviors that can be short-lived or long term. Constant or high
stress level can negatively affect our mental and physical health. Taking care of our mental
health is important but, doing so in the midst of a pandemic can be tricky and difficult.
COVID-19 pandemic ravages the world in a surprising manner that left most of us
unprepared. The said pandemic has infected 100 Million worldwide and killing hundreds
every day. (Talpulano 2020)

We have experienced lockdown for the last couple of weeks, months, and year. We should be
keeping our distance and not socializing the way we used to, for the consensus is, it will have
an effect on us and our mental health. For humans are vulnerable and we tend to depend on
others for survival. And with the lack of proximity, it puts us in a heightened state of alert.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Mental health includes a person’s emotional,
psychological, and social well-being and it affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts.

Having sound mental health is important as it determines how a person can handle stress,
make sane choices, and how he/she interacts with others. Mental health is important for the
social well-being of a person at every stage in life, from childhood to adolescence, and even

The renowned United Nations researchers concerns that during the pandemic, mental health
problems are “higher than the usual levels of symptoms of depression and anxiety” that are
recorded in various countries. For instance, the Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia, estimated
that the level of depression has tripled, compared to before the pandemic happened all over
the World.

The World Health Organization (2019) reports that 40% of countries have no mental health
policy, over 30% have no mental health program, and around 25% has no mental legislation.
Here in the Philippines, Filipinos have a high rate of physiological distress and around 6
million people are estimated living with anxiety and depression. Philippines is ranked third in
the Western Pacific, when it comes to countries with poor prioritization of mental health.
Considering the situation right now, people might think that our case is hopeless.

Fear and stress, these are incredibly normal knowing the uncertainty we’re facing and seeing
the crisis in a student’s life, it creates a negative impact and a huge gap to the student’s
learnings. School shutdowns and social isolation affected the students, particularly families
that are poverty-stricken, calling upon the government to provide educational aids for them.
And petitioning the delay of school for them not to be left behind. Haplessly, some students
can’t continue their education, that causes them depression and stress, that eventually leads to

People may think that it’s all in your head and you just can’t get out of the loop of your own
thoughts. Mental illnesses exist and in fact, 1 out of 4 people will experience it in their
lifetime, and this illness is still increasing due to “Social Stigma” that is continuously created
by people. Mentally unhealthy people always insist that they’re okay even though they’re not
and exclusively don’t want help.

Raising awareness and encouraging them to seek professional help, can definitely promote
change in them and stop living in the shadows of their darkness. We are all going through
this together and it’s important to understand that you are not alone. How you’re feeling right
now will pass and there are practical healthy ways, to help cope with.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The purpose of our research study is to determine the Effects of the Covid-19 Threat to a
Student’s Delicate Mental Health of 11th Graders-Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics Section 3, Students of Lyceum-Northwestern University.

A. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

 Age
 Gender
 Religion

B. What are the effects of the Covid-19 Threat to a Student's Delicate Mental Health?

C. What are the suggestions to prevent or avoid Threats of Covid-19 to the Student's
delicate Mental Health?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The generalization of the study would be a great contribution to the vast knowledge of
the following, in determining the Effects of the COVID-19 threat to a Student's Delicate
Mental Health.
Teachers. The study will provide them with insights into the factors that affect their
students' mental health status and can motivate them to help their students cope with
academic conflicts.

Student. The results would be beneficial and will enlighten them on how to cope with
their mental health condition during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Parents. The findings of this study can help them assist and understand the mechanisms
that affect their children's mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Readers and researchers. Data gathered from this study can be seen as a guide to
questions and problems relating to the mental health state of 11th Graders-Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Section 3 Students, during the pandemic.

Our study aims to make students knowledgeable on how COVID-19 affects mental
wellness and what are the things we could do to lessen the risk we could encounter.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on extent and emphasizing the current situation we’re facing, the
crisis we're about to face, and the struggles we experience due to COVID-19. We
conducted several interviews with the Grade 11-STEM 3 Students of Lyceum
Northwestern University, regarding how this pandemic affect their studies and how they
cope with this unparalleled time.

This research will provide you the reasons why this pandemic has a huge impact, not just
in physical health, but also in mental health. It will give us a clearer perspective on how
we should look at the other side of our society with regards to mental illnesses.

This study is confined to limited population of students who are experiencing mental
health problems, and are being conducted from March of 2021 to April of 2021.
1.6 Definition of Terms

The quality or state of being proximate; it is like being close or near to socializing.

It is how a living thing is functioning; body parts.

Is a sensation that is created by people when they are against something (mindset).

It is a process or development of an individual.

Is a law or a set of laws that have been passed by Parliament. The word is also used to
describe the act of making a new law.

Social Isolation
One way to prevent the spread-out of a virus; staying at home; keeping distance from
other people.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter proffers the Related Literature and Studies after the thorough and in-depth forage
done by researchers. The related literature and studies adduced in this chapter addresses the
different ideas, concepts, generalization, conclusions, and development related to the study,
combing through articles that were published 10 years ago till present time. This will serve as a
guide for the researchers in developing the project. Moreover, the information included in this
chapter, helps in familiarizing what the opposites and similarities are to present/existing studies.

2.1 Local Literature

The unpredictability of the COVID-19 Pandemic associated lockdowns, physical/social

distancing, and other containment strategies made by the Philippine Government, has
roughly affected the citizens of the country. The Philippines, is one of the fastest
countries in the Southeast Asian Region in terms of getting infected by the virus.

Covid-19 conquered the mental health of the students amidst the Pandemic, (Journal of
affective disorders, 2020). The pandemic created an adverse effect to the people, still the
full extent of the mental health impact is yet unknown but, it is anticipated to be severe
and pressuring.

According to Pedagogical Research (2020), Higher Education in the Philippines has

faced many challenges because of the predicament brought by the pandemic, research
observations in the academe shows that the education system is highly affected due to the
practices of the new normal and how it affects the student's learnings. Covid-19 has many
implications to the physical and psychological state of a person. It affects his/her social
interaction skills and also their academic performance especially if suffering from a

mental illness. The global scale and speed of current educational disruption is

According to the study of Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development, University of
the Philippines Manila Mr. Michael L. Tee (2020), study examined the prevalence of
psychiatric symptoms and identified the factors contributing to psychological impact in
the Philippines. Collected data included socio-demographics, health status, contact
history, COVID-19 knowledge and concerns, precautionary measures, information needs,
the depression and anxiety scales.

According to the BJ Psych International (2019), national information on mental health in

the Philippines indicates that there are substantial gaps and inconsistencies in the delivery
of mental healthcare. The recently enacted Mental Health Act Legislation, provides a
platform for those who have mental illnesses. However, there remains many challenges
and provision of accessible mental healthcare services.

The rate of students who are suffering from a mental illness in the Philippines increased,
during the pandemic and still increasing. The Mental Health Legislation in the
Philippines is being ordered, but still facing a poor prioritization for Mental Health
services. One of the crucial aspects that may stem from this is, stigmatization and their
proliferation are contextual effects of misinformation, uncertainty, hesitation to ‘disclose
or seek help’, fear and unawareness about wellness/mental health promoting strategies.

A study conducted by the Journal of Affective Disorders (2020) impost how the Covid-
19 threat conquered the mental health of the students amidst the pandemic. Their study
we examined the symptoms and factors that are affecting the psychological state of a
person. During the early phase the results of the study was moderate-to-severe anxiety
and moderate-to-severe depression. There are many factors that are need to be considered
for it contributes to a person’s state of well-being. "The COVID-19 has led to an increase

in anxiety, depression and other mental issues world wide" (Journal of Psychosocial
Nursing and Mental Health Services, 2020).

With COVID-19 still spreading like a wild fire in most countries, quality education has
taken a beating. Some negative aspects were reported as: lack of an adequate
infrastructure for some students, less effective teacher-student communication /
interaction, impossibility of performing practical applications, lack of socialization, lack
of learning motivation, less objective examination (e.g., possibility of cheating),
possibility of physical and mental health degradation (e.g., too much time spent in front
of screens, installation of a sedentary lifestyle) (PhD Computer Science, 2020)

The COVID-19 pandemic is exceptional. Its effects are highly likely to be imprinted on
each individual involved. Extensive stressor will emerge or may be worsened.

2.1.1 Local Studies

Filipinos the world over have trendy reluctance and negative mind-set in the direction of
formal assist-in search of regardless of excessive prices of mental distress. They pick in
search of assist from near own circle of relatives and friends. Barriers mentioned via way
of means of Filipinos dwelling within side the Philippines consist of monetary constraints
and inaccessibility of services, while distant places Filipinos have been hampered via
way of means of immigration status, loss of fitness insurance, language difficulty, enjoy
of discrimination and shortage of acculturation to host culture. Both corporations have
been hindered via way of means of self and social stigma connected to intellectual
disorder, and through challenge for lack of face, feel of shame, and adherence to Asian
values of conformity to norms in which intellectual infection is taken into consideration
unacceptable. Filipinos also are averted from searching for assist through their experience
of resilience and self-reliance, however that is explored most effective in qualitative
studies. They make use of unique intellectual fitness care most effective because the
remaining hotel or while troubles turn out to be severe. Other distinguished facilitators
encompass belief of distress, have an impact on of social support, monetary ability and
former high-quality revel in in formal assist. (Martinez et al.,2020)

According to one article by Alvin Bautista and Elizabeth Manuel (2020) there was an
assessment about Mental Health of Students in Philippines during Pandemic the result of
the study provides beneficial information and can also help to be more aware about
Mental and psychological health.

2.2 Foreign Literature

Mental Health and Covid-19 Pandemic

While countries around the world continue to mobilize the spread of COVID-19, we can
lose sight on one of the equally alarming issues regarding mental health. Many aspects of
the COVID-19 pandemic and public health response, undoubtedly contribute to
widespread emotional distress and increase for psychiatric illness stated by New England
Journal of Medicine (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has caused epidemic of fear,
anxiety, and depression, that results to many social dimensions that affect how an
individual interact and think. The effects of the pandemic on mental health leaves a short
lived and long term to students.

The Journal of Medical Internet Research (2020), has seen a rise in the number of
students seeking service for their mental health, but despite the increasing volume of
students who needs mental health service, only a small portion of students reach out and
contact the counseling center and other institutions for mental health, together with social
stigma that is associated in their surroundings. People who are suffering from a mental
illness are still afraid to seek help and reach out for mental health services because there
are many factors that are stopping them to treat their illness because of the
circumvention. World Health Organization (WHO) called for considerations that might

include stigma and social exclusion as mental health and psychological concerns.

Meanwhile, according to Edgar John Sintema (2020), due to the pre-maturely closures of
learning institutions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the National Examinations in
Mathematics, Science, Design and Technology students of Zambia, has been affected due
to limited technology resources and the country has just rolled out the nation-wide
implementation of STEM education. The Head Department of Mathematics even
conducted a semi-constructed interview via telephone and collected results. The study
shows that the results of the examinations has dropped in massive percentage. The
pandemic has a wide range impact to a student's learning skills, as it is making a gap in
their academic performance that make a student anxious.

Mental health has been an important public health concern in recent years. There are high
proportion of children and adolescents that are experiencing a mental health disorder. It is
important to make sure that they are well taken care of, with proper treatment.

There are many students that are experiencing physiological distress during their college
years. They are particularly stressed because of their aim for professional degrees. They
face both academic and clinical demands. 1 in every 4 individuals is likely to suffer from
a mental health problem at some point in their lives and 450 million people worldwide
have a mental health problem (WHO 2018). Students that have a low perceived quality of
support, are the ones to experience mental health difficulties more.

Many students and even teachers had passed away in the middle of this crisis. Many
suffers from mental health conditions like depression, suicidal mindset, and anxiety.
Students face mental health problems because they are worried about their health and
their loved ones. It is hard for them to sleep soundly and concentrate at the same time
because they tend to overthink about the situation and make their academic performance

poor. Being lonely with low quality of social skills are promoted because of the physical
and social distancing.

Edgar John Sintema added that since the worldwide implementation of online classes,
some students can't provide their school needs and that they lack resources, that is why it
adds up to the worries and struggles of the students.

In addition, according to Andi Wahyu Irawan and Mardi Lestari (2020), there was a study
about the psychological impact to students in online learning during the pandemic
COVID-19. Their study shows that this pandemic and the worldwide online learning has
a psychological impact to the students. The research findings shows that the students
started getting bored after two weeks of online learning and considering those students
living in poverty that adds up to the student’s anxiety.

During the isolation period, most people had to stay with their families. Parents and
children spent more time with each other and they might have experienced greater
distress. Adults’ attention, reactions, and emotions toward COVID-19 affect their ability
to sensitively recognize their children’s troubles (Dalton et al., 2020).

Research suggests that regardless of the child’s age and gender, children and adolescents
adjust their own emotions and behaviors according to their guardian’s emotion and
reaction as well (Stein et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2020).

COVID-19 has alarming effect to the students specifically to the higher education
institutions (HEIs), they conducted a cross sectional study to examine the student's
knowledge, attitudes, and their coping strategies during the pandemic. The findings show
the sufficient knowledge and high-risk possessed by students and showing unwillingness
to the blended learning, propose by Erick Baloran in the Journal of Loss and Trauma
(2020). Considering the situation Students are still coping up to the new normal and in
some point this pandemic change how they view the world and realizing how uncertain
the world is now.

Few foreign literatures that best fits our study were the works of a renowned American
neurologist, Dr. Frances E. Jensen with American journalist, Amy Ellis Nut, authors of
“The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist's Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and
Young Adults”, originally published on the 12th of August in the year 2014 with a rating
of 3.5. A parent’s role in the development of a child is vital that is why the objective of
the book is to make parents understand their child more, while undergoing the teen phase
without having so much confusion and misunderstanding.

As Dr. Frances discussed “The Teenage Brain” in the GBH News Channel, the frontal
lobe of the brain controls the impulse and is less active compared to an adult’s brain as it
is last to develop, resulting in engagement of risk-taking activities (mostly drove by peer
pressure) and poor decision-making (drove by emotional stimuli), furthermore your
younger years is the golden opportunity in building your strengths and correcting your
weaknesses, but since there is no fully developed frontal lobe to tell you that you should
not do that or there’s a consequence for that, you tend to be stressed, depressed, or
anxious after doing a wrongful decision.

New information provided by Dr. Frances in the interview shows that, experiential
learning can increase a person’s IQ level but stress and substance abuse in the teenage
years are factors in lowering a person’s IQ level. Most teens experience stress regarding
school as there are a lot of stressors in that environment. In this book, scientific ways and
explanations were made to help both adults (may it be parents, teachers, or law enforcers)
and young people (especially teens), play their roles sensitively but efficiently.

An article released by the World Health Organization said that the most common
question asked by concerned citizens is what are the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on
mental health?

The best way to put it is that bereavement, isolation, loss of income, and fear are
triggering mental health conditions or triggering existing ones. COVID-19 itself can lead
to neurological and mental complications. According to The Psychiatric Quarterly, the
effect of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health (in using negative coping measures) are
associated by serious psychological problems and showing symptoms of PTSD.

A study found that older adolescents and youth are anxious regarding cancellation of
examinations and academic events. However, in current circumstances, it is controversial
whether complete closure of school and colleges are warranted for a prolonged period.

Children with special needs (autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, cerebral
palsy, learning disability, developmental delays and other behavioral and emotional
difficulties) encounter challenges during the current pandemic and lockdown (CDC,
2019). Although prior to the pandemic, these children had been facing difficulties even
while attending special schools (APA, 2020; Cortese et al., 2020; UNICEF, 2020a).

2.2.2 Foreign Studies

According to Wang et al., (2021) The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has
impacted the economy, livelihood, and physical and mental well-being of people
worldwide. This study aimed to examine the mental health status during the pandemic in
the general population of seven middle income countries (MICs) in Asia (China, Iran,
Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam). All the countries used the
Impact of Event Scale–Revised (IES-R) and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
(DASS-21) to measure mental health. There were 4479 Asians completed the
questionnaire with demographic characteristics, physical symptoms and health service
utilization, contact history, knowledge and concern, precautionary measure, and rated
their mental health

Similar results were also found in other countries (Moccia et al., 2020; Odriozola-
González et al., 2020; Orgilés et al., 2020). In addition to adults, studies have shown that
even young children can be aware of the changes in their surroundings (Dalton et al.,
2019; Dalton et al., 2020).

In the survey of Italian and Spanish parents, they realized that some of their children’s
emotions (such as boredom and irritability) and behaviors (such as sleep time) had
changed compared before isolation (Orgilés et al., 2020).

Moreover, one study conducted by the Journal of Medical Internet research (2020), it is a
timely assessment for the student’s psychological state, the result has a significant
negative finding. Multiple stressors were identified that contributed to the increase levels
of stress, anxiety and depressive thoughts among students. Self-isolation may have
exacerbated mental health problems but still poorly known, Journal Psychiatric Research


Research Methodology

This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the research methods and procedures adhered to
by the researcher in order to answer systematically the specific problems posed for investigation.
Specifically, the research method, population and samples, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and statistical treatment of the data used for the accurate data analysis and
interpretation were explained in this Chapter.

3.1 Research Method

This study determined the Effects affecting the Mental Health of Grade 11- Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 3 of Lyceum-Northwestern University. This
Research proposal will use a qualitative Approach And conducted several interviews to
collect the data. This approach involves collecting and Analyzing non-numerical data.
According to Parkinson and Drislane (2017). Qualitative research is research using
methods such as participant observation or case studies which result in a narrative,
descriptive account of a setting or practice. The most common Research Design it is best
suit for the limited sample of participants. This Research is designed to identify the
impact of the Pandemic Covid-19 to the Student's Mental Health and its implications to
the behavioral or the Psychological state of the students and developmental changes
caused by the Pandemic.

3.2 Research Design

This study utilized Qualitative method of research and a random sampling technique was
used in the gathering of the data. Descriptive Research makes observations and describes
the results of those findings, providing an accounting and delineating component of a
problem without making inferences regarding casualty. (Bennett, J.E, Dolin, R, & Blazer,
M. J., 2014) Qualitative Design an exploratory, qualitative design was used in this study.
Qualitative description is a naturalistic paradigm of inquiry (Sandelowski, 2000, 2010).
The qualitative descriptive approach provides a comprehensive summary of a
phenomenon through rich description of the event, with its goal being descriptive and
interpretive validity (Sullivan-Bolyai, Bova, & Harper, 2005). Qualitative description
stays close to the data and the surface of the event, using low inference interpretative
deduction (Sandelowski, 2000; Sullivan-Bolyai et al.,2005). The naturalistic paradigm is
based on holistic philosophy where the researcher has prolonged contact with participants
in a naturalistic setting to capture participants’ perceptions of a specific phenomenon.
This process requires deep attentiveness, empathetic understanding, and suspension of
preconceptions about the topic under study (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014, p. 9).

3.3 Research Locale

The study was conducted at the Senior High Students of Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics, section 3 of Lyceum-Northwestern University that is
located in Tapuac district, Dagupan City Pangasinan.

3. 4 Subject and Respondents of the Study

This study utilized random sampling technique. The subject of the study is composed of
Thirty-five (53) Grade 11 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Section 3
of Lyceum Northwestern University, Dagupan Campus. The population of the Study are
the respondents enrolled in Lyceum-Northwestern University, Dagupan Campus. They
are chosen as the Respondent’. Useful results can be obtained, but the results are prone to
significant bias, because those who volunteer to take part may be different from those
who choose to (volunteer bias), and the sample may not be representative of other
characteristics, such as age or sex (PHAST, 2020). Since the study is intended to
ascertain the Effects of Covid-19 to the Student’s delicate Mental Health, the researcher
chose to do the research to the available participants since the current situation nowadays
is the new normal. The population of the study will be compromised of 53 Students
which is the 100%.

3.6 Research Instrument

The research entitled “Effects of the COVID-19 Threat to a Student’s Delicate Mental
Health” is a qualitative research. The research instrument of this study is based from the
research problem. The interview questionnaires were divides into 2 parts. The part one
which is the respondent’s profile that includes ages, gender and religion. While the part 2
includes the difficulties or the effects of the Pandemic to the Student’s Mental Health and
their ways in coping up with it. This questionnaire was validated by Ms. Engracia Doria
from Lyceum Northwestern University

The questionnaire used in this study was formulated by the researchers. The instrument
was validated with pilot testing with respondents of similar nature but not actual and the
same of the target respondents. On April 2020, the initial pilot testing was conducted with
35 Respondents of 11th Graders, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Section 3 of the Lyceum-Northwestern University, Dagupan City Campus.

As the study progressed, the different drafted research was aligned to draw the needed
data. The study will use the following instruments: validated questions and interviews.
These instruments intend to answer the research question.

3.7 Data Gathering Procedure

In this section will state the sequence on how the researchers will gather the data.

At first the researcher constructs a title and was validated to the professor it was also
stated the general problem and specific problem to be answered through the results of the
study. The researcher used of Qualitative Approach.
The researcher got the survey questionnaire checklist from the internet to measure the
wide range Effect of Pandemic to the Mental Health of the Students. The researcher will
make a letter to request the superintendent to conduct the study to the Target

The moment the researcher had collected respondent’s experiences, this is the time for
them to analyze and generalize comprehensive answers from their respondents.

The data gathering procedure involves several involved several phases that strengthened
the details of study to get the needed data

3.8 Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis uses the inductive process to seek Understanding of complex
experiences, events, or processes inherent in human nature (Sandelowski, 1995, 2000;
Sullivan-Bolyai et al., 2005).

Qualitative data analysis is a method of knowledge development achieved by staying

close to the data, separating elements of data, and looking for patterns and themes
(Creswell, 2007; Sandelowski, 1995;2000).

Interpretive validity is achieved Through insuring accuracy of the meaning participants

give to an experience or event That these participants would agree is accurate (Maxwell,
1992; Sandelowski, 2000).

Once the researcher gathered the answers of their respondents, they used narrative
analysis to examine the experiences shared by the respondents. Narrative Analysis
focuses on interpreting the experience from individual it will be easy to summarize the
answers through this analysis.

The researchers compared all the data that they got from the respondents. It is convenient
for the researchers to generalize the responses from them I’d the data have the same
thought. In line with this, the researchers analyzed the response of their respondents if it

is relevant bro the study. If the response is reasonable and can satisfy the interview
questions, then it effectively contributed to the over-all study.

The researchers again analyzed the gathered data from the interview. Then they in coded
the records to be able to understand the data better. The data was the transferred onto a
table to be organized and easily to identified. The researches then compared the data to
the RRL’s to determine whether the answers have a pattern or not. Then proceeded to
compare and contrast the data they gathered to easily generalize the same ideas, isolate
difference, and get rid of unnecessary data. The generalization was then formed to be the
conclusion for the research.

The researchers used this questionnaire in gathering data from respondents. Copies of
questionnaires, stated in English, are used to interview the students belonged to Grade 11
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Section 3 of Lyceum-Northwestern
University. The data were arranged is Qualitative Method and expressed by Narration.
Then, afterwards the researcher arranged the questions and results of the observation of
respondents. The statistical treatment that the researchers chosen was the Narrative
Analysis. The researchers will narrate all the statement of the respondents.


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 Google’s Official Website (; (Background information of the
individuals mentioned).
 GBH News YouTube Channel (
sp=mAEA&search_query=gbh+news); Interview entitled “Frances Jensen discusses The
Teenage Brain (2017)” with Jim Braude.
 World Health Organization’s Official Website (; Article entitled “COVID-
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 The Psychiatric Quarterly’s Official Website (; Article entitled
“The Effect of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health (2020)” by Leilei Liang; Article
entitled “Impact of COVID-19 and Lockdown on Mental Health of Children and
Adolescents (2020)” by Shweta Singh.


A. Timeline of Proposed Study

Gantt chart
Year 2021
I Task Name Start Finish Duratio Month
D n February March April May
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2
w w w w w w w w w w w w w

1 Constructing 02/02/2 02/11/ 2 weeks

Research 1 21

2 Chapter I 02/21/2 03/10/ 2 weeks

1 21
Chapter I
3 Defense 03/17/2 - -

4 Chapter II 03/18/2 03/30/ 2 weeks

1 21

5 Chapter III 04/02/2


6 Final


Research study entitled: Effects of the COVID-19 Threat to a Student’s Delicate

Mental Health

 How often have you felt as though the future was bleak, over the past months during the

 Over the last 12 months, how frequently have you felt alone or lonely?

 During the Lockdown, have you had any problems with your work or daily life due to
any emotional problems, such as feeling depressed, sad or anxious? 

 During the past months, how often has your mental health affected your relationships?

 Does your Mental health limit you in doing daily activities? 


Name & Surname : SALVADOR, MIA FRANCE M.

Address : #23 Cagubay, Aguilar, Pangasinan
Tel. : 0956-6480-843
Email :

Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : May 09, 2004

2020 – Present : Lyceum-Northwestern University
2016-2020 : Studied at Aguilar Catholic School Highschool Dept.
2009- 2016 : Studied at Aguilar Catholic School Elementary Dept.

 Honorable Mention (Elementary- Highschool)
 With High Honors
 Quiz bee participant (Science, English, and TLE)
 Most Improved Student
 Outstanding DLC member

Be a Nurse Practitioner
“One thing at a time”



Address : Kalongkong Rd. Brgy. Uyong, Labrador,
Tel. : 0959-3461-987
Email :

Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : January 14, 2004

2020-Present : Lyceum-Northwestern University
2010-2020 : St. Columban School Inc.
2007-2009 : North South Islamic Academy

 1st Honorable Mention (Preparatory)
 4th Honorable Mention (Elementary)
 With Honors (Junior High School)

To Heal the World

“Keep moving forward”


Address : #106 Malindog, Binmaley Pangasinan
Tel. : 0965-6342-018
Email :

Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : October 16, 2003

2020-Present : Lyceum-Northwestern University
2010-2020 : Francisco Q. Duque Medical Foundation Special Science

 Honorable Mention
 With Honors

To be a successful Civil Engineer
“Keep going, Future Engineer”

Name & Surname : MAGAT, CHELSEA G.

Address : #410, Laois Labrador Pangasinan
Tel. : 0959-5431-098
Email :

Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : May 28, 2004

2020- Present : Lyceum-Northwestern University
2016-2020 : Labrador National Highschool
2010-2016 : St. Peter Martyr Academy Inc.

 Perfect attendance awardee

To be a successful Doctor


“If you believe, you can achieve”


Name & Surname : JR. QUINTO, LEANDRO P.

Address : #16 Longos, Pagal San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Tel. : 0946-0622-956
Email :

Nationality : Filipino
Sex : Male
Civil Status : Single
Date of Birth : May 08, 2004

2020-Present : Lyceum-Northwestern University
2016-2020 : Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School


To be a Nurse


“A man is not old regrets take the place of dreams”-John Barrymore


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