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© Kamla-Raj 2005 J. Hum. Ecol.

, 18(2): 93-98 (2005)

Recreational Facilities in Schools: A Panacea for

Youths’ Restiveness
O. S. Elegbeleye

Department of Psychology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

KEYWORDS Youth. Recreational Facilities. Anxiety. School. Physiological Effects

ABSTRACT This paper focused on the palliative effect of available and well applied recreational facilities in schools. The
conceptual definition of ‘recreation’ was given as a guide to the analytical review of when, how and why some recreational
materials possess restorative constituents capable of mitigating wok-induced stress in the school environment. The searchlight of
the analysis highlighted such salient constructs as; youth restiveness being a manifestation of anxiety, the dysfunctional effects of
anxiety on the human body, the description of the physiological activities of the body that give vent to anxiety, the facilities and the
recreational goals for which they are adapted to achieve. Recommendations as to how to optimize the use of recreational facilities
to create useful pastimes for students was given.

INTRODUCTION abberrative excess behaviour attribute that is

always marked by violence and disruption of
‘Recreation’ can be defined as the refresh- lawful activities. The Nigerian experience has
ment of the mind and body after work, especially come in considerable dosage and is largely
by engaging in enjoyable activities, or can be describable as unpleasant. Death tolls have often
understood as the activity a person takes part in been recorded each time youths go on rampage
for pleasure or relaxation rather than as work. protesting some perceived injustice against their
By this token any material or object designed to vested interest by the authority. The anomalous
achieve this relaxation end can be tagged a crisis intervention technique unique to the
recreational facility. The human organism ex- Nigerian police whose responsibility it is to quell
pands in knowledge and experience by constantly riots is to shoot with live bullets aimed at
interacting with his environment. Such interac- protesters. The bullet hitting its target and the
tions are conceptualized and made meaning of stampede that comes in its wake has always been
through unceasing sensory stimulations, which responsible for the avoidable loss of life for which
play a pivotal role in perceptual growth. However concerned parents and colleagues of the deceased
in an attempt to justify the palliative potentials have had to shed sorrowful tears at several ins-
inherent in recreational facilities, the following tances of such macabre incident in our political
points will be highlighted. history as a Nation.
- Youth Restiveness as a Manifestation of The University of Ibadan ‘Adepeju’ saga of
Anxiety. 1970 presaged the spate of student/police clashes,
- Dysfunctional effects of anxiety on the human which for more than two decades thereafter
body. continued to wreak harvests of death. Other land-
- Description of the physiological activities of mark occurrences include the ‘Ali must go’
the body that give vent to Anxiety episode of 1978, which claimed the lives of so
- Facilities And the Recreational Goals for which many young secondary school and University
they are adapted to Achieve students that only the famous lack of proper
- Conclusions and Recommendations record keeping tradition of our polity helped
shield the wanton recklessness from inter-
Youth Restiveness as a Manifestation of national outrage, the 1981 Arogundade ritual
Anxiety murder - induced riot at the then University of
Ife in which about twelve students lost their lives,
A sustained protestation embarked upon to the 1986 University of Lagos massacre in which
enforce a desired outcome from a constituted six students lost their lives. It was the turn of
authority by an organized body of youths, fits Ahmadu Bello University, University of Lagos,
the label of ‘youth restiveness’. This is an University of Benin and the University of Ibadan

to lose students to police brutality in 1988 when Nigeria signed a secret pact with the French
protesting against the unlawful termination of government to have a nuclear weapon tested in
the appointment of some lecturers including the the Sahara Desert. University students in the then
then Academic Staff Union of Universities three existing universities boycotted classes and
(ASUU) president and the expulsion of some were planning to embark on a more impactful
students from the University of Benin under the restiveness to prove their point when the govern-
vice chancellorship of Professor Alele Williams. ment backed down and revoked the pact. Another
Apart from the above-enumerated major instance that bore a similar insignia was the
encounters, there were minor skirmishes June12 1993 nationwide restiveness led princi-
recorded in-between in which some lives were pally by youths. This episode rudely impressed
also lost. These brief accounts of landmark resti- it upon the psyche of those in authority that
veness of Nigerian youths were unique in that Nigerians have matured politically and cannot
they were campus based and were spurred by be taken for granted where it concerns how they
perceived injustice arising from impaired educa- want to be governed. Indeed, the democratic
tional policy. Though not recorded officially but dispensation ushered in, in 1998 was fostered
happened all the same, with far less destructive by the 1993 youths’ restiveness. It is also impor-
colouration, were spates of politically induced tant to mention the economic induced resti-
restiveness recorded during the pre 1960 Nige- veness of youths in the Delta region of Nigeria
ria’s struggle for political independence. Indeed, that has constituted for the government and the
what can be regarded as the first officially floated people around the region a serious headache for
political party in Nigeria was registered as Natio- over a decade.
nal Youth Move-ment (NYM) in 1934 by Herbert The above brief historical account of land-
Macauley.This movement recorded an achieve- mark cases of youths’ restiveness in Nigeria has
ment in the direction of sensitizing other nationa- identified three major factors as possible causes
lists to the necessity of forming an organized of youths’ restiveness. These are peer motivated
political party to fight for the political indepen- jamboree-like excitement of being a student,
dence of Nigeria. It must be emphasized that jingoistic pursuit of patriotic ideals and perceived
youths, particularly the young elites, most of victimization arising from economic exploi-
whom have had contact with other advance tation. While these reasons are classifiable as
cultures of the world through education, consti- belonging to the dichotomies of selfish/selfless
tuted the mainstream of the party. motivating forces, the emotional experience
The outcome of the political restiveness that attendant on them no doubt produces a great deal
was brought to bear on the colonial government of anxiety in the rampaging youths.
of the period went a long way in paving the way
for the independence of Nigeria in 1960. And, Dysfunctional Effects of Anxiety on the
in a way, was the precursor of rights awareness Human Body
in Nigeria, because the general labour union
strike of 1945 can be safely said to be borne out The way the human body is constituted
of the political sensitization flagged off by the allows it to devise self-sustaining mechanisms
NYM in 1934. It is significant to note that the that it depends upon to restore order when dishar-
National Council of Nigeria and Cameroon mony occurs between social expectations and
(NCNC) formed in 1944, the Northern Peoples reality. This reality may manifest when innate
Congress (NPC) formed in 1949, the Action and experiential potentials, both combined, can-
Group (AG) formed in 1951, all had a youth not be mustered to achieve desired set goals. The
wing. The purpose for a youth wing for all these dissonance that is produced would automatically
parties and other political parties after them pave way for the onset of anxiety. Anxiety is the
could not be unrelated to the need for these fearful anticipation of impending danger, the
youths to deploy their restive nature to muzzle source of which is unknown or unrecognized.
the parties into the consciousness of the The central feature of anxiety is intense
electorates. mental discomfort, a feeling that one will not be
Other spontaneous restiveness on the part of able to master future events. The person tends
Nigerian youths was witnessed again in 1963 to focus only on the present and on pursuing
when the Ahmadu Bello led government of one task at a time. Physical symptoms of anxiety

include muscle tension, sweaty palms, upset While relaxing, less blood will be required to be
stomach, shortness of breath, feelings of faint- pumped to activate the functioning of the nervous
ness, and a pounding heart. It happened that until system. It should be mentioned that the auto-
the late 19th century extreme anxiety was nomic nervous system directs all activities of the
routinely mistaken for cardiac or respiratory body that occur without a person’s conscious
disorders. At that time Sigmund Freud (1856 – control, such as breathing and food digestion. It
1939) identified anxiety neurosis as a distinct has two parts: the sympathetic division, which
diagnosis. Freud believed that anxiety arose is most active in times of stress, and the parasym-
when a person’s aggressive or sexual drives— pathetic division, which controls maintenance
which he believed were instinctual— made them activities and helps conserve the body’s energy.
behave unacceptably, and that the anxiety acted When the heart is challenged to deal with
as a trigger for defensive action to repress or emergencies, the rate of heartbeat increases. This
redirect these drives. When the unconscious is to enable it pump more blood to the motor
defensive maneuvers were unsuccessful, a areas of the body that translate impulses to
neurotic anxiety reaction occurred. physical action. These are essentially the limbs
Learning theorists see anxiety differently. controlled by the autonomic nervous system,
Some believe that anxiety is learned when innate being accelerated by the sympathetic system and
fears occur together with previously neutral depressed by the parasympathetic system.
objects or events; for example, an infant often Nervous impulses originate rhythmically in a
startled by a loud noise while playing with a toy special nervous node, the sinus, or sinoatrial
may become anxious just at the sight of the toy. node, located in the right atrium near the
Others stress the importance of imitative beha- superior vena cava. The impulses travel along a
viour and the development of particular thought slender bundle of neuromuscular fibres, called
patterns. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, recog- the bundle of His, or the atrioventricular bundle,
nize several mental disorders in which anxiety which, after a relay at the atrioventricular node,
is the main disturbance, including panic disorder branches into two bundles, one for each of the
and generalized anxiety disorder. They claim that ventricles. Through these specialized fibres the
panic attacks occur intermittently, whereas nervous impulse stimulates, at rapid speed and
generalized anxiety is more chronic. In phobias in a known orderly sequence, contraction of the
and obsessive-compulsive disorders, fear is heart-muscle fibres in keeping with the required
experienced when an individual tries to master needs of the limbs, that is; judging by the serious-
other symptoms. ness of the challenge.
Anxiety disorders are among the most A hormone known, as adrenaline is another
common mental disorders in the Western world route by which the physiological activities of the
and the most common in the United States, body can be described during anxiety spell. This
affecting at least 4 per cent of the population. hormone is secreted by the medulla of the adrenal
Evidence suggests that such disorders occur in gland. The pure compound, first isolated by the
families. Drugs, psychotherapy, behaviour modi- Japanese chemist Jokichi Takamine, is also
fication, and complementary medicine therapies known as epinephrine. It was formerly produced
such as relaxation training, alone or in combi- in the adrenal glands, but as a result of break-
nation, are often used in treating anxiety. throughs in medical science technology, can now
be made synthetically.
Description of the Physiological Activities that Adrenaline is not necessary to the mainte-
Give Vent to Anxiety nance of life and is normally present in the blood-
stream in minute quantities. In times of excite-
If we define recreation as the refreshment of ment or emotional stress, however, large addi-
the mind and body after work, especially by tional quantities are secreted, exerting a marked
engaging in enjoyable activities, or as the activity effect on body structures in preparation for
a person takes part in for pleasure or relaxation physical exertion. It stimulates the heart, cons-
rather than as work, then subtle reference is tricts the small blood vessels, raises the blood
being made to the need to reduce from the pressure, liberates sugar stored in the liver, and
workload of the brain and the heart. Recreation relaxes certain involuntary muscles while contra-
provides for the brain the opportunity to relax. cting others.

The adrenal medulla cells also secrete a the existing fad within the school, and conform
substance chemically related to adrenaline to what they consider the group’s collective
known as noradrenaline or levoarterenol. In position. Issues are given ideal interpretations,
general, the function of noradrenaline seems to which, most often do not find any parallel in
be the maintenance of normal blood circulation. existing realities in their local domains. Hence,
It is also the chemical agent responsible for the they tend to see less patriotism, crass
transmission of nerve impulses in one part of opportunism, and selfishness as dominant
the nervous system. Large amounts of adrenaline attributes of the people in authority. In order to
and noradrenaline are produced by some tumours prove a point and attempt to effect a change
of the adrenal glands, resulting in a great consonant with their perceived ideals, they
increase in blood pressure experienced during become restive, and through the use of force,
anxiety attack. put action to their feelings.
This was the case in 1984 when students of
PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS OF higher institutions in the country went on
RESTIVENESS rampage to protest an alleged #2.8 billion oil
money that was supposed to be missing from
In order to reduce from the pressure, which the accounts of the petroleum industry during
a considerable pumping of blood had put on the the time General Buhari, the then Head of State,
brain as a result of the individual’s encounter was heading the Ministry. This protestation
with an unpleasant experience, some outlet must brooked no explanation from the affected
be found to dissipate the pressure. Often the individuals and no official explanation tendered
favoured outlet is to engage in action, which in was reflected upon. Another more valid way of
psychological parlance is referred to as the identifying the projection content of youths’
‘flight’ or ‘fight’ impulse. Restiveness being a collective impulse is to direct attention to how
choice of reaction appointed to retaliate a Student Union Governments (SUG) in Nigerian
behaviour considered deficient in quality, is higher institutions are run. More often than not,
classifiable as a form of defense mechanism, a allegations of embezzlement, misappropriation
terminology adopted by Sigmund Freud (1856 of fund, lack of a sense of accountability etc. has
– 1939) to describe the personality measure always dogged such governments. It is
embarked upon to explain the anti social impulse noteworthy, therefore, that the same students
emanating from the human’s subconscious who condemn similar inadequacies in
which is controlled by the id. government functionaries perpetrate these
Freud believed that there is a way that an atrocities.
equilibrium develops between drives, conflicts, Reaction Formation: This describes a
and reality. Conflicts repressed into the situation where the individual adopts a pattern
unconscious are retained, but remain dynamic. of behaviour directly opposed to a strong
From time to time they may overcome repression unconscious drive. Youths of all hues suffer from
and re-emerge into conscious appreciation, a carry over of the attention-seeking syndrome
precipitating anxiety or panic. To counteract known as egocentricism, which characterizes
this, the individual has to make various most of the adolescents’ social impulses. They
compromises by using defence mechanisms that like to be heard and be seen, they must lend their
become part of that person’s character. Many opinion forcefully to all national issues, inclu-
examples of defence mechanisms include ding the ones whose rubrics are not too clear to
regression, displacement, repression, subli- them.
mation, etc. But the types pertinent to this dis- This manifested in reality in 1978, in the
course are known as projection and reaction wake of the ‘Ali Must Go’ episode when Segun
formation, both of which have similar modes of Okeowo, the then president of the National
manifestation. Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS), as a gesture
Projection: This occurs when the individual of recognition for the entire Nigerian students
ascribes his or her own unconscious desires to by the then ruling oligarchy, was made a member
another person. Youths are generally governed of the Constitution Drafting Committee. A
by group dynamics while in school. They gesture considered rather ego massaging than
cultivate new habits that are in consonance with necessity induced.

Facilities and the Recreational Goals for Education-Related leisure activities such as
which they are Adapted to Achieve evening classes. Other provisions that can be
considered include; Controlled Leisure Centres,
Brimming with energy that desires an outlet such as; health clubs, golf courses, cinemas, pubs
puts the youth among the most potentially and wine bars, theme parks, leisure goods, horse
positioned to excel in whatever pastime that racing, casinos, discos, and many other such
catches their fancy. So long as these energies activities that are capable of providing a compre-
are managed by experts who can help provide a hensive recipe for mental development focused
cost effective direction and an enviable outlet. relaxation for youths.
Facilities required to make this job easier to
tackle include the following; Clubs and Societies CONCLUSION AND
such as Youth Clubs, Play Schemes, the Scouting RECOMMENDATIONS
Association and Girl Guides, Theatre Clubs,
Sports Clubs, Hobby Groups, and Religious There is no doubting the fact that only some
Groups, are all part of the required facilities. and not all of the above-prescribed recreational
Other leisure facilities and activities that can be facilities can be provided for use in our
provided are Sports Centres, Swimming Pools, institutions of learning. Constraints of finance
Libraries, Arts Centres, Museums, Sports and other logistics would handicap a compre-
Grounds, Playgrounds, Community Centres, hensive provision of all the facilities. It should
also be noted that most of the facilities require
Presented hereunder in the table are facilities and the end trained specialists to achieve their optimal
they can be directed to achieve. essence. The type of educational curriculum that
Nigeria inherited from the British colonial set-
Facilities Target Recreational Goals
up made Physical and Health Education an
Youth Clubs Relaxation by socializing, also integral part of school activities, to the extent
enhances interpersonal relationship that spanning the whole of the Nigerian Educa-
Play Schemes and Simulating life realities in a make tional cadres, physical exercises and training was
Theatre Clubs believe manner that will make them
built into the school syllabus.
The Scouting An international youth association that With the increased awareness of the impor-
Activities and prepares youth for selfless service, both tance of an active lifestyle, physical education is
Girl Guides to fatherland and humanity seen as laying the foundations in young people
Sports Clubs Coordinating the essential muscular for long-term health and improved quality of life.
organs of the human body for optimal
psycho-motoric functioning Many educationists, administrators, policy-
Hobby Group Provision of alternative avenues to makers, and activity providers view physical edu-
engage in extra curricular activities cation and sport as occurring at various levels.
Religious Group Provision of Spiritual support, a therapy Introduction to the traditional major sports for
for humility and perseverance.
Sport Centre Creation of a sports arena where many most people usually takes place at school. As
facilities will be concentrated for the range of sports opportunities widens, children
maintenance and proper monitoring. increasingly encounter sports for the first time.
Art Centre Stimulation of the aesthetic sensibilities Having been introduced to a sport, some become
of youths
Libraries Provision of reading materials that irregular participants, what is called the
would activate the pursuit of hobby “recreation route”, while others may join a club
requirements, such as novel and and strive to improve personal performance, the
magazine perusals. “performance development route”.
Museums Bridging the past with the present so as
to be able to create a vivid imagination
The recreation route is what we are interested
for the future through the appreciation in here, but it should be mentioned that the
of heirlooms and antiquities performance development route has been the
Sporting Competitions Evolve a healthy spirit of competition precursor of what decided a life occupation for
and create an avenue to let off steam, most of Nigeria’s international footballers and
through such meets as interhouse sport,
football tournaments, swimming, etc. sports men and women, who today, are making
Controlled Leisure Provide a comprehensive recipe for waves in international meets. Part of the
Centres mental - development focused repertoire of the recreation route is using the
relaxation for students. advantage of the knowledge acquired from the

school-based physical and health education to competitions. A conspicuous portion of the

develop the same recreational fancies later in school library must be stocked with the latest
life. These include the crave to excel as a cheer- novels collected both locally and internationally,
leader, a member of a supporters’ club, leisure and novel exchange clubs be encouraged to
watching of tournaments as a pastime to over- thrive. Television, Radio, Magazines and games
come boredom and, fitness exercises to fight off must be provided in sufficient quantity for the
obesity. use of resident students in schools that have
Recreational facilities provide several leeway boarding facilities. Similarly, it is of a paramount
for students to let off steam and become less necessity for clubs, societies, departments and
stressed up. Being stressed up, either as a result faculties within the school to arrange both educa-
of improper goal setting technique, or a perceived tional and recreational excursion trips for their
injustice in the public place, has always preci- student members.
pitated a feeling of frustration in this category If the above efforts are made with
of youths, a development that more likely than commitment and sincerity by Educational plan-
not is capable of predisposing them to take ners and policy makers, the level of restiveness
recourse to violence. witnessed among students will be drastically
It should also be noted that academic activi- reduced.
ties can atimes become strenuous, hence the
tendency for weak students to foment trouble that REFERENCES
would force a break in the school calendar. To
forestall this, students should be sensitized to Adigwe F.: Essentials of Government For West Africa. pp.173
the functional use and stress mitigating property – 185. Oxford University Press, Ibadan (1974).
inherent in recreational facilities. Educational Anime Adrenaline: 2003,
The Autonomous Nervous System: 2003, http://
planners should also relax academic schedules
in a way that would allow students ample time Encarta: Encyclopedia, 1993 – 2003, Microsoft Corporation
for recreation. It will also be highly desirable if Recreation: 1000 Island Region, 2004, http://
more sporting activities, such as inter house
sport, inter collegiate or inter University sports, Restiveness: A Question of Genes: Inherited Risk,2004,
are organized from time to time so that pent up Stress: International Stress Management Association (UK)
energies and emotions can be dissipated through 2004.

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