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Assalamualaikum wr.


Hello guys, my name is Ayu Puput Budi Kumala from

nursing undergruduate class C, in here i want to explain about
HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This

virus attacks the immune system. This virus weakens the
body’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

Some ways to transmit the HIV are as follows:

1. Unprotected sex.
2. Sharing syringers with people who are HIV positive
especially among injecting drug users.
3. Pregnant women are HIV positive to their babies during
pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding time.
4. Through blood transfusions or blood products that have
been contaminated with HIV.
Ways to Prevent HIV
The best way to prevent HIV is to have sex safely,
and never share needles or any injection equipment. All
who have had unprotected sex and shared needles or
injections are at risk for HIV infection.

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