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Chapter 4:
Cabesang Tales
Elijohn Liquiran
Pauline Macasiab
Cary Jay Magallano
Krizzialyn Manglicmot
Clarence Manuel
Kim Isabel C. Medina
Allysandra Munsayac

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200 Word Abstract of the Entire Chapter Review
Chapter 4: Cabesang Tales

Herein is the story of Tandang Selo and his son Tales, old friends of Basilio. Tales,
experiencing some improvements in his family’s fortune, decides to clear a
portion of the woods to cultivate. During their first harvest, a religious corporation
claims the land as their own and exacts an annual fee from Tales. He pays
dutifully, but begins to rebel when the fee becomes exorbitant. He takes the
religious order to court, arms himself and begins patrolling his land. Tales loses
the case and ends up draining his resources. His only son, Tano, is conscripted,
as he is unable to pay for a substitute. Tano is later rumored to have either
embarked for the Carolines or become a guardia civil. To make matters worse,
bandits kidnap Tales and demand a ransom. To save her father, Juli sells her
belongings except for a locket Basilio gave her, a locket Basilio received from a
leper patient who in turn obtained if from Capitan Tiago’s daughter. To complete
the ransom amount, Juli borrows money from an old religious lady and agrees
to work as a servant to pay for it.Kababayan City 1234

Cabesang Tales cultivates a piece of land with his father and his family. Because
of having to endure hard work and manual labor under the sun, Tales's wife and
eldest daughter die. At the time of harvest, some men representing a certain
religious order lay claim to the land and demand from Tales an annual payment
of rent. Having no other choice, Tales accepts the agreement. However, year
after year the rent keeps going up in incredible increments and Tales decides he
has had enough. He brings the issue up in court, demanding that the religious
order provide proof of their ownership of the land. Tales loses the case. Time
passes and he is kidnapped by bandits demanding ransom for his neck. In the
attempt to gather up enough money to pay for the release of her father, Juli
(Tales's daughter) borrows money from Hermana Penchang and works for the
woman as a servant in order to pay the debt.

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A. Chapter Title El Filibusterismo (El Fili) – Chapter 4

Cabesang Tales • Senor Gobernador M

Characters: • Sister Bali
• Cabesang Tales • Sister Penchang
• Tandang Selo • Capitan General (mentioned)
• Tano • Basilio (mentioned)
• Juli • Padre Camorra (mentioned)
• Friar Administrator • Maria Clara (mentioned)

200 word Chapter Summary

Selo, who adopted Basilio in the forest, is now quite old. His son, Cabesang Tales,
is the father of Lucia. Cabesang Tales, the head of the barangay, grew rich
through hard work and perseverance. He started by partnering with an investor.
After saving some money, Cabesang Tales inquired about a place in the forest
and, after verifying that there were no owners, planted sugarcane there. He
wanted to send Juli to college in order to match the educational attainment of
Basilio, her sweetheart. After Cabesang Tales’ plot of land was developed, the
friars wanted to grab it. The friars taxed Cabesang Tales and kept raising the tax
rate until Cabesang Tales could not pay anymore. He brought the friars to court
and asked them for proof of land ownership. No proof was presented, but the
courts still ruled in favor of the friars. When his son, Tano, was drafted into the
army, Tales did not “ransom” his son. Instead, he spent the money on lawyers in
hopes that he would win the land case. Besides, if Tales did not win the case,
then he felt that he won’t need his son anyway. Tales built a fence around his
property and patroled it. No one could get near because Tales was known for his
skill in marksmanship — a formidable sharpshooter. When rifles were outlawed,
Tales carried a bolo. When that was banned, he then carried an axe. Since he
only carried an axe, the armed bandits kidnapped him and demanded ransom.
Juli sold all her jewelry to raise funds. All, that is, except for a locket given to her
by Basilio. Not enough funds were raised, though, so Juli borrowed money from
Hermana Penchang. To secure the debt, she agreed to work for the Hermana as
a companion. Her first day of work was to commence on Christmas Day. No
wonder Juli had bad dreams on Christmas eve

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Implied Topic Covered in this Chapter
Cabesang Tales cultivates a piece of land with his father and his family. Because
of having to endure hard work and manual labor under the sun, Tales's wife and
eldest daughter die. At the time of harvest, some men representing a certain
religious order lay claim to the land and demand from Tales an annual payment
of rent. Having no other choice, Tales accepts the agreement. However, year
after year the rent keeps going up in incredible increments and Tales decides he
has had enough. He brings the issue up in court, demanding that the religious
order provide proof of their ownership of the land. Tales loses the case. Time
passes and he is kidnapped by bandits demanding ransom for his neck. In the
attempt to gather up enough money to pay for the release of her father, Juli
(Tales's daughter) borrows money from Hermana Penchang and works for the
woman as a servant in order to pay the debt. To show how the Filipino lives
during Spanish colonial period and the cried and woes of his countrymen
against abusive officials - To exposed the cruelties, graft and corruption of the
false government and honestly show the wrong doings of Filipino that led to
further failure.

B. Intepretation of your Junior High School Teacher

for this Chapter
Cabesang Tales is the main focus, as the chapter is named after him. He is first
introduced as the son of Tandang Selo, and his background is explained. He was
a farmer who conflicted with a religious order when they started charging him to
use their fields. As Cabesang Tales became more successful, the friars kept
raising the rent. Cabesang Tales promised to send his daughter Juli to school
and managed to build a house in Sagpang. He eventually became Cabeza de
Barangay but because he kept paying tax deficits by himself, he got poorer. The
friars raised the rent again and Cabesang Tales refused to pay so the friar
administrator claimed his land. The conflict got worse until Cabesang Tales was
kidnapped by tulisanes while patrolling his fields. They threaten to kill him unless
his family pays the ransom of money

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C. 200 word Personal Reflection
El Filibustermismo affected our country in terms of national identity view, Filipinos
Catholic faith and its influence on Filipino's choices , and the governments issues on
corruption, abuse of power and discrimination and on a larger scale, the issue
related on the colonization of people's lives and its cause of independence.
Besides being the national hero of the Philippines, Jose Rizal was also known
through time as the First Filipino, the Greatest Malayan, Pride of the Malayan Race,
among others and because of these efforts to elevate him as a paradigm of a great
Filipino, he may have become too difficult to emulate and his brand of nationalism
left simply to be read in the pages of history books. I too think that radicalism can
bring forth change to the country though it would be a hard way and a very long
one in order to achieve. Once must really have the will to take action for change to
happen. Essential mystery of the future is a huge question and a challenge. If
change can only be seen in the rear-view mirror, how can we accurately envision
the future changes we seek, let alone achieve them, right? Jose Rizal did not
change his thoughts about his purpose for the change in the Philippine society. His
aim was to show that his view was erroneous through recourse to both logic and
historical fact. He wanted to address the colonialist view of Filipino indolence. He first
critiqued the colonizers knowledge on hilippines. Secondly, his ideas on nature and
conditions of a colonial society and lastly, his discussions on the meaning of and
requirements for emancipation

D. Comparison with Noli Me Tangere

I. The Intended messages of both Novels
El Filibusterismo inspired the Filipino people to fight for their freedom against the
oppressive and abusive Spaniards. tried to preserve a monopoly for education. This
meant that not everybody had an equal opportunity to better themselves through
knowledge. Rizal showed that those in power would rather rule over the uneducated.
Rizal’s message that he conveyed through El Filibusterismo is simple – he wanted
Filipinos to have better lives. As such, Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo to show his
countrymen that proper education and decent living for all are achievable. However,
he emphasized that in order to get the freedom he idealized, we all need to come
together as a country and fight the injustices in our society. El Filibusterismo inspired
the Filipino people to fight for their freedom against the oppressive and abusive
Spaniards. tried to preserve a monopoly for education. This meant that not
everybody had an equal opportunity to better themselves through knowledge. Rizal
showed that those in power would rather rule over the uneducated. Rizal’s message
that he conveyed through El Filibusterismo is simple – he wanted Filipinos to have
better lives. As such, Rizal wrote El Filibusterismo to show his countrymen that proper
education and decent living for all are achievable. However, he emphasized that in
order to get the freedom he idealized, we all need to come together as a country
and fight the injustices in our society.
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II. Differences between the Two Novels
Noli Me Tangere" is translated "Touch Me Not" or "The Social Cancer," while "El
Filibusterismo" is translated "The Reign of Greed." Both novels were about politically
and historically driven fictional Philippines during the Spanish colonial period
inspired by the writer's living conditions, views, beliefs, and ideologies under the
Spanish rule.

2. The paper must answer and discuss the following

a. How does El filibustersimo impact our current society?
Both of Rizal's novels had a profound effect on Philippine society in terms of views
about national identity, the Catholic faith and its influence on the Filipino's choice,
and the government's issues in corruption, abuse of power, and discrimination, and
on a larger scale, the issues related to the effect of colonization on people's lives and
the cause for independence. These novels later on indirectly became the inspiration
to start the Philippine Revolution.

b. is the novel too radical for the national hero? Why or why not?
The novel was radical for Dr. Jose Rizal because it was very revolutionary he
successfully provoked the spain by only publishing his novels specially Noli and El
Fili. It was revolutionary because it caused death to Dr. Jose Rizal and if it wasn’t
revolutionary it wouldn’t turn out that way. Aside from that he wrote novels for the
sake of every Filipino, to enlighten us all from our ignorance.
c. Do you believe that radicasism can bring change to the country ? Why or why
Yes because radicalism means the intent to transform or replace the fundamental
principles of a society or political system, often through social change, structural
change, revolution or radical reform. This typically implies that radicalism can
change the country becuase a country has its own political rules and by radicalism
can also be visible through social change, structural change or by revolution just
like what our heroes did way back. They changed our country by forming a
revolution against the colonizers because we, Filipinos just dont take it anymore,
what they are dong is that inhumane and it must stop and it should be changed.

d. Did Jose Rizal really change his thoughts about his purpose for change in the
Philippines spciety? Why or Why not?
I dont think Dr. Jose Rizal change his thoughts about having a reform in the
Philippines because it was very evident that he change the philippines by writing
the his novels, the noli and el fili. We all know from the start that it was his plan to
have a reform or to change the governance of spanish, he succeeded to that in
return for his life because he was executed for writing those novels. Therefore he
died for our country.

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